dutch oven breakfast
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How To Layer A Dutch Oven Breakfast

Today’s post is all about how to layer a Dutch oven breakfast you will love to make for your family! I remember as a little girl my family would go up into the mountains every weekend and make breakfast together. We would take a Dutch oven, some cast iron pans, and some charcoal to make breakfast over an open fire and with a grill provided by the state park services. I bet you can smell the campfire right now, I know I can! My dad was in charge of getting the fire started in the firepit with kindling we would gather and then add some logs if we could find some. We always brought charcoal as a backup if we couldn’t find firewood, along with some matches.

I Love Dutch Oven Cooking

I recommend the 6-quart (12-inch) Lodge Dutch oven because it’s not as heavy as the 8-quart size (12-inch). I prefer the ones with the lid that has a “lip” because then I can stack other Durch ovens on top of each other. The “dome curved lid” will not let you cook other ovens on top of each other with additional charcoal.  Here is the one I have: Lodge Camp Dutch Oven, 6 Qt. I feel an urgent message I need to add here about Dutch ovens. You can use a Dutch oven after a disaster if you store charcoal in airtight containers. You can boil water, cook meals and so much more by using very little fuel. If you missed the Dutch oven charcoal cooking temperatures (I called Lodge Manufacturing to get permission and made my own chart) here is my PRINTABLE chart: Dutch Oven Chart

How To Make And Cook Dutch Oven Pizza | by FoodStorageMoms.com

Of course, if you have a gas barbecue that works too. But, you will use a lot of fuel to boil water or cook all your meals for weeks if it comes to that. Yes, I store several propane tanks, but I will save that fuel as a last resort. My suggestion today is one great way to cook food on the cheap with a Lodge Dutch oven and some charcoal (I buy the kind without the starter fluid because it will store indefinitely). Don’t forget to store matches. I store my charcoal in 5-gallon buckets with Gamma Lids.

Read More of My Articles  20 Dutch Oven Soups And Stews

Dutch Oven Breakfast:

Dutch Oven Breakfast
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Total Time
45 mins
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Here are the items I used in my Dutch oven breakfast in order of layering:
  • 1-1/2 pounds sliced THICK bacon cut in half partially cook in the Dutch oven (if you use thin bacon your potatoes may burn)
  • 2-4 thinly peeled and sliced raw potatoes depending on the size you have
  • 1 chopped onion
  • 12 eggs
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1-2 cups as desired Grated cheese
  1. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30-45 minutes or until the potatoes are tender and the cheese is melted. You will add the eggs and cheese the last 5-10 minutes.

How to get your Dutch oven ready to cook:

Step #1:

Light the charcoal with a match or butane lighter until the charcoal looks gray/white. Then the charcoal is hot and ready to bake your meal. I’m using a 6-quart Lodge Dutch oven which is 12 inches in diameter. I want the temperature to be 350 degrees so I need 17 hot coals on the top and 8 hot coals underneath the Dutch oven. This makes 25 charcoal pieces in total. I always heat a few extras in case I lose count.

dutch oven breakfast

Step #2:

Put 1-1/2 pounds of sliced THICK bacon cut in half, and partially cook in the Dutch oven with the lid on top.

dutch oven breakfast

Step #3:

Cook the bacon until slightly cooked so you have a little grease in the bottom:

dutch oven breakfast

Step #4:

Add 2-4 thinly peeled and sliced raw potatoes (depending on the size you have) and layer evenly over the potatoes.

dutch oven breakfast

Step #5:

Sprinkle one chopped onion over the potatoes and place the lid on top. Here is where I cook the bacon, potatoes, and onions, until completely tender.

dHow To Layer A Dutch Oven Breakfast You Will Love by Food Storage Momsutch oven breakfast

Step #6:

Now add 12 eggs, my family likes the yolk to be a little runny. This is when I add the eggs because I want the bacon, potatoes, and onions cooked.

dutch oven breakfast

Step #7:

I partially cook the eggs ever so slightly with the lid on.

dutch oven breakfast

Step #8:

Salt and pepper to taste. Add the grated cheese (1-2 cups as desired) and sprinkle over the partially cooked eggs.

Read More of My Articles  How To Use A Dutch Oven

Bake at 350 degrees for about 30-45 minutes or until the potatoes are tender and the cheese is melted. You will add the eggs and cheese in the last 5-10 minutes.

Final Word

Let me know what you bake in a Dutch oven, I would love to hear. What’s your favorite Dutch oven breakfast? Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected.

May God bless this world. Linda

Dutch Oven Stand

Lodge Camp Dutch Oven, 6 Qt

Lodge A5 Camp Dutch Oven Lid Lifter

Lodge A5-3 Camp Dutch Oven Reversible Lid Stand

Weber 7416 Rapidfire Chimney Starter

Kingsford Charcoal Briquets, 2x20lb – two 20-pound bags.

Gamma Seal Lid – Red – For 3.5 to 7 Gallon Buckets or Pails Gamma2

5 Gallon White Bucket & Gamma Seal Lid – Food Grade Plastic Pail & Gamma2 Screw Seal Tight Lid (Black)

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  1. Hi Linda, Can you tell me what that thing is called that you sit your Dutch oven in? Thanks Cathy

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