Water To Store

You Need This Much Water To Store For Survival

You need this much water to store for survival, this is an updated post about the one thing we cannot survive without. Yep, it’s all about water. It is vital we learn the amounts we need to store to sustain life. Many times in natural disasters the electricity goes down and we are unable to access water via our kitchen faucets, etc.

Sometimes the water is contaminated from flooding and cross-contamination from sewage. You will need water for a minimum of three days. If we don’t have water, we will not be able to use many of the freeze dried or dehydrated food we plan to eat every day in these kinds of situations.

Buy Lead-Free Hose

Some garden hoses have lead in them, so be sure use a lead-free hose to fill your containers. There are numerous containers available in which to store water; use a container that works for you and your family. Here is a Lead-Free Hose

The big difference between storing water with bleach (that now has different chemicals than years ago) and this other product available, is the fact that the Water Preserver only has to be rotated every five years. I’m just giving you the heads up here, it’s the ONLY one I use, period. It’s approved by the EPA. Water Preserver (currently unavailable)

Please note the American Red Cross recommends one gallon per person per day. I get thirsty just typing that statement. I have to have more than that to feel safe and secure. It’s who I am. Here is the statement by the American Red Cross: American Red Cross please check out page 7 in this pamphlet.

Read More of My Articles  How to Make Water Safe in an Emergency

How Much Water to Store:

  • 1 gallon per day per person to stay hydrated. If you live in a HOT area you might need more.
  • 4 gallons per day, per person, allows for personal hygiene, washing of dishes, etc. (I highly recommend this amount)
  • 5 to 12 gallons per day would be needed for a conventional toilet
  • 1/2 to two gallons for a pour-flush latrine

Storing water-boiling water for use:

  • Boil filtered and settled water vigorously for one minute (at altitudes above one mile, boil for three minutes).
  • To improve the flat taste of boiled water, aerate it by pouring it back and forth from one container to another and allow it to stand for a few hours, or add a pinch of salt for each quart or liter of water boiled.

Storing water-bleaching/purifying water:

  • Information from Clorox: “When boiling water for 1 minute is not possible in an emergency situation, you can disinfect your drinking water with Clorox®Regular-Bleach as follows:
  • Remove suspended particles by filtering or letting particles settle to the bottom.
  • Pour off clear water into a clean container.
  • Add 8 drops of Clorox® Regular-Bleach (not scented or Clorox® Plus® bleaches) to one gallon of water (2 drops to 1 quart). For cloudy water, use 16 drops per gallon of water (4 drops to 1 quart).
  • Allow the treated water to stand for 30 minutes. Water should have a slight bleach odor. If not, repeat and wait another 15 minutes. The treated water can then be made palatable by pouring it between clean containers several times”.
  • Clorox: Clorox Website

Big Berkey:

Berkey Big Countertop Water Filter System

  • According to the instructions, you can Purify 12,000 gallons before replacing the Elements.
  • It stands about 8.5″ Deep X 19.25″ High (13″ when nestled inside of each other for storage)
  • It is made of stainless steel and can purify approximately 190 gallons a day
Read More of My Articles  Water and Food Storage

Berkey Sport Bottle:

Berkey Sport Bottle

  • Size of a water bottle (great for 72-hour kit):
  • The Berkey Sport-Bottle has a 50-year shelf life. Refill Capacity: 22-ounce bottles
  • Water from any source: 160 refills
  • Water from Municipal Water: 640 refills

Water Containers

WaterBrick Set of Six

WaterBrick Spigot

  • Dimensions: 9″ X 18″ X 6″
  • Each container holds 3.5 gallons
  • These are stackable; 16 will fit under a queen-sized bed (56 gallons total)
  • They stack/interlock for easy storage as well, yet you can easily grab one and go.
  • Add 1/2 teaspoon of Water Preserver to store for five years, rotate water every five years.

5-Gallon Stackables 

Storing water-Emergency Purified Drinking Water

Datrex Emergency Survival Water Pouch (Pack of 64), 125ml

  • This is an envelope size “bag” of water that lasts 5 years. It’s a perfect size for 72-hour kits.
  • These are U.S. Coast Guard approved and have a little over 4 ounces in each packet
  • These have a shelf life of 5 years

My Favorite Canned Water:

These might seem expensive at first glance, but they last 50 years. The water does not need to be filtered. Place a box once a month under your bed. You’ll be glad you did! The cheapest place to find these are at Brownell’s

Final Word

Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless your family for doing what you can afford to do to protect your family. Trust me, the government will not be there to help all the people, they do not have the means to help all of us. We are responsible for our survival, no one else. Please do not depend on your neighbors to have all the water, food or skills to help you. You must be prepared for whatever comes your way. We need to store water and lots of it. May God Bless this world, Linda

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  1. I’ve got about 600gl stored in various size containers from 200gl to camelbacks. I need to get some of the canned water for the storm shelter and see how it does through the seasons.
    I’ve also got multiple types of filters and all the water sources mapped out here, the first jump spot and our most likely BOL.

    1. Hi Matt, great comment! My biggest worry where I live is if the water sources get diverted by humans or storms. I love hearing you have a lot of water stored! Let’s hope everyone jumps on board. Linda

      1. Right now I could collect enough water just in kiddie pools and containers to live the rest of the year lol. We ain’t got no shortage

  2. We, too, have several hundred gallons stored, plus an equivalent amount in rain barrels, that we can use for refilling the livestock tanks or purify as needed. And we have multiple ways of filtering/purifying water, as well as several water sources.

    Keep telling the truth that 1 gallon of water per day per person IS NOT ENOUGH! Here in NW Florida, after any hurricane makes landfall, you will be drinking at least 2 -3 gallons just to replace what you lose in sweat as you work to clean up storm damage!

    We also store packets of electrolytes, Emergen C lemon lime and better as we can find and afford it, for us. And packets from Jeffers or Tractor Supply for the animals. In a pinch, Emergen C lemon lime works for the pets and farm animals too. I do add molasses to the electrolytes animal water if they are ill or under stress, both for the extra minerals and for the bit of sweet taste. I give molasses water as a treat, when no one is ill or stressed out, so the animals become accustomed to the taste ahead of time!

    1. HI BDN, why thank you, my friend, no one has ever said: “keep telling the truth that 1 gallon is not enough”! The American Red Cross is dead wrong on 1-gallon per person per day. You have seen what happened in Florida. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your comment! I need to order some of those electrolytes right now and Emergen C, great reminder. Thank you, Linda

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