Off the Grid-Where To Get Free Land

Off the Grid: Where To Get Free Land

Did you know there are still places in the U.S that offer free land to residents? It’s true. Many towns across the country are looking to revive their populations by making the land appealing. And what better way to do it than by offering free land?

Even those that don’t qualify with the required standards will find the properties are still extremely cheap. Off the grid: Where to get free land? Let’s find out!

Off the Grid: Where To Get Free Land 

Maybe you’ve been considering for a while the need to change things up and living “off the grid.” A few of these places might be what you’re looking for. You’ll also notice that most of these locations are in the plains region. Take a look at these places across the U.S. where you can still receive free land today.  

Lincoln, Kansas

While this opportunity won’t take you “off the grid,” it’s certainly one to consider.

In the agricultural community of Lincoln, Kansas you can find free land in its city limits with their free home site program. You can still consider it remote, as there are no major shopping centers less than a 45-minute drive in any direction. 

But if you enjoy a movie at the theatre once in a while, the town has its own movie theatre, so you won’t have to drive to the next town for a movie you’ve been dying to see.  

Agate, Colorado

Are you into agriculture and looking for property to plant crops? Agate, Colorado has an amazing opportunity for you. This land is located in the plains region, perfect for crops and raising livestock. 

While the parcel of land that they give you is free, you need to keep in mind that you’ll have to donate a portion of your crops, or a small number of your earnings to this co-op once a month. You’ll also have to come up with the money for building your own home.  

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Claremont, Minnesota  

Looking for a small town that has an incredibly small population? Claremont, Minnesota offers free land to qualified individuals. Even if you don’t qualify, the land is super cheap.

The lots would run you right around $9,500. Just know that you’ll have to brace for the cold and a large amount of snow that gets dumped on you during the winter.   

Marquette, Kansas

How about homesteading in the heart of America? The small town of Marquette, Kansas will give you free land up to ½ an acre. Your home should be a minimum of 1,000 square feet while resting on a basement or crawl space. 

You’ll want to check out the other qualifications for your application to be accepted with the free land program. There’s also a lake nearby, perfect for camping, fishing, boating, and hiking. 

Osborne, Kansas

The city of Osborne, Kansas is offering land for residential and commercial purposes. They even offer low-interest loans with special business incentives to help boost economic activity in the town. 

While the land is free, there is a $500 deposit that’s required and will be returned at the completion of your home.

Your home has to be a minimum of 1,400 square feet and completed no later than 12 months after the property has been deeded to you.   

Plainville, Kansas

Have you noticed that Kansas is a pretty popular state to find free land? Another small community that is looking to grow is Plainville, Kansas. The property available is an average of 155 feet wide by 93 feet deep and requires a $500 deposit that will be returned to you at the completion of your home. 

Mankato, Kansas

With a population right around 900, Mankato, Kansas promises free land for those that want to be a part of this small community. 

They do require that your home is no less than 1,200 square feet and that you begin construction no later than 6 months from the time you’ve acquired the lot. 

So, come be apart of the sunflower state, and enjoy starting over with their free land opportunity. 

Read More of My Articles  Off The Grid And Where To Live

Loup City, Nebraska

The small community of Loup City, Nebraska offers a unique opportunity for you. They’re looking for younger individuals that are hardworking to help energize this small town. The property is free with 2 different housing options that are available. 

Workforce housing takes a look at your income and determines whether you meet the standard for extra assistance. They could even provide you with up to $20,000 for a downpayment.

There’s also the Market Rate Homes, that requires a $1,000 deposit upfront and that will be returned at the completion of your home. 

Elwood, Nebraska

You’ll have to act fast in order to grab a piece of land in this city. There are not many lots left, as people are grabbing them up quickly. Elwood, Nebraska, offers free land, but your home has to be at least 1,400 square feet. 

Marne, Iowa

The average lot size that Marne, Iowa will give you is right around ¼ acre. Your home must have at least a partial basement, be no smaller than 1,200 square feet, and livestock on the property is not permitted. If you’re only looking for a plot of land to grow stuff on, this will still work for you. 

La Villa, Texas

We couldn’t let Texas slip away from this list. La Villa, Texas is a small community that has several plots of residential land that’s free. Keep in mind, there are still property taxes you’ll be required to pay.

You are also committing to live here for at least 5 years, or you’ll be required to pay the government a certain amount back. 

Manilla, Iowa

Manilla, Iowa not only offers free land to qualified applicants, but also boasts some of the lowest cost of living stats in the United States. If you want more information about this homesteading opportunity, head over to their website

Final Word

These are a number of locations that offer free homesteading to people that qualify. If you’re lucky, one of these places in the U.S. might be what you’re looking for.

While living “off the grid” is rare, do you happen to enjoy this lifestyle while acquiring free land, or know someone who does? We’d love to hear about it. May God bless this world, Linda

Please be prepared: “Prepare Your Family For Survival” by Linda Loosli

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  1. The land in Agate, CO is “free”? But to “you’ll have to donate a portion of your crops, or a small number of your earnings to this co-op once a month.” That doesn’t sound free to me.

    1. Hi Karl, the land is free. We both know nothing is ever totally free but if I can get free land and share my crops, I will do it. This would be a great option for anyone who needs to have land to grow their own food. Just a thought, Linda

      1. Yeah, but what if you don’t have any experience with growing crops? How long would they be willing to wait until you do?

        1. Hi Karl, that’s a very good question. They all have stipulations like when you build a home, the landscaping has to be completed within a year, for instance. You wouldn’t be looking at a free piece of land that required donating some of your crops unless you had some experience in gardening. Just my two cents. It’s kind of like looking for a subdivision you want to buy a house in, will this neighborhood give my family what I need and can I follow the rules and regulations required. If I was a hunter I would look for land where the game was abundant or at least for the near future. Life has rules and regulations whether we like it or not. Linda

  2. I like the idea of “free” land but…those places that require a minimum sized house, wow! Even my daughter and son-in-law live in a smaller home with their 4 kids. And I notice that all of the “free” land seems to be in the mid-West -brrrr! Winters are just as brutal in the mid-West as they are in places like Minnesota! I lived in Nebraska for a couple of years working on a job. Blizzards are nothing to take lightly!

    I don’t have a problem living in a place that is 45 minutes to the nearest city with shopping as I grew up in a place like that. But I don’t want to start over at my age. I like living close to family!! If I were much younger and had a desire to work remotely via internet, it might be very tempting!!

    Something that also needs to be addressed is the fact that these places appear to be pretty remote in that services that most people are accustomed to (large grocery stores, malls, basic shopping, nightlife/activities) are pretty non-existent in small towns. I grew up outside of a small town (population 450!) and lived in a small town in Nebraska (population about 1100). Amenities were few and far between. I think that anyone even remotely thinking about any of these places would need to go to the location they are thinking of and stay for some time AND go visit during each of the seasons. One also needs to understand that the cost of building a home on any of these available properties could be very costly due to the fact that bringing in the construction company/materials from a distance adds to the cost of building in remote locations.

    Having grown up in a small agricultural area that has seen in the past few years a drop in population, one needs to consider WHY! In my experience, it appears that the reason people leave areas like those is because the young people don’t have much to do. If you are considering doing this, find out what activities there are and consider how you are going to “entertain” yourself and your family. And, it is a sure thing that one must, must, must be a joiner. Can’t go into a small rural area without being involved in town activities, etc. If you are a church goer, be sure to check out the town to see if they have a church in your particular faith. Most do but I know there are places in the mid-west (very small towns) where there are two churches – Roman Catholic and Lutheran. If you are not of either of those faiths, it will be very hard on you.

    What about jobs? can you work remotely? are there jobs to be had in these remote areas? If you need a job, this could be problematic. It can be done but you need to check it out well ahead of time before putting name to paper!

    1. Hi Leanne, great comment. When I did mortgages, the government would give the downpayment and with a lower interest rate to get people to live in areas they wanted to be revitalized. It wasn’t exactly free but it would save them thousands of dollars. The catch was that some areas required you live there for 5 years and some up to 15 years. The point was to help those who could never get into a home otherwise. And at the same time clean up dumpy areas. It was a win-win for all. I think nowadays more and more people are working from home depending on their profession of course. I have a booster for my cell phone and internet otherwise I can’t work. Linda

  3. Interesting article, Linda! Getting a plot of land for free in a smaller community could be just the thing for many. I’m not sure how these free land parcels tie in with living off the grid, except they are all in less populated areas. It appears most parcels are ‘in town’, which changes being able to live off-grid, let alone getting a building permit for such. (I’m referring to off-grid things like woodburners, water pump, septic systems.)

    1. Hi Wendy, good comment. I’m hoping this post will help those who want to live off the grid, or at least find some free land even if it has some stipulations. Some people want to live in less populated areas or far away from others. There are so many states that have free land it just helps people realize they may have options to live off the grid but still have land they can grow food and be self-reliant. Linda

      1. Linda, parcels of free land, or rather free lots, could help defray building costs for sure. That money could be put into setting up solar panels, maybe a water cachement system. (To be somewhat off-grid). I’m in MN and have driven thru Claremont, lol. Pretty sure the lots there require being hooked into City water, sewer and gas. All of this costs money. I wasn’t able to find out their city/county codes as to build permit allowing off-grid things like a woodburner stove, water cachement, a compostable toilet. A biggie for any build permit in the State code is that the home’s septic plan is addressed. It’s sort of funny: when I built my house, IF I put in a well, I needed to adhere to State code as to distance from septic, then drilled water had to be tested, pass. BUT, there was no rule saying I Had to put in a well! Sooo, it’s required to have septic system but not running/tap water. Now if I’d been getting a mortgage, I’m sure the lender would have required this. Lol, but maybe not in rural MN. It is still true in rural properties, many have outhouses, their wash water runs into ground…as long as there is No building permit requested. There have been many city dwellers who buy land here with a hunting shack on it, thinking they got a great deal. Uh, til they want to build or remodel. Doing one’s own septic is pricey. Like, mine cost only $9600 (I got connections.). Most of my newer neighbors paid upwards of $20g. And if I wanted my pump to operate off a solar panel, I’d need to get the different pump, do new wiring: that’d only be about a grand$. My point: land may be free but building requirements may be iffy as to setting up off-grid.

        1. Hi Wendy, great comment! Maybe I should have just said, free land available. I was researching all these states and narrowed it down to ones where the land seemed that it would work for families struggling to buy anything to live in long term. I would for sure want a septic tank, a well, and a woodburning stove at the very least. I’m thinking there are different levels of living off-grid. I know one family who got free land on the west coast and she is living partially off-grid. Either way, if you can get free land with a few stipulations and not have to pay for the power that would work for me. Linda

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