food organization containers with dried food in them for storage

How To Organize Food Storage With Free Printables

Have you sometimes wondered how to organize food storage in your pantry or designated short and long term food storage items? Some of you may be newcomers to storing food and for some of us, it’s a way of life. In other words, we have always stored food for emergencies. I grew up with my mom filling the pantry with food like tuna, hash, Spam, oatmeal, peanut butter, etc. She had the buckets of flour, sugar, and baking supplies to make everything from scratch. We always had the items required to make homemade bread, biscuits, cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls and cookies galore in that small pantry! My mom was a single mother for many years and taught us to stretch a dollar. I still follow her guidance to this day.

I may have mentioned to you before about owning my own mortgage company for about 15 years. I worked 60-70 hour weeks with lunch delivered to our office. We all ate at our desks because the stress level was enormous to meet deadlines to get people into their newly purchased homes. There were never enough hours in the day back then. Well, because I worked so many hours I would pick up “take-out” on my way home from work at 9:00 P.M,. I do not like eating out, first of all, because I know the food is filled with fat, salt, and sugar to make it taste better.

Homemade Meals

The reason I want to tell you this story about eating out is to let you know how much I appreciate homemade meals. I had a few neighbors, bless their hearts who would deliver homemade meals to Mark and me often, and they knew I would get teary eyed because I was so thankful for the good homemade food. When I decided to retire and close my mortgage company, I said to myself “I will never stand in line to order take-out again”. This could be on my feet or by car, nope, I was done with take-out food. Yes, I do occasionally eat out, but it never tastes as good as homemade food.

Read More of My Articles  Food Storage Tips You Need

I asked my sister, Carol a few years ago to make some printables for my readers to help organize their food storage. She is my computer guru! I scribbled what I wanted on some sheets of paper and she made these for me! I hope you can use them to organize your food storage one #10 can at a time. Let me know how you organize food storage items at your home.

10 Pioneer Skills

How to organize food storage:

These are printables to help you keep track of the different foods you store for everyday use or long term food storage.

FSM WhatDoIHave-basicPDF

FSM WhatDoIHave-grainPDF

FSM WhatDoIHave-veggiePDF

FSM WhatDoIHave-meatPDF

FSM WhatDoIHave-dairyPDF

FSM WhatDoIHave-liquidPDF

FSM WhatDoIHave-fruitPDF

My favorite things:

Water Storage Containers – WaterBrick – 8 Pack Blue

WaterBrick 1833-0001 Stackable Water and Food Storage Container, 3.5 gal of Liquid, 27 lb of Dry Food Products, Blue

WaterBrick WB-0001 Ventless Spigot Assembly, Fits Both WaterBrick Water Container Sizes, Blue/White/Red

OXO Good Grips POP Rectangle 1-1/2-Quart Storage Container

All American Sun Oven- The Ultimate Solar Appliance

Lodge Camp Dutch Oven, 6 Qt

Lodge Pro-Logic P14P3 Cast Iron Pizza Pan, Black, 14-inch

Prepare Your Family for Survival: How to Be Ready for Any Emergency or Disaster Situation

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  1. Im certain that I have seen a basic recommendation of how much of what food a family of 4 should have stored up but cant seem to find it so I ask do you have one for reference that you are willing to share or perhaps a post on this topic you can l ink me to please? I Thank you in advance.
    I enjoy your news letter and post them to Facebook often to hopefully inspire my friends, family and children to get involved in food storage more. Thank you for all your hard work and information!!

    1. Hi Terry, thank you for sharing my posts, I really appreciate you doing this. My book “Prepare Your Family For Survival” by Linda Loosli is available on Amazon. I show several items needed for 2, 4, 6 people, etc. But I have one post that may help you. I use it when I teach food storage classes. You basically use my form to fill out items you eat each day. You list your favorite foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is for one week but it will get you started. Here’s the printable: Here is the post: Please let me know if I can help you in any way. Linda

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