Search Results for: 20 Common Kitchen Tools You Need

Jars with Salads

Creative Ways to Reuse Glassware for Prepping Purposes

Glassware is something that can be found in most households. While we often use glassware for drinking or storage, it can also be repurposed in creative ways for prepping purposes. There are various ways to reuse glassware for prepping purposes. Mason Jars for Food Preservation Mason jars are a popular choice for food preservation, and…

Bleach Bottles Lined Up

The Versatile Uses of Bleach for Prepping

Preparing for emergencies and disasters requires careful planning, including gathering needed supplies. One item that often finds its way into a prepper’s toolbox is bleach. While commonly used for cleaning and laundry purposes, bleach also has many uses in emergency situations. I like to keep bleach on hand because I know of the many versatile…

Bandages in Colors

Uses for Bandaids: Beyond Covering Cuts and Scrapes

Bandaids are one of many staples in every household’s first aid kit, but their uses go far beyond just covering cuts and scrapes. These versatile adhesive strips can be used in a variety of unexpected ways, from solving everyday problems to providing first-aid solutions for more serious injuries. I want to explore some of the…

Flea Market Vintage Style

10 Survival Items to Hunt For at Flea Markets

Looking for survival items to hunt for at flea markets? Flea markets, garage sales, and estate sales can be a treasure trove for survivalists and preppers looking for affordable gear to add to their emergency kits. While new survival items can be expensive, flea markets and other neighborhood sales offer the opportunity to find unique and useful…