economic collapse

How To Be Prepared For An Economic Collapse

Do you know how to be prepared for an economic collapse? If there was ever a time in the history of the world we need to be ready it’s today, not tomorrow. I’m not a doomsday prepper, but I’ll tell you one thing, we each have to put together a financial plan. This is part of our emergency strategy to be properly prepared and do so as soon as possible.

My gut tells me to shout from the rooftop to prepare for something this country hasn’t seen in many years. If you are sitting on the fence about getting essentials, think again. You’ll need food storage, water, emergency cooking devices, fuel, paper products, and more. I have some unique items like emergency toilet supplies, an emergency washtub, and many more. (I will make a shortlist today), JUST DO IT! Remember, I don’t list weapons, this is a family-friendly blog and so is my book. Prepare Your Family for Survival Another book I love is, Bugging In by Raymond Dean White and this one, “Lights Out” by Ted Koppel

How To Be Prepared For An Economic Collapse

How To Be Prepared For An Economic Collapse

When it comes to being prepared for an economic collapse, most of us don’t remember WHAT to do. Instead, when the time comes we are likely to feel anxiety or panic if we aren’t properly prepared. I want to avoid that and give you the tools now! These tools can help all of us survive an economic collapse.

Withdraw Liquid Money

Be ready to withdraw any liquid monies before an economic collapse happens. Who knows, within a week or less if we lose electricity you won’t have access to any funds. That includes ATMs, checks, or monthly income deposits, for who knows how long. Liquid funds could be what’s in your checking account, but hopefully, you also have researched and placed funds in a high-yield savings account for money market account.

This is scary because we don’t want a run on the banks. A run means everyone runs to the bank to withdraw their money and the bank can’t stay open if this happens. Of course, if we have a cyber attack you won’t even have time to withdraw any money. Period. I’m talking about an economic collapse here.

Get Out of Debt

The truth is that you need to get out of debt as soon as you can reasonably do so. You may be asking why, but the less debt you owe, the fewer issues you can have with creditors. Plus, it’s a lot easier to prep when you don’t owe money to anyone. This is particularly true if you have significant credit card debt which tends to be one of the high-interest debts to avoid. Granted it’s unsecured, but if you get behind in payments those issuing the card can get pretty nasty.

The high-interest rates on cards make it almost impossible to pay them off in a reasonable timeframe, especially if you only make the minimum payments required. Let’s work to get those paid off and work to have an emergency fund for more important expenditures, like stocking up on food.

This can be especially important if you feel your company or work industry is struggling. Job loss can be just like a general economic collapse. You won’t have enough money to be able to cover monthly expenses like rent, utilities, and groceries. Job loss can also be a result of illness or accident that can happen at any time, so being prepared is vital.

Prepare to Pay Home Property Taxes

Be prepared to pay home property taxes because the government can and will take your home if they aren’t paid. (Yep they’ll be the proud owners of thousands if not millions of homes if the property taxes aren’t paid.) It makes you realize how much control our government has over the property taxes we owe on OUR homes.

Read More of My Articles  What to do With Your Pets in an Emergency

In most cases, the property tax is collected by the lender as part of your monthly payment, just like your home insurance is. It adds some hassle to your monthly payment system, but you MAY want to consider making that payment directly each month or quarter if your lender and the taxing agency in your area will allow it. There’s nothing like the good feeling of being in control of financial matters, particularly when it comes to government-related obligations.

Keep Cash in Small Bills

Keep some extra money in the form of cash available in your home in small bills ready to use. If you don’t have one already, I’d suggest getting a small safe to keep the cash and your significant documents in. We’ve had a safe in our home for years, and it sure makes me feel more comfortable and secure.

If the banks are closed for days, weeks, or months, the money you have in your home will be your saving grace. Your monthly deposits from payroll income or things like Social Security may not be available if the banks are struggling without power. They will be unable to take or disperse any funds. Those ATMs will not work without power.

Stock Up On the Right Foods

Stock up on food you will eat, lots of it. Here’s a checklist that I designed that may help: What Do I Have: basics like honey, sugar, flour, baking powder, rice, beans, pasta, baking soda, and spices so you can make meals from scratch. I also offer this handy post: Where Do I Start

Grab Recipe Books

Go to thrift stores and get old cookbooks with recipes you would like to make with the stored items you have in your emergency prep inventory. The internet won’t work if we lose power. Have several hard copy cookbooks available as references.

Learn to Bake

Learn to make bread, tortillas, biscuits, and crackers, some learning skills that will prove handy in the short term and in the long term. If you know how to make these, then teach your neighbors, they will need to learn these old-school skills, I promise. If you do know how to bake and make meals from scratch with your stored items, then be consistent in using those skills so you can stay current, and also start showing everyone around you!

Store Water

Store more water than you have ever dreamed of storing. By the way, when you fill your containers use a lead-free hose made after 2007 like this one: NeverKink Lead-Free Camper Hose. Storing water is probably my most frequently covered subject. Over the years I’ve discussed what containers to use based on the size of your family and how much storage space you have. Also, how to preserve the water so you don’t have to swap it out as often.

With all the dehydrated food you have, water is a necessity just to re-constitute/hydrate it. You also need water to keep yourself hydrated, follow personal hygiene goals, cook, and at least launder your underwear.

Get Soil Ready to Garden

Get some soil ready to garden, you’ll need to grow some of your food, so please start doing the prep work NOW. You’ll need to get some garden tools. Seeds are needed as well. Check your local garden nursery for plants/seeds that you can grow where you live.

For some years now, I’ve published a series based on the proper timing of planting gardens in various country areas based on “zones.” Check out my archive to see what’s needed each month of the year for your particular location, it’s very helpful information.

Store Fuel

Store fuel, such as propane, outside. Inside your garage or shed, you can store charcoal briquettes (without the starter fluid), lump charcoal, clean pine cones, and wood logs and scraps. Please store them, other than the logs, in air-tight containers so they’ll last longer. I use 5-gallon buckets with Gamma lids. Gamma Seal Lid Variety Pack – 6 Colors and 5-gallon buckets 5 Gallon White Bucket & Gamma Seal Lid I also store butane fuel 12 Butane Fuel

Epic First Aid Kit

Put together a first aid kit like no other one you have put together before. If the stores are closed you need to have the items you use every day, or occasionally. Here’s a list: First-Aid-Kit-Checklist-Printable Please add your favorite items to my list and get as many items as your budget allows. Check expiration dates. Think of economic collapse.

Read More of My Articles  Best Way to Start Prepping

Don’t Forget Prescriptions

Prescription availability is one of my biggest fears for those with life-threatening illnesses and diseases. Ask your doctor if you can purchase a 90-day supply, or even a one-year supply so you always have what you need on hand. In an economic collapse, you may not be able to rely on your insurance company to communicate and authorize a refill, you may need to pay cash for some prescriptions.

Passport Update

Make sure your passport is current. If you need to flee the country, you’ll want to have your passport ready for travel. In an emergency, your passport isn’t going to be updated by the government.

Learn Proper Skills

Do whatever you can to learn the skills you could trade for food or water, like sewing, cooking, gardening, etc. You should always be willing to learn new skills that could make a real difference to survival. Being able to barter your skills with others who have skills to assist you can really come in handy during an economic downturn.

Stay Physically Active

Staying physically active is so important. Strengthen your body, get out and bike, walk, or swim, just do it. We’ll need our bodies to be strong and healthy. This is never something you should slack on, as long as your body can function to some degree. Your family needs you to be physically fit for any obstacles that might come your way. Be sure to get a doctor’s clearance before you start any new regimens.

Paper Products

Stock up on paper products like plates, cups, and napkins. We’ll want to use our water for drinking and our fuel for heat or cooking and not for the dishes. Get plenty of plastic utensils too. Don’t forget the key item we all use every day, toilet paper. Stock up on a little extra each time you visit the store. I’m not suggesting you hoard things, just plan and have some extra, just in case.

Invest In the Right Tools

Invest in cooking devices to boil water and cook meals, like a Lodge Dutch oven Lodge Camp Dutch Oven, 6 qt that you can use outside with some charcoal. Get a Sun Oven if you have a lot of sunshine. All American Sun Oven . Camp Chef has a great stove/oven combination Camp Chef Camping Outdoor Oven you can make pancakes on top and bread in the oven. I purchased one of these for each of my four daughters, Butane Stoves and Butane Fuel

Stock Up On Hygiene Items

Stock up on shavers, soap, shampoo, dish soap, laundry detergent, bleach, etc. Don’t forget to get a clothesline, clothespins, and a washtub/board, or make my emergency washing machine with 2 six-gallon buckets and this awesome tool: Washer Mobile Tool.

Our fabulous electric washers and dryers may not work for days, weeks, or months without power. I better start lifting weights, just saying. I have now updated to this awesome Lavario Washer, (it will do blue jeans and sheets) UNAVAILABLE RIGHT NOW! In case you missed this post, How To Make Emergency Washing Machines

Be Prepared

Please be prepared for the unexpected. The question is not if, the question is when we have an economic collapse. Some financial experts are warning us that some tough times are ahead. Our supply chain is messed up, our fossil fuel supplies are drying up before we have the renewable technologies in place to fully replace them.

Countries and their governments are at odds with each other rather than following a cooperative path, inflation has risen its ugly head, and sicknesses of different kinds are upsetting labor markets and free economies. Yes, we have challenges now, and looking into the foreseeable future.

I’m sure you are aware of several Cyberattacks lately. Mr. Cooper Mortgage was attacked and no one had access to their information. Plus, valuable private information was taken before the banks knew what hit them. Plus, “North Texas water utility serving 2 million hit with cyberattack”

Another California mortgage-based company was also affected. “LoanDepot Joins Ranks Of Cyberattack”

Final Word

The truth is that you can’t overprepare for economic collapse. You have to do things now so that you’re prepared later. Some of the items on this list may seem like a lot of work. However, it’s the people who do the hard work that are prepared. The next time you’re thinking about how to prepare for an economic collapse, you have these tips to lead you in the right direction. May God Bless this world, Linda.

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    1. Hi Peggy, I recommend having an updated passport in case I have to free this country. Many people are moving out of this country right now. I’m in huge prepper groups and they no longer feel safe here. Linda

        1. Real ID is the phrase to search for….supposedly all states are compliant now, but DHS has a web page that talks all about it:

          Basically if you want to go into an airport or any other federally protected building you need either a Real ID or a passport.

          So if you’re driving between states no paperwork is required. But if you want to fly….

          1. Hi DmWalsh, I had never heard of the Real ID. I looked at our drivers licenses and they both have the yellow star. Thanks for the link, I have a daughter that works at an airline to see if she had heard of it. Thanks for the information! Linda

  1. One thing that I think almost everyone has not thought about is sewage!!! This is a HUGE problem!! Our neighbors will be trying to flush toilets and very very quickly the sewage is going to back up!! Our home is on a corner and the sewage substation is in our backyard! We all have basements and a house that has that kind of damage will not be liveable. I have heard people talk about how sewage will back up into the toilets, sinks, showers , tubs, everywhere there is a hole that drains water. Even the clothes washer hose. My question is this, what can we do to keep that from backing up into our homes. Especially people in apartments will be very susceptible to this. I’ve heard of getting the squeeze balls and stuffing them into every single “oraphas” in your home but that is all. I can’t wait to see what you suggest. This has really been scary thinking. About.

    1. Hi Michelle, this is one of my biggest concerns as well. I know if the power is out NOT to use any water faucets, toilets, tubs, washing machines etc. BUT I doubt some of my neighbors know this. I am going to call my plumber friend to find out what we can do. I won’t use mine, but yikes your neighbors “stuff” may flood your home. Let me check this out. Linda

    2. Hi Michele, I called my water department and sewer departments in my St.George, Utah (Washington County) area today. Here’s the deal with the location where I’m located. The water will continue to run through our water lines as long because they are gravity driven. NOW, once the water runs out of those they have backup generators to pump water to our home. BUT once the generators run out of fuel they will not work obviously. Now, the woman said that different cities share water or fuel as needed. Okay, that’s fine but if we have a complete grid down we will all be out of luck. I would check with your local city or county but I’m betting its probably the same. Now, let’s talk about the sewage. I had to talk to the person in charge of the county, he was very helpful. He said that most cities, subdivisions, etc. have what’s called a lift station to pump the sewage out of the subdivisions. The city typically places them in the LOWEST part of the area. When and if they overflow the sewage is channeled from this lift station into a tunnel that goes to a specific area away from the subdivision. The sewage would not come up into our houses, he said. I would call your local sewer department to get the location of where your lift station is located in your area. The guy told me as long as I am ABOVE that location I would be fine. I thank you again for this question! Hugs to you! Linda

      1. So what if you’re not above that location?
        Jim Phillips talks about this and many more critical facts about sanitation. Worth a look.
        How much more important is this on economic preparedness than 4 years ago!
        Thanks for all you’re doing!
        Just ordered a camp chef outdoor oven from your link today!

        1. Hi Dave, you are so nice, thank you for using my link, you are awesome. I have a Camp Chef Outdoor Oven, it’s awesome! Make sure you look at the adaptors, mine came with only a tiny adaptor for the small propane cans. I bought the large adaptor piece so I can use my larger BBQ size propane tanks. It works great for baking bread or casseroles. I also bought a griddle that fits on top for pancakes or grilled cheese. Life is good! Linda

          1. Hi Dave, it’s funny because my Camp Chef Stove/Oven came with a small adaptor, but my friends bought one a few years later and it came with the larger adaptor. Linda

      2. Linda and Michelle,

        Those lift station pumps will not work if the grid is down. I’m on an oversized septic system so don’t have to worry about that problem as I maintain it. So long as we don’t put much grease, dairy, meat or bleach down the drain our system will never back up on us. And if we do put any of those items into the system I have Roebic septic system products to restore the bacteria to health, or unclog the inlet pipe if needed–and so far, I haven’t needed it.

        A much greater concern will be the lack of water for anyone living in desert States.

        1. Hi Ray, oh you are so right about the lack of water for the desert states. I love hearing how you are taking care of your septic tank, we had one years ago and were too young to realize what a gold mine it would be when things so south. You and Matt have both mentioned keeping them cleaned out and maintained. What a blessing. Linda

    3. If you are on a town sewer system, have a good quality backflow preventer installed professionally. It will stop what would likely try to flow up through all your drains if the town system becomes overfilled. Well, for most folks that’s enough. With a substation in your backyard I’d be worried about it overflowing onto the ground and I have no idea what to suggest. But at least the backflow preventer will keep all your drains clear….

      For folks on septic systems, you should be fine unless you’re worried about massive flooding then the backflow preventer might be useful, especially for basement plumbing situations (where you already have a lift pump.)

  2. whoo hoo for Linda, my friend. How are things? I am so glad you are still on your soap box for something that is terribly important. There are a few things I would like to add to your list as you know I have been doing this for sometime now and I eat, sleep and sing ideas of how to survive without our precious electricity.
    Immediately go to the 2nd hand store and purchase as many of the water filter containers as possible. They will only be a few bucks at most. Then go and purchase as many of the filters that you can afford. Make sure the container and the filters are the same brand. THIS will be most beneficial as we may have to use rain water from our outside rain containers. We can only live three days without water. Keep all the water products in one place, as well as your first aid close by to grab in an emergency. Know your outside plants as THEY can be used as well. i.e. Plantain. It grows wild in every yard that we have probably tried to kill at one time or another not knowing the plant is a miracle plant. duh. Read about it while you still can. Get your bug out bag and fill it up with things you need to stay dry, eat, drink and pretend you are going to have to camp out with nothing for the next three weeks. This should give you an idea of what to take. It is time for us to grow up, look up, and stand up for what we believe in. Put away your smart phone for the love of God and get prepared. They will be no good when the SHTF. We now know that there are United Nations military on our soil at this moment. They are from other countries and many do not even speak English. Possibly because OUR military would not be trusted to do what the UN Military will. If you see them coming down the street grab your bug out bag and head for the forest, do NOT allow them to take you to a FEMA camp. Never! Remember the small bills as you do not want to pay $20 for a loaf of bread. If your readers need to know more about these things they should go to or or or or or all of the above. Depending on if you are spiritual or just want the current news that the media is not telling us. There is something for everyone. Once the elections get even closer you may want to prepare to see the internet go down. And I gotta end this with a note to all the Christians and non-Christians because I have made a promise to God, my Father. This, my friends, is a spiritual war that is happening right here, right now. Without sounding crazy or over the top religious, as I am not either, I just pray every day that you will be prepared for the worst and pray for the best. Read!!!
    Much love to all,

    1. Hi Vivian, your comment is music to my ears, my friend! I am adding your entire comment to my post. As always, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless us all, Love you, Linda God bless our world.

  3. I bet if you’re starving you’ll skin and eat a squirrel or a cat, a dog, a possum or anything else you can catch.

  4. If you live in the country, have a septic and a well, clean your house. If civil unrest, or an emp goes off, there will be family that you won’t be able to turn away. Organize everything that you can find to organize. It is easier to do it now. Also, have extra blankets and possibly air mattresses.

  5. This really points out some things I hadn’t thought about… or was aware about. It scares me a little, but I can definitely see it happening in the future.

  6. As a very long time believer in allowing people to live safely in their home, I
    value your post. Sadly, many individuals today would prefer to take the easy soution and recommend
    a nursing home for their aging loved ones. I have actually tweeted a link to your blog site and bookmarked
    the website.

    Thanks again for your quality article.

    1. Hi Expert Home Safety, thank you so much for the Tweet and your kind words. It’s people like you that keep me going. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Linda

  7. Thanks so much for this article. I got a lot out of it. I don’t think many people are in a hurry to get this done when things could collapse and day now. Just hope people take it seriously and change their habits.

  8. I wish you luck trying to convince a majority of Americans about this. Too many of them are addicted to living for now.And not preparing for the future. Too many people are addicted to living beyond their financial means. None of them want to drive a car for eight years after it’s PAID OFF. Or living in the house they were born in. No one wants to not care about what a movie star wears anymore.

    1. Hi Elbert, I totally agree with you. Or they want food stamps and want to live off the government in low-income housing that our taxes pay. So many kids have not been taught how to work but some have so we can’t discount that either. If we can get rid of ego and we can get rid of debt. Who needs a new car, a new house, the latest watch, the latest tablet or laptop. My one and only car is 12 years old and I’m asked a lot, why don’t do you get a second car? They say “I could never do what you and Mark do with only one car.” We don’t even think about it, we don’t need two cars. One car works for us, and we rarely eat out, because I can cook better than the restaurants. You know what I’m saying live beneath your means and it’s okay! Linda

  9. Hello, Linda,
    I have tried to access your pages titled ‘Where do I start?’ and the printable first aid kit list. They both give me this:
    The page is completely blank. I tried to download it, and the download is also blank. Where can I get my hands on these lists?
    Thank you for the information that I am able to access. I find it very useful, and hope to implement as much of it as I am able to. I do have family that might find themselves looking for a place to go, and I might just have the place they are looking for.

    1. Hi Martha, oh my gosh, thank you for letting me know. The links are working now. I’m not sure what happened. I fixed “Where DO I Start?” “What Do I Have?” and “First Aid Kit”. Thank you so much!!! Linda

  10. Hi Linda , thanks for all the info, I,m from the old school, I sew, jar my own food when I can. We started prepping a few years ago and added things as we go. I use to be laughed at about things that I saved, but lately more family members are telling me that were right. One thing that we preps should never do is tell others, that don’t, prep, because their the ones who will try to take your stuff WSHF. God Bless you and our country.

    1. Hi Mary, I’m 71 so I think I’m old school too! I love that term! It’s really sad that you were laughed at because it’s a fact of life we must all be prepared for the unexpected. I totally agree with you on keeping some things to ourselves. God bless you as well and our country too! Linda

  11. Hi Linda. Great article and great replies from everyone. As you know, I live, full time, in a 5th wheel travel trailer. Where I’m at, we are on well water and septic which is a plus, until the well runs dry. So, I still have some water as backup. I don’t have a lot of room to store stuff, so what room I do have I have been very selective about food I store. At present time, I probably have enough supplies to keep me and my dog fed for at least 6 months or more. More & more daily, especially right now with prices going sky high at the grocery store, I see the need for people to garden what they can. My problem is, I really do not have the space to can anything in large quantities, but I can do small amounts, enough for just me and my dog. Yes, my dog loves veggies especially broccoli and squash. It’s meat that I will have the largest problem with especially for him, but where there a will, there’s a way! Maybe with a little luck, I can figure out how to do a rain catchment off my trailer without it costing much. That alone will help with the water issue if the SHTF. I know how to cook over an open flame and I live in the woods, so fuel is not a problem. A short hike and I have all I need. At 75, this ole girl has a lot of skills as far as hunting and gathering goes. I even have my 85 y/o sister stocking up on food and water, lol. She told me the other day she mentioned to her daughters about stocking up on food and they all laughed at her and said she was crazy. She said, then let them panic, knowing she would share what she has with them. She also said that if she can, she would come up here with me since I know how to cook and bake bread. She doesn’t cook much any more. Final note: day before yesterday I bought a pound of bacon on sale at Safeway/Albertsons. In looking at my receipt, the regular price for the bacon was $9.99. I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the price. God Bless you for keeping us all well informed. Have a Great day!

    1. Hi Pam, great comment! I agree if people could garden, then can it or dehydrate it they can survive. I love hearing your 85-year-old sister is stocking up. Things are going to get worse as far as the prices of just about everything. This is the main reason I sold my home to downsize to a smaller home. I want my affairs in order to be prepared for whatever comes our way. I wish more people would have the desire to learn to make bread. You can fill the belly with soup and bread. We will all want to be self-sufficient. God helps those who help themselves. Linda

  12. Linda,
    From the comments, it appears you first posted this five years ago. If more folks had taken heed then, there would not be the imminent need to take these actions NOW. Obviously, you were clairvoyant five years ago to see the extreme danger the country is in now. Even though my passport is up to date, I will not flee this country. This is a global situation and there is nowhere to really flee that is not in the same danger or worse. As of Monday, I will be 37, er 73. Darn, there goes my dyslexia again. My body is 73, but my mind still tells me I am 37. Gets me into a lot of trouble. LOL!!! But, I am like Clint Eastwood, I get up in the morning and just don’t let the old man in. And, I will keep that until He calls me home. And, speaking of Him, we all need to pray harder than ever for our country and the entire globe for that matter. I have never seen the extreme danger like we are in now in all my 73 years. Keep up the good work. I hope the housebuilding is going well and you will soon be settled in your new home. God bless you and all those here who pay heed to your information.

    1. Hi Harry, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment about 37 versus 73. I will be 72 next year and I feel the same way. I get up and get going. I’ve been updating older posts because they are critical even more so now. I felt an urgency to sell my home like no other year so we could move closer to family. Things are going to get worse, we all know what is going on in our country and in the world. There are no words with all that is going on, I never thought I would see what is happening right now. God help us all. Linda

  13. Hi all, this is a great list. I work for our local paper and in the last 2 weeks I’ve wrote about supply chain shortages and have encouraged people to be aware and to some extent prepare by having food in home. I tried not to teeter the line of crazy prepper so I wouldn’t scare away the people who need to hear it the most. I have plans to write more on the topic because I don’t want to have to worry about the people around me. The more prepared they are, the more secure I will feel.

  14. Very good ideals. Many folks do not have the faintest idea on how to get started on prepping. Bringing forth our knowledge and skills will help others only if they want to listen and prepare. What you’ve said here is absolutely correct. I also have been listening and watching on what is going on. This a battle for good and evil. This is Satan’s last chance to destroy family units and bring down as many of Heavenly Father’s children that he can to hell. Again thank you for your thoughts and words.

    1. Hi Judy, thank you for your kind words, you are so nice. I really hope people understand they need to get their affairs in order whatever that may be in their age group. Please pray for our Country, the world, and for our families. Linda

  15. You have hit it again my friend. Great article. I am hoping that more people will open their eyes and see what is happening. And it is coming down fast each day. The world is in commotion. Scriptures teach us this. Prepare in all things necessary for your families. Wishing everyone well. Christ is coming.

  16. You title this Economic Collapse and people immediately go to Foreign invasion. Slow down people. The best advice for anyone at anytime, is GET out of debt. I dislike the man (I won’t mention names), but use his get out of debt recommendations and envelope system. He even has recommended ways to pay off credit cards. I have a paid off home, and car (it was used when I bought it). I don’t shop every week, and feel like I could live for a few months on what I have. I have an emergency fund envelope, a property tax envelope, a Christmas and birthday fund envelope, you get the picture. I am on a not very large fixed income, and I feel that if I can pay bills, and save money, anyone can and SHOULD do it.

    1. Hi Margaret, (I won’t mention any names either), I have suggested the envelope system for years to my clients when I worked at a bank and I didn’t pay for any seminars or classes to learn how to get out of debt, it’s quite easy, live within or below your means. I wrote a post about using envelopes a few years ago. I do get the picture you are talking about and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment. Life is good when you live without debt, one dollar at a time. Linda

  17. Friends have laughed at me for keeping so many books when they say you can just look at youtube but I have a lot of cookbooks and books on how to do things the ‘old fashioned’ way. I also kept my hand laundry tools and supplies and treadle sewing machine when I moved to ‘town’. I lived in the Eastern Arctic when the Anik satellite failed and nobody could use credit or debits cards and there were so many unexpected things affected. That was just a short time problem! Lately that town had the water supply contaminated by a leaking underground fuel tank and people learned how much they rely on running water. Those who could were going to the river for water and many were just using whatever small containers they had lying around. So many of us are totally reliant on systems beyond our control and easily disrupted. I made sure I was out of debt before I retired and luckily now have no problem living on my small pension. I kind of slacked off on canning and drying lately and ended up using the freezer a lot but long term plans are to get back to having a properly full pantry not dependent on electricity. I have a few ways to cook off grid including a little camping stove that uses small scraps of wood, twigs, etc, and can use wood pellets so I have a supply of those tucked away too. This stove also produces a bit of power to recharge solar lights that are part of its system. I’m making sure my grandkids know how to take care of themselves and have as many useful skills as possible. If you don’t have money or valuable items to barter, some skills are always in demand. Also need to make sure you have enough proper clothing to be outside for long periods in whatever climate you live in. Coats and boots good enough for short stints in cold weather won’t be much good if you end up having to walk a long way if you’re not near home and everything shuts down. When I lived in the north the rule was to always dress as though you were going to be out in the weather for a long time or at least have the stuff ready in your vehicle.

    1. Hi Alice, oh I LOVE your comment!! I totally agree with you on having skills to barter with and get out of debt. We can live well on less if we have the skills. Great tip on cold weather, I love your thoughts. Linda

  18. Howdy Linda and Practical,
    I started as a share-cropper’s son and eat many kinds of wild game.
    Yes, even a possum can be made to taste good, but not my first choice. If I had a dollar for every squirrel I’ve eaten, I’d have a lot of money. I still love a BBQed coon, but again you have to know how to clean and cook it. I did eat some dog in Southeast Asia and it was good, although I didn’t know at the time what it was. I’ve also eaten monkey over there and it was good also. There was a restaurant in Saigon that served a fantastic soup with chunks of lean meat just bigger around than a silver dollar about a half inch thick with a hole in the middle. It wasn’t until 5 years after I came home, the wife and I were watching National Geographic and I fell off the couch when they started talking about earth worms that get FIVE feet long in Southeast Asia. Now I know . . .
    I guess what I’m trying to say is any animal properly harvested, cleaned and cooked will/can taste good.
    Hope I didn’t make anyone sick. Of course, some of these will not be first choice.
    With a brother’s love,
    Curley Bull

    1. Hi Curley Bull, you are my hero based on all the types of meat and critters you have eaten! Your comment is the best one ever! I LOVE hearing stories about how we have all lived. Thank you for sharing, it made my day! Linda

  19. Linda:
    I have eaten Deer. Elk, Bison and someone once gave us Bear Meat but my husband would not eat it. I believe if push comes to shove and he has a chance to eat Bear he will eat it. Still trying to get him to take out money from our main account. He says they will only take credit cards. Well if we have a economic collapse then the only thing they will take is cash. I know of a man who lives in Arizona and he always keeps cash on him and he said in one of his newsletters that there are stores now where he lives that will only take cash. No food stamps and no credit cards or bank cards. He thinks they are doing it to keep from paying taxes but I think they are doing it so they have the money on the ready when they need to buy more products.

    1. Hi Jackie, that’s interesting about CASH, no credit card, food stamps, or debit cards at some stores. Now, that’s very scary. I think it’s because they want the cash to pay for products and not have a kink with the banking systems. Of course, none of us know, but with the shortage of supplies out of control, it makes sense to keep the cash if bank cards, food stamps, and debit cards will not be able to reimburse the companies where products were purchased. None of us know, wow, something to think about. Thank you, Linda

  20. Hello, does anyone have suggestions on how I can keep my family warm in the winter if the power goes out for an extended period of time? Our house runs entirely on electricity. We don’t have a fireplace or wood burning stove. I’m new to preparedness and I don’t have a clue as to what my options are for heat, if I have any?

    1. Hi Donna, I’m in the same situation. I’m working on doing a post on how to use a Buddy Heater, Harry and Matt walked me through it. I suggest being prepared to block off the smallest room in the house that your entire family can sit and sleep in. Having sleeping bags is a plus, but quilts and blankets piled high will help. Layer up your clothing. Cover the windows with material to block the weather. Linda

      1. Linda, In a small room would several large jar candles be any help? Obviously, we aren’t talking subzero temperatures. However, if you are in bed, with furry blankets and several large jar candles safely on the dresserswith doors and windows closed , maybe?? Your thoughts??

        1. Hi Chris, I would do a trial run the next time you have a cold front. I realize people love candles, but I do not stock any. You can also close all the doors to the smallest room in your home. Cover doorways with heavy plastic coverings (paint drops). Blankets and sleeping bags will work, and parkas during the daylight hours. Linda

  21. Americans need to learn to learn to live within their means again. Sixty years ago; people owned cars for over 10 years or more. They did not care a lot if their clothes were advertised in Vogue magazine. When they bought a house ; they lived in it for at least 20 years or more. Our last recession was caused by people spending money foolishly( you’re clearing $40,000 a year; so why do you want to buy an $800,000 house?
    or a $45,000 car?). Banks were also stupid about who they loaned money to.

    1. Hi Jonescrusher, I totally agree with you. My car is a 2009 Honda CRV, and I don’t plan on trading it out any time soon. As a former banker and mortgage company owner, I know exactly what you are saying. People MUST live within their means. Great comment, Linda

  22. I only ask, because one day I had two candles lit in the library…aka our guest bedroom ensuite. I had closed the pocket door, because my husband had his TV too loud, three hours later, the temperature was 15 degrees warmer than the rest of the house. It was in the 40s outside, and we keep the furnace at 62. I realize candles have their own dangers, but as a last resort, maybe.

  23. How sorry I am that we downsized. We no longer have the wonderful things homesteaders have, like septic, well and wood burning fireplace. (I mean, come on… how ridiculous is a gas fireplace?!) We no longer have chickens or rabbits or turkeys. No eggs. I really miss the security of being able to handle our own things in daily, and emergency situations. I may have to just sneak some hens into my backyard before these crazy times are over! God Bless.

    1. HI TeeTwo, what you left behind is what people dream about having, I feel bad you are sorry you downsized. Nowadays, those things you left are like gold. I hope you can sneak some hens into your backyard. When one door closes another one opens. Stays safe, Linda

  24. With regard to keeping warm, I’ve read a great idea about using a tent indoors. A tent set up on a bed means no cold floor. Filled with blankets, quilts, etc., the family can sleep quite comfortable as body heat will warm the space.

  25. We enjoy jug wine for dinner. I save the glass jugs, wash them out, fill with tap water, add 1/4 tsp bleach, date and store. Once a year we empty and refill. We have a storeroom full of glass jugs of water.

  26. I’ve read your blog for years now and I’ve learned a lot, thanks for that. I’m curious about your gut feeling that “something this country hasn’t seen in many years”. Is there anything in particular that goes with that gut feeling, such as rising consumer debt, politics, wars, inflation ?

    1. HI Kenneth, all of the above. My biggest fear for many years now has been a cyberattack on our grid system. We are getting “teased” with small cyberattacks here and there. For ransom and some without a ransom. The corruption we are watching daily is alarming to me as it should be. I have to be careful what I write because my blog is censored, that’s life these days. All blogs are being censored not just mine, that’s how the world works now. We have three power grids. East Coast, West Coast, and Texas has their own. If one is hit, the other areas in the states would be okay, but for how long? Please read Ted Koppel’s book “Lights Out”, it’s backed by real people with real knowledge. I have read it I bet 20 times (audible). TRUTH is knowledge. Thank you for your kind words, my friend. Linda

      1. Hi Linda, I did read “Lights Out” a few years back, quite shocking if it ever happens. USA has been, and is, the object of various unfriendly foreign powers these days, not to mention the homegrown varieties. My philosophy is similar to yours – “be prepared”. Having spent 40+ years as a software developer and having some background in computer security, I imagine an attack on our power grids and financial networks would be a priority as part of an attack on good ‘ol USA, or even just cyber-terror, like you said.

        Recently watched the movie “Leave The World Behind” on Netflix, comes to mind. God forbid something like that should happen, but those of us who have the foresight to prepare will be very glad we did.

        1. Hi Kenneth, oh my gosh, that show “Leave the World Behind”, Julia Roberts was not the best actress but Kevin Bacon was awesome! Millions have now watched that show. There were so many “symbols” in that show that makes you think outside the box. Do you know Hank Brown? He is Cyberattack Warfare Specialist, we have both read Ted Koppel’s book 15-20 times. We have had some great phone conversations. He also wrote 2 books. Great guy. Linda

          1. Hi Linda, Hank Brown is a new name for me. I checked out his 2 books “Plan Bravo: You Don’t Have to Be a Prepper to Be Prepared” on Amazon. They are on my wish list. Thanks for the tip.

          2. Hi Kenneth, awesome! My books are in a storage unit. This house was supposed to be built under a year and we are at 2 1/12 years now. Enjoy, Linda

          3. Hi Linda, Just got my copy of Plan Bravo. I really like the lists, it usually has some things I haven’t given much thought to. This coming week I am buying mason jars and oxygen absorbers. Will look at all the lists to see what else to put on my Amazon Wishlist.

  27. Always good information, Linda.
    When I moved to my current location, I purchased renters insurance (I rent because I cannot afford to buy). What I found a bit concerning was that my agent sort of pushed purchasing sewage back up insurance!!! That told me something about the area and it concerns me. It was not very expensive so I purchased it as part of my package. Not sure (well, pretty sure it won’t) it will be of value if/when the grid goes down!!

    Also, and I know most of the people reading your blog will have already done this but for the new people – DO NO WAIT UNTIL YOU NEED IT to know how to use your preps. In other words – use your tools – cook in that Sun Oven, Dutch oven, on that butane/propane stove. Learn how to use them so you are not in a stressful situation and at a total loss as to what to do with the things you stored for this very situation.

    As for purchasing cookbooks – What I do is go to the library and look at cookbooks, writing down or taking a photo of recipes I know I will use. I then created my own cookbook for my storage. I don’t want a bunch of books on my shelf, taking up space, with a lot of info I will not use. I also figure that in a stressful situation, I won’t remember how to make something that I have been making for decades – think biscuits or pancakes!!! I know how to make them from memory but if I am very stressed, I might forget something really necessary for them to turn out edible!!

    In an economic breakdown, I don’t think I would have enough cash on-hand to pay the property taxes (if I owned a home). Many of us will just be getting by the best that we can. Sad to say but that will be my reality. I will be eating, have shelter, and know how to filter water but I doubt I will be doing any bill paying at that time!

    I am praying that in an economic downfall or grid down situation, that I will be able to drive to my daughter’s farm and live it out there. My biggest issue, however, would be to get all the things I have stored out to her place. It would likely take several trips at 50 miles round trip to get what I would want to have at their place – food, water, blankets, clothing, etc. They have a septic tank, 2 wells and have enough solar to operate the pumps.

  28. I’m a long-term disaster prepper, as you know. I have a couple of tips to share.
    1-I locate things I want to buy on Amazon and put them in my cart as Save For Later. Amazon does not empty your cart if you don’t come back. Then every month, with the excess of my pension checks, I examine the items and analyze what is most needed NOW. I pick out $300 of items and buy them. I say, ok, the Camp Chef oven is nice, but I already have 2 propane stoves, one butane stove, a Solo stove, and a wood cook stove. So I deleted that and the sun oven, don’t need them. I do this analysis with every item. In 26 pension checks a year, I amass quite a number of items. Three months ago, I made thermos bottles my priority and bought several for making coffee at night in daylight so it would be ready for the first person up in the morning in the dark, or to have when standing security watch. I give a lot of thought to how a person’s day will play out in a disaster. Anyway. I add new purchases to my inventory sheet and whenever I get antsy over some piece of news, I read my inventory and calm down. (I already have my food; I’m buying other necessities now.) In my early days of prepping, I confess that reading my inventory made me agitated because there was so little on it. But I was patient and kept at it for 20 years.
    2-The last wind storm (power out 4 days) showed me that candles and hurricane lamps just do not put out enough light to do anything but dress, undress, and get into bed without stubbing your toes. No sewing, no board games, no cooking (now I know why old people ate supper at 5:00): they had to get the dishes done before dark. Folks up north, this is your situation. Dark comes early in winter. So I moved MORE solar lighting and rechargeable lights to the top of my list and tried Jackon Lux light bulbs (60 watts). You screw a plug (sold as accessory on Amazon) onto the bulb base and stick it in an electrical outlet to charge before a power outage (now it’s an outlet in my house, but in disaster, it will be the outlet in one of my power banks). Once charged, you can safely carry the lit bulb around the house in your hand like you would a candle (it has a switch to turn on or off). Hang it on a ceiling lighting fixture or cabinet door handle, but get 800 lumens of brightness. You can also screw it into a lamp, or you can plug it into an electrical socket, even if there is no power, and it stays lit. I try every new lighting form that comes out and I like this one the best, but recharging is not solar, it has to come from a power source. So if you don’t have multiple power banks that charge from solar panels, this would be problematic. There are plenty of other solar lights but most only give 7 to 10 lumens of brightness, poor at best. So think about lighting for long term, like 3 years. In an economic collapse, people will quit going to work if they don’t get paid and can’t buy gasoline. Power may go out for months or years.
    3-Storing water in your house will not work for an extended power outage. You have to be able to resupply without exposing yourself to danger in long hikes to the creek or exhausting your body carrying buckets. In the early 1900s, country folks used a bailer bucket to draw 3-5 gallons of water at the time from their well casing. So if you have a well or your community has a public supply water well, you could pull the pump and use a bailer bucket. Lehman’s sells them but theirs are not for long-term use (metal and it dents). I bought a PVC one from an Etsy shop. If you do a Google search for water well bailer bucket, you can find some other companies who make them. The drawback is they don’t work in really deep wells.
    In closing, I agree with another commenter that you need to try your preps before disaster happens. Do a 3 day dry run of no electricity and see how much light it takes. See how well your cooking works out, see how long your stored water holds out, and see whether you can stay warm by moving into one room.

    1. Hi Angela, great ideas, I do need my Sun Oven to make bread, I sold my Camp Chef stove/oven to someone, we’re downsizing. But I could make bread in a Dutch oven as well. Bread will fill the belly. You are so right about trying things out NOW not after a disaster. Great idea on hauling water. Linda

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