Prepping Advice that Just Makes Sense
If you’re a prepper, you’ve probably done hours and hours of research on just about everything that you need should a disaster ever come your way. Your emergency supply may already even resemble what you would find in an experienced prepper’s home. Even if you know a lot of the basics, there may be a few tips that you still haven’t heard about that could increase your chances of survival. Once I share these with you, you may even wonder why you hadn’t already thought about some of them. Here’s more on some of my prepping advice that just makes sense.
Related: How to Make Prepping Affordable
Prepping Advice that Just Makes Sense

Get Ahead with Your Finances
Some of you may be thinking, “What’s the point in saving my money if the economy is going to collapse one day?” I understand where you’re coming from, but self-reliant living means that you’re no longer weighed down with bills and monthly payments, and instead are able to save some of what you have. By getting out of debt, you can take some of the extra money and put it towards areas like emergency supplies, first-aid, or even taking a few survival courses. One day you may even be able to save up enough for your own off-the-grid property.
Get In Shape…NOW!!!
While in the present you may be a bit overweight or lack the muscle tone you’d like. You may not be able to get away with being out of shape after SHTF. You could become seriously injured or run into other major health issues when you’re having to do strenuous and demanding tasks that your survival depends on. Making the decision to get in shape now with an exercise program and proper diet, you could very well end up saving your life later on.
Find Out Who Your Neighbors Are
Many preppers think that going solo is their best chance to survive a post-apocalyptic world, but it’s been proven that there’s actually more strength in numbers. Unfortunately, many people today don’t even know who their next-door neighbors are, but you don’t want to wait until after a disaster strikes to go knocking on their door to introduce yourself. They may have certain survival skills and knowledge that can help improve your situation and vice versa.
You may wonder if this works for your neighborhood, I totally get it. Some neighborhoods could care less about being prepared This is when it’s scary to me. If we live in an area with like-minded people we will have a better chance of survival. You may be able to get some of the less informed neighbors to agree to meet with you and learn what it takes to be better prepared.
Plan on a Place that Your Family Should Meet
An emergency may happen while your kids are at school and you’re away at work. Having a plan outlining where your family should meet following a disaster is crucial, especially when your cellphones are no longer working. Everyone’s plan will look different depending on their specific circumstances, but no matter your situation, all of your family members should be aware of those plans and you should practice them.
Keep an Emergency Bag in Your Vehicle
At the moment you have to evacuate, you won’t have time to gather every last one of your prepping supplies that are stored in your home. This is why I think it’s important for you to have an emergency bag of supplies stowed away in each one of your vehicles. That way you’re ready to go at any time.
Storing and Collecting Water is One of Your Top Priorities
You will only survive for a few days without any drinking water, so it should be a huge concern for you to make sure that your family has enough. On average, an individual person uses about a gallon a day for drinking and sanitation purposes, so you’ll need to plan accordingly.
Many preppers stock up on gallons of water from the grocery store, but some also rely on rainwater that they gather in barrels as well.
Stored water is not only heavy, but it takes up a lot of space. If you’re forced to evacuate your home in a hurry, you may not be able to round up all you think you may need. This is why having a portable water filter that can tap into almost any water source will be nice to have.
Find Extra Water in Your Home
Whether you’re unprepared when a disaster strikes or you’ve simply run out of your drinking water supply that you had stockpiled, there are a few places in your home where you can still find water. For starters, there are up to 40-50 gallons of water in your water heater that you can tap into. (As long as the water in your community has not been contaminated).
Your water pipes may still have several gallons that you can snatch by turning on a faucet and collecting the water before you lose pressure. I’d also encourage you immediately following a disaster to fill up your bathtub with water so that you’ll have another 40 to 42 gallons of water available.
For child safety reasons I don’t really like this idea, but if you don’t have any other water stored besides what’s in the tub, it may be the only option. I always fear babies/toddlers drowning when a bathtub is full. It’s a mom thing, I guess.
Rotating Your Stockpile Every 6 Months
Creating a massive stockpile of food is a great thing to do to hold your family over during an emergency, but you certainly don’t want to be left eating food that’s long out of date or no longer edible. Be sure to rotate out your stock at least every 6 months by eating what’s in front and then replenishing your stockpile by putting newer products on the back of your shelves.
Know the Most Basic Survival Skills
How to stop severe bleeding is an important example. I’d encourage you to learn and practice the most basic survival skills. It also wouldn’t hurt if you had them printed out so that you have them to look back on if your phone or internet is no longer working for research purposes. These are also free downloadable prepping books that you can look into for more information. Just look things up NOW, don’t wait for the emergency and then think you can get up to speed.
Practice Survival Skills in a Fun Way
Maybe you don’t have a spouse or other family members who are on board with taking your prepping intentions seriously? Do me a favor and don’t throw my name under the bus for this, but you could always sneak in a few survival skill lessons that make for a fun family day without them ever realizing your ulterior motives. Here are a few of them:
- Go Paintballing or play laser tag
- Build a fort
- Go on a family camping trip
- Take a first aid course
- Give orienteering a try
Never Take Sanitation Lightly
Having good hygiene will be extremely important following a major catastrophic disaster, but it’s usually the one that most preppers don’t spend much time with. If you fail to dispose of your waste and garbage properly, it will attract rodents and vermin that carry all types of diseases.
Should your family come into contact with human feces, it too could cause serious health issues that could wind up turning deadly.
Digging a hole to bury your waste is a temporary solution, but a composting toilet or an outhouse would be friendlier to the environment. Burying and burning your garbage may be what you have to resort to if your weekly garbage pick-up is no longer an option.
Keeping your hands washed is one of the best ways to keep illnesses and diseases from entering your body. You’ll need a stockpile of baby wipes, antibacterial hand sanitizer, and hand soap to stay clean. Stock up on heavy-duty trash bags, buckets, and plastic gloves. This is important prepping advice to listen to no matter what the disaster or emergency!
Get Yourself a Good Mountain Bike
Should your vehicle ever run out of gas or be left inoperable, you’ll be needing another form of transportation for your family. It wouldn’t hurt for you to invest in good mountain bikes so that you can get around when everyone else is sitting in traffic or the roads are closed to autos. This solution will also help you to get into better shape now.
Prepping Advice that Just Makes Sense
Final Word
When it comes to prepping advice, I hope that these tips made sense to you. Besides stocking up on food, water, and supplies, your mental toughness will play a key role in whether you toss in the towel when things get tough.
What other prepping advice out there would be essential to know following a major disaster? What prepping advice would you give based on your own experience? May God Bless this world, Linda.
Copyright Images: Emergency Bag Deposit photos_377505778_s-2019
I’m always.on the lookout for good prepping advice. Love this!
Hi Jess, oh you are so nice. I really want to make it easy for all levels of prepping. Stay safe, Linda
Linda,all of these items are great common sense information. One thing I did get for my cruiser bike is an under seat tool bag. It does not hold a lot but, you never know when a situation will arise! Besides tools for working on the bike,it can hold many small prepping and emergency items.
Stay safe (Bill)
Hi Bill, great tip! We may all be riding bikes very soon. LOL! I love this comment! Stay safe, Linda
I learned two important lessons during a water main break this summer. 1. Not all water needs to be drinkable. We had plenty of bottled water, but we lost water pressure overnight and had none for flushing toilets. Now we are saving cleaning and flushing water in the plastic oversized laundry soap containers. I don’t think I could ever get them clean enough for drinking, but with bleach it will still serve a purpose.
2. Don’t procrastinate. My plan was to do laundry the next day, but no water, meant no laundry. It really wasn’t a big deal, since the water main was repaired the next day, but it could have become an issue.
Hi Chris, wow! A water main break is awful. We have had a few in our neighborhood in the last few years. Luckily it was for days or weeks! I like your idea about the heavy soap containers for flushing water. I’m going to start doing this. Great tip!!! Linda
Chris, you can get water to flush your toilets, out of your water heater. Just make sure to turn it off, if no water is coming in.
Hi Janet, great comment on how to use that water heater for flushing toilets. I love it! Linda
Thank you so much for your wisdom. I wish I had realized that when I needed it. That is why I love this group, there is always someone ready to help.
Really good advice and I am pleased to say most of those things have been accomplished to date. I retired without debt and am staying debt free. That was one of the best decisions I ever made even if it made for some lean years in the doing. It was the foundation that made everything else possible. The get in shape part has a long way to go but there is progress. I’m working on making a bugout cart that I can harness myself into, like the ones people use for hiking the Santiago Compostela walk. Leaves your hands free and keeps the weight off your back. Bike riding is still not quite doable (progressing at about the same rate as the fitness goal!) so this will be my substitute and can be converted to a bike trailer later on. For portable shelter I have a tent cot but it’s fairly bulky and heavy so I also acquired a tent that hangs between 3 trees at whatever height you can manage so it keeps you off the ground or even up fairly high out of the way. It can also be used on the ground if needed but ends up more like a bivvy sack. On my list is also one of those bathtub water bladders to use instead of just an open tub.
Hi Alice, LOL! Oh, I have a long way to go in the fitness area too!!! I love hearing you planned your life to achieve your goals! I have two knee replacements so I’m a bit worried about getting on a bike!! I have been walking 30 minutes every morning 7 days a week. I’m trying to get stronger and build up my lungs. It would be a blessing to lose some weeks, but those Peanut M & M’s keep calling my name. No will power. I like your idea about the cart that could be attached to a bike if need be. Your tent sounds awesome!! Good to hear you’re thinking about water, good job! Stay safe, Linda
Prepping IS good common sense, something that seems increasingly uncommon nowadays. As usual, you article contains excellent advice. One thing to consider, especially if you have a whole home solar system, is a hybrid mechanical/electrical bicycle, but any bike will be worth having. Here in Kingman I’ve seen people with baskets, saddle bags and even bike trailers using the bikes to go grocery shopping.
Hi Ray, I like your idea for a whole home solar system as a power system, I would love that. I have heard about bikes that people use with baskets and trailers for shopping. Those would be awesome. Linda
I have always kept a stock of food and water and supplies but right now I am Thankful I
have it. I live a little ways from our State Capital and I shop in the capital city but since they
say there could be armed protesters next week at the Capital I made sure I went this week and
will NOT go into the Capital City next week. I have another city I could go to but it is further away
and prices are higher. I am so happy I have thought ahead and read your articles to make sure I
have thought of things, I might not have. I plan to stay safe, and stay home.
Hi June, oh I love hearing you are going to stay home because I am too! The nice thing is that we are prepared and will not be fearful because we had no plan. We are prepared and we will survive. But we must be diligent and make sure people stay home for a week or two. It’s just me but why risk our health and safety. Thank you for your kind words. We will get through this!! Please pray for our country! Linda
Another thing to think about is is you are dealing with a family member that is disabled. I have had to buy wheelchair, lift, bedside toilet, rollator, and regular walker for my DH. If you are elderly like we are these things might come in handy. You never know. For us DH became totally disabled in April. 2-7 day hospital stays, 3 ER trips and 2 surgeries that required overnight stays. Then there are the pads that go under a person, sanitary items such as depends which he hasn’t had to use as of yet, but preparing now as we don’t know what might happen later. Lots and lots of baby wipes, straws for drinking as DH has a swallowing issue and has to use a straw. Lots and lots of apple sauce as that is how he takes his meds. Easier to swallow them with.
Hi Littlesister, thank you for your comment, a great reminder for all with disabled or possibly disabled friends and family members. I stocked up with 5000 straws for the very reason you mentioned. I live around some elderly people and learned why I needed to stock straws. Great reminder. Thanks for sharing your thoughts we all need to be reminded to stock the items you are talking about. I live the apple sauce tip, thank you! Linda