Prepping After Retirement

Prepping After Retirement-25 Things You Need To Know

Prepping after retirement is not a whole lot different than prepping for a large family. The difference mainly is storing less of everything. Or is it? Here’s the deal, if you are totally stocked with just enough of the items listed below for you and your spouse you are set, right?

But, what if some of your kids and grandkids are visiting and we have a pandemic break out? Maybe a hurricane, tornado, or major flooding hit your community. The roads may be washed away from extreme rainfall, we have seen this in Southern Utah.

Or maybe the power grid is compromised, this is my biggest fear. I can control my food stash, water, and many other things, but our government is about 40 years behind in upgrading our power system across the board. To me, this is deplorable.

Some of you may say, well, I have a generator. Well, that’s great until the fuel runs out. I’m not saying I’m afraid of living without electricity, I could do it. It wouldn’t be fun but I could manage it because I have a few solar devices.

The worst-case scenario would be no electricity for days, weeks, months, and possibly years. Some of you may have read the book “One Second After.” That book gave some insights into what will happen after an EMP (ElectroMagnetic Impulse) such as cars with electronic equipment would no longer work.

Scratch that big new Suburban, it would flat-out not work. The stores would be empty because the trucks that need to deliver the medicines to pharmacies or the food to the grocery stores will not operate either.

Three Books I Recommend

As a reminder, there are three books (not the Kindle version) you need in order to be prepared for the unexpected. Remember we may be on our own for days, weeks or months, possibly years after a major disaster. We need to have a few basic medical skills to perform ourselves. I applaud you if you know CPR or you are trained as an EMT, and better yet, a Paramedic. Bravo to you!

The First Book:

This is my book. If you are teaching classes on food storage or emergency preparedness this is the only book you need, I promise. If you want to be prepared for the unexpected, my book covers it all. It’s a family-friendly book, no weapons discussed.  Prepare Your Family For Survival

The Second Book:

If you read “One Second After,” you understand about insulin and cars that won’t work after an EMP. But, this book “Lights Out,” is not fictional. I highly recommend you read this book. Ted Koppel lays out how unprepared our government is for a grid-down. No one talks about this, we assume our government is on top of things. Think again, my friends. “Lights Out” by Ted Koppel.

The Third Book:

This is a great book for use now or after a major disaster hits your neighborhood. Here’s the deal, if you have nurses or doctors living in your neighborhood, they will be needed at hospitals or emergency care centers that will be set up after an unforeseen disaster.

Read More of My Articles  10 Things You Should Do Before You Evacuate

We will not see them sitting around their kitchen table sipping coffee after a major issue on your street. They will more than likely be needed for severe injuries outside your neighborhood. It’s very likely they will be contacted to head to an emergency location to help those who are critically hurt. Please purchase this book and learn the skills you need now before you must know them later. “Survival Medicine Handbook”

Prepping After Retirement

  1. Put an evacuation plan in place that outlines which roads or highways you will exit and where you will try and meet if you are separated from family members.
  2. Water, you know the drill, I prefer 4 gallons per day per person. The American Red Cross suggests 1 gallon per person per day. I live in the desert, there is no way 1 gallon will be enough water for one person per day.
  3. Food, I do not count calories in the food I store. I store what I will eat and rotate it.
  4. For cooking devices, get a butane stove with butane tanks so you can at least boil water and cook a few hot meals.
  5. Fuel for your cooking devices, choose the ones you feel comfortable using in the appropriate stoves.
  6. Solar ovens, as long as you have some sunshine where you live these are great to boil water and cook meals.
  7. First aid kit, picture all pharmacies and stores closed for days or weeks. Do you have enough supplies in your home today to cover you for say six months or one year? Please gather all the supplies and put them in one location. Keep an audit as needed. First Aid Kit by Food Storage Moms
  8. Walkie-talkies are the ones a local search and rescue team suggested to talk to neighbors through the walls of houses. This is critical so you can check on your friends, neighbors, and family near your home.
  9. The task force in your neighborhood would be an organized group with like-minded people on a mission to help one another. Our neighborhood could actually do a prepping-for-retirement task force because we are mostly retirement-age.
  10. Flashlights, batteries, or solar flashlights.
  11. An ample supply of prescriptions, if you need to pay cash for those critical ones, do it, and sell something to buy them if required.
  12. 72-hour kits, these are fine but we need so much more. These are a good start but we need so much more if evacuated for an extended length of time.
  13. Cash, small bills, the banks may be closed and the ATMs will not work. You better forget about those automatic deposits in the bank, the banks will not be operating after a grid down. The power may not be restored for days, weeks, months, or years. Ted Koppel nailed it on what will happen when the power grids are sabotaged. Our country is not prepared in any way to survive the aftermath of one. We must be self-reliant. If we are prepared we will not be fearful.
  14. Garden seeds, only Heirloom, Organic Non-GMO ones because those are the only seeds that will produce year after year.
  15. Water purifier, I prefer the Big Berkey because it can purify so many gallons, depending on how many cartridges you have stored. The black cartridges remove more bacteria than the white ones.
  16. Portable hand washing machine, don’t forget to stalk up on laundry detergent.
  17. Portable toilet, complete with a shovel, kitty litter, garbage bags, and lots of garbage bags.
  18. Hand-operated kitchen and cooking essentials such as hand-cranked beaters and can openers are must-have items.
  19. Menstrual supplies, trust me, a neighbor may need them, make some reusable ones. They may be gross to some people, but they work.
  20. Kitchen soap and a stainless steel pan that could be heated to wash dishes. Once the paper plates and cups are gone we will need a way to wash plates, bowls, cups, silverware, etc. Don’t forget to stock up on dish soap.
  21. Paper towels, toilet paper, and hand towels that can be washed and dried.
  22. Get a clothesline with clothespins that work. Please practice hanging up wet clothes, I am using some cheap wood ones as firewood now. My motto is to buy right the first time.
  23. Tools, please keep your tools, you will need them, that guy down the street with a chainsaw may be your new best friend.
  24. Emergency binder, filled with important documents, ready to grab and evacuate with. Be sure and include two pictures in the binder. One to keep and one to share on a missing person board.
  25. Emergency contact names, phone numbers, and email addresses for your neighborhood task force. Hopefully, some part of the country will still have power.
Read More of My Articles  10 Simple Ideas on Beginning Prepping

Final Word

Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected, especially prepping after retirement. We must be able to take care of ourselves, let’s hope our neighbors understand the need for prepping. Please look out for the elderly in your neighborhood, they may have limited resources and physical limitations. May God bless this world, Linda

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency

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  1. Regarding the books you have suggested:

    In One Second After, the type-1 diabetic daughter dies due to a lack of insulin, and while the book is fiction, and it is fact that type-1 diabetics have to have insulin, type-1 diabetics do not have to die. History shows otherwise. I understand Linda’s site here doesn’t like links posted (and I totally get that, not complaining), but if you go to PrepSchoolDaily dot blogspot dot com and scroll down on the right to the post that appeared on April 2, you can read the history of insulin production in a collapsed society, as well as click on the link for DIYing it. It is not all that difficult, and the equipment necessary can be found in a high school chemistry lab. Yeah, it’s a little intimidating. But most of us would find making meth intimidating as well, and complete idiots do it all the time. Insulin’s not much different. If you’ve got a diabetic in your life, it’s a worthwhile read.

    As far as The Survival Medicine Handbook goes, yes it is good. But if you can possibly afford to get any other books as well, you should. I have half a dozen off-grid medicine books. Some topics are covered in every book, but a lot are found in only one or two. Armageddon Medicine is pricey but very worthwhile. Survival and Austere Medicine, 3rd Edition, is a completely free download, or you can pay to have them print and ship it to you. It’s 600+ pages and has color pictures (if you choose to print it that way).

    1. Linda, thank you for publishing your site. I hope just One person will read this particular article, may take steps to help themselves. In the last week, friends of mine in southern MN have been without electricity. Hopefully, most will have power in the next day or two, after more than 5 days. Only one of my friends there had a wood burning fireplace. None had stored water. Our governor sent down natl guard troops to help…after 3 days of below freezing temps. If this had been a more widespread power outage, I doubt this help for a small area would’ve been dished out. People always think rural people know how to make-do, have resources, etc, but the truth is, most recent rural people build a home for ‘the great life’ , not realizing our fragility based on town expectations. Lol, my friend with the fireplace didn’t have one single oil lamp.

      1. Hi Wendy, I was flabbergastered when I saw something on Facebook about “who would buy emergency water in cans that will last 50 years”. I had to giggle, I have 16 cases of that water. I do not get why people whether rural or in the city are not prepared with some basic items we need every single day. WATER. FOOD. LIGHT. etc. How on earth can we get people to get it? I would love “the great life” but I would be stocked with everything I need. I’m going to share that insulin post on Facebook if I can find it. No oil lamp….darn! Happy Day! Linda

        1. Linda, I don’t know either how we can get people to just think ahead…i commented this morning on another site (a bit more radical than us) about how people say they can’t afford to buy extra, but sure can get a tattoo. Nothing against tattoos, but that’s really like a luxury item? Anyway, I think two of my friends in southern MN are ‘ready’ for a chat about being prepared. Sadly, I think one will just say ‘power is on, no worries’. After more than 5 days without lights and heat, it seems a no brainer to ask for help in preparing for the next event. And there will be one, as both of us know.
          As to oil lamps, I’d urge you to get a few at maybe a garage sale/thrift store. Um, yes, can be bought at many places but always very cheap at former. Oh, and in a pinch, Any grease can be used.

          1. Hi Wendy, great tip on the oil lamps. I totally understand about the tattoos. I feel like if they can afford to get their nails done every two weeks, or a tattoo or cruise every year, please get some water, food and oil lamps. We can’t provide everything to every neighbor. Life is good when we can take care of ourselves. We are preppers who are self-reliant! Linda

    2. I totally agree with what you’re saying about making your own insulin. I read One Second After and the subsequent 2 sequels. I am a diabetic but type 2. I’m so thankful that I would not have to try to make my own insulin! I have read up on how to make it but I cringe. Thankfully, I’m on pill form medication. My endocrinologist IS a Type 1 diabetic … we were talking about what I would do in the event of a “zombie apocalypse” … he just shook his head and said it wouldn’t matter, for me. If I was more active (as I would have to be) and didn’t eat like I do now (it would all run out and no processed food left) then I would lose weight, be more active and I wouldn’t need my medication. Good point. That being said, some of my medication is generic and fairly cheap so I have stocked up on it, buying it without insurance (it’s less than the copays anyhow) and getting 6 months at a time.

      I can’t imagine how my emergency preparedness would be without this site and Linda! I’ve loved how I’ve found things that help that I wouldn’t have normally. Linda’s insight is practical and not showy or bragging – just good, practical ways of preparing ourselves. Because of her and people such as yourself, I’ve beefed up my medical library. Having been trained in EMT work, working for doctors, etc., I can understand alot of the concepts of these books. They are necessary and worth having!

      Ok, off my soap box. :o)

      1. Hi Robbie, I love your soapbox!! LOL! It’s all good, great insight on the insulin. You EMT training will come in handy when you need it. That’s awesome! I pay cash for prescriptions and they are so much cheaper than my co-pay. It’s an outright crime what these drugs cost. But, it is what it is. Here’s to being prepared. Thank you for your kind words, it means the world to me. God bless you my friend, Linda

      1. Armageddon Medicine is only available through the author, Dr. Cynthia Koelker, at her website armageddonmedicine dot net. She’s a super nice person and responds to requests for information, signs the book, asks if you have questions, etc. She has a few CDs also available, and I think you usually get to pick one for free with your purchase. And there are a lot of medical articles on her website on subjects that she hasn’t covered in her book. If you want more information, you can ask her, or you can take a look at a review I posted on my blog (PrepSchoolDaily dot blogspot doc come) and either go through the archives to November 14, 2018, or type “armageddon” in the search box.

        For Survival and Austere Medicine, 3rd Edition, click on the Books tab on my blog and scroll down to the free downloads to click on the link.

        1. Hi Jennifer if your blog has an https and not a http you can add your link to my website. If it has an “s” at the end of the http it won’t compromise my website. I really think people need your information. Thanks for the tips on Dr. Koelker. I’m writing tomorrow’s post but I really want to contact her to get her book. Thanks so much!! Linda P.S. I really want to share that insulin post you wrote on FB.

          1. Hi Linda,
            It takes me a long time to figure out anything technology-related. When I go to my blog, the only address that shows begins with “prepschool” (no letters or coding before it). And I just figured that was the way it was. But then I just now I tried adding an https:// to the front, and it magically worked. So I will do that from now on.

            I appreciate your kind words. I also think people really need this information, which is why I’m spending hours on this each day. At this point, I am not in this for profit, and I really don’t think I ever will be. I don’t think our society will hold together long enough. But I also thought that ten years ago, and here I am, still able to take a hot shower every day. I would be very happy to have you share my post on insulin (or anything else) on your Facebook page or whatever; I just would like the copyright notice and link to my blog, if possible.

            Have a great day!

          2. Hi Jennifer, I looked at your website, great articles. It says “not secure” on the left. I’m not techy, I have a girl that works for me that does all that stuff. I can’t have URL’s or links on my website or it compromises my website getting hacked. I have a strong security system but I still have to be careful with links or URL’s I put in my posts. Crazy hackers. Great website you have, Linda

  2. I found the first half of “Lights Out” to be dry reading. This part was more about the technical side of the effects of an EMP and why our power grid is woefully inadequate to handle an EMP. The second half went into things that we can do to prepare for such an event and showed what individuals around the country are doing. I checked out the book from the library and hopefully will get my own copy.

    1. Hi Karl, I’m glad you liked the book, “Lights Out”. I wish everyone would read it because it’s a fact our country is so unprepared. Ted Koppel actually had staff members interview me before the book was printed. I was sworn to secrecy about the book coming out. I really like his book. Great comment today, thank you! Linda

  3. Great post, Linda.
    I would love to be able to say that I am totally prepped when it comes to medicine! I have a couple of conventional medical (for the lay person) books but what I am so interested in and have taken the time to learn as much as I can without actually going to school is herbal/natural medicine. I make it a point when out walking/hiking, to be aware of the plant life, what it is, how to use it and at what stage to harvest/prepare it. I have a book on foraging in my area that has wonderful photos of plants in all the seasons. I also have an essential oil handbook and oils for health and wellness.

    I feel well prepared for staying in place during an event. I am also ready to go but would have to leave most of my preps! For example, if my building is collapsing, I am just grabbing my go preps. If I have time to load my car, that will up the game. I would then be able to take more. Depending on the given situation, I might even be able to evacuate with about 80% of my total preps.

  4. Under #14 garden seeds, I would also encourage people to store seeds for sprouting. Many of these little powerhouses are mega nutritional foods even compared with their fully developed counterparts! Vitamin C is a very fragile nutrient which is contained in large amounts in many sprouts. If an disaster prevents for whatever reason gardening, these can be grown indoors without soil. Sprouting trays and seeds belong in your food storage! A company that I like is Mumm’s from Canada.

  5. Thanks. I’m not at all technologically inclined, but I think I addressed the issue. Please let me know. I have no one else to ask.


  6. Does that mean it’s secure now and you can link to it? I spent a few hours seriously stressed out last night, trying to back up and copy everything in case I got hacked. Of course, I couldn’t get it all done. There’s just too much. But I got started on it.

    1. Hi Jennifer, let me explain what I know. You do not need to be stressed out. You are on Blogspot. No worries. I have a WordPress website that is hosted by a company with my own SSL Certificate. You don’t need to do anything. Linda

  7. Thanks for a great article. You brought up a very good reminder for me about guests and family that may be at your home visiting when an event happened. While I am sure that I would stay in place with my husband, only leaving if required to evacuate, but having additional people could change the decision and with an extra 4 people supplies would dwindle faster and refuse would stack up very quickly. I am rethinking some things like having an extra emergency toilet with supplies and surely much more water. This was a good nudge. We also need to stock extra medications for my husband. The stainless steel pan for heating water to wash dishes in was something that I hadn’t connected yet.

    1. Hi Carol, I think we all need a little nudge here and there. I just want everyone to be prepared for more people just in case. Hopefully, it will be short term, but we won’t know until it happens. Keep up the good work by prepping. Linda

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