Evacuation Plan

Prepping Tasks to Take Care of Every Year

Prepping for the future is a wise and proactive approach to making sure your family is taken care of. While it’s important to stay prepared for unforeseen circumstances, it’s equally essential to perform certain annual prepping tasks.

These tasks will not only help you maintain your emergency preparedness level but also provide an opportunity to reassess and update your plans as needed. I think it’s important to talk about prepping tasks to take care of every year. Carbon Monoxide Detector

Prepping Tasks to Take Care of Every Year

1. Review and Update Emergency Kits

Emergency kits are the backbone of any prepper’s preparedness agenda. They contain essential emergency supplies and equipment to sustain you during natural disasters and other emergencies. However, these kits require regular review and updating. Once a year, go through your emergency kits to ensure that all items are still in good condition and that food and water storage items haven’t expired.

Check your food and water supplies, prescription medications, batteries, and other perishable items. Replace any expired or damaged items and consider adding any new items that may be necessary based on changes in your circumstances. What Are 20 Basic Items in an Emergency Kit?

2. Reevaluate Your Emergency Communication Plan

During emergencies, effective communication can be a lifeline. Review and update your emergency communication plan every year to ensure it meets your current needs. Verify that all contact information for family members, friends, and emergency services is up to date.

Consider incorporating new communication technologies such as satellite phones, walkie-talkies, or two-way radios into your plan. Test your communication devices to ensure they are in working order and recharge or replace any batteries if needed. Communication Options for Your Family During a Disaster

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3. Conduct Home Safety Inspections

Your home serves as a sanctuary during emergencies, so it’s crucial to keep it safe and secure. Perform a thorough home safety inspection annually to identify any potential hazards. Check smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, and security systems to make sure they are functioning properly.

Your home is truly your shelter from intruders and the elements. Inspect doors, windows, and locks for any signs of wear or damage. Trim trees or bushes that may pose a risk during storms and ensure that your emergency exits are clutter-free. Safety Tips for Preppers: Ensuring Preparedness in Any Situation

You should also look for leaks around doors and windows and replace weather stripping or apply caulk. Look for signs of water damage in your basement and check the flashing around your chimney. While on the roof, inspect the shingles to make sure none have blown away or been cracked.

If close to the winter months, remove outside hoses, inspect insulation on outside wall pipes, and make sure rain gutters and downspouts aren’t clogged with debris like leaves. In some locations, outdoor faucets require winterizing, so you may need to hire a professional to make sure you’re protected from freezing temps.

4. Reassess Your Insurance Coverage

Insurance is a critical aspect of prepping as it provides financial protection in times of emergencies. Take the time each year to review your insurance policies and ensure they cover your needs. Assess your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, auto insurance, and health insurance policies.

Consider additional coverage options such as flood insurance or disaster insurance if you live in a high-risk area. Update your policy information to reflect any changes in your circumstances. Is Flood Insurance Worth It?

5. Refresh Your First Aid Skills

First aid skills can be lifesaving in emergencies. Set aside time each year to refresh your knowledge and practice essential first-aid techniques. Attend a refresher course or review online resources to stay updated on the latest practices.

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Check your first-aid kit for expired supplies and restock as necessary. Ensure that everyone in your household knows where the kit is located and how to use its contents. Types of Medicines You Need for a First Aid Kit

6. Evaluate Your Financial Preparedness

Financial preparedness is often overlooked but is equally important as physical preparedness. Review your financial situation annually to ensure you have sufficient funds for emergencies. Evaluate your savings, investments, and emergency funds. As you get older, retirement planning becomes even more critical and you should consider some professional guidance and input.

Consider consulting with a financial advisor to assess your overall financial health along your life’s preparedness journey and make any necessary adjustments to your plan. Set goals for saving and budgeting to improve your financial resilience. Things To Do To Not Get Scared as a Prepper

7. Enhance Your Skills and Knowledge

Prepping goes beyond physical preparations, it also involves acquiring new skills and knowledge. Each year, look for areas where you can enhance your prepping skills. This could include learning survival techniques, wilderness first aid, self-defense, gardening, or food preservation.

Attend workshops, join community classes, or explore online resources to expand your knowledge base. Learning new skills will not only boost your self-reliance but also provide a sense of empowerment, confidence, and peace of mind. This is one of my favorite prepping tasks to take care of every year. Home Economic Skills You Should Teach Your Kids

More Tips

Final Word

Taking care of prepping tasks every year is an essential part of maintaining your preparedness level. Regularly reviewing and updating emergency kits, communication plans, home safety inspections, insurance coverage, first aid skills, financial preparedness, and acquiring new skills will ensure you are prepared to handle emergencies. Remember, preparedness is an ongoing process, and staying proactive is key to being successfully prepared. May God Bless this World, Linda

Copyright Images: Smoke Alarm Battery Being Inserted AdobeStock_188791214 By Andrey Popov, Evacuation Plan AdobeStock_320288714 By Pixel-Shot

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  1. Weapons qualification at a minimum annually. If you carry then use that ammo and change it out for new stuff.

  2. I need to refocus on the paper. I confess to letting things slide this past year. An attempt to relieve pain thru a pain management clinic left me in a fog. I’m going to start by purging the file cabinet and then schedule an appointment with our attorney to update will, power of attorney and health care proxy. Our finances are in good shape because we live frugal. I tend to spring clean and purge thru the winter before garage sale season. Sometimes trying to live a minimalistic life style AND being a prepper conflict. I am a work in progress.

    1. HI Chris, these are great ideas, I love to purge and reassess what I need. We are all a work in progress, my friend! LOL! I love that statement! Getting our affairs in order has to be top prioirty at any age these days. Good job, Linda

  3. When I check my emergency kit, I change out the batteries on flashlights and comm equipment. I usually use the old ones up in an everyday use battery light at home or in my computer mouse…

  4. For me, the unexpected came in the form of my husband being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s about 3 years ago. One day I realized that if I needed him to help make a decision in regard to my health or our financial situation, he could not. So it was very important to update our trust to put my oldest son on as a Trustee and Power of Attorney. That also meant updating a lot of other things, especially related to bank signature documents, investments, insurance policies, deed to the house, and the list goes on. In 2023, I accomplished almost all of it but there still is more to do. It is like peeling an onion, one layer at a time. If, more like when, I can no longer handle his care at home, his memory care could cost roughly $6,000 to $8,000 a month! With two sons in different states, the need to get things in order is super important. We are doing well with him at home now, but if I should die before him, he would immediately need to have full time memory care. I know that this is something that most of us who prepare for the unexpected, don’t often consider, but it was critical that I took all of this into consideration after the Alzheimer’s diagnosis. He can no longer sign his name, use a computer or his smartphone to call anyone or 911. Another important document to have is passwords to accounts in case someone who should have access to or even close the accounts. I have had to educate myself and consult with bankers, and other professionals. So thankful for all those that have helped me in the last few years. This was my unexpected event. So unexpected health issues can be a huge thing to consider.

    1. Hi Carol, oh I’m so glad you shared your family experience with getting prepared in so many ways. Alzheimer’s is a tough disease for all involved. My husband and I would help couples in our last neighborhood by giving the caregiver a few hours outside the home. We would sit and talk to those in need even though they didn’t remember us, but we knew then when all was well. The items you are talking about are so critical to get done now, thankfully you have 2 sons who can help. May God bless you with the health and strength to keep going. We have several friends now with the disease in different stages, until you live it you don’t totally understand. Hugs from Utah, Linda

    2. Carol, I’m sorry that you are going through this. Sometimes it’s hard to know what is going to happen in our futures and we have to be prepared. It sounds like you are. Be careful in choosing who will take care of your hubby should you go first and who has control of any money you may have. My hubby’s brother had MIL live with him the last 15 years and was very open and honest about her finances. He sent out copies of all the quarterly bank accounts and everything. One of the three brothers was not happy with what he inherited because he thought it would be more. My youngest sister was secretive and lied about our parent’s finances but since she alone had POA, evidently everything she did was legal. I admit that when we are scrimping and saving to take a camping (which we love) vacation and she and her newest husband are taking a spring trip to Mexico for a couple weeks of sun and sand and then a summer traveling trip to Europe, I do get bitter that she is probably still spending our parents’ money. My other sister’s ex-hubby’s siblings no long speak to him when his 98 year old mother went into the hospital with what everyone thought was the ‘flu until the hospital did an x-ray to find out if it might be pneumonia and discovered advanced lung cancer. She refused all cancer treatment, but did get treatment for the pneumonia. Ex-BIL’s siblings were angry that he did not take the matter to court to get a conservatorship to force her to accept cancer treatment. She only lived 2 weeks after getting out of the hospital…. but she did it sitting on the patio enjoying the sunshine. It’s amazing what siblings can get angry at each other over. My husband and I have everything in writing and hope our daughters’ relationship will survive.

      1. HI Topaz, oh my gosh, you are so right about siblings and inheritance money. It can be nice and cordial or nasty and bitter. I’m glad your MIL could enjoy the end of her life sitting on the porch enjoying the sunshine. I have told my family I will not take any cancer treatments should the need arise. I have helped so many people die from the treatments I will be 74 this month, I have had a good life. No cancer treatments for me. Its a personal thing. I admire those who take the treatments. Linda

  5. Going through my canned veggies and fruits, looking for the “best by” dates. Since I likely can’t consume all of them before their time, I plan to spend winter dehydrating them to mylar bags … to give them another year or so. Waste not, want not. LOL

    1. Hi Leam, great idea, I love to dehydrate fruits and vegetables. None of us can afford to waste any food right now with the prices we are seeing at the stores! Great comment, Linda

  6. I go through every item in my food storage ( I am retired ) I open every box of ammo . I check and clean every firearm I refresh my gas storage I go through my field hospital ( first aid kit ) I think of new projects for the coming year ( I am thinking of a wood fired hot water heater )

    1. HI Steve, you can buy a wood burning water heater???? Man, that would be awesome if you have access to wood, I do not. But many people do. Great job on checking your ammo, cleaning your firearms, updating your first aid kit. You are rocking, keep up the good work, Linda

      1. Hey linda I am going to make mine from 2 old gas water heater tanks ( I am going to have 2 layers on the bottom so it will not burn through ) and it will be hooked up to my 12 volt water pump mostly so we can shower In have a well i have a lake I have solar power and I want to add 12 volt wind power to keep my batteries chared up

        1. Hi Steve, I’m not techy in building stuff like this. I could build a basement from start to finish with my husband but we have always paid to have the main electrical box installed. This sounds interesting keep me posted. Linda

  7. One of my sisters is a retired pharmacist and she got me in the habit of going through all our medicines especially over the counter items and getting rid of the expired items on New Year’s Day. She said that is when she does it because it’s a date she will remember. Back when I started, 40 years ago, it was quick and simple, a bottle of tylenol, a tube of antibacterial ointment and sunscreen. It takes longer now. Plus I also go through my emergency kit and my ‘flu kit to pull out expired things and replace them. This year in addition to replacing expired items, I had to order kids’ meds (tylenol, pepto, cough and cold meds) since my 2.5 year old granddaughter lives with us (along with her parents.)

    1. Hi Topaz, that’s a great idea. I change batteries on New Year’s Day, now I will rotate medicines the same day. Rotate, toss, or add to the supply. Great tip! Linda

  8. In terms of financial preparedness it’s wise to establish a Living Trust. It will save your heirs on tax and probate expenses. And right now, it’s a wise thing to withdraw as much cash as you can afford to from your bank accounts. If TSHTF, cash will be king for several days, weeks or even months. That’s a lesson people in every country where TSHTF have learned the hard way.

    1. HI Ray, this is another one of my concerns, are liquid assets in banks. If and when we have a power grid outage, depending on which section of the three power grids, we will be un able to get gas, cash from ATMs, and direct deposits could stop. As long as people think ahead of the game they can survive it. Will it be fun, nope. Stressful, if they aren’t prepared yep. May God bless this world, LInda

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