spicy nuts recipe
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Quick And Easy Healthy Spicy Nuts Recipe

Today it’s all about how to make a quick and easy healthy spicy nuts recipe!  This recipe was given to me by my friend, Niki. She is NOW Chef Niki, I love it! She teaches people how to eat whole foods and other healthy living ideas. I am still taking baby steps in that direction after years of not knowing what the different foods do to your body. Eating healthy has to be a way of life, and I think we all know that. Well, I am a muncher or grazer. I’m at my computer about 10-12 hours a day researching and writing. Now I am learning to choose healthier snacks and I think you might like this recipe today. This spicy nuts recipe hit the spot for snacks!

For one thing, this recipe is quick and easy to make. Easy is my kind of cooking. Niki stopped by last night and I had her taste these spicy nut treats. She has only made this recipe with pecans. So we started thinking about all the other nuts we could add to this same recipe. Here are a few more nuts to consider, macadamia, brazil, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, peanuts, and mixed nuts. Yummy spicy nuts!

Today I want to talk about why I chose these nuts that I used for this recipe. First of all, they are the ones I had in the freezer. They are also fairly inexpensive to buy at the store. I’m hooked on Cayenne Pepper so I’m sharing some tidbits about Cayenne Pepper today. My mouth is watering just typing this recipe!!! I have got to make a batch a week or at least every other week.

Cayenne Pepper Health Benefits:

1. Anti-cold and Flu agent:

Cayenne Pepper aids in breaking up the mucous, and once the mucous leaves our body we feel some relief.

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2. Migraine Headache Prevention:

It seems that the Cayenne Pepper moves the pain to another area in our body and thus lessening the pain from our headache. So why not try making these spicy nuts for your afternoon snacks.

3. Anti-Allergen

Cayenne is an agent that relieves some allergies

4. Produces Saliva

Cayenne stimulates saliva that helps with oral health and food digestion

5. Anti-Inflammatory

Cayenne is extremely high in a substance called capsaicin which helps with joint pain

6. Anti-Bacterial

Cayenne is an excellent food preservative and helps ward off food contamination from bacteria

7. Promotes A Healthy Heart

It helps with high blood pressure and lowers the LDL cholesterol and our triglycerides

8. Helps with Toothaches

Cayenne helps with tooth decay and gum disease. This is one thing I was happy to read about should we have a long term disaster or unforeseen emergency. I’ll be storing more Cayenne Pepper!!

I hope you enjoy making this spicy nuts recipe! Please let me know which nuts you would choose to make this recipe….I love hearing from you.  Remember to store your nuts in the freezer to extend their shelf life. Blessings to your health.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Spicy Nuts Recipe

Spicy Nuts Recipe
Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
20 mins
Total Time
30 mins
Course: Snack
Cuisine: American
  • 2 cups pecans shelled
  • 2 cups sliced almonds
  • 2 cups walnuts shelled
  • 1/2 cup Agave
  • 1-1/4 teaspoons Cayenne Pepper
  • dash of Real Salt
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Combine the nuts in a medium sized bowl. Combine the Agave, Cayenne Pepper and Real Salt in a small bowl. Stir the liquid until blended and pour over the nuts. Stir the nuts with the liquid until covered. Place the mixture on a foil covered greased cookie sheet. Place in the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes. Stir the nuts halfway through the cooking period. Let cool and enjoy! These are great for salads or snacks.

Let me know when you make this recipe and tell me your favorite nuts you use, I will add your comment to this post, thank you! Please remember to keep your opened container of nuts in the refrigerator or the freezer to keep them fresh longer.

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