register cell phones

How To Register Cell Phones For Survival

This is a friendly reminder to show you how to register cell phones for survival. Reverse 911 Emergency Notification is available in most cities and counties. Please check on your local community Reverse 911 notification system to see if it is available, and if so, how to get registered. You just need to sign up and they will send you a text or call to notify you of an emergency or disaster in your area. Here’s the deal, most cities and counties have a Reverse 911 with your landlines. We signed up with a local Internet company to save $60.00 a month on our landlines and it does NOT have that available as of today. If the Internet is down we actually have no phone connection. You may have heard about Arizona in 2015 when CenturyLink,  Arizona-Internet-Phone Lines-CenturyLink-Vandalism by CBS had some real communication and Internet access challenges when vandals cut their fiber optic/cable lines and completely cut them off from the world. Wow, our country is so vulnerable, just throwing it out there. They had zero backup plans, really? Yikes!

More and more people are dropping their landlines because of the cost and we pay a chunk of money for that cell phone and landline service. This is an old post I did back in June 2012, but the information is critical to remind us if we have moved to a different location we must re-submit our cell phone number to our new provider and/or government agency if they have a reverse 911 notification system in place. Please remember, the system does not know we moved from say California to New York. Just giving you a heads-up. If you used to live in California you will continue to get calls or text messages from California even though you moved to New York.

Register Cell Phones:

I do not travel a lot, but I must admit to you, I enter my cell phone number in the location I’m visiting. Yep, call me Nervous Nellie. But I want to know what’s going on around me. LOL! I’m actually a very laid-back person, so please don’t take that as if I have anxiety when I travel. Nope, not at all. It’s actually the same alert system linked to the Amber Alert (missing or abducted children). So, please sign up ASAP. You will be glad you did. I promise.

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I have been seeing all these fires in Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico. Today, a friend called me about her daughter in South Carolina where Hurricane Matthew (2016) is expected to hit this weekend. Governor Haley has declared a State of Emergency to prepare 1.1 million people to be prepared to leave the different cities and county areas. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the people involved.  Hurricane Matthew via WLTX (.com)  I feel a real need to remind everyone to register their cell phones with your local Reverse 911 Emergency Notification system. Let me explain why I’m telling you this. If you have a “landline” you will probably already be on a reverse 911 notification system in your area

If you only have cell phones these are not automatically on a Reverse 911 Emergency Notification System. If you are at work, at the park, the gym, or driving somewhere and you have your cell phone AND we have a disaster or emergency your CELL phone will alert you if you have registered your cell phone. You must register your cell phone with your local Reverse 911 Notification System if you want to be notified. You can “Google” Reverse 911 Emergency Notification in your city or county and you should be able to find it. Please do it today!

Tips On Using 911 For Emergencies:

Reasons to call 911:

1. Medical emergency (be sure and have your name, address, and phone number ready-stress can bring on” emergency memory loss” I call it)

2. Teach family members how, why, and when to use this number (practice on play phones only)

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3. If you see a robbery in progress, even if it is just glass broken on a commercial building’s front door

4. If you see a fight break out in a crowd and excess anger is involved (beating someone)

5. If you see smoke or fire (a fire can escalate very quickly), even grass fires on the highway

6. If you witness an accident call 911 if you can see someone is hurt badly or traffic is disrupted

7. Call 911 if your normally locked front door is ajar and you know it should not be open (I am not talking about when kids didn’t shut the door)

8. Do not call 911 as a joke. I was at a local church Christmas party once and a child called 911 unbeknownst to anyone. I was standing by the front door with people jammed in the entryway with Santa Claus. The next thing I know the paramedics are racing into the building asking where the emergency was located. I go screaming through the crowd asking where the emergency might be. No one knew anything about it but this one kid about eight or nine years old. Urghh! People started laughing. I was not laughing. Neither were the paramedics. They may have been needed somewhere else where a real emergency was taking place. Sometimes kids should not have a cell phone, just saying.

9. If it’s a natural disaster in your area, please do not make multiple calls. If you called once they know about the emergency because I am betting every neighbor on your street has called as well. Please keep the lines open. Check on your neighbors as soon as possible.

Please register cell phones with your local Reverse 911 Notification System as soon as possible. It may save your life. I promise. Blessings, Linda

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