Sam's Club: What I Recommend Buying

Sam’s Club: What I Recommend Buying

Today I want to share my thoughts on Sam’s Club and what I recommend buying. We used to shop at Sam’s Club all the time before we moved to Southern Utah years ago. I felt we needed to get “reacquainted,” so Mark and I headed to Sam’s Club near our home and went down every single aisle, looking at shelves and I took a lot of pictures.

An observation I made was that you may be able to get some of the items I’ve highlighted today cheaper at case lot sales if you have access to them, but for the most part, I felt the pricing was good.

In Utah and Nevada, we are blessed with case lot sales several times a year. My point is this, food prices are escalating, we all know that. We must stock up on food and it must be the food we will eat, not just the stuff that is on sale. I took a lot of pictures today so you won’t just read about what I recommend, you’ll see what I recommend buying.

Mark and I just moved back up to Northern Utah and they have Sam’s Club locations all over the place, making your shopping efforts all the more convenient.

Southern Utah had a Costco which we loved and we still have our membership with them. Here’s the deal, some things I can get at Costco, but some things I can only get through Sam’s Club via our daughter when she shops there.

We Signed Up Today

So, today I signed up and the store had a great deal, if you sign up before a certain date they will email you a $45.00 e-Card. Well, the membership fee for one person is $45.00 plus taxes and you can assign one extra person. So Mark and I will both have a card.

After reading the small print, I’ll be switching to the “Plus” membership because I’ll get a rebate check once a year based on the items we have purchased. The other thing is that you get “some” items shipped free with the cheaper membership, but for other items, you may have to pay a fee.

With the “Plus” membership more items are shipped for free. Please research which if any membership works best for you.

A few years ago, I learned from one of my loyal followers who I consider a great friend, Harry, who told me they ship for free over a certain amount with your paid membership. I knew we were planning on moving so I waited to join until we moved.

Sam’s Club Membership

Years ago we had a Sam’s Club membership, but boy things have changed and improved. This is why I decided to write about the advantages of getting a membership.

Mark and I pretty much have the Costco layout memorized and know the products they sell. Of course, every grocery store or big box store likes to confuse me when they move all the shelving and the tortillas are on the left side of the store and then they move them to the right side.

You have to laugh picturing this gray-haired lady wandering the store, right? Mark loves to ask the staff where stuff is, I like to wander and find the items I want myself. I guess that’s the “independent me” coming through.

One of the reasons I joined today is because I’m very concerned with our food chain, and I’m sure you are too! You know Matt always states “buy them cheap and stack them deep.” In other words, buy what you can at the cheapest price and stock up big time, again, as long as the items you’re buying will actually be used by your family!

Read More of My Articles  Chocolate: Everything You Want to Know

In case you missed this post, 13 Things You Should Buy At Costco

Sam's Club: What I Recommend Buying

Sam’s Club: What I Recommend Buying

I recommend reading the small print or asking their staff necessary questions before you decide to join Sam’s Club or another big box store. It may or may not make sense for you, but for me, it’s about buying in bulk.

What I Recommend to Stock From Sam’s Club

You may be able to get these items cheaper somewhere else, that’s awesome. But, this is what I recommend buying now. I feel strongly that our food chain is in deep trouble. I sure hope I’m wrong. Either way, we must have food and other items stored for our families just in case we need to put them to use in an emergency.

Today, I’m addressing items I feel may become in short supply. Stay tuned, this is just the beginning of what I recommend stocking up. We can do this my, friends, one package at a time.

Laundry Soap

There are certain things every family uses on a consistent basis, no matter what. Laundry soap is one of those things. We need to not only keep our bedding, clothing, towels, underwear, and other items fresh and clean for sanitary reasons, but also to help protect them and have them last longer.

Getting dirt and grime out of clothes is the key. Usually, the larger the container the lower the cost per ounce. Yes, you’ll pay a higher price overall, but the per load costs will be reduced.

You may wonder if I still make my own laundry detergent, yes, I do. But, sometimes I stock up a few boxes here and there of store-bought brands.

Laundry Soap

Dish Soap

Unless you’ve decided to go with disposable paper products at some point, we all have dishes that need to be washed. Growing up, many of us didn’t have the convenience of a dishwasher in the kitchen. I still remember having to wash and dry dishes by hand, and that’s ok.

I’m showing liquid dishwashing soap in the picture below because we will have to wash dishes daily, whether or not we have a dishwasher.

Dish Soap

Paper Towels

Paper towels were in short supply just a few months ago, now they seem to be pretty easy to find. To try and save money on paper products, Mark and I have been using cloth diapers as a substitute for paper towels. It may seem crazy, but it’s worked for us.

There are times that we just want to use something to be thrown away, whether it’s to clean up greasy messes, something that will stain, or it’s a small cleanup task. We all need paper towels in the kitchen, garage, and maybe in the bathroom too.

Paper Towels

Paper Plates

Trust me, we need these, we can’t waste our precious water to wash dishes if the emergency prompts us to minimize our water usage. Just this week a large city in Utah had a contaminated water issue. Everyone had to boil their water, or skip the water and use paper plates.

It’s also handy to have extra paper plates around for neighborhood get-togethers, camping, or a BBQ on the patio. You’ll have to decide the size plates that work for you.

They also come in colors and pretty designs, but plain and cheap is my motto, as long as they hold up and don’t dump the food on the floor. The Chinet brand is too “floppy” for me, but this is all the store had in stock. I would look for some coated plates.

Paper Plates

Paper Cups

I like these cups because you can use them to serve a warm or cold drink. And they also have lids available. Just like the dialogue for paper plates above, having paper cups can prove very handy in a lot of situations. Again, they come in all sorts of sizes and colors, so you decide how much you want to spend. If you like plastic, that is also a choice available.

Hot and Cold Cups

Plastic Silverware

If you are going to move to paper or plastic for plates and cups for a variety of reasons, you should also consider having plastic silverware in the pantry too. If clean water isn’t available, or you just want the convenience of disposable utensils from time to time, plastic makes sense.

Read More of My Articles  Sam's Club-10 Items I Recommend Buying

Nothing says you can’t end up washing them if necessary, but knowing you have a supply to put to use in a pinch is a comforting feeling.

Plastic Silverware

Toilet Paper

Just so you know, in recent months I have gone to Costco twice and they were out of toilet paper, and paper towels were nowhere to be found. My body needs lots of liquids during the day, so you know what that means. I have always had a few cases of toilet paper on storage shelves in my garage. I just can’t deal with the thought of not having it around.

Years ago I wrote a post about having “family” cloth around just in case, but there are certain times I really don’t want to see this week’s toilet activity on a cloth going into the clothes washer.

Be safe and sanitary, have plenty of toilet paper at your disposal!

Toilet Paper


In case you missed my post on bleach, Bleach: Everything You Need to Know. Please only store what you can use within 9 -12 months. Clorox Bleach recommends replacing any bottle over 12 months of age.

Six months is the best time frame for storage. You decide if you want bleach that has a “scent” as part of the chemical makeup. If you plan to use any of your bleach to treat the water storage tanks you have, stay clear of scented varieties.



To try and save some money on leftover food items, I’ve been stocking up on reusable plastic and glass food storage containers. Yes, they have to be washed, but I’m having to do multiple loads of dishes in my washer each week anyway.

But, there are times you want the convenience of storing in the fridge or freezer various food items to be eaten later. I really like the Ziplock brand since they come in so many different sizes, and the “lock” feature seems to last and be pretty foolproof.


Aluminum Foil

With all the cooking I do, I’d be in trouble if I ran out of aluminum foil. It not only saves time with the cleanup chores that come with oily/greasy foods but can help protect your cookware too.

I usually will put a few sheets on the bottom of my oven when cooking a casserole, just in case, it boils over. I also will use it to wrap up foods for freezer storage, they just seem to last longer that way.

Aluminum Foil


All my readers are probably tired of my always harping about water storage. It is just such a critical part of any emergency storage plan. I have a bunch of posts in the archive dealing with water storage, how to make the most of your space, container capacity, treatment, etc.

I really don’t suggest families rely on small bottled water containers as shown below, but it is one of the many choices we need to make. Based on your particular situation, it may be the only option, but be sure to have enough to support your family’s needs for a few days at the least.


Final Word

I hope you enjoyed my post today about Sam’s Club. We need to work on stocking up, and hopefully, we will find those items we need or want. Please keep prepping, we must. Teach your kids and grandkids to cook from scratch, this skill is critical. May God Bless this world, Linda

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  1. Paper goods are part of the grid down plan. Water will become hard to come by without labor unless your properly setup which most aren’t.
    Once used it might not be “trash”. Lemme throw my thinking out there:
    Styrofoam can be melted into makeshift weapons when it rehardens. Look at inmate styrofoam weapons. Also look at homemade napalm where it’s mixed with fuel. (Not advocating this during rule of law days you will go to jail).
    Paper items and cardboard packing can be burned to keep the garbage down. If it’s a clean trash fire (chemical free) use that resource to boil water, melt lead/tin, slow temper metal etc.
    The clear plastic holding those bulk items can be used on plants during cold nights as mini greenhouses or to collect harvest and protect it from bugs. As time goes things will become less weatherproof so plastic goes a long ways. I used the plastic wrapper from a spoon on my rifle in the army to keep snow and mud outta the barrel.
    The cardboard can be used for weed control in gardens and pathways. Think no mowers or weed whackers. If it’s brown it can cover windshields if your hiding vehicles or breakup the bottom outline of a vehicle profile.
    You’ll need to look at those bulk supplies with different eyes if things go sideways.

    1. Hi Matt, you always inspire me with thoughts I hadn’t thought about. I thank you for that!!!!! I am going to be breaking down the moving boxes I used to move here once we get this house built. Great comment!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Linda

    2. Matt: You sound like you came straight out of one of those books by: Terrie Blackstock who authored the 4 book series Restoration or something like that. I LOVED those books and learned a lot from them. BUT the one thing that really stuck with me was to buy garbage cans that had WHEELS, so it would be easier to haul water, as water is really heavy. Thanks for all of your genius instructions! You are obviously very skilled at “recycling” everyday items into reusable “tools”. I also have read from some famous gardening experts to save cardboard (that you soak) to keep grass and weeds away from your baby fruit trees, then cover with fresh wood mulch or deep grass clippings to keep the soil moist and create a “compost” on top of the area where the roots will grow the most. Apparently, that is really good for fruit trees! Thanks, Matt, for your many REALLY HELPFUL IDEAS!!

      1. OH, forgot to say…my friends who I support in a 3rd world country have told me that when I sent them extra money for a gift, not just for school tuition for the kiddos, that they bought some sort of wheeled cart to haul jerry cans with. Like I said, water is heavy and they live something like several miles away from the water source. THAT was their first priority when faced with extra money to spend! GET WATER more easily!!

  2. If your paper plates are too floppy then try putting the paper plate on top of a real plate. You get the structure of the real plate and the easy cleanup when done (unless the food leaks through the paper plate…which is why I love the coated plates, less chance of leakage…)

    1. If you go to garage sales look for paper plate holders. They come in plastic and if your lucky you will find
      heavier ones too. I have 2 different sets. They come in handy if you go on picnic’s or eat outside the plates
      fit in them very snug so they won’t move around. If they still have them in stores they might be with the outdoor
      items or camping section.

  3. I like Matt’s ideas. We have used cardboard for years in our garden to save fuel on weed-eaters and tillers. Works great!

  4. Matt, excellent thoughts there. Some I had never even considered before.
    Looks like I will be making another Sams and consignment store run this weekend.

  5. Great ideas, Matt. I save my livestock feed bags too…. the “fabric ” ones can be sewn into shopping bags or carry bags or even gift bags. In a pinch, they could be cut apart, reseamed & used to make tarps & rain gear. They work as grow bags for potatoes!

    My paper feedsacks work for weed control, frost protection & even as protective layers between layers of stored sweet potatoes & other root crops. (No basements or root cellars in NW Florida as our water table is just 1-4′ below the ground .)

    Linda, our local Sam’s club in Pensacola is restricting tp, paper towels and Kleenex to just 1 case per customer. Regular Kleenex is hard to find. The baby care aisle is full, but not necessarily the top brands. Baby formula has just a small display of a few cases per item, where last year they took up 2-3 sections of the aisle. I’ve only found the 4# pack of butter available twice since January 1st…. & it jumped $4 more from the first time in January to the second time last week. Bulk pasta, canned peas, different canned meats & sauces get pretty well cleaned out in a day or two. Motor oil & auto fluids in limited quantities, with higher prices every couple of weeks. Bulk dried beans & bulk popcorn aren’t available.

    I was fortunate enough to find a couple of the 27 gal Tough Box storage totes yesterday at our Sam’s club. They had the 25# bag of Iams catfood in stock… I was really excited to get more dehydrated hashbrowns & potato flakes… and a big bag of Ricola cough drops.

    We shop Sam’s club & our local grocery store weekly; Walmart, Dollar Tree, a local feedstore, Petco & Tractor Supply 1-2times a month & the Commissary every 4-6 weeks. Overall, laundry & cleaning supplies, canned pet foods are the items consistently either missing or with very low inventory on the shelves. Canning supplies very hit & miss & about double the price from the last time I bought them. Pet & livestock feeds are increasing in price every week. My goal is to get ahead on another couple months worth of the pet & livestock supplies.

    We’ve also added 2 more ways to purify water to our arsenal & two more ways to provide at least some power long term.

    I’m helping my DIL put together some vacuum sealed dry goods & create a deeper pantry . I’m offering the same to our friends who are new to all this. So far I have 2 who are actually doing something. I’m helping with some gardening advice/guidance to any of them that are interested. I’m sharing as many good articles & videos on all aspects of being more prepared with these folks as I can.

    After 20 years of communicating on the importance of being prepared, one friend has finally started asking questions & thinks she might want to get a few things…. all I know is it’s better late than never! So I just answer as best I can & keep adding layers to our own plans & supplies, filling in any gaps as we become aware of them. As Matt has shared…”Stack it high & pile it deep!”

    1. Hi BDN, oh my gosh, thank you for giving us the updates on everything. I just ordered two boxes of Kleenex from Costco to be delivered. I was shocked they let me order two. But I’m grateful. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing what is going on around the country. I’m so glad you are able to help others be prepared. It takes time to convince some people, any breakthrough is awesome. Linda

    2. BDN, another thing you can use to control frost is to wash out your milk jugs and cut off the bottom and they
      can be stuck in the ground over your tomato plants or other plants. That way you can use your feed sacks in other ways.
      We all need to learn to reuse items.
      I am in midMissouri and our Sam’s also limits Tp, and Paper towels, I have not looked at the Kleenex’s. If I run
      out I do have a big stack of cloth hanky’s to use.

      1. Thanks June K! Forgot about milk jugs! Will get family with teenagers to save me a few!
        I have kept & recycled the veggie drawers from our old fridge into makeshift greenhouse covers for seed starting. I put down a colored paving stone to hold heat, put the seed starting trays on top of the stone & cover with the drawers. Have had good luck getting seeds to germinate like that.
        I bought some cloth dinner napkins at an estate sale to put aside as handkerchiefs. The handkerchiefs & bandanas available here are see through.

  6. Great job, Linda,
    And thanks for the shoutout! You make me blush. Right, like a 6’2″ Texan is gonna blush. LOL!!!

    To everyone out there. Please pray for our country and don’t believe anything you see in the MSM!

    1. Hi Harry, thanks, my friend! I just order some coffee to be delivered for free from Sam’s club! This is the best ever! It was nice to go see the store and see what they have to offer. I saw the batteries and thought of you!! I totally agree we must pray for our country, I never thought I would see what we are seeing in our lifetime. God help us! Linda

      1. Just another thought for you all…Our daughter is moving 5 1/2 hrs. south and is moving into an upstairs apartment with a long set of steps! She is a few miles away from any local stores, and will be without a car for a short time, using local train and bus transportation to her new job. Her (just left) boss did something really nice for her. He signed her up for a free trial of the Walmart app where they give you free delivery of everything, and then she can cancel the membership whenever she wants. Well, guess what? She cannot carry furniture down there on the train, so she set up with that app from Walmart to have THEM deliver to her apartment a small desk and two chairs and all of her start up groceries for FREE as soon as she arrives!!! Otherwise, she will be sleeping on an air mattress for the first 3-4 weeks, I guess. I thought her boss setting her up like that was SO GREAT!
        Things will be different once her husband can drive down and the movers get the rest of their home moved down there, too.

        1. Hi Joyce, see, there are some really good people in the world, what a blessing her boss did for her. I love stories like this!!! Upstair apartments are tough with all those steps. Linda

  7. Our local Sam’s Club has inventory on a hit or miss basis. Some of the substitutes are increasingly synthesized “food” so you really have to pay attention. Around here we have a lot of Rural King stores. That is the only place I find bulk popcorn, and usually fairly inexpensive. Canning supplies are nearly nonexistent other than 4-packs of small designer canning jars. If you have a vacuum sealer, make sure you buy several extra bulk packs of rolls to have on hand. For health reasons, avoid processed sugar and all artificial sweeteners and unpronounceable food additives, as they cause more harm than any good. Your family will become less addicted to those things, and even lose some weight and feel tons better. We went through that during covid. Covid fuels itself on processed sugar and artificial sweetener! We went without all that for over 45 days, and my spouse’s cholesterol went way down. He lost 15 pounds just from not eating all the sugars. Save your sugar for barter, or for limited and specific holiday or birthday baking. Jumping on the Matt Train… stock and stack, and lock and load. Prep up.

    1. Hi Terry, you know I have heard something about sugar and cholesterol, wow that is amazing news for your spouse to lose 15 pounds!! Your last two sentences are the best!!!!!! LOVE THEM! Linda

  8. I’m a huge fan of Costco but I also like Sam’s Club. We went to Sam’s yesterday and I bought almost $500 worth of food! oh and a goodie or two for the gkids. They have amazing toys at the holidays! I really like Sam’s for brand names, such as On The Border salsa, etc. They’re where I first discovered Klondike pancake mix, the best! (not the power cakes). They have more restaurant items like #10 cans of sausage gravy that I repackage into family size bags and freeze. Our Sam’s is much smaller than Costco but I go for specific things. I like being able to buy one gallon of milk instead of a two-pack – I can’t stand milk and my husband’s lactose intolerant but still need it for baking, etc. It’s just a different mind set but for the good. Both stores have their advantages and I’m really grateful we have both.

    So far, here in Reno, we’re not experiencing limits at Costco (that I’m aware of) but ouch, the prices of things are going up sooo much. On CBS national news last night they talked about the avocado issue so now, even before the shortage, prices will get jacked up “just because.” Grrrr!

    I bought new elevated beds from Costco last week and will start planting next month. I can’t grow too much but they’re self watering so hopefully I can keep things alive this time. I hate, hate, hate those awful squash bugs so I’m going to have to skip planting pumpkins. Nothing I do seems to deter those nasty little critters. Wish me luck!

    We’re winding down work for my husband, getting ready to officially retire soon. We need to reassess our basement, storage, etc. and see where we’re lacking. This world is getting so scary and I’m terrified of war with Russia. Hey, let’s admit it, I’m terrified of everything with Biden in office! There’s never a better time than now to start preparing. I just hope we’ve done enough so far and can continue. Linda, you help the community immensely with this site/blog. I, for one, am forever grateful for it!

    1. Hi Robbie, thank you for your kind words, my sweet friend! I saw that about the avocado issue! I LOVE them so much! I saw some restaurant owners complaining about the escalated prices on them NOW let alone when there is a major shortage. I think I remember them saying we get 90% of our avocados from Mexico. So much for guacamole!! I saw those self-watering Costco garden beds! They look great! I’m waiting to see what will fit where in my new neighborhood. Linda

    2. Robbie: I recently discovered planting zinnias and those giant African Marigolds between squash hills works wonders to keep squash-killing vine borers and “bugs” off of my squash and melon plants! Maybe give it a try? Make the garden look BEAUTIFUL, too!

      1. Yes, I have heard that about marigolds but not zinnias, which I love. The beds are so small that I’m not sure there would be room but it shouldn’t matter…the smell should be there just the same. I did great this season with the bell peppers and the zucinni but my tomatoes struggled all year long. I’m going to approach things differently next year and see how it turns out. I’m afraid I’m about ready to just give up on growing stuff…or trying to grow!

    1. Hi Cheryl, I wonder now if we even need one to be close by us (within reason). I would check with the nearest Sam’s (via the phone) to see what can be shipped for free with the $100.00 annual fee. That beats wasting time driving and spending gas money. Costco charged me $6.00 to deliver my Kleenex, I could drive there but I may spend more than that $6.00! LOL! I couldn’t order the brand I wanted from Sam’s, but I have ordered many other things to be delivered for free from Sam’s. Just my 2 cents. Linda

    2. Cheryl,
      With a Plus membership, Sam’s Club will ship for free virtually any non-perishable items. The exception seems to be extremely heavy items. We buy many items online through the Sam’s app or their online website and within a few days Fedex drops them on our doorstep. We have the huge packages of toilet paper and paper towels shipped as well as many canned goods, cleaning supplies, etc. Yes, occasionally they are out of stock on some items, so that is a reason to keep a supply on hand. They usually get out-of-stock items back in stock within a week or so. Another advantage of their Plus membership is you are offered special buy items at very low prices. And, you get an annual rebate on your purchases if you have a Plus membership. Mine has always been more than my annual member fee.

  9. Hi, Linda. I live where Costco is the only big box store option. I agree with your items and purchase most of these at Costco. I also buy bulk packages of organic canned goods such as refried beans, tomato paste, and soups. Price per can is much less than my local grocery stores. Best by dates are excellent as well. And so easy to (temporarily) organize when the cans are already enclosed in boxes! Thank you for keeping your readers informed. You are an invaluable asset to this community of likeminded prepping patriots. God bless you.

    1. Deborah,
      Please see my reply to Cheryl above. It might be an option for you as well. Even though we have two Sam’s Club warehouses within easy driving distance, with our Plus membership, we seldom visit the warehouse.

    2. Another thought for having foods delivered to your home., where we buy a lot of supplements, often has a 20% off food and beverage sale and free shipping on orders $49 and up. We always wait for their 20% off food sale and then load up on great things like chicken broth, gluten/free, organic soups, nuts, fruits, whatever they sell, which is a LOT! I just bought an extra $205 of their food at 20% off and it was delivered for free in several boxes! I’m not so sure the UPS and Fedex love me anymore, with all of those super-heavy boxes, but my family sure does!! Doesn’t really matter how far away you live with Vitacost, …you don’t have to drive and no membership to buy, either!!

  10. I always love your posts. I was glad to see I’m buying what your buying. Another favorite I buy at Sam’s are the pack of foil pans with the heavy foil lids that you can buy separately. I keep these stocked for when I take a meal to a neighbor. No clean up for them and no dishes to return. Also great for freezer meals

  11. Linda,

    I’m with Matt all the way. Cardboard is both good mulch and good for worms. Shredded up newspaper also makes good worm habitat if you want to grow your own. I saved a bunch of the cardboard from my new cabinets for both reasons.

  12. Hi Linda,

    Since we are renting, I can only garden in containers. I primarily use the black HD cloth bags in various sizes. I put a cut down cardboard box on the grass or gravel (whatever is there) before placing my garden container. This allows me to keep the grass trimmed without destroying the container with the weed wacker. At the end of the season, I pull up the cardboard and dispose of it. The grass soon regrows where he container stood.

    I have come to love container gardening as it raises the contents to a level where I don’t have to kneel to tend and harvest the crops. At 84, I really appreciate not having to get on my knees. Afraid I won’t be able to get up again!

    Take care and stay well.


    1. Hi Suzanne, I love gardening with containers that are taller. LOL! I totally understand the getting back up!! I’m looking at some different containers that are at least 2-3 feet tall. Our house hasn’t even started to be built yet, so I may have to go to my friends to garden. Stay well, good to hear from you, my sweet friend! Linda

  13. I have not had a Sams membership in over 10 years as I am an avid couponer. My entire working pantry, overflow pantry, bathroom linen closet, and prepper pantry was purchased at an estimated 75% off which does not include rebates. Since I started on my extreme couponing journey back in 2010 I not only live debt-free (except for home mortgage), but I stretch my savings by finding another use for things before trashing them (something I learned from Granny – who grew up during the great depression.) This allows me to be even more self-sufficient.

    I even make my own charcoal by running all fallen branches through a woodchipper before turning them into biochar. After my charcoal is cooled I store them in the thick plastic feed bags. I do this once a year in the fall and the amount of biochar produced is enough for not only my household but six other households in my family for an entire year.

    Empty laundry detergent bottles either get re-used as “watering cans” for the garden or for a makeshift “hand washing” station or dishwashing sink.

    I am in the process of finding 30 acres of remote mountain land for not only hunting but an “off-grid” cabin as well. I already have a builder who can salvage all components from a damaged RV from Copart and implement it into the cabin to not only save a ton of money but to be 100% off-grid. Living frugally for the past 12 years has allowed me to save enough money to pay for this debt-free. Don’t be afraid to think or live outside the box as it could be what allows you to be able to live and thrive without help from others.

    P.S. Matt, you are right about styrofoam being made into weapons. As a former bondsman, I also learned how to do the same from plastic silverware, a plastic wrapped toothbrush, and plastic shampoo bottles…among other things.

    1. Hi Ravenna, great comment!! Oh, that 30 acres would be awesome!! I love hearing how you make your own charcoal!!! Oh my gosh! I love coupons and the savings help me purchase other items! Living off-grid sounds fabulous! Good job for following your dreams! I love this! Linda

  14. I want to say a big Thank You to you Linda, this form of talking to each other is great. You are with friends
    on this form and we can share ideas and info on how to reuse items and how to save money. We also can share
    recipes which is also a great idea. If people are like me I have a huge supply of cookbooks and family recipes I can
    share and willing to share. So a HUGE Thank You LINDA

  15. We save all our onion bags (the bags that are plastic with all the holes, then use them in gardening as a cover for the squashes and melons so the deer can not munch on them, as well as other animals. Also, old pantyhose if you can find those, I have not seen any at the stores I shop. We have granddaughters living with us who like to play with those large watermelon boxes when they available. Then when they are finished with one we use in the garden for weed control.

    1. Hi Kahne, I love the idea of saving the onion bags. Great tip! Kids love playing with cardboard boxes, they use their imagination and it’s fun to watch them playing. Linda

  16. I have a $50 back offer on Sam’s club and I am going to have my daughter sign up for that because she does a lot of our shopping so I and her father don’t have to go ourselves and she can get a card for me or her father and we can shop online and have it shipped to us. We also have a great offer on Costco so we are going to see about getting a card with them also.

    Loved your recommendations on what to buy.

  17. We shop at BJs, because they offer a veterans discount membership, discounted gas and accept coupons. We have gone to Sam’s Club, and see no difference in price. I was just reading an article in Readers Digest on washing with less water, less fabric softener and shorter cycle. Everyone’s thoughts??

  18. Well I don’t see the stars so I can’t give you 5 except in my mind…lol
    My 2 cents on paper plates the uncoated ones can be torn and added to the compost pile it acts as a brown, something most composts lack. And the onion bags make a GREAT handwashing station outside. Hang a bar of soap in the onion bag near the hose, you don’t need to take the soap out of the bag and it drys out between uses.

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