Sam's Club-10 Items I Recommend

Sam’s Club-10 Items I Recommend Buying

Here I am again, with my thoughts on Sam’s Club-10 items I recommend buying. There are so many that I feel should be considered for your preparedness stash. I’ll break these 10 down with some dialogue because I feel strongly we must stock items we need or want now. I’m very concerned when I go to several grocery stores and so many shelves are empty, or nearly empty.

Remember when the grocery stores would be packed with items on the shelves from back to front, nope not anymore. Now, some of the stores pull the 2 cans or 2 boxes of food forward on the shelves so it appears the shelves are filled.

Or, there is one box of pasta on a twelve-foot shelf, nothing else. The first time I saw the shelves several months ago, I was shocked. I thought, oh, they are probably going to stock the shelves later today. I asked the staff, what was up? They are tight-lipped, as they should be.

It’s pretty clear to me that something is wrong. We all know it, we just need to stock up to make sure we can feed our families, right? Just a friendly reminder, please stock water, it’s critical, but you know that.

Can openers: Regular and Larger Ones

Sam’s Club-10 Items I Recommend Buying

Sam's Club-10 Items I Recommend Buying

In case you missed this post, Sam’s Club: What I Recommend Buying

Sam’s Club-10 Items I Recommend Buying

Pet Food

If we have pets, we need to stock food for the animals living in our homes just like we do for all our regular family members. Some of my readers have animals living outside that also need to be considered when stocking up on food. They may have chickens, goats, rabbits, etc. But at Sam’s Club, they only had dog and cat food, as I remember. Treats for the pets would be nice, but we need to be able to feed them their regular dietary food.

My two Shih Tzus will eat homemade food, but I still buy their regular grain-free dog food. I took so many pictures at the store because I’m a visual person. Here’s the deal, I hope when you see something at the store, you will think, “oh yeah,” I need to get that. Hopefully, you have a store close by that has some foodstuffs for your other animals. Have more than one source in case your favorite store has closed for some reason, or has just run out of your usual purchases.

Sam's Club-10 Items I Recommend Buying


When I see batteries, I will always think of my friend Harry, from Texas! He sent me some batteries during the pandemic when I couldn’t get any! Please stock up on the batteries you may need, in case they are in short supply again.

Read More of My Articles  Rice: Everything You Need to Know

Line up your flashlights, and make sure they all work. If you have solar ones, please put them in the window to catch the sunshine. If you can afford it, please make sure everyone in the family has their own flashlights or headlamps. Kids love headlamps!

You also need to consider the batteries you’ll need in your smoke alarms or other safety units. We try to replace ours on New Year’s Day each year, it’s just a tradition for us. If you’re new to your home or have put new units in, be sure to check the size and type of batteries that are needed.


Peanut Butter

I remember when raising my girls we purchased peanut butter in #10 cans. I have to laugh because we now buy 16-ounce size jars of peanut butter. They are little and they are just the right size for two people or college students.

Fresh is always best when it comes to peanut butter. Sometimes Mark and I have a peanut butter sandwich for lunch or dinner to save time or because we’re just too tired to prepare a full meal. Peanut butter is a great item to stock, any size that fits your family. Be sure to buy the kind of peanut butter your family likes. Some of us crave creamy peanut butter, others like those crunchy peanut chunks.

Jelly and Jams

Jam or jelly on those peanut butter sandwiches is the best! Grape jelly is not my favorite, but we will eat it on freshly made warm bread from the oven. Be sure and stock those jams and jellies that you love the most. We love blackberry, red raspberry, and strawberry. Frozen red raspberry jam is special, especially when you made your own or had it given to you by a friend or neighbor. I’m frustrated because we’re out of that flavor right now. We’re waiting for summer when the raspberries go on sale.

Jams and Jellies


Coffee is expected to go up in price. Of course, what isn’t expected to go up in price, right now? I’ve read that it’s going to be hard to get, so get the instant or the beans, but the instant has a longer shelf life. Buy your supply in the package size you can store and know it will be as fresh as possible when opened.

Sam's Club-10 Items I Recommend


The good thing about honey is that it lasts forever. It tastes great on pancakes, toast, sandwiches, and is great in green tea if you have a cold. Consider using some of your honey in place of sugar in your recipes. That way you’ll know the honey is getting rotated from time to time. Note that honey also comes in a variety of flavors based on the type of flowers the bees visited. Please stock honey, if you use it.

Sam's Club-10 Items I Recommend


I enjoy a hot bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, especially on those cold winter mornings. It is also one of my favorite base items when it comes to making delicious cookies and other pastries. Mark’s mom used to make the most flavorful oatmeal and raisin cookies and would have them ready for the kids when they got home from school. She was a special “do it from scratch” cook.


Pancake Mix

For years, whenever our grandkids came to visit they would call ahead to make sure grandma had plans to make their favorite Mickey Mouse Pancakes. We actually had a waffle maker that made the “pancakes” with Mickey’s smiley face and big ears. We used it so often I had to replace it a couple of years ago. Even now, our grown grandkids will ask for this favorite whenever they come around, and I love the smell and smiles in my kitchen every time!

Pancake Mix


Having cans of veggies on the shelf makes you feel so much more confident that you’re ready for the next emergency. Corn can use heated and eaten on its own but can be added to so many recipes. It is a key ingredient in many of my casseroles, and we add it to the goodies we like in our Mexican dishes, including tacos. I would have to say that green beans are also part of our pantry inventory for the same reasons (see below).

Sam's Club-10 Items I Recommend Buying

Vegetables-Green Beans

Just like the corn written about above, canned green beans are a great staple. When we had a large garden in our home’s backyard in Logan, Utah, we planted a bunch of green bean plants. We’d have the kids plant them, water them, and harvest them when they matured. The girls learned how to can them too. They tasted great and are good for you too.

Sam's Club-10 Items I Recommend Buying

Final Word

Most of these items are plentiful at your local store unless they are subject to shortages due to supply chain issues. If you buy them by the case at Sam’s Club or another box store, you can certainly save some money. Your area might not have them, but here in Utah, we have “case lot sales” a few times a year, usually in the fall. We always stock up when these sales are advertised. the good thing is, they often include food items that aren’t canned, like cake and brownie mixes.

Read More of My Articles  Enjoying a Cup of Coffee as a Prepper

Keep a list of those items you know you’ll need and will miss if not stocked. Plan ahead, be prepared and succeed. May God bless this world. Linda

Copyright Images: Sam’s Club Depositphotos_375587814_S

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  1. Great list Linda! We shop at Sam’s when we pick up our medicines there. I stocked up on pasta earlier on and they still carry it. I like Barilla brand best and that’s what they carry along with their Member’s Mark brand which is pretty good. When I was at Walmart last week, they still don’t have much pasta. A couple of odd boxes of spaghetti and that was it however there was plenty of pasta sauce. I didn’t need any of it as I can my own pasta sauce. As long as our tomatoes produce for us every summer, we will be in good shape. I’m more concerned about the weather these days and how it will affect everyone’s gardens!

    1. Hi Paula, I like the Barilla brand as well! We couldn’t find any pasta at Sam’s or Walmart. And two other local grocery stores were slim pickings. I’m concerned about the weather too! I sure hope I can produce tomatoes this year, the backyard will be torn up for some time while we build our small home. I’m going to invest in garden bags, if that’s my only choice, I will do it. Praying for good weather for all. Linda

  2. While I don’t have a Sam’s Club near me, I do shop at a similar warehouse club: BJ’s Wholesale Club.

    I buy all my OTC medicines from them in their generic versions which saves me a LOT over the name brands. But a few items on your list I don’t get at the club because my wife and I would never finish a single package before it spoils: pancake mix, jelly and jams.

    And I love getting the packs of canned cat food since it’s so much cheaper than the market. We get the dried cat food from Amazon since our kitties are a bit finicky, but subscribe and save helps there too.

    A few items that you didn’t mention that I get all the time are, saltine packs (multi-pack is equal to 3 market packs, or 12 sleeves), bulk rice (in 10 and 25 point bags), and cases of ramen. Ramen had actually vanished from the shelves for a while, so when they came back I grabbed 3 more cases to top off my supplies since it’s such a bargain – $9.99 for 48 packages of ramen, or just under 21 cents each….

    And while I don’t buy frozen items all the time, when I get frozen meatballs or shrimp I buy it at the club. Meatballs come in 3 pound bags and shrimp are 1.5 pounds each. Shrimp is cheaper than the market, and while hamburger is usually cheaper at the market, it’s nice to have pre-made meatballs ready for a quick meal.

    BJ’s is actually one of my weekly stops for grocery shopping and their gasoline prices are the best in the state even before the club discount. As the saying goes, membership pays for itself. 🙂

    Thanks for keeping these articles going. It’s so important that people are ready for whatever comes their way given how uncertain the future is looking. Sigh. Really appreciate all the work you put into this!

    1. Hi DMWalsh, I get the large containers, I buy 16-ounce jars of peanut butter and the smallest jars I can get at regular stores. Sam’s Club and Costco have bulk items, it all depends on the size of family we feed, right? I do buy the pancake mix and keep it in my freezer for when my grandkids would come to visit. I love those meatballs, I will have to look for the frozen shrimp, I love it! Thank you for your kind words, Linda

      1. Sure, if you have a larger family then the club packs of peanut butter, etc would be useful. Just wanted folks to think about how long it takes to use them up versus how long an open jar would last without refrigeration….

        Almost forgot about frozen broccoli. I get bags of that from the club because it’s so easy to prepare for a meal. Just put the servings in a microwave safe bowl and zap it. Not useful post event if the grid goes down, but otherwise it’s a nice way to add veggies to a meal, especially during the winter or if the markets close for whatever reason.

        1. Hi DMWalsh, oh I totally agree with you on the frozen broccoli! It is washed, cut, and ready to zap in the microwave, or bake in the oven with a little olive oil. No waste, at all. We still need to buy items we enjoy because we will have power more often than not. Of course, if we have a power grid outage, that’s another story. But we must live for today. Great comment, Linda

  3. I agree with all of those except pancake mix. I make pancakes often, I have never used a mix. What is the purpose of pancake mix? I am not being sarcastic, I asked my husband, but then of course he has never made pancakes, so he couldn’t help.

    1. Hi Janet, you are so right about the pancake mix. Here’s the deal, for 40 years or more I made pancakes from scratch, then I learned it was cheaper to buy the mix. Possibly the same price, but they make the fluffiest Mickey Mouse waffles. We do need to know how to make them from scratch, but it’s a great product for the freezer. I store 2 large packages from Costco, Krusteaz brand. Life is good when I need a few quick meals for the grandkids, Linda

      1. Thanks for the answer. I have been scratching my head on that one. I buy flour 50 lbs at a time, so I doubt it would be cheaper for me. I use the Allrecipes Good Old Fashioned pancakes. They are super fluffy and take about 5 min to whip up the batter.

  4. Linda,
    A word of caution on the meatballs. If you have someone who is gluten intolerant, like Pat, be careful. I know the Sam’s ones have gluten in them. So, we can’t use them. As for shrimp at Sam’s, if you can find them, they have frozen Argentine Red Shrimp that are really good. Pat sauté’s them with a little garlic and herb seasoning and sprinkles them with parsley flakes. Really great meal with a salad and veggie or mashed potatoes.

    1. Hi Harry, I have bought frozen meatballs from Costco but not from Sam’s yet, I will check that next time, thanks for the reminder on GF! Now I want to go get some of their Argentine Red Shrimp!! Those sound really good too!! Thank you, my friend, for the tip! Linda

  5. Linda, I am trying to determine our limits. Is 100 AA batteries enough, or 200? 50 cans of tomato soup or 80? I know I have tried to prepare for whatever is going to happen, but I’m not sure when is enough. My husband has not complained about my stocking up, but he has rolled his eyes a little. My preparation has to be focused on “staying put” since neither of us is well enough to leave or go any further then our sons home 5 minutes away or our daughter 15 minutes away. My husband drives, but undue stress could be too much for his heart. Tornadoes, hurricanes and flooding are not a major problem here, but loss of electricity due to winter storms is. We have prepared for that with a whole house generator. As for what is going on the world now, I am more concerned for my children and grandchildren. Please advise me.

    1. Hi Chris, this is how I feel about “how much” to store. There are so many variables, none of us know for sure how much is enough. 100 or 200 batteries would go bad where I live, so I can’t waste my money on those. I have more “solar flashlights and lanterns” because of how fast batteries go bad here. I am staying put as well. There is no need for me to be a target going up in the hills. You have a whole house generator, that is more than I have. It is not in my budget so I will never get one. And I can’t worry about it. I am more concerned about the people who have nothing. No water, no food, and no desire to be prepared. Take a look at what you do have. I am very concerned for my kids and grandkids. I can’t for the life of me understand why some people do not feel the need to stock food or water. Some religions have asked their members to be prepared and they have done nothing. You and I must be grateful for what we do have. What is going on in the world right now concerns me as well. I sleep at night knowing I have done everything I can do. Please do not stress over what you do not have. Focus on what you do have. Enough is enough. Sleep well, you are more prepared than most people. Linda

      1. I thank you for your thoughts. I sometimes forget that as the evening darkness closes in I let my imagination and fears run away with me. All the bad news doesn’t help. You have made us more prepared then we were two years ago, and for that I am grateful. I can not take credit for the generator, it came with the home, but I do appreciate the security it give us. Have you written or addressed the need for cash on hand? God Bless everyone and keep us safe.

        1. Hi Chris, oh, that is a blessing that it came with the house. Yes, I have addressed small bills in several posts. I have a post going out tomorrow, that will address the small bills again, a great reminder for all of us. The bad news does not help, I totally understand. I just ordered another portable washing machine and drying rack. My preps are in a storage unit, and that causes me anxiety. It’s taking forever to get this small home built, just getting the plans has been so frustrating. I have to have faith in God, that all will be okay. BUT, I still want clean underwear! LOL! Hence the new purchase of a second Lavario (portable washing machine), and a wooden drying rack. Linda

  6. Hey Linda,

    My email crashed and I haven’t been getting your newsletter that past few days. I went to your site and signed up again, so hopefully that will fix the problem.

  7. Hi Linda:
    First the dog food. Our 6 dogs are so picky that they will only eat certain food and treats. I have never seen animals so picky over what they eat. If it’s not their regular food then they won’t eat it. We have tried other foods and they stick their nose up at it. We don’t eat a lot of Jelly and I buy a brand that has chunks in them. Besides a case of grape jelly would go bad for us. We already had a bunch of peanut butter and we have had it for years. The only one who eats it is my husband and he only likes chunky peanut butter. I get my honey when the Albertsons Market and Smith’s has coupons for it where I either get it free along with something else or for so little it is cheep to buy it that way. I make my own pancake batter because so many mixes have sulfate, sulfide and sulfonamides in them lets just say I can’t eat them. The only other thing I would use is the veggies and I buy them at smiths when they have them 10 for $10 or less. I usually can get a case for about $6
    My husband does not think that having to pay for a membership from Sam’s club or the other membership site. We now have a new store that carries some really great food items (canned or jarred) No meat but I can get things there very reasonable there

    1. Hi Jackie, dogs are so picky, that’s for sure. Although I have one Shih Tzu that would eat cardboard if I fed it to her. I wouldn’t!! LOL! I have to buy small jars or containers of everything or it may go bad. I’m glad you found a store with some buys. Isn’t it wonderful that we can choose from several stores to get the best prices? Life is good when our cupboards are full! Linda

  8. If I HAD to chose between Costco and Sam’s, I’d be forced to choose Costco. That being said, I reeeally love Sam’s! They have different type stuff, more brand names, restaurant brands, etc. I love me some Diet Mt. Dew and Sam’s used to carry it in the bottles but alas, now they don’t. They do still have the cans; Costco does not. Their frozen/boxed meals selection is by far better than Costco. They have a better toy/gift selection at all the holidays. They still carry Pedigree dog food for my daughter’s dog but we buy Costco brand for our Golden Retriever, which appears to be a good recipe. Costco has better dog treats/selection.

    It all comes down to preference. I generally shop for basics and what I use to make with scratch from Costco but if I’m looking for specific stuff, it’s Sam’s. They both have their place.

    1. Hi Robbie, I know, right???? We need both to get all the stuff we use often. I’m so glad I NOW live close to both. I do not like to shop so I use Sam’s FREE delivery often! Life is good when we can choose the items we need and want. Linda

    1. Hi Bridget, thank you, that’s good to know. We do not have that store here in Utah, that I’m aware of. I’m glad you have a good source to stock up on. Linda

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