Bunker for Shelter In Place

Pandemic: What You Need To Shelter In Place

Today it’s all about what you need to shelter in place. When it comes to a Pandemic scenario, most of us are supplied with the proper food and water, but what about shelter? When it comes to sheltering during a crisis there are some things that you need to know. Please refer to the CDC for accurate information on COVID-19.

What happens if you don’t have access to gas or electricity? If there is an emergency, there are some things you should know about effective sheltering. Pandemic: what you need to have in your home for shelter is real and something you should consider.

My Book: Prepare Your Family For Survival

N-95 Masks for Pandemic

Pandemic: What You Need To Shelter In Place (SIP)

The first step for having effective sheltering in a pandemic epidemic is a shelter in place. This is when you are not able to evacuate. A SIP helps keep your family safe until the hazard goes through its course. 

The concern about hazardous material is that it can contaminate the air around you. When you are choosing a SIP area, here are some things to consider. 

  • The room needs to be big enough.
  • The room should be big enough for you and the pets.
  • The room size has everything to do with air and not actual size.
  • An upstairs room is advised because most chemicals are heavy and don’t float to that level.

Purchase or Create a SIP Kit

Another way to prepare a Shelter in Place is to buy a kit. This kit, whether you make it or buy it, should have the following:

Read More of My Articles  Why You Should Keep Your Gas Tank Full

How to Create a Cool Room When It’s Hot 

Let’s talk about what to do if it’s hot outside and you face an emergency that has struck your area and you have lost all power to your home. It’s not like you can just go plug in an air conditioner. Instead, you need to know how to cool down your house if it’s hot outside in a pandemic emergency.

Choose a lower level of the house

Although this is the opposite of a SIP situation where they’re telling you to choose an upstairs room, this is when you should choose a room in the lower level of the house. Most houses get super hot upstairs, which means you could get injured from heat exhaustion. 

Close the windows and doors

Although it seems as though you’d want to let the cool air in, this isn’t possible in a pandemic situation. You’ll want to keep the windows and doors closed because you don’t want all that hot air getting inside your home. 

So, close the windows and doors. During the nighttime, if it’s safe, you can open the windows and doors for fresh air. At night, you can open the windows that are higher up to let the hot air that’s rising actually move out of the house.

Wet Clothes and Sheets Are Your Friends

Although this is hard to understand, sleeping in wet clothes can help you stay cool at night. I don’t know how many times in my life I’ve ever slept in wet clothes, but in an emergency, anything goes. Don’t forget to put wet sheets and blankets in doorways and on the windows to help promote evaporative cooling. 

Sleep on the Ground 

Another way you can stay cool when it’s hot outside is to sleep directly on the ground. You can move your mattress right to the ground to help keep you cool.

How to Create Warm Rooms When You Have Cold Weather

It’s possible that you could lose utilities during very cold weather. I feel as though it’s a lot easier to layer up in cold weather with what you have in your home than it may be to deal with a hot home as mentioned above. There are even more steps you can take to help stay warm. 

Choose a Higher Level Room

I think you’re seeing a pattern here. When you choose a higher level room, you are getting access to the heat that is rising in your home. 

Read More of My Articles  30 Pandemic Essentials

Let the Sunlight In

When it comes to keeping warm when the utilities have gone out, you need to let as much sunlight in the home as possible. This will help keep it warm. 

Move Everything to a Room

For example, every blanket, couch cushion, or anything warm you have should all be moved to one room, if possible. Keep in mind that staying together and moving close together can also help keep you warm. 

Cover Up the Cracks

One thing you can do to help when the utilities have gone out is to cover up the cracks. Any cracks in the windows or doors should be sealed with extra blankets or plastic. Plastic sheeting and duct tape are your new best friends.

Don’t Forget Ventilation

If you happen to be using a wood stove or a fireplace, remember that you need proper ventilation. Carbon monoxide is real and can kill your family if you don’t have proper ventilation in your home. Carbon Monoxide Detector (battery operated).

What to do When a Pandemic Emergency Happens

Doctor using a computer

Now that you know how to create a warm room in cold weather and how to create a cooler room in warm weather, you are a little more prepared. In case of a pandemic emergency, you also need to know about a Shelter in Place, in case you’re not able to evacuate. 

Now, what do you do when an emergency happens? Let’s go over this!

Step One: Go inside of your home and make sure you lock all of your doors and windows. 

Step Two: Go to your HVAC system and turn it off right away. 

Step Three: Create your shelter in place area.

Step Four: Listen to the radio to understand what is going on.

Step Five: Leave the SIP room when you are instructed to do so.

Step Six: Make sure you ventilate your house when possible and when it’s safe.

Stock Your Home Pharmacy

Final Word

Now that you know all of this information, do you feel prepared in a pandemic emergency? These tips are what you need to have in your home for proper sheltering. Are you prepared? A pandemic emergency isn’t something you wait until later to do, you do it NOW! 

Pandemic: what you need to shelter in place is no joke. This is as serious as emergency preparedness gets my friends. May God bless this world, Linda

How To Stock Your Home Pharmacy

Copyright Images: Pandemic Depositphotos_29876035_s-2019, Pandemic AdobeStock_302581739 by Win Nondakowit, Hospital Room Depositphotos_211947456_s-2019, Bunker Depositphotos_28638121_s-2019.jpg

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  1. The big question now is “when” The timing of it all.

    This is what I’ve put out to everyone:

    It seems it’s just a matter of time. It’s time to start getting serious. Look at a 1 month lay in where you can’t leave the house.

    Water – min standard is 1 gl per person per day. Don’t try to get fancy containers. Fill everything.

    Food- not frozen in case grid goes dow due to lack of people to run it

    Meds- get 90 days, be open to “alternatives”

    Plan for the trash – I’m working on getting a burn barrel now

    Loss of or sporadic power – candles, batteries, flashlights, chemlights, alternative cooking method.

    Personal protection- time to check batteries, fresh ammo, actually have them at hand or on you even at home, carry a knife, OC spray etc.

    Lots of TP and cleaners

      1. I got my barrel off of craigslist. I drilled a hole in the top then used a reciprocating saw you cut the top off. I let the top fall in to add thickness where the coal bed sits. I then drilled holes using a 1/2” speed bit in sides for airflow. If you have the option of just shooting holes in it that’s always better lol.
        $10 and 10 minute prep.

  2. When the advice is to turn off the HVAC system, I assume that’s so that you’re not bringing outside contaminated air in? But I have no AC, and a forced hot water heating system, so I’m guessing I don’t need to turn it off?

    1. Hi Laura, yes, smoke or contaminated air can come through the vents. If we have a fire close to our home I shut off the A/C so it won’t pull the air in. I’m not sure about the forced water heater, that doesn’t involve air, so maybe not? Linda

  3. Steel barrel. Doesn’t matter if it’s bent, got a lid or got holes in it cause we normally pop a few in it for air flow anyway.
    Burned trash first third of my life. Don’t throw aresol cans in it lol. Well maybe for fun. Lol
    Get a metal bar to stir it around while it burns. Try not to breath in anymore smoke than possible. Eventually there will be ash that requires dumping. Dig a hole and dump it. When things get back to normal that can be cleaned up.
    If you can’t handle a full barrel look for a half one or get somebody to cut it for you.

    Dunno what to tell folks who ain’t got septic other than dig a hole now. I’m thinking bout renting a bobcat while things are still normal and digging my trash hole.

      1. Before I lived in an apartment (last 8-9 years now) I always had a burn barrel. Back then, I also had a husband who could handle dumping the barrel now and then! I suggest to all singles (even men) to go with a half barrel as Matt suggested! I would also suggest an easily removable “lid” to prevent the ash in the barrel from getting wet if it rains. Makes it more challenging to empty the barrel. I used an old galvanized wash tub.

  4. BTW when your doing that digging the neighbors are to be told it’s for a landscape project, fishpond thing or or whatever. OPSEC

  5. I’d like to throw out another suggestion. Unless your real fond of swinging a sickle, a goat or have the old style push mowers I’d buy some roundup to control the yard in case fuel lines are disrupted.

    I know I’m the crazy uncle no one likes to talk to at thanksgiving but I’m a bit worried bout this and you gotta think outside the box.

    1. I still remember my grandfather cutting both the top and bottom off of tin cans (well, they are not “tin” anymore:). Then he would cut along the length of the can and open it up/ flatten it. He would tack them on fences or storage buildings. That way he would not have to dispose of them in the garbage.

      1. Them cans:
        Hang them strategically as range markers for your weapons.
        Use them on trip wires as the noise makers.
        Cut bottom and top out and use them on seedlings as protection. Start the seedlings in them.
        Melt crayons and leftover candle wax to make new candles.
        Store leftover bacon grease and such.
        Make games to toss rocks in them for kids to play with.
        And so on …..

  6. Round Up will kill all the grass you put it on, not to mention there are law suits of people getting cancer who used round up. Just hire a lawn service and put their $ in the mail box or between the screen door and locked front door.
    Pandemic or no… not everyone will get sick.

    Put all your bills on autopay, if you can. Wash, Wash, Wash your hands. Regular soap is sufficient. When you use antibacterial soap, the weak virus may die, but the strongest will survive to procreate. Used to work in a hospital.. I’d definitely have some face masks for times you just have to get out.

    Yes, get bleach and Lysol to clean door knobs,etc. my hubby is a science teach and does not was hands unless in shower and believes the more germs a HEALTHY person is, the stronger his immune system is. Seems to work for him… he’s only been sick once.

    Read up. Do what makes sense to you. Wishing health and a long life.

    1. Hi Nancy Jo, thank you for your great comment today. My husband rarely gets sick either. I’m like you, I believe we need to wash our hands often! I hope people are setting up autopay and stock up bleach and Lysol, water and food. They must do it! Linda

    2. Most of the cancer is from continuous years use of round up in large industrial/farm size sprayers. They usually run through hundreds of gallons to thousands each season.
      If services such as electricity and fuel are disrupted there won’t be a lawn service even if they aren’t sick.
      Wildfires are prevalent every early spring and fall. Short grass buffer zones may be the difference. A good example is the Ronald Reagan library that survived the wildfires due to goats keeping it beat down.

  7. I’m glad Matt mentioned water containers and to fill anything! On one website I view there was a woman saying how she wanted to store water but costs add up when buying those gal jugs of water from the store. Last time I bought a gallon of water from the store it was $1. Yep, that can add up! Especially if the water is to be used for ‘washing up’. There’s so many ways we can store water in plastics we might just put out into our recycling. Laundry soap jugs: just fill and save, good for any washing up! Milk and juice jugs: rinse and sanitize with dish soap and maybe a tsp of bleach. Fill with water while we still have it! Caveat here: can this water go bad? Maybe…? Years ago (before my rural electric co put all lines underground) we had regular power outages during winter ice storms. My well pump doesn’t work without electricity, lol. Water storage was Always a necessity in winter, so I contacted my county extension office to ask for their advice on keeping water safe. Pretty simple: just add 2 Tbsps of either vinegar or vodka per gallon. There is no taste of either but most bacteria are killed also by either. I did this with milk jugs and I also filled 2-40 gal drums adding vodka to one, white vinegar to the other. One year I didn’t have to use the drum water at all so I tested the water. Yep with a free testing kit from my extension office. The water tested fine and better yet, still tasted great. I found a store-bought gal of water that was the same age: tested fine but it had an icky taste. I just wanted to share this story with everyone who wants to store water but the cost of buying may prevent them from buying other preps.
    Lol, one year I had family here to help me during cancer treatment. Mostly to help with outdoor chores…and an ice storm/blizzard came up. Just as my sis said, ” oh I hope the electricity doesn’t go out”, it did! No worries…her hubby and my kids hauled in extra firewood for the fireplace and cast iron stove. We got that going, and I had her put jars of homemade canned chili in my big pot on top of the stove. My grandson asked if he needed to haul in snow to melt for water…(yep, we’d done that one time)…but I reminded him we had stored water. I think he was a bit disappointed, lol. I had him position the oil lamps throughout house instead. During our supper of chili, we heated soap water (from my laundry jugs) on the stove for washing up. While both my sis and I had grown up when our folks lived in an un-modern house, in extreme poverty, she’d sort of forgotten how rural folks have all kinds of tricks to get by. We had a good laugh about how I had warm soapy water to wash dishes, even while our light was oil lamps. Our family played Monopoly all evening. We washed our faces and hands with my soap water before bed. The power came back on the next morning, the sun shone brightly melting most of the new snow. While this is a fun memory for us to share, if I hadn’t already been prepared, it would have been a rough night. Lol, the longest I’ve been without power, hence No well water, was 5 days in the middle of summer! Sorry this got long but people really need to know to Always have stored water.

    1. HI Wendy, no comment is ever too long for me, I read all of them. I LOVE your comment! Water is huge. I just ordered 6 more cases of Blue Cans today off the Brownell.com website (cheapest place). I love that water and all I have to do is stack the boxes. No jugs, no water preserver and it tastes better than any other water. But people can fill any container as you mentioned and use it for washing dishes or our underwear. Stay well, my friend, Linda

      1. Linda, I found the Brownell website. I might be wrong but it looks like one 24 case of canned water (a soda size) is $30.99? Now, this water is probably good for decades but, whew, pretty pricey…maybe I misread their website?

        1. Hi Wendy, no that’s the price. I just ordered another 6 cases. It lasts for 50 years and is the best tasting water you can store. It is NOT in aluminum (they coat it with something). It’s all about set and forget it. I have 24 cases right now. $211.00 for 6 cases.

    2. Wendy ~
      I have to use distilled water for a medical device so I do have to spend the money for those gallons of water! When I am getting water, I make sure that the jugs have screw on lids instead of the pop off lids. That way, when I filter water, I can fill the empty jugs or if I am just going to use the water for washing up, I don’t necessarily filter! Of course, I do rotate those jugs of water!

  8. For those people who do not have wood stoves/fireplaces, you can use large candles to “cook” on! Line your sink with aluminum foil, place 2-3 candles in the sink (I like to use 2-3 wick candles), place the rack from your oven over the sink. Light the candles and set a pot with soup/stew/chili over the candles and voila, you have an effective heating device. You MUST line the sink with foil, though to prevent any wax from going down the drain – that is a disaster!

    Also, if you know there is a storm brewing, it is a good idea to fill your bathtub with water that can be used for washing/flushing toilets, etc.

    Thanks, Wendy for the tip on using vodka or vinegar for helping to preserve the freshness of water.

  9. As always, I love your posts!!!

    I live in a condo in downtown Orlando and am in debt, so I have no money. (I’m using the last of my credit card for a Berkey.)

    Am I gonna die?


    No, but seriously… am I?

  10. Greetings to all… & Thank You!

    I am starting over… after giving my “full preps” to my son… since we sold our house. Now, we are senior citizens, living in a condo. How can I modify prep steps for my condo situation?

    We are at the end of the building, between level one and level three. Our HVAC system is individual. However, the HVAC for the common areas goes throughout the building. We have a parking garage under the building, with a large storage space. Can I use this space for storing my water and other preps? I wonder about all of the car exhaust and large garage door opening all the time. There is no climate control. It gets very humid during summer.

    Oh gosh! I am the Crazy Grandma too! My son “gets it.” The rest of my family, just wants me to stop squirreling away items for what they laugh off as the Zombie Apocalypse. Mostly, they just want me to be quiet! It’s no laughing matter. I am very alarmed with the pandemic situation we now find ourselves in and only partially prepared!

    The feeling of understanding and community I get from all of you is very appreciated, as is the wealth of information that you share!

    I want to thank you for taking the time to post all of this urgent information! You also have great recipes, Linda!

    1. Hi Judy, oh, thank you for your kind words. Here’s the deal, I live in the desert. I cannot store any food outside. Even plastic items become brittle in the garage after several years. But I make it work. I store water under beds, in the closet, some in the garage, four-55-gallon barrels outside, etc. All my everyday food storage is in the small pantry. I have food (#10 cans stored under beds, in closets, you name it.) I may look like a hoarder, but my guests do not see the food except the whole wheat berries that line the guest bedroom. LOL! Oh, well, that’s how I roll. Look for every nook and cranny in your home. Stack cases of food behind a couch. It’s about survival. I am not bugging out unless an earthquake hits my home. LOL! Linda

      1. I will make it work too! You have really opened my eyes to storage possibilities! My #10 cans are looked on with disdain, as was my water….until a storm knocked out our power for several days.

        It was so nice to say see….we need this! Not optional!

        Oh Gosh! I wish you zero earthquakes! Really tough to deal with. I’ve lived in California and Montana….earthquake country. Not a good scenario, that’s for sure! I’m not planning to bug out either! LOL! J

          1. I can’t bug out either! I’m getting ready to stay put. To make sense out of my #10 cans, I’m using Chef Tess “Meals in a Jar” cookbook. Enjoying it very much and great tasting meals! She gives directions for Mason jars and Mylar bags. The Mylar bags are really saving space!

  11. I grew up on a ranch in Northern California and we always had burn barrels and more. I miss those days. I now live in the “county” (but still considered developed) in Northern Nevada (Reno area) and we cannnot use burn barrels ever! We can’t hardly ever burn anything and quite frankly, it doesn’t bother me. We have such a risk of fires here due to sagebrush, etc. Trash is a definite issue for me during a pandemic, emergency, zombies, etc. My husband is a civil engineer and he could McGuyver a septic area/latrine so that’s not too bad, except for the digging part-we’re old and broken. If it’s winter, we could burn certain trash in our woodstove. We do have the tools/brushes necessary to keep the creosote down in the chimney. Alot of trash burning would create that.

    I love reading this site! There are so many good ideas out there, not just from you, but from other people who have thought of wonderful, out-of-the-box ideas that are practical and affordable. I’m pretty nervous about this coronovirus thing. One, I think the media lies, lies, lies, but two, I think it’s out there, and it WILL reach the US. Our daughter works in a grocery store therefore, she’s highly likely to catch something and bring it home. Otherwise, I think we could avoid alot of people and issues just by staying home. We have the means and ability to hunker down for quite some time. If most people would use common sense (I’ll stop laughing in a minute) we could all be much better off.

    In the meantime, Linda, you are one amazing woman and I personally thank you for the service you’re providing everyone!

  12. Oh, I forgot about the comment I was going to make about water. I used to fill anything and everything I could with water. I would buy cases of water from Costco for drinking but had “nonpotable” water for everything else. I found that alot of the containers were too flimsy and would break down afterwhile. We buy Tropicana Orange Juice from Costco and wow! those containers are sturdy! They’re thick, don’t break down and have flat sides so they can store up against each other nicely. I use only those and have my basement full of water in every space I can put them. I have water purifier tablets (and also bleach) to be able to purify the water if I need to but I think other than maybe tasting icky, it ought to be good enough to drink if I have to. I clean the bottles really well (no soap) before filling them so I start out with fresh, clean water. My bottles are always on wood, never directly on concrete. So, yes, I agree, fill whatever you can with water because you can never have too much of it! but be aware of “what” you’re using for optimal results.

    1. Hi Robbie, you are so right! Be careful of the water you are storing. It can be filtered or boiled in most cases. AND you can always heat it up to wash dishes or laundry. We can do this! I like the idea of those Orange Juice bottles. Linda

  13. I was out and about today and a couple of things that I noticed: I could not find N95 masks anywhere in town; Amazon is out of stock on them; other sites are also out or limiting to 2 boxes and the prices have risen steeply! I am so happy that I have a stock of them already but I was going to purchase a few more if I could!

    1. Hi Leanne, I know it’s crazy about the N-95’s. It’s all about supply and demand. I have plenty, thank goodness. I’ve heard that even food storage is running low. I just ordered some more Blue Cans today. I have to have water, good water. Stay safe, stay well!!! Linda

  14. I’ve been reading alot of articles about the coronovirus. “Experts” are saying that the face masks are palliative; they aren’t necessary. Good hygiene is the most important rule, i.e., washing hands, covering your coughs, etc. I don’t know. I have some masks but not enough but I’m not sure they’ll do that much good in the long run. If masks are going to help at all, even the giveaway ones from the doctor offices, etc. would be better than nothing. Also, if you wear glasses, like I do, the darn things fog up with masks on! I did check at Home Depot and there are some available (low stock, tho) in our local stores. Almost everything says no online/delivery – so check your local hardware stores, too.

    1. Hi Robbie, if nothing else this coronavirus has made a few people wake up and realize they need to be prepared to take care of themselves if a disaster or pandemic hits their neighborhood. Let’s hope they remember to always be prepared, when this one passes. Linda

    2. P100 or N95 “paint” respirators work better than the disposable mask with glasses. The low profile filtered ones are easier to shoot with. They also last longer and can be decontaminated for reuse. Just a thought or two.

  15. Did a little shopping and Walmart was wiped outta powdered milk and went to get a bucket. Got “the look“ from the clerk who said “yeah those got wiped out in the last few days”. Lots of folks standing round the rice in the aisle. Like it was confusing them. I’m like “it’s rice, it lasts, it feeds, don’t overthink it.”
    Looked for respirators at a few places today. One place had several other men looking for them as well. I’m good but I was looking cause I was shopping there anyway.
    Things gonna get tight before long.

    1. Hi Matt, I went to Costco tonight and there is hardly any toilet paper left, the rice section had one broken bag left. I guess people bought out the big bags of rice today. Things are going to get rough pretty soon, just like you said. Stay safe, my friend. Linda

  16. I have been canning chicken, rump roasts, water. If my canner is not full I fill empty jars with water and start the canner. ( The water is then sterile still good for drinking or for cuts) I also use 2 liter pop bottles to store water, I change the water out every four to five months. Use the old water to water the garden or flowers. Usually your tap water now is still good and has bleach in it. If the water taste flat I just pour it back and forth in a glass to get air back in it. Then it is fine. I used it for drinking, cooking and sponge baths and washing my hair. ( was without water for two weeks) When you can grow a garden and can it or dehydrate it. Stay safe and God Bless

  17. I honestly wasn’t sure what an SIP shelter was. I like how you mentioned that get solar flashlights, water, and board games. With this whole COVID-19 pandemic spreading in my area, I’m glad I have food storage. Thanks for the great tips for making an SIP shelter.

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