Sneaky Places to Hide Your Valuables

Sneaky Places to Hide Your Valuables

Check out some of these sneaky places to hide your valuables. For those of you who have had your homes broken into before, you can attest to the terrible feeling of an invasion of privacy and a breach in your own family’s safety. There’s also a sense of anger and deep loss when the precious heirlooms that were passed down to you along with other valuables in your home are stolen. Unfortunately, this happens far too often, where it’s estimated that around 2.5 million homes are burglarized in the United States every year.

In case you missed this post, 12 Places to Hide Important Items in Your Home.

Sneaky Places to Hide Your Valuables

Sneaky Places to Hide Your Valuables

Home invaders want to spend as little time as possible in a home, so they’ll spend those moments rummaging through the most obvious places homeowners hide their treasures. These places include the master bedroom. Don’t make the mistake of being one of those people who hides your valuables in some of the most apparent places. You might as well just gift wrap them and place them by your front door to be easily hauled away. 

As it turns out, some of the best places to hide your valuables are in inconspicuous objects that are left out in the open. Not only will time be working against them, but your slyness will force them to leave empty-handed, or at least with very little. Here are several sneaky places to hide your valuables, along with your most treasured possessions, where thieves won’t look for them.

Places You Shouldn’t Hide Your Treasures

Let’s start off by talking about the places where you shouldn’t hide your valuables. The obvious spots are just setting you up for failure and heartache. You may even discover that you’ve been doing it wrong all this time. 

  • Avoid putting anything that you hold dear in your master bedroom because that’s the first place they’ll hit. 
  • Your underwear drawer, jewelry box, cookie jar, a wall safe, or any type of lockbox are also generally the first places a burglar will look.  
  • Don’t put anything in video game cases, along with CD or DVD cases, because thieves will be able to pawn those items. 
  • Keep your treasures out of desk and dresser drawers, unless you’ve created a false shelf.  
  • Hiding your small fortune in an electrical appliance or an HVAC duct also isn’t a good idea, because it can lead to a house fire, or at the least, your valuables going up in smoke.  
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Old Vacuum Cleaner 

Hiding your valuables right under a thief’s nose is like a slap in their face and an insult to their intelligence. The bag of an old vacuum cleaner is the perfect place to hide an envelope of money or any of your important documents. Just be sure to clean it out, or at least put them in a small sealable Ziploc bag or an envelope first.    

False Air Vent 

Some people use their air vents as a good hiding place, but I’d encourage you not to do this. That way you’re not blocking any of the airflows of your home. Instead, cut out a small opening in your wall and install a false air vent.  

False Bottom Drawer 

If it’s done properly, a false bottom drawer could fool just about anyone. They’re also not that hard to build.  Here’s how to create your own false bottom drawer where you can hide your belongings. Whether it’s in one of your kitchen drawers or a dresser drawer in one of your bedrooms, they both could work well. 

Electrical Outlet

While we’re still discussing false in-your-face locations, how about installing a false electrical outlet in your wall? Honestly, who would ever discover this great hiding spot? Money, credit cards, and jewelry are all small enough to fit within an outlet box.   

Coffee Can 

Unless the burglar that’s invading your home is interested in making himself a cup of coffee, stashing your treasures in an old coffee can and storing it in your kitchen’s pantry will be an excellent spot. You can also use a soup can or a mayonnaise jar that’s been cleaned out if you’d prefer that your valuables don’t smell like coffee.     

Wall Clock 

Even a wall clock can be a fabulous spot to hide some of your wealth. This wall clock is exactly what you’ve been looking for and is about the same price as what you would pay for an ordinary one.  

Read More of My Articles  20 Essential Tips for the Elderly

Paint Can 

Who would think to look for precious treasures in an old paint can that’s placed next to other paint cans that are stored in your garage? Just make sure that you don’t forget about this awesome hiding spot.  

Potted Plant 

I love this potted plant hiding place idea. You can rest assured that most burglars aren’t interested in sprucing up their homes with any “potted plants” that you have placed around your house. 

Behind a Pullout Drawer 

I can promise you that there’s a lot of wasted place behind your pullout drawers in your kitchen cabinets and bedroom dressers. Hide an envelope of money and tape it to the back of one of your pullout drawers in whatever room you decide.    

Children’s Bedroom 

Unless your burglar’s names are Harry and Marv, they won’t be interested in even setting foot in your children’s room. Find a place in your room for hiding your secret stash that not even your kids would mess with.  

Fake Plumbing 

You don’t have to be a plumber for this one. All you need is a PVC pipe and an end piece that you can install somewhere in your basement. Burglars won’t even think to look there.  

Final Word 

Coming up with sneaky hiding places for your valuables can be fun. Just make sure that you don’t hide all your treasures in one location no matter how good a hiding spot it is. That’s because many thieves are smart and have also done their research regarding where clever places are to hide valuable belongings. I would suggest you keep a record of where you placed things so you won’t forget.

Where are some sneaky places to hide your valuables that you’ve used? Wait, maybe you don’t want to tell me. May God Bless this world, Linda.   

Copyright Images: Vintage Kitchenware Deposit photos_46632161_s-2019    

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  1. Linda, these are really great places to hide your valuables. The make shaving cream cans that are hollowed out to put valuables in. My mother and sister had one. I know from past experiences to not keep things in the master bedroom or in a jewelry box. Or in video cases. And if you have any, kind of bank, do t keep it in the master bedroom. All of these were taken when we had a burglar break into our house. He took every video we had. And we had a lot. He even took all of our home videos. Grand babies birthdays and Christmas.

    Oh another thing, has anyone bought the Preppers Blueprint book, by Tess Pennington? If not, you need to get it. It has a lot of valuable information in it.

    1. Hi Deborah, great comment. Yes, I have her book. That’s so sad you lost all those precious videos. WOW! I fear things will get worse with so many people unemployed and desperate. Stay safe, Linda

      1. This was several years ago. Before we had deadbolts on the doors or a chain link fence with a hot wire on top. He got in with a screw driver. Oh, and he got our digital camera. That and the camera case (a Fanny pack) are what got him caught. The camera saved the pictures on a 3.5-inch floppy disk. He had taken a picture with the camera. We now also have video cameras. My opinion, you can never be too safe.

  2. Linda great food for thought! Only had 1 break in. They stole all the meat out of the freezer! Must have walked in while it was happening, they left the freezer door open and the side door open. No real way to protect against that. I just prayed that whomever took it needed it more than I did and moved on.
    (stay safe) Bill

    1. Hi Bill, wow, they took all the meat in the freezer??? I’m glad you weren’t hurt in the middle of this. I would have to say the say thing. They must have needed it more than us. Sad, but true. We have to move on after this kind of thing. We have to see the good, you are still here to tell the story. Linda

  3. Linda, I love the old vacuum cleaner idea. We have a small, one-hour fire rated safe that sits inside our large one-hour fire rated safe. If a burglar hits our house when we’re not home and can carry off that 500+ pound safe he’s welcome to it. It has a fake electronic lock and a real manual dial lock. I’m sure a determined burglar could safe crack the thing but it would take them a goodly amount of time.

    One tip if you keep paper valuables in a safe. Put desiccant packs inside to prevent mildew. The safe not only protects our valuables from fire but also floods and water sprayed fighting a fire.

  4. I had a friend that hid money in books & inside socks, when she passed family found some but donated books without going thru all of them, figured it would be a nice surprise for someone. What if no one knew where you hid the money, should you give a list to a family member?

    1. Hi Stephanie, it may seem crazy but how could you write down all the places you hid money? I don’t put any money in socks, drawers, books, etc. But I bet my parents did. We need to think about this question! That’s a good one! I love it! Linda

  5. Hi Linda,
    I have to add my concern that if elders hide valuables in objects and, God forbid they die, their family will not realize this and throw or sell or donate an item which holds the valuables. I would say to tell your family in your will to look in these places.

    1. Hi Diane, I have to agree with you. I think years ago people hid money all over their houses in nooks and crannies. It makes me wonder how many do that now. We need to address this with family members. Linda

    2. The only family I have left in America is my sister and we have both made it a point to tell each other where our “stashes” are. We’ve mentioned several places and have cautioned each other to go through things; don’t just sell or donate them!

  6. One comment about storing paper money in a “fire proof” safe – in the case of a fire, the paper is safe as long as you don’t open it! My father had a highly rated (1990s) fire proof safe with paper money and important documents. When his home burned, the safe was recovered. When it was opened and the documents removed, they crumbled into fragments and dust. The fire may have been extra hot to do this but… Also, he had coins in the safe and they were not completely melted but they were not individual coins any longer. Again, the fire may have been hotter than most fires but just from experience, you should not really count on paper and metal to come out pristine from a fire proof safe.

    As for hiding things in envelopes taped to the back of drawers, my husband and I moved into a home we purchased many years ago. Before we moved in, we were cleaning all of the built-in drawers in the kitchen and hallway. We found 4 envelopes with money in them when we removed the drawers. The person who had lived there was elderly and passed away. We purchased the home from her children. We were able to contact the family to return the money – if I remember correctly, it amounted to $800. Anyway, they were happy to have the money but it also reinforced the need to make sure our family members know about our hiding places.

    1. Hi Leanne, wow, the money crumbled and became dust. Thanks for sharing with us. I have never been through a fire. The drawer comment, wow! That was and is a lot of money. WOW! What a blessing for her family. She would have wanted them to have it. What a blessing you were to them. I love this!! Linda

  7. I have a bookcase half loaded with cook books. I am a cook by trade,and I have papers w/recipes, or marked the ones I like with a paper.Some of them stick out. I put money in the cook books. Another place I have hidden money, (used to be a bartender and converted the coins to paper,) is-under the table. I put it in a zip lock bag.
    I stapled four places. Two of the ends close to the bottom of bag, on the outside, and two just past the zip part of a zip lock, on the inside, to the underside of a table. That way, you can open or close it. With the zip lock, I can keep it readily handy. Use heavy staples, or it is all for naught. Put the zip lock as close to the center of the underside as possible.
    I used to have a brand new computer, and had a break in. Thieves took my computer, etc. I had taped the money to the wall inside my monitor. ( Not a good idea.) Another place I like to hide money, is the underside of a dirty laundry basket. Who looks at a dirty laundry basket of dirty clothes?
    I really like the vacuum cleaner trick.
    If you are the industrious type, most pictures have a backing. Place another piece of larger than the ones fitted with paper, and staple it to the picture, leaving a small 2-4″ slit at top. That way you can slip money into it and rehang the picture. I have a large home, and lots of pictures all over.
    I have made a list of all the places I hide money, and given it to my daughter. She and her hubby live with me, and knows where to get the “chump change” for gas, items from the grocery store, or for small items. We keep an running tally of items bought and where it came from. There are hundred places to hide money, even in a small apartment. Just think like a thief, and find places he/she would not think of. Hiding In plain sight is best, and don’t look at those places when you have company.

    1. Hi Linda, oh, I love these ideas! Oh, I love hearing you were a cook by trade, oh the recipe books!!! I love cookbooks! You have some great ideas we can all use. I like that you spread it all out over your house. I LOVE it! Linda

  8. One idea is to place your small valuables into a bag or container, like a pill bottle or such and then hide it inside a container of breakfast cereal, oatmeal or candies. Something larger can be buried in a container of dog, cat or rabbit food or maybe a bucket of sawdust or potting soil, kept in your garage.

    If you have one of those can openers that removes the entire lid or top of the can, you can place it back on and it looks unopened.

    A wide mouth jar allows one to install a smaller inner container, glued into place. Then you fill the container with dry food or nuts and washers, etc., and nobody will be wise to your secret stash.

    The classic book safe isn’t too hard to make yourself and just in case someone pulls books off the shelf, you can use small magnets or strips of magnetic tape so that the book doesn’t open if knocked over or tossed. Old encyclopedias, dictionaries and such are good candidates plus being old and worn they will most probably be overlooked.

    Other spots: underneath a chair, underneath or behind furniture, a child’s toy box, a hamper, and any place that requires one to “get inside or underneath” and to look, reach and grab. Thieves want to get into your place and get out quickly. Sadly certain things that criminals will take (video games, movies, music, video game consoles, televisions, fur coats, etc.,) are things we don’t want to bury in the backyard because we use them and naturally like them readily available to us for use.

    One has to be creative, use multiple “tricks” and take a DIY approach and bamboozle criminals. Tape, magnets, screws, tiny hooks, and use of a drill bit or tools that can mill out a slot or hollow cavity are all one needs.

  9. Our old chest freezer had a lock on it with a key. But I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to have to unlock it every time you wanted to use it.

  10. One of the places you mention is a child’s bedroom. Many years ago my home was broken into. They did go into my young daughter’s room and tore it apart. Mattress on floor. The dresser drawers were pulled out as well as her closet had been gone through. Though there was nothing in there but her clothes and toys. So hiding things in a child’s room would be risky at best. Just thought you would like to know about children’s bedrooms. The ones that robbed our home was back when the paperboys would come by to collect for the paper. Now they send you a bill.

    1. Hi Mary, yikes, thank you for the heads up on the kid’s bedroom. I’m so sorry that happened to you!! I wonder if any place is safe to hide anything. It may at least slow the robbers down, hopefully. Linda

  11. Yes, that was many years ago. But there is a place. Where the bathtub is. the door that leads to the pipes. We have a door in linen closet that if you open it, it exposes all the pipes for the tub. Ours has a floor though under and around the tub that cannot be accessed from inside bathroom. You can see under house from it, but just a very small space where pipes go under the house. Makes for a great hiding place on that board going around the tub. You can hide a lot of stuff in there.

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