survival giveaway

Prepare Your Family For Survival Giveaway

I’m having a Survival Giveaway today and I can’t wait to get a few of my books in ten homes!!!  Some of you may know I was asked to write a book called Prepare Your Family For Survival. I was honored beyond words to be asked to share my expertise on surviving any scenario a family may encounter. My book is family friendly and I do not talk about weapons. I wanted my book to be read by every age group. I understand the need to protect my family, but when I agreed to write the book I said I will have no mention of weapons. If you are wondering if I have a weapon, the answer is yes. Mark and I both have our concealed weapon permits. Can I protect myself, the answer is yes. Enough said.

I am so thankful for you my readers for reading my blog for many years now, some longer than others. My heart tells me I need more of my books in your homes, your neighborhood needs the knowledge and my book will help you and others teach them. I have taught classes for so many years now I have lost count on how many of the food storage and emergency preparedness groups I’ve been asked to teach.

survival giveaway

I feel really bad, but people are asking me to teach classes on making bread, cinnamon rolls, etc. Here’s the deal, I cannot be the only one in Southern Utah that can make bread. Wheat or bread is the staff of life. I am begging you to read my blog on how to make bread. You may think, I can’t make bread, yes you can. I was lucky to have learned to make bread as a child. But, you must learn how to make bread and then teach your family, neighborhood or anyone else who wants to listen. All of my girls know how to make bread, cinnamon rolls, dinner rolls and so much more. Make No-Fail Bread by Linda

Read More of My Articles  Why Living on a Farm is Still a Great Idea

It’s really too bad that some schools no longer have what was called Home Economic classes in public schools. If you are homeschooling your children, please teach them how to make bread. That loaf of bread may save your life. I hope you can feel the urgency in my post today, please teach others how to make bread.

Please have meetings with your neighbors to learn what each neighbor can contribute to a disaster in your community. I must make something clear here, I cannot feed my entire neighborhood, all of my neighbors must be prepared to feed and hydrate their families. I can’t imagine having to tell my child, I’m so sorry, I didn’t store food or water for you. If you think the government will feed you, there is no way in the world they can feed everyone in this country.

Please have classes on gardening in your family, church or civic clubs. Help with a community garden and teach your family how to plant, harvest and preserve your bounty. Food will not be delivered to your home after a disaster for days, weeks, or months. I know because my readers have told me.

Here are a few things you will learn in my book:

Simple food storage

Storing water for the long-term/purify the water you will need

How to make my no-fail bread

How to cook outside/emergency cooking devices and fuel

First Aid, medical preparedness

Personal hygiene must haves

Laundry without power

72-hour kits

Emergency Binder

Evacuation Plans

What to do when the power goes out (please be prepared BEFORE you need this information)

It’s with a heavy heart that I have decided I will no longer teach classes in person. Here’s the deal, communities ask me to teach in 1-1/2 to 2-hour classes, a few churches give me 50 minutes. I cannot cover what needs to be said in that amount of time. It’s impossible. Today, I’m giving away 10 books (one per entry) to you my readers if you live in the 48 contiguous states in the USA. I wish I could afford the postage outside of this area, but I cannot.

Read More of My Articles  Using Headphones for Prepping

I will ask you this, if you already have my book, please enter my giveaway and give a book to someone in leadership in your community, civic club, or church. My giveaway will be simple, all I need is your email address which will be kept confidential. You will not have to jump through hoops to enter, all I need is your email. If your name is chosen as a winner I need that info in order to contact you for your mailing address and phone number in order to ship a book to you. If you live in a gated community, please tell me because your book may not be deliverable.

Prepare Your Family For Survival Giveaway

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If the USPS or UPS deems your address undeliverable, you will be disqualified.

This Prepare Your Family For Survival book giveaway is open to any resident who is 18 years of age or older who lives in one of the 48 US Contiguous States. This giveaway starts today, Thursday, April 5th, 2018  at 7:00 am (MDT) and ends on Thursday, April 12th, 2018 at 5:00 pm (MDT). The winner will be notified by email and will have 24 hours to respond. If we do not hear back from the said winner in the designated time period of 24 hours we will choose another winner and they will have 24 hours to respond from the time the notification email is sent. Please check your SPAM email folders. Good luck to everyone! Let’s be prepared for the unexpected!

GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED, thank you for entering. Linda

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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  1. Hi Linda! I haven’t commented in a while, but I’ve been quietly checking your posts on a weekly basis. And as always, gleaning wonderful information! I hope all is well, and we are all thankful for the wealth of knowledge you kindly share with us all!

  2. Thank you for the nice giveaway !!! I am excited that this year we should have a good garden and be able to can foods and I love herbal and home remedies and making my own things.
    Linda Marie

    1. Hi, Linda Marie, oh I love hearing you should have a good garden this year! Woohoo! There is something so awesome about canning and preserving our harvest!! I love using home remedies and natural herbal healing!! You rock!!! Keep up the good work, Linda

  3. Thanks Linda. I enjoy your blog, it has created an urgency to be prepare our family especially in our hurricane prone Florida coast.
     I agree being prepared has the same importance as Home Economics since it is no longer a course in school. We have done our families a huge disservice by not educating them on vintage skills for survival. Our goal should be to play it forward, not be the only one to teach all the classes with very limited time and resources. Cudos for putting pen to paper and documenting all those skills needed for survival.

  4. One of the easier reading blogs I follow (and recommend to friends and family)

    Thanks Linda

    Now if we could just tone down the annoying flashy ads between every paragraph and up and down the sides and the popup wiggly thing that almost gives me a seizure… Just a thought 😉

    1. Hi Bruce, I’m so sorry about the ads. I know you can block the ads on your computer. People do not realize that it costs some bloggers like me about $700-800.00 a month for expenses to run my blog, not counting if I have major issues. Sorry, Bruce, Linda

  5. Thank you for sharing all that you’ve learned! I sincerely appreciate it and am working to prepare my family (and teach them to prepare as well!)

    1. Hi Virginia, you are so welcome!!! I am hoping we all are ready for whatever comes our way. Thank you for working with your family to be prepared. I love it!! Linda

  6. Thank you for the opportunity for the giveaway. With your tips, I’m sure your book is a wealth of knowledge. I have enjoyed reading your blogs & used several ideas. I just printed the emergency binder & now have to get things together for it.

    1. Hi Emily, oh you are so nice!! I had never planned on writing a book, it was an honor to be asked since most “prepper” books are self-published. It was probably the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. I have the knowledge but I will tell you this, putting it in order and having four to five editors make sure what I was talking about was accurate, precise, and true, was awesome. The process was a bit overwhelming but I will always be thankful and honored to have been asked to write it. I’m glad you are putting your binder together. Have fun and put it in a safe place! Linda

  7. Thank you for your information. My pantry has changed greatly because of your tips. I have taught both of my son’s how to cook and how to use a cookbook.

  8. Bought your book. I love it! Easy to read, helpful calculations and great advice. Thank you!

    1. Hi Debbie, oh, thank you for buying my book, I really appreciate it! I hope you still entered because if your name is chosen you can give a book to someone! Keep up the good work, Linda

  9. I am not entering the contest because I bought the book and someone else can have the opportunity to win it. The book is excellent! Linda gives any information you need to know to be prepared. If you are not the lucky winner I suggest you buy it. The information is valuable and will save you time trying to figure all these survival tîps out. The cost of the book is minimal when you consider the valuable information inside.

    1. Hi, Jennifer, you are so nice!! Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m so glad you have my book, keep on adding to your emergency stash, you are one prepared friend!!! Hugs, Linda

  10. I enjoy reading your blog and updating our preparedness for us as a retired couple now. We can applesauce , peaches and tomatoes still, and continually work on rotating our food storage. Our 6 grown kids have a different mindset on all of this and it is hard to talk with them sometimes. We still love them though!

    1. Hi Linda, thank you so much for reading my blog, I really appreciate it. Mark and I are semi-retired (I blog), and it’s interesting how life has changed over the years. I taught all four of my girls to water bath can, pressure can, dehydrate our harvest and none of them do any of it. Life is different for them. All of my daughters have one or two jobs. I must say, they all make bread, rolls, and cinnamon rolls!! LOL! There is still something about seeing all those jars of food lined up on the shelves. Life is good with food storage. Yes, we still love them!! Linda

  11. Thank you Linda for giveaways.

    Always love your blog. I get a lot of information from you and it also gives me a way to share with you and your readers those things that I know.


  12. It’s nice to have access to information about food storage and preparedness. Not much interest in this in my area. Everyone talks but then does nothing.

    1. Hi, Harriet, I live in Utah and there is very little interest in food storage and emergency preparedness. It’s crazy last year I was asked to speak to a large community of people here in Southern Utah and the person was “begging” me to not back out because two speaker(s) refused to speak to the people in Utah because they do nothing. I think that was a bit of a stretch to state that because I’m prepared but some people may think I’m overboard, I am who I am. I will always be prepared, it’s a way of life for me. I would keep storing food and water knowing full well our country is so ill-prepared for a grid down. Keep prepping, Linda

  13. Linda, thank you for your blog , love reading them. I keep getting ideas from you that I think ” oh my gosh, I never thought of that, I need to put that on my never ending list, “

    1. Hi, Lucie, thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me. Lucie, what’s funny, I have readers tell me things and I think the very same thing!!! LOL! We learn from each other. I have a never-ending list as well, keep up the good work! Linda

  14. I love your site and your book! Such great info and it helps me to chart a better course. Because of a recommendation you gave awhile back I just got CERT trained and certified and feel even more prepared! I’d of never known it existed along with so many other insightful and important topics you constantly are introducing. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into helping so many of us Linda! I am single with 3 small doggies so my journey is different then many others and I get overwhelmed easily so I’m probably going slower but at least I feel I have a better compass with your book and website to guide me.

    1. Hi, Kimmy, thank you so much and I’m glad you love my site and book. I love hearing you got CERT trained, that’s a great reminder for me to write another post about that great training. I have two doggies and they bring me such joy, glad to hear you have three!!! Here’s how I see our preparedness, we all start slow and do a little at a time. I love you state that my book and website are your compasses, you are so nice to mention that, it means the world to me. Keep up the good work! Hugs, Linda

  15. The local vocational schools around here run adult ed classes at night and more than a few are cooking related. So far my wife and I have attended: making jerky, soap making, cheese making, chinese appetizers at home, how to make kale snacks, and traditional Irish dishes. She’s also attended a few desert classes around cakes and cookies that I skipped out on.
    So folks should check the local adult ed classes to see if there are skills you could pick up in an instructor led session. Definitely worth the time and money.

    1. Hi DmWalsh, this is a great comment for those that have the classes available. Here in Southern Utah, we have some classes that very reasonable in price at the college. Great tip, I would go to the Chinese appetizers!! I love learning with others at classes, great tip! Linda

  16. How fun! I would love to have a copy of your book as a birthday present for my granddaughter who had the nerve to move 600 miles away! Thank you for all you do.

  17. Hi Linda, I tried to email you but yahoo said it didn’t go through. *sigh* I’m not sure how I can get things from you all the time but can’t email you directly. You asked for our address but obviously I hesitate to put it here. Since my last comment we’ve picked up two more copies of your book – one went to our 17 year old granddaughter for her bookshelf and the other went to some elderly neighbors who have no idea where to start. (yes, I’ve tried explaining but she learns better by reading).
    If you email me directly I’ll send my address in return. Thanks for all you do for the rest of us!

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