The Best Emergency Supply Checklist
Being prepared for almost any emergency that comes your way can be a real challenge. In my posts over the years, I’ve always stressed the need to acquire, store, and know how to use those critical items to ensure your safety and comfort when an emergency happens to you and your family. I’ve compiled the best emergency supply checklist so even those of you who are new to emergency preparedness can start your preparedness journey today.
A reliable checklist should include those basic preparedness items that will make a difference when an emergency happens. That being said, the checklist could prove intimidating if you’re just getting started, and it could also be so long that you wonder where to start.
My approach today is to start simple and compile a checklist that will hopefully get you and your family through the first few days when a natural disaster turns your life upside down. It isn’t designed to address the long-term needs of your family if a significant emergency event is what you’re facing.
The best preparedness supply checklist we discuss today could be used when you face a power outage, accidents in the home, severe weather conditions, and a range of natural disasters that may be frequent where you live.
In case you missed this post, 15 Emergency Numbers You Need or this post, 30 Items You Need To Survive A Pandemic

The Best Emergency Supply Checklist
This list isn’t compiled with any particular priority sequence, although I put a few of the most critical items at the top. Let’s get started.
Every Emergency Inventory Should Include Food and Water
The key to surviving any emergency is having the essential items that keep us alive daily. That would certainly include food and water. Maintaining the energy you need to perform any task requires you to stay sufficiently fed.
The food stored doesn’t have to be extravagant, so long as it provides the nutrients and protein to sustain your daily activities. It is best to have some non-perishable food items that come in a can, like various meats, veggies, and fruits. I have canned items for meal prep, including soups, vegetables, and fruits. I also have a bunch of freeze-dried foods from Thrive Life. If you saw my inventory of freeze-dried foods you just shake your head. I’ve stocked a number of pantry and #10 size cans and even included instant milk. Consider having more than one manual can opener in your kitchen stash.
Keep in mind infant formula for the infants in your home. Also, pets need to eat and you don’t want to be feeding them human food in an emergency.
We can go without food for a more extended period than water. Water and proper hydration are critical to survival in any situation. Some groups like the American Red Cross suggest one gallon per person per day. I’ve always told me readers to have four gallons per person per day to cover needed hydration, cooking, personal hygiene, and limited laundry chores.
As you plan your preparedness inventory, remember that all those dehydrated foods you bring home for storage and use will need water for their consumption.
Freeze-dried foods are easier to eat without water being added, but if you want your body to function as needed, all your bodily systems will need water. You can never have too much extra water, so plan ahead and store water!
A First Aid Kit Will Help You Face Emergencies with Confidence
Hopefully, your family will face an emergency that doesn’t necessarily pose significant bodily harm. If it’s a major disaster, there could be times you’ll need to transport a family member to professionals for treatment if you can safely get there.
In most cases, having a fully stocked first aid kit will be sufficient to deal with cuts, burns, pain relief, scratches, and maybe even a broken bone until the event passes, and you can get help if needed. Over-the-counter medications for minor illnesses and injuries is a must. For those who take prescription medications, plan to add those to your kit.
It is also essential to have sufficient training to know when first aid is needed and how best to administer it.
- First Aid Kits-What You Need To Survive
- What’s In Your First Aid Kit?
- Uncommon First Aid Items We Should All Have
Light and Power Sources Keep You Safer and more Informed
I recently wrote a post about how to best deal with a power outage. Often, during an emergency, thousands of homes lose power. It’s essential to be able to see and get around. Flashlights and Lanterns
If your flashlights need batteries, have extra batteries, just in case. I like solar flashlights and lanterns along with my battery-powered units so I don’t have to worry if my batteries are fresh. I keep my solar units on my window sills so they stay charged all the time.
If you have a backup power source, whether a generator or solar power unit, you can run radios, TVs, CPAP, and other things that will make your home more functional and safe. Chargers for your cell phone and other electronic devices can make all the difference, particularly if you have one of those small power bank units available.
Communication is Important
Another item to help you stay informed is a hand-crank radio. I bought one of these, which also has a weather radio. I feel peaceful whenever I see this radio on the shelf since I know I can “crank” it up and listen to the weather and other news reports. Having a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA weather radio is great so you can stay on top of what’s going on in your area. NOAA Radio.
Everyone likes knowing what’s happening outside their home, in the neighborhood, and throughout the area. Many radios come equipped with lights and USB ports, too.
I don’t usually suggest people rely on candles during an emergency due to the possible fire danger. I’ve recently learned that if you put your candles in a thick mason jar or on a wide-based plate, you should be ok if you keep them away from flammable things like curtains.
They also provide a little warmth for your hands and feet if needed.
I’ve also heard that some people swear by their use of glow sticks. They feel the glow sticks have proven to be long-lasting and appreciate that they are battery-free and safer than candles.
You May Need to Make Noise to Get People’s Attention
How quickly you respond to the situation during an emergency could be critical to survival. A whistle or horn to wake up family members promptly could make a real difference.
Also, you may need to alert others outside your home that you are inside and need help. There could be a situation in which you are trying to find a family member or neighbor, and using a whistle or horn would prompt them to yell out in response. I have several sets of these, Emergency Whistles.
Having Various Types of Gloves Could Prove Helpful
Emergencies can take lots of forms. Your house could be flooded, and you’ll need to bail out the water and shovel the mud. Picture how your hands will feel after that effort if you don’t wear quality work gloves.
You could also face a terrific snowstorm and need to clear your driveway, porch, or roof. Without warm winter gloves, those tasks would be miserable and unsafe as frostbite could set in.
Another handy item to have in your supply is hand warmers. Again, protecting your hands and fingers from damage caused by cold is essential. HandWarmers
Have Supplies that Provide Some Personal Sanitation Coverage
Over the past few years, we’ve all learned the value of wet wipes and hand sanitizer. Early on, there was a shortage of these things as hordes of people charged to Costco and other stores to get products that provided some protection.
Besides keeping various parts of our body cleaner, wet wipes, often called moist towelettes, can be used to clean countertops, sinks, and other areas of our bathroom and kitchen.
If the water is shut off, we must keep our hands clean. Hand sanitizer is effective when used consistently and often. You may want to add adult diapers or disposable underwear to your stash; someone in your family may need it. Why You Should Make Your Hand Sanitizer + DIY Recipe
Don’t forget those feminine supplies as part of your personal hygiene items for that special time of the month.
Tissues Are for More Than Blowing Your Nose
We are all used to reaching for a soft tissue when we feel a cough or sneeze coming. They have been everyone’s favorites for years.
Sometimes, we forget that they can also be used to wipe up small spills, used like gauze to stop bleeding, wadded up in a small ball to stuff in our ears when they ache or we need to dampen sound, and much more.
It’s great that they come in box form, making them easy to stack and store. The box also helps to keep them more sanitary, even after they’ve been opened.
Who Doesn’t Love Duct Tape?
One of our daughters had a father-in-law who swore by duct tape. He used it to fix so many broken or damaged items.
Our family has always had duct tape around the house, but we haven’t become that attached. It’s a handy tool to temporarily fix various things around the house, but I wouldn’t use it as a “permanent” solution. Gorilla Tape
Duct Tape: Why You Need to Store It
Extra Blankets are a Must-Have Supply Item
We’ve found having extra blankets available to be a wise decision in many situations. They not only help keep you warm when the weather turns cold each year, but they can also cover windows, act as insulation under doorways, help raise your feet and legs if they get injured, help support your neck or back, and much more.
Some people have found that an emergency warm blanket with their heat-reflecting foil is a Godsend. You’ve seen these on the news being put to use in shelters. I don’t own any, but I need to check them out. I have these: Swiss Safe Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets
Masks of all Types are Must-Haves
During an emergency, we face the additional concern of dust and smoke in the air. Right now, many of the residents in California who are affected by the wildfires are wearing a dust mask that can also help protect them from the thick smoke in the air
Not all masks help in these situations, particularly with the smoke, but you should have masks in your emergency supply kit. Please research, but we should all have an inventory of N95 masks that seem most efficient at a reasonable cost.
Having the Right Tools Available Is a Critical Need
Mark has had a large tool chest in the garage for years. It’s his go-to support item due to the inventory of screwdrivers, pliers, hammers, drills, bits, etc. In an emergency, a functional item called a multi-tool would sure be a handy thing to have.
Good ones are almost like having a well-stocked toolbox all in one. They are so small you can put them in with your other supply items and not feel guilty about taking up space.
You may also want to have an all-purpose bag close by. It could be like a duffle bag, gym bag, diaper bag, or another style as long as it has strong handles and can carry a fair amount of weight.
You can use the bag to carry most, if not all, of the items we’ve discussed today. Store it where it will be handy to grab and go if you need to evacuate quickly.
Binder for Your Important Family Documents
You can find the binder in my archive. I’ve been promoting it for years. Some things to have in the binder in case you need to evacuate are:
- Birth certificates
- Passports
- Identification cards
- Bank records
- Medical records
- Wills or trusts
- Marriage and divorce papers
- Copies of insurance policies
- Social Security Cards
Other Items to Consider
Depending on space considerations and finances, other items to consider:
- Extra collar and leash for your dog
- Plastic sheeting to protect your outside items or build a temporary shelter
- Complete change of clothes including sturdy shoes and warm socks
- Paper towels, garbage bags, paper towels, toilet paper, plastic utensils, and paper cups
- Emergency cooking devices – check out my archive for posts
- Various soaps for dishes, clothes, and some household chlorine bleach to clean bathrooms and countertops
Final Word
I’ve tried to help by discussing the best preparedness supply checklist for you. We can all use some help to get organized, but having the proper supply of needed items in an emergency is particularly important.
You may have other items you feel should be included, so please share those with my readers in the comments below. We all can help assist others as we work together to make our homes a safe and well-prepared place. May God bless this world. Linda
Copyright Images: N95 Masks Depositphotos_362371406_S
As usual very good and helpful information. When I read preparedness lists sometimes a light comes
on in my head about another item that would be of great benefit.
As we age bladder and bowel incontinence can become a problem.We hate to think or talk about it.
We have found that adult diapers can be found at Thrift Stores.It seems that when their loved ones
pass away many people donate all sorts of medical supplies.
Hi Chuck, thank you for your kind words. Sometimes we have to see things over and over before that “light” turns on. I totally agree. I think I will add the adult diapers to the list. It’s a great reminder. Great comment, Linda
Great list as usual, Linda. We do have a couple of walkers, and a wheelchair that were our Moms. At our age, you never know what you’ll need. We do have a couple of bath chairs, too. I’d love to have a ramp to our front door. Our doors are not handicapped friendly. They are too narrow. We do have most, but not all of this list. Gotta put the ones we don’t have on the list.
Linda, I just got a Surgical Instrument Kit for minor surgery, plus a couple of scalpels, some suture needles and thread and a stapler and staple remover. The stapler is for Vet use, but it can be used on people. Now, I just need to be able to use them if needed.
Hi Deborah, great comment! I love hearing you have walkers and a wheelchair. You may never need them but a family member or neighbor may at some time. I love hearing you got a Surgical Instrument Kit. I LOVE LOVE LOVE hearing this! Start watching YouTube videos on how to use them. Mark and I learned how to do stitches when a doctor came and showed us how to do them. Underneath and top stitches. My hands do not work like they use to do to arthritis but one way or another I could so stitches if I had to. Linda
Linda, I have the stapler, for if I can’t stitch up a wound. I have books I’m prepper medicine and herbal remedies. Can’t have enough information on how to deal with illnesses and accidents. Just my opinion. LOL I’m just hoping I’ll be able to do it if the need arrives.
Hi Deborah, I think our adrenal will kick in and we can do almost anything. Praying I’m right! LOL! Linda
I’m praying you’re right, too. I don’t do needles well.
Hi Deborah, I don’t do needles well, either. Fingers crossed! Linda
At one time I had give myself allergy shots in my stomach. It was fine until I drew back blood. Then I couldn’t do it anymore. I don’t look when I get a shot.
Hi Deborah, I can’t look either!! LOL! Oh my gosh! Linda
Practice it.
Had 45 seconds this morning around 0500 to grab and get to the tornado shelter.
All good. Hit 1/2 mile away.
List will help you get through the OODA
Even the military uses list and written load out plans
Glad you and yours are ok.
Hi Janet, I know, right?? Linda
Hi Matt, OH MY GOSH! I’m glad you and your family are okay!! 1/2 a mile away is close!!!! I had to Google OODA! LOL! “The OODA loop is the cycle observes–orient–decide–act, developed by military strategist and the United States Air Force Colonel John Boyd.” I learn something new every day! Linda
Great list. I noticed when I went to Walmart this morning that the milk shelves were empty and there were signs asking people to limit 2 containers of milk. I’m glad I didn’t need any and that’s why I keep powdered milk at home. I wanted to take a picture but there were too many sets of eyes on me so I didn’t. Many other shelves were empty there however the canned vegetable aisle was well stocked. At any rate, we need to buy what we need when we find it (if we can afford it).
Hi Paula, oh thanks for the update, we all love to hear what’s going on in other stores. I heard eggs are in short supply, even people who are selling them have raised the price to $10.00 a dozen (per a reader). I wonder how people will feed their families, with the prices we are seeing. Linda
Interesting info about the milk! I’ve had several friends/relatives in different states saying they cannot find evaporated milk.
Hi Amy, wow, evaporated milk, interesting! I will have to check! Linda
Such a thought provoking article! And a great reminder as well to look ahead. As I read about Mark’s tool chests, I thought about the need to have Manual tools. I just found a few saws that had been in my falling down greenhouse. They are rusted and I seriously thought about throwing them away. Now I think I will clean them up, sharpen as well as I can (I have a lot of sharpeners, lol). I gave my gas chainsaw to my ex this summer as it was too hard for me to use. He came back with a small lightweight electric chainsaw for me. But…this last summer I hired young teens to do trimming/cutting down small trees growing next to my house. I didn’t feel comfy having them run Any chainsaw. I was only able to find 2 hacksaws! Well, we found my other saws, After we needed them. After your article, I was reminded that Manual tools are dang handy, so I’m keeping those old saws. Giggle, and this is a woman who has a manual hand-turned drill with all the original bits, small to incredibly large. My dad used it to build his first house when he was 16, back in the 30’s. His brother gave it to him after using it to build his first house in the 1920’s. Oh, and I still use it from time to time. Yet, I was thinking about throwing out my manual saws?!? Thank you, thank you for this article as a reminder. You are just great!
Hi Wendy, oh my gosh, those are a treasure from your dad via your uncle. WOW!! Yeah, keep those manual saws! We hire out stuff as well. Mark and I decided it’s not safe for us to use a chainsaw or climb tall ladders to clean out gutters anymore. LOL! Life is so good! Linda
You want to be careful using things like tissues or toilet paper for wound care. The have a tendency to fall apart when wet. This could lead to lots of pesky bits and pieces in the wound leading to many possible sources for infection. It would be better to use a clean cloth or real sterile gauze backed with expedient absorption materials if necessary.
Hi KyKPH, thanks for the reminder. I have a lot of sterile gauze for this very reason, a great tip! Linda
Great suggestions! Another item you want is extra medications. To do this and save money, have your doctor call your pharmacy with a prescription for enough for 3 months. Let the know you are going to use GOODRX(become a member for free) coupons for the drug/strength/amount. My husband and I both suffer from seizures, did this for both of our medications. Cost us $42 each for a 3 month supply which normally would have cost over $200 each. When you pick it us show them the coupon.
Hi Barb, yes GOODRX is awesome! Great reminder for the 90 day supply, I wouls ask what the CASH price would be, sometimes its lower than the co-pay amount. Great tip! Linda
Having read through the post and comments, I wanted to mention that I was at the store yesterday. For the last year and a half, I have been getting all my eggs from my daughter (farm fresh!) at no cost. Well, it had been a while since I saw my daughter and her family due to their illnesses. I needed eggs so figured I would just buy some at the store. NO WAY!! They were $5.99/dozen! That was for the cheapest and the pasture raised were more than that. Just a little over 3 years ago the comment indicates $10.00 (your comment, Linda). With the price of all the other groceries, I simply couldn’t justify 50 cents an egg! Time to look into substitutes! A couple of hours after my store trip, who should show up?? My daughter and she brought me eggs! She was shocked at the price of store eggs. She tries to keep her prices a little less than the stores but is still selling hers at $3 a dozen. She thinks she might need to up the price to $4/dozen.
So, while reading the post, I am reminded that we need to assess our risks and adjust our preparations to meet the needs of our own households. People need to remember that these lists are not all inclusive and are just guidelines. We need to add to or take away what is necessary for our needs. I KNOW that I am not prepared for surgery and that is OK. I am also not prepared for building things – don’t have the tools – I have just enough basic tools for quick fixes, but I don’t have the space to store a lot of tools that I don’t use on a regular basis.
Hi Leanne, I think my neighbor sells her eggs for $5.00 a dozen. I love the old comments $10.00 for a dozen eggs 3 years ago!! YIKES! You are so right this list is just a basic one. We all know our skills and what we can physically do! That’s so true. We do the best we can, and that’s awesome! Linda
As a long time cat owner and living in the land of snow and mud, I would not recommend kitty litter. The clay type turns to gunk when wet and is difficult to clean off you car. We keep an old kitty litter container filled with gritty sand and flat pieces of plywood in the truck for when we are stuck in the mire.
HI Melissa, great comment! I like the gritty sand idea! The plywood would help as well. Love this, Linda
Thanks for your passion and dedicated work. It shows!
Hi Michelle, thank you for your kind words, Linda