
How To Tell If Your Child May Be Dehydrated

Have you often wondered how to tell if your child may be dehydrated? Please remember, I’m not a doctor, nurse, or anyone in the medical field. I’m a mom and a grandma and sometimes call myself Dr. Linda for the advice I give my loved ones, but I am not a doctor. A couple of days ago I saw on Facebook that one of my very special friends had a sick child. I immediately sent him a text. They have no insurance because, as we all know, many people can’t afford insurance. Often you are better off paying cash when you go to the doctor because the doctors will charge you less because they don’t have to wait months to be reimbursed. Plus, some prescriptions cost less than your co-pay if you pay cash. As young parents or grandparents, we worry when a young toddler gets sick because they can’t always tell us what hurts or how they are feeling.

I waited a day before I sent another text to see how the little princess was doing. She was better, but after three or four days of vomiting and diarrhea, she was getting more lethargic. My concern was that she may have the Rotovirus or some symptoms of being dehydrated. This is a perfect example of what may happen if we have a disaster in our area and there are no doctors around. We have to educate ourselves now so we can do whatever is possible if we are unable to go to a doctor or the emergency room.

Please note, do not mess around with a child who is dehydrated, or an adult for that matter. Mark has been sick three times in our married life and all three times he has ended up in the hospital because he was too stubborn to go to the doctor. The last time I said we are going to Instacare and we are getting you hooked up to an IV with fluids. We went to the local Instacare facility and I said he needs an IV now, we are our own advocates. I sometimes call myself Bossy Boots, but I know when someone needs an IV and is dehydrated. Yes, indeed, he was severely dehydrated. Older adults sometimes don’t even realize they are thirsty and they may become severely dehydrated.

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I had a close friend who had a young son die from the Rotavirus, it’s nothing to mess around with.

Dehydrated Symptoms



Sunken eyes and cheeks

No tears when the child cries

Brown urine

No pee for three hours

Dry diapers (not the norm, they usually have several wet diapers in a day)

Won’t eat, and sometimes they are too weak to eat or have no appetite

Lethargic and very fatigued, sleepier than usual

Dry mouth and tongue

Glossy red or cracked lips



Excessive sweating

Listlessness and irritable

Rapid heartbeat

Rapid breathing

Very dry skin


One of the great drinks that can help is Gatorade (it has some Electrolytes), Pedialyte, popsicles, or whatever your family member will drink. Please remember this diet if you have someone in your home who is vomiting or has excessive diarrhea. I call it the BRAT diet. I don’t know where I heard about it but it works. Please don’t second-guess your gut telling you your child is sick and may be dehydrated.

The B.R.A.T. Diet:




Toast (plain)

Please take your child to the doctor, ER, or another emergency facility if your gut tells you something is not right. It’s flu and cold season right now and so many viruses are going around. Please stock up on some Gatorade or make your own healthy drink. I like to deliver emergency dehydrated stuff to cute families I love, so I buy little bottles of Gatorade for them. When in doubt go to the ER if possible. Listen to your head, heart, and gut. Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected. I highly recommend this Medical Handbook for emergencies.

Read More of My Articles  Flooding: Everything You Need to Know

Tips For Staying Healthy:

Wash your hands.

Keep your bathrooms as clean as possible.

Build up your immune system by eating fruits and vegetables.

Keep your kitchen as clean as possible.

Clean doorknobs, remotes to TVs,  and light switches with Clorox wipes carefully (they’re pretty dry wipes).

Don’t shake hands, yep, you heard me right, do fist bumps if you feel the need to greet someone with a friendly gesture.

Wash your hands after you fill your gas tank.

Wash your hands after you use a keypad at any store.

Use hand sanitizer after you put your money in one of those tubes at the bank.

I know what you’re thinking, Linda must be a germaphobic. Is that a word? Yes, it is. I own it. May God bless your family to stay healthy this fall and winter.

Help ward off the flu by Linda

Clorox wipes

N-95 Masks

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  1. Hubby’s a science teacher and believes in everyday germ exposure to increase natural immunity— NOTE does not apply to small  children or immuno-compromised.  Nowadays pediatricians are recommending baby’s be raised with cats and dogs to decrease allergies/asthma in later 
    Years .   Been married 16 years and can’t remember ud being sick. 

    He had kids in his classes seriously  wash their hands, touch a Pétri dish and grow massive amounts of bacteria. Cleans is a relative term.  We are always covered with germs.   
    However, in Flu epidemic.  Stay away from crowds etc.. esp if you don’t get the flu shot. Flu Kills.
    Flu shot recommended for people with heart problems–prevents deaths.

    1. Hi, NancyJo, oh how I love this comment! I wish I could have been in one of your husband’s classes. I love seeing stuff like what you described. It’s good to know about the cats and dogs to help decrease allergies/asthma in later years. Great comment, thank you! Linda

  2. Hi Linda. Great post, as usual. I think that we all need to remember to stay hydrated every day, to help avoid the severe dehydration that can come with illness. 
    Love the new look of your blog!

  3. Linda, I am making you the Mother of the Year. It is difficult for us old timers to realize that everyone does not know these important tips. I even had to check it out as I keep a close eye on Jim with his Parkinson’s Disease. You may also think about how to tell if a child has Juvenile Diabetes. We know that once it comes on the blood sugar can shoot up quick. My neighbor’s daughter had it and was complaining of thirst and peeing. These young people with children need to be aware. Sometimes we must take things into our own hands and be accountable for our precious children.
    So if you think no one enjoys and reads your articles think again.
    Thank you , thank you, thank you for what you do my friend.
    God bless and take care.
    Cincinnati Ohio

    1. Oh my dear friend, Vivian, you made my day! I thank you for this comment. I too was worried about this little girl having Diabetes. I am calling the parents every hour, she is like a granddaughter to me. They just sent me a video from their phone and she is talking, eating and smiling, but I’m still worried about the brown urine. I suggested they take her to the ER if it doesn’t turn yellow within an hour. It’s people like you who keep me going! Hugs! Linda

  4. I’m a nurse and the most vulnerable to dehydration are the young and the old. They can get dehydrated VERY QUICKLY, and yes, it is life threatening. Great info, as always. 🙂

    1. Hi Gayle, thanks for that comment, coming from a nurse that means a lot. I took so many things over to their house to hydrate the little princess and she is up and playing now. People can become hydrated so quickly. Linda

  5. I’ve been reading your blogs for about a month now. They are helpful and informative. Please keep it up as you are doing a great job!

  6. My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease nearly 7 years ago, when he was 49. He had a stooped posture, tremors, right arm does not move and also has a pulsating feeling in his body. He was placed on Sinemet for 8 months and then Sifrol was introduced which replaced the Sinemet. During this time span he was also diagnosed with dementia. He started having hallucinations, and lost touch with reality.I searched for alternative treatments and and started him on Parkinson’s herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, Just 7 weeks into the Herbal formula treatment he had great improvements with his slurred speech, there is no case of Rigid muscles and Slowed movement (bradykinesia) since treatment, visit Health Herbal Clinic official website. This treatment is incredible!

    1. Hi, Michelle, wow, what a great comment. I believe there is a time and place for big Pharma, but we know our bodies and we need to try other ways to heal our bodies if certain drugs are not working. Of course, we need doctors, I am not saying we do not. I follow my head, heart, and my gut. I know my body more than any doctor. I love hearing your sweet husband is doing better. We have to be our own advocate, love this comment! Linda

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