Breakfast Burritos in Foil
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The Best Breakfast Burrito Recipe

I’ve been wanting to share with you the best breakfast burrito recipe ever! I love anything with salsa, Cilantro, and cheese. Do you love flour tortillas? This recipe has eggs, sausage, Tator Tots, bell peppers, onions, and cheese. What’s not to love, right?

When I was pregnant with my first daughter I wanted Mexican food almost every day! Chips and salsa were my best friend!

Mark and I have four daughters who are married and have children of their own. We all love cooking in the kitchen together and this is one meal we make often. If we are traveling we will make these ahead of time and freeze them to take on a road trip in a cooler with ice.

What I love about this recipe is that it can be a little of this, a little more of that, and lots of this, and it always works out. You can make it a party or get-together and people can make their own buffet style.

If you have salsa and sour cream with chopped Cilantro, the party will be a success for sure!

The Best Breakfast Burrito Recipe

The Best Breakfast Burrito Recipe

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The Best Breakfast Burrito Recipe



Step One: Gather Your Ingredients – Cook Sausage

Grab a frying pan and fry the sausage until cooked through. Drain grease if, any. You’ll want to break the sausage into small pieces so it fits in the tortilla well when all the ingredients are added. Big chunks make rolling up the tortilla more challenging.

Frying the ground beef

Step Two: Add Onions

Add the chopped onions and cook until thoroughly done. We often use a small package of frozen chopped onions and that prompts the mixture to have a fair amount of liquid as the onion pieces thaw out. Unless the liquid evaporates as part of the cooking process, you’ll want to drain it off.

Cooking the onions

Step Three: Add Bell Peppers

Add the chopped bell peppers and cook them as well. I love the fact that I only use this pan for the meat, onions, and bell peppers. We usually use the multi-colored mixture of bell peppers to give the finished product a little more color.

Add the bell peppers

Step Four: Blend and Add Eggs

You may think I’m strange, but I have to use my blender to blend my eggs. You can use a whisk as well to mix them. I just like them totally smooth. Cook them until you reach the desired doneness. Like with the meat mentioned above, you’ll want to break the scrambled eggs into smaller pieces so they’ll mix well with the other ingredients and not complicate rolling up the tortilla.

Cook the eggs

Step Five: Cook Tator Tots

Cook the Tator Tots as directed on the package. Set them aside. You could cook regular hash browns in place of the Tator Tots, but I had these in my freezer already. As mentioned above, this recipe is very flexible. You could use diced ham in place of the sausage and still have a very delicious entree.

Bake the Tator Tots

Step Six: Prepare Cooked Tots

You can leave the Tator Tots as is or chop them as I do with a dough scraper. It makes it easier to fold the tortillas when ready to assemble them.

The Best Breakfast Burrito Recipe

Step Seven: Assemble Burroitos

This is what I do when we assemble the breakfast burritos. I set the flour tortillas out so they are ready to fill. If you are having a party, each person can make their own burrito. Today, I’m making several to store in foil to freeze so we can reheat them later. They really taste great reheated, and it comes in handy to have a few in the freezer when you’re in a pinch for a quick breakfast treat.

Assemble the ingredients

Step Eight: Use Favorite Ingredients

You start adding the ingredients, a little at a time and place them down the middle so you can fold the tortilla. If you try to add too much in the middle of the tortilla, you’ll have a tough time folding it as shown. You can add more items if you want to just fold it in thirds, which is fine, it just makes it more difficult to keep the ingredients from falling out from the ends, particularly if you pick them up to eat in your hands.

Make a Burrito

Step Nine: Save for Next Time

You can freeze these in foil and place them in a gallon ziplock bag. You can store these for up to one month or longer in your freezer.

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When ready to eat one, remove the foil, place the breakfast burrito in a damp paper towel and cook it in your microwave for 2-4 minutes, or until the inner temperature reaches 165 degrees F or 75 degrees C. The time will depend on your microwave wattage.

Step Ten

This is how we fold the burritos, fold the sides, and then roll tightly.

Folding Burritos

Finished Product

Ready to Eat

Breakfast Burrito Recipe

5 from 5 votes
Breakfast Burritos in Foil
Breakfast Burrito Recipe
Prep Time
30 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Total Time
1 hr
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: American
Servings: 12 people
Author: Linda Loosli
  • 6-12 Eggs
  • 1-32 ounce Package of Tator Tots
  • 1-16 ounce Package of Jimmy Dean Sausage
  • 2-3 cups of Shredded/Grated Cheese (I used cheddar)
  • 10-12 inch Flour Tortillas
  • 1 cup Chopped onion
  • 2-3 Red, Yellow, or Orange Bell Peppers (chopped)
  1. Grab a frying pan and fry the sausage until cooked through. Drain grease if, any. Add the chopped onions and cook until thoroughly done. Add the chopped bell peppers and cook them as well. Whisk the eggs or use a blender to make them smooth before cooking them. Cook them until the desired doneness. Cook the Tator Tots as directed on the package. Set them aside. You can leave the Tator Tots as is or chop them as I do with a dough scraper. It makes it easier to fold the tortillas when ready to assemble them. This is what I do when we assemble the breakfast burrito. I set the flour tortillas out so they are ready to fill. If you are having a party, each person can make their own burrito. Today, I'm making several to store in foil to freeze so we can reheat them later. You start adding the ingredients, a little at a time and place them down the middle so you can fold the tortilla afterward. You can freeze these in foil and place them in a gallon ziplock bag. You can store these for up to one month in your freezer. When ready to eat one, remove the foil, place the breakfast burrito in a damp paper towel cook in your microwave for 2-4 minutes or until the iner temperature reaches 165 degrees F or 75 degrees C. The time will depend on your microwave wattage.

Can I freeze these?

Yes, you can, I roll them as directed and then place them in foil and place the foil packages into a gallon size freezer bag. Store them in your freezer for up to one month.

Ready for Freezer

How long will the breakfast burritos store safely in the refrigerator?

I recommend eating the burritos within 2-3 days to be safe.

Read More of My Articles  Instant Pot® Beef and Bean Taco Bowls

Other Options for Burritos

  • Tomatoes (not to freeze)
  • Refried Beans
  • Pinto Beans
  • Black Beans
  • Avocado
  • Garden Jalapenos 
  • Black Olives

Can I use Corn Tortillas?

I would not freeze them but Pam mentioned she makes them with corn tortillas, folds them in half, and fries them!!

What can I serve with these?

  • Sliced apples
  • Sliced orange
  • Fresh Strawberries

Final Word

It’s all about cooking from scratch, right? Please let me know if you make breakfast burritos and what you put in yours. You know I love to hear from you. May God Bless this world, Linda

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  1. Yum, yum, yum! The only thing I would do is add refried beans (if freezing) and if eating immediately, besides the beans, I’d add avocado and maybe some chopped tomatoes if wished. Love, love , love breakfast burritos. I will sometimes also use corn tortillas and after adding ingredients, I’ll fold in half (like a taco) and dry fry them slightly for a breakfast taco. Equally as tasty.

    1. Hi Pam, it’s so funny you mentioned refried beans! There is a restaurant here in Southern Utah that sells a breakfast burrito with rice, eggs, pinto beans, and avocado! I’m going to add your thoughts to the post, thank you! Now, I want to make them with a corn tortilla, and fry them! Oh my gosh, love this idea!!! Linda

      1. When I was doing Renaissance Festivals, I used to get breakfast tacos at several of the fair sites. I prefer corn tortillas over flour, so the guy who made them always kept some corn for me. Most of the time, he made them on the small flour ones. I’ve made these for years since I stopped doing festivals. Now, I want to make your burritos and freeze them for when I’m too lazy to make breakfast. I also plan to make them dog friendly since my dog and I eat the sam thing for breakfast every day (only I’ll make his smaller, lol).

        1. Hi Pam, oh I love your comment! There is nothing better than eating with our dogs! I bet those Renaissance Festivals were so awesome! I’m with you sometimes I’m too lazy to fix something for breakfast! Love your comment, LInda

  2. 5 stars
    This sounds so good. If I can get my digestive disorder under control, I’m going to try making these. Right now, everything I eat gives me indigestion and acid reflux. Let me tell you, it’s very hard to sleep. And it’s no fun.

      1. I got a reply from My doctor and can take a Prilosec in the morning and one at night. I’m hoping this will help. It’s bad when cinnamon toast gives you indigestion. Or even scrambled eggs and regular plain toast. LOL

        1. Hi Deborah, oh my gosh, cinnamon toast, scrambled eggs??? Oh my gosh, that is terrible. Let’s hope the Prilosec works and laying on your right side with your head elevated like Charlotte, mentioned. Linda

          1. I already sleep on the right side with my head elevated. Bee doing that for years. I started okay with the two a day. So far so good.

        2. Hopefully that works for you, but you might want to consider also using antacid tablets like Rolaids or Tums. They aren’t medication per se as they neutralize acid directly and as long as taken more than an hour before/after other medications, they shouldn’t interfere with any prescriptions. I keep a small container of Rolaids and nibble at it after anything that I know adds to indigestion and it has calmed things down. It lets me continue eating pasta with the red sauces that I love without causing problems. Hooray!

          1. dmwalsh, so far it’s working. I’m not supposed to take Rolaids or Tums with what I take now. Lots of different meds for different things. I used to take Rolaids or Tums, but can’t any more. I have too much calcium in my blood as is. Can’t take calcium at all. I have parathyroid issues that take calcium from my bones.

          2. Hi DMWalsh, thank you for the tip on Rolaids or Tums. I have a container of Tums with me at all times. I know some people have more indigestion than I do. Great comment, Linda

    1. Deborah…I started Black Cohosh for night sweats(not bad and not often)and after a couple weeks discovered I no longer had acid reflux.
      And, the night leg spasms disappeared also. One a day.

      Worth a try. Good luck.

  3. 5 stars
    Ohhh….these sound sooo good!! They sound like they would be really easy to freeze for a quick breakfast on those busy mornings! Thank you sooo much for sharing!!❤️

  4. 5 stars
    Deborah, I live in New Mexico, so spicy food is a staple. May I suggest (a) 2 antiacid tablets, such as Pepsid, before you eat. (b) Sleep on your right side with your head elevated at least six inches higher than your feet.
    I have the same problem and I refuse to give up Mexican food.

      1. Linda, Charlotte’s comment confused me since I was told to sleep on my left side for GERD relief. I did a search for the best side to sleep on for gastric acid relief. I checked out several sites and felt this was a reliable source with good info. Here is the link.

        I don’t know how to tactfully state my response so I will leave it in your capable hands. Your site is reviewed my so many people and I think you are concerned about dis​sem​i​nat​ing information that may be incorrect so I felt you might want to review this article.

        God bless America.

        1. Hi Carol, thank you for sharing this information. I follow WebMD and love it. This is what’s nice about our comment forum. We love helping one another but we have to do what works for us. Isn’t it wonderful that we can share ideas without any criticism? I remember having heartburn when I was pregnant, but luckily it went away!! I’m now 71 and it’s been too many years to remember which side the doctor told me to lay on. Life is good when we can share thoughts with one another. Great comment, Linda

        2. Carol, I sleep on one side and then another. The best way is for me to sleep on my back, but I snore when I do that. But I have to some time.

        3. I also received the same information, Web MD information is reviewed annually by experts in the fields for accuracy and updating. I cannot sleep on my right side due to pain in my R shoulder and wedges are out because of spinal pain. I’ve tried them all, in all heights, and end up sliding down off them because of pain. So I compromise with 2 pillows. I’ve been on every type of GI med for GERD and finally found Pepcid AC prescription level works for me. I do use Tums for the occasional break through episode, but have no conflicting medical condition. One anatomical reason for sleeping on the left side may be that the stomach is on the left side of the body, making it harder for reflux to climb the esophagus. I’ve had 1 bout of Aspiration Pneumonia, 2ndary to GERD and never want to go through that again! I find that lots of ice cold water can help acid indigestion. I discovered that in college many years ago when I had an ulcer and ran out of Maalox on a weekend. It still works for me.

          1. Hi MaryAnn, oh, it’s such a bummer you have to deal with so much pain, I’m so sorry to hear this. I had a friend with GERD and it was so painful, I never want that! I can’t imagine aspiration pneumonia, oh my gosh!! I need to remember that ice-cold water can help with acid indigestion! Thank you for you tips! Linda

    1. I love Mexican food. I live in Texas. This just started again recently. I’ve been taking one Prilosec a day for years and it’s worked. I’ve craved Mexican food for over 48 years. Ever since I was expecting my last child.

  5. Was worried when I saw you mentioned cilantro so prominently in the intro, but this looks yummy so I’ll definitely have to give it a try.

    Why would I worry about cilantro? I’m one of the lucky 30-33% of folks who think cilantro tastes like soap. Makes eating Mexican or Thai dishes a bit tricky, but most restaurants are accommodating these days.

    1. Hi DmWalsh, you are not alone, I know a few people who do not like Cilantro. I love it but I love Mexican food. That’s nice the restaurants accommodate leaving it out. Soap, I wouldn’t want to eat either! LOL! Linda

  6. Several years ago, I went to Hawaii (Maui). I ate at a tiny restaurant and had a Chile Relleno breakfast burrito. It was THE BEST!!
    Layered in the tortilla: spicy rice, refried beans, sausage, a whole roasted chile, cheese then rolled up. It was HUGE! needless to say, I only ate 1/2 of it and heated the rest in a microwave (not as good later) and had it for dinner! I have since made this myself but easing up on how much rice, beans and sausage I used. Definitely worth it!

    1. Leanne, we went to thenBig Island for a week for our 30th anniversary. I loved it. I want to go back and cruise the Islands. That way I can see them all.

  7. I finally got around to cooking breakfast burritos and had one far a late night snack…I forgot to put sausage in, but the onions, green peppers, cheese, and scrambled eggs was delicious with store bought taco sauce…I just love it because it tastes like Taco Bell sauce.
    Next time I will use sausage…duh!!
    The form held well but the one I ate wasn’t fully frozen–so they will be great when they freeze completely.
    This is a great way to have ready to eat burritos using ground beef and vegetables..Thanks for the idea.

    1. HI JayJay, oh yeah, ground beef and vegetables would be awesome! I love knowing I have some last-minute meals in the freezer. I love Taco Bell sauce, yummy!! In Utah, we have Taco Time Sauce which is really good too! Linda

  8. Linda have you ever tried Tennessee Pride sausage. I used to live in St George and they had it when I lived there. It’s the best

  9. This burrito recipe turned out to be very delicious. Thank you so much for putting up this post as it really helped me make the recipe well and easily.Everyone at home really loved it and also appreciated me.

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