17 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Stocking Food

17 Shocking Things You Didn’t Know About Stocking Food

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If you’re like most people, you probably think of stocking up on food as just getting a few extra cans of soup and some boxes of cereal. But there’s actually a lot more to it than that, if you want to feel like you’re prepared for emergencies. Here are 17 shocking things you didn’t know about stocking food.

Stocking Food

When we talk about “stocking food,” what we really mean is having a supply of non-perishable items as well as foods with a longer shelf life on hand in case of an emergency. This could be anything from a natural disaster to a power outage. In either case, having a stockpile of food that doesn’t require refrigeration or cooking to make it fit for consumption can be a lifesaver.

But stocking food isn’t just about survival, it’s also about being prepared for unexpected situations. For example, let’s say you have a big project due at work and you know you won’t have time to go to the grocery store. Or maybe you’re snowed in and can’t get to the store. In either case, having a stash of easy-to-prepare food can help you avoid resorting to unhealthy (and expensive) takeout options.

So what does it mean to stock food? It means being prepared for anything life throws your way. And that’s always a good thing.

17 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Stocking Food

17 Things You Didn’t Know About Stocking Food

You may know that you should be stocking food and supplies for emergencies, but here are a few things you may not know!

1. Keep Ripe Bananas Cold

Let your bananas sit out at room temperature until they are ripe with plenty of spots. Then, plop them in the refrigerator. You can get an extra week out of them this way.

2. You Can Freeze Nuts

You may not know this, but you can actually freeze most nut varieties! This includes peanuts, cashews, pistachios, and more. Just make sure to thaw them before eating them. Nuts can be stored for up to six months in the freezer.

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3. Butter will Last Longer if it’s Stored in the Freezer

If you have a hankering for some butter, but don’t want it to go bad, store it in the freezer! Butter can last up to a year when stored this way. Just make sure to thaw it out before using it.

4. You Can Get Bread in a Can

I didn’t even know this, but you can actually get bread in a can. Who knew? In fact, you can snatch up B&M Brown Bread right on Amazon. Canned bread can be stored for up to two years.

5. There are MREs for Dogs

Did you know that there are MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) for dogs? K9 Natural Dog Food makes them and they can be stored for up to two years. They even have a shelf life of up to seven years if stored in a cool, dry place.

6. You Can Store Honey Forever

Honey is one of those magical foods that never goes bad. You can store it forever and it will still be just as delicious as the day you put it away. Just be sure and place the honey in glass jars so that when they crystalize you can place them outside in the sun to hopefully bring them back to the normal consistency. Or you can place the jars in a pan filled with warm water to liquefy the honey.

7. You Shouldn’t Store Tomatoes in the Fridge

Despite what you may have been told, you shouldn’t store tomatoes in the fridge. The cold temperature actually ruins the flavor. Keep them on the counter instead.

8. You Can Store Cheese in the Freezer

Cheese can actually be stored in the freezer for up to two months. Just make sure to wrap it tightly so that it doesn’t dry out. I don’t freeze whole chunks of cheese, they crumble too much. I do freeze shredded Mozarella, shredded cheddar, and the Mexican blend shredded cheese.

9. Unusual Berries Come in Cans

You can actually find canned unusual berries at your local grocery store. These include gooseberries, huckleberries, and more. They can last for up to two years in the pantry.

10. Pumpkins Last Longer than you Think

Pumpkins are actually pretty durable. They can last for up to three months if stored in a cool, dry place.

11. You Shouldn’t Store Garlic in the Fridge

Despite what you may have heard, you shouldn’t store garlic in the fridge. The moisture will cause it to mold. Instead, keep it in a cool, dry place.

12. You Can Freeze Your Yeast, Wheat Gluten, and Dough Enhancer

Yes, you can freeze your Saf Instant yeast, Wheat Gluten, and your Dough Enhancer in the original bags, or transfer the open bags to an airtight container for the freezer. Here’s the deal with dough enhancers and wheat gluten, they make your bread dough fluffy, soft, and the best texture ever!

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I only learned to use them when I taught at a Bosch store about 10-12 years ago. They are optional, you don’t need to use them, but I do almost every time I make my homemade bread. When I was growing up, my mother made hard red wheat bread that was similar to “bricks.” We loved it, but we didn’t know we could have soft wheat bread.

Please note, I only buy hard white wheat for my bread making. Hard red wheat has more protein, but the flavor is stronger to me. It’s all about personal preference.

17 Shocking Things You Didn't Know About Stocking Food

13. You Shouldn’t Store Onions in the Fridge

Despite what you may have heard, you shouldn’t store onions in the fridge. The moisture will cause them to mold, much like garlic. Instead, keep them in a cool, dry place.

14. Low Carb Pasta Comes in a Can

If you’re looking for a low-carb pasta option, you can actually find it in a can. Palmini is a brand that makes it and it can be found on Amazon. You can get lasagna, linguine, and spaghetti.

15. You Can Store Milk in the Freezer

Milk can actually be stored in the freezer for up to six months. Just make sure to thaw it out in the refrigerator before using it. You may need to put it in a larger container since liquids expand when frozen.

16. You Can Store Flour in the Freezer

Flour can be stored in the freezer for up to six months. This wouldn’t work for me because I buy 200 pounds of flour at a time. But, if you buy smaller 5-pound bags, keep the flour in an airtight container before placing it in the freezer for any long periods of time.

17. Get Dolmas in a Can

Dolmas are grapevine leaves that are filled with rice, onion, and herbs, and rolled into little bundles of deliciousness. Many people enjoy them as appetizers at Mediterranean restaurants, but now you can enjoy them at home.

What Canned Foods Should I Stock?

You should be stocking food with lots of variety. You want to have fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, dairy, and more. The best way to do this is to create a list of all the food you eat in a week and then buy those items in canned form. This will help you make sure you have a well-rounded selection.

There are lots of great canned foods out there that you may not have known about. Now that you know, be sure to stock up so you’re prepared for anything.

What Fresh Foods Can Be Stored Long-Term?

There are actually quite a few fresh foods that can be stored long-term. These include potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, apples, and more. Just make sure to store them in a cool, dry place.

More About Stocking Food:

Final Thoughts

Stocking food is important for being prepared in case of an emergency. But it’s also important to know what foods can be stored long-term and how to best store them. Did you know all of these things about stocking food? I sure didn’t! But now I do and I’m better prepared for an emergency.

What are some other things you didn’t know about stocking food? Let me know in the comments below! May God bless this world. Linda

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  1. Linda, I knew most of this but MRE’s for dogs is a new one. My dogs eat dry food I’m pretty sure would last for a couple of years anyhow (it’s grain free).

    1. That’s definitely interesting but I’d go broke trying to feed this to my dog.
      $10 a 6oz can on Amazon or $128 a 4lb bag from chewy

  2. Oh, my!! Loved canned brown bread with cream cheese as a kid! Great tips here especially about dough enhance and wheat gluten. Bought these per your recommendation and didn’t know how to store. FYI for novices, don’t store potatoes and onions in the same area. Our homegrown spaghetti squash lasts 9 months! I put some garlic and olive oil in magic bullet, froze in ice cube trays then transferred to freeze safe options. You may have covered this before, but pesto freezes great! I have silicone cupcake holders that are reserved for savory items. Just used November 2021 pesto last night. Yum If I’m making a big mess like pesto, I want to make and freeze what I can for quick prep meals. Our onions and potatoes are crazy plentiful this year . Creatively finding places to dry them plus chopping and freezing those that flowered.
    Keep the food storage ideas coming! Thank you

    1. Hi Marilynne, I love hearing about your spaghetti squash lasting 9 months. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! Oh, I love making pesto, and I freeze it as well. Now, my mouth is watering for some!! LOL! Thank you for your kind words, my friend, Linda

    2. We have found commercially vacuum sealed cheese lasts 18 months in the frig. My favorite is xxxx sharp cheddar and Swiss with rye. We also buy vacuum sealed chuck roasts, marinated chicken breasts and turkey drum sticks. They are easily good for 2 years in the freezer. I added the canned brown bread to this week’s shopping cart, hoping my husband likes it.. We have stored butter in original packaging for 14 months in the freezer.

  3. I have a case of the brown bread. I also have a wood stove top oven that I can bake on if I have to. I hope I just eat all my food in rotation.

    People seriously underestimate how much food they eat. If you have canned peaches just once a week, you will need 52 cans of them for a year. Use that to figure out what you really eat. It is a lot more than you realize.

    1. Hi Janet, I need to try that brown bread in cans again, it’s been years. I hear you on the jars of peaches, my family would eat way more than 52 jars in a year. Great reminder on how much we need to stock! Thank you, Linda

  4. One of the reasons I like freezing cheese is that I can crumble it into recipes afterwards instead of shredding. I use a vacuum sealer to package all kinds of things for the freezer in individual or pre-measured portions and reusable zip top bags with a vacuum port to keep my sliced home made bread in the freezer. I can remove one or two slices then vacuum the air out and put the rest back. No icky ice build up inside the bag. Covered ice cube trays are great for freezing soup cubes that you can bag up and use for a cup of broth or in another recipe. Unfortunately I don’t yet have a generator to keep the freezer working in case of power failures so I try not to rely on it too much. There are so many interesting canned foods and I’m starting to check out more dehydrated things. The vacuum sealer is handy there too as most packages are way too big for a single person living alone. Really powdery things need to be in an inner bag first to keep from clogging the machine. So much to learn but your information is always so useful and practical.

    1. Hi Alice, thank you for your kind words, my friend. Oh, I love freezing stuff in serving sizes. The broth or soup in soup cubes is the best! Mine are all in my storage unit right now, waiting for my home to be built. I do not have a generator either, and I won’t get one because I can’t afford one. I live for today and if the power goes out I will have the biggest Barbecue on the street to share with neighbors. I have freeze-dried, dehydrated food and canned goods that will be just fine for our family. I love the vacuum sealers, they are the best!! Linda

  5. I keep my garlic and other spices in their original containers but add a oxygen absorber in it and they will last for about two years if kept in a cool dark area. Another thing, I live in Texas and when I buy a boxed item I put them into a glass mason jar or a plastic PETE container, depending on its size with oxygen absorbers. Why? Because here we have weavils and roaches. Even if you keep a clean house those rascals will creep in somehow. I found this out the hard way. Its very discouraging to see your food stored in a tote in its boxed packaging and you have to throw it out.

    1. Hi Judy, oh, my gosh, I am so glad you mentioned the weevils and roaches. I will add mice. You are so right, you can have the cleanest home on the block and they will still come to visit and have a buffet, uninvited! Those little rascals are such a pain. Everything I have is in mason jars, buckets, and Rubbermaid containers. You only have to have ONE ISSUE and it changes you forever. Great comment! Linda

  6. I make my own bread in a ‘”can” by mixing my dough, let it rise and then put it into 4 greased pint jars. Let it rise just a bit and then put it in a pan with water half way up the jars. Bring to a boil for 10 min., remove and with the lid on, place it in a wonder oven for 4 hrs. Remove and empty out the bread and it is ready to eat. I have mentioned this before and will use this instead of buying the bread, It works no matter what type of bread you make.

    1. Hi Cheryl, oh my gosh, you told me about this. My thermal cooker is in my storage unit. My home is being built. Not sure when, it’s taking forever to get permits. Thank you for the reminder!!! I need to write a post about this. I do not have a wonder bag but I can buy another thermal cooker. Thanks again, Linda

    2. Hi Cheryl, I just ordered a different “thermal cooker” to write a post about this. Do you bake it without the lids on the jars, right? I will give you full credit for this idea, my friend. I saw it at a prepper demo, but I had forgotten about it until you and I talked via email several months ago. Great reminder, people need to know how to do this. Thank you!! Linda

  7. No the lids are on the jars to seal the heat in and keep any extra moisture out as well. I used your wheat bread for 2 to make mine and was very happy with the results. It is nice, too if you have family members that do not like the crust on their bread. It is nice to be able to use my Butane stove to heat the water up to boiling before adding the pan with the jars on it. Be sure that the pan is deep enough to hold the jars. I add some canning rings on the bottom of the pan to keep the jars up so they do not touch the bottom. This helps circulate the hot water better when you put it in the wonder oven. A good way to make bread when the power goes out, too!!

    1. HI Cheryl, oh gotcha!! Thank you! I will be writing a post with your instructions soon. Thank you so much. People need a Wonder Oven or a Thermal Cooker. They are so awesome! Linda

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