Declutter Clothes

Thriving with Less: How to Get By With Less

In a world that often emphasizes consumerism and material wealth, the idea of getting by with less may seem unconventional. However, sometimes we have to learn how to get by with less, particularly during tough times. I think these tips will help all of us get by with a little less than what we’re used to, and that’s a good thing!

Thriving with Less: How to Get By With Less

Most of you know by now, that Mark and I are downsizing to a much smaller home in Northern Utah. When we were raising our girls we needed a larger home. When the grandkids started coming we enjoyed our large home for family gatherings.

Then we wanted to live in a smaller home in Southern Utah where there was rarely snow. Then after 15 years, we decided we would be smart to sell our home and move back up north closer to family. Now, we’re building what’s called an ADU, Accessory Dwelling Unit in our daughter’s backyard. These ADUs have become very popular in the last few years, but getting the permits is not that easy.

Permit For Smaller Home

It took about a year to get all the permits and we hope by April or May the home will be done. I’m telling you this because it took a lot to declutter the smaller home in Southern Utah and even more decluttering to make our move work in the new 1000-square-foot home.

You learn very quickly to downsize you have to let go of stuff, not all stuff, but a lot of stuff. I’m not saying heirlooms or grandma’s quilts. Plus, I think in a few months when this house gets finished I’ll have to let go of more stuff. It’s life, I just want a simple life. I won’t give up my food storage, water storage, or any preps. We still must be prepared for the unexpected.

Solar Lanterns and Solar Flashlights

Thriving with Less: How to Get By With Less

Embracing Minimalism

Minimalism is more than just a design aesthetic, it’s a way of life that encourages intentional living with only the essentials. Begin your minimalistic lifestyle by decluttering your living space and identifying items that truly add value to your life. Embracing minimal living allows you to appreciate the things that matter most and reduces the mental and physical clutter that often accompanies excessive possessions. This is a great way to learn how to get by with less. 10 Cleaning Tips For The Minimalist

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Mindful Spending

In a society driven by consumer culture, practicing mindful spending is essential to getting by with less. Before making a purchase, ask yourself if the item is a necessity or a fleeting desire. Shopping can become one of our costly sources of gratification. Consider the long-term impact of your spending habits on your financial well-being. Adopting a mindful approach to spending, you can save money, reduce unnecessary purchases, and focus on what truly adds value to your life. Top 11 Budgeting Tips for Emergency Preparedness

Budgeting for Essentials

Creating a realistic budget is a key aspect of getting by with less. Identify your essential expenses such as housing, utilities, food, and transportation, and allocate your resources accordingly. Prioritize needs over wants and explore cost-effective alternatives for everyday items. A well-structured budget provides financial stability and ensures that you are spending money on what truly matters. 8 Paramount Lessons Budgeting Has Taught Me

We can’t let the desire for fancy cars or expensive clothing take priority if they don’t fit our budget. It seems that on social media following our passions is the norm portrayed. There is a better way, and that’s a life of moderation.

DIY and Frugal Living

Embrace the do-it-yourself (DIY) mentality to reduce reliance on commercial products and services. From homemade cleaning supplies to DIY home repairs, adopting frugal living practices can significantly cut down expenses. Doing DIY projects not only saves money but also helps provide a sense of accomplishment and self-sufficiency by showing our creativity. 58 Frugal Kitchen and Pantry Items You Need

Cultivating Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful mindset that can transform your perspective on life. Instead of focusing on your lack of stuff, show gratitude for what you have. Appreciate the simple joys and experiences that come your way. Practicing gratitude fosters contentment, which is a crucial element of getting by with less and finding happiness in the present moment. How to Be Tougher Mentally As a Prepper

Investing in Experiences, Not Things

Shift your focus from accumulating material possessions to investing in meaningful experiences. Experiences can take on various scenarios, whether they involve travel, learning, or quality time with loved ones, and contribute to lasting memories and personal growth. Unlike material possessions, experiences provide a deeper sense of fulfillment and happiness that transcends the temporary satisfaction of owning things.

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Building a Supportive Community

Community support is invaluable when navigating a life with fewer material possessions. Connect with like-minded individuals and folks who share similar values and goals. A supportive community can offer practical advice, encouragement, and shared experiences on how to thrive with less stuff. Building relationships with those who understand and appreciate your lifestyle choices enhances your overall well-being. How to Make a Community in Your Neighborhood

Mindful Consumption

Mindful consumption involves making intentional choices about what you bring into your life. Consider the environmental and social impact of your purchases. Opt for sustainable and ethically produced products, and be mindful of the waste generated by your consumption. Adopting a mindful approach to what you consume, contributes to a more sustainable and conscious way of living. 10 Things You Should Stop Buying

Prioritizing Health and Well-being

Getting by with less doesn’t mean compromising on health and well-being. Prioritize self-care and focus on activities that promote mental, emotional, and physical health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are essential components of a fulfilling life where your sanity is a priority. By prioritizing health, you can enjoy a higher quality of life with fewer external possessions. Things To Do To Not Get Scared as a Prepper

Continuous Learning and Growth

Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and personal growth. Invest time and energy in acquiring new skills, pursuing hobbies, and expanding your knowledge. Cultivating a growth mindset fosters resilience and adaptability, enabling you to navigate life’s challenges with confidence. Continuous learning also provides a sense of purpose and fulfillment beyond material possessions. 20 Things to Hunt for When You Need to Feed Your Family

Final Word

Do these tips help you learn how to get by with less? Getting by with less is not about deprivation but rather a conscious choice to prioritize what truly matters. By embracing minimalism, practicing mindful spending, and focusing on experiences and relationships, you can create a life rich in meaning and fulfillment.

This journey towards intentional living allows you to break free from the societal pressure of accumulation and can help you learn how to get by with less. Use these tips to put together a checklist of things you want to accomplish. From the checklist, you can put together a to-do list of the steps necessary to achieve your goals. May God Bless this World, Linda

Copyright Images: Frugal Living Depositphotos_219806786_S by Designer491, Declutter Clothes Depositphotos_651798702_S by AndreyPopov

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  1. I use the old fashioned envelope system to budget. I get 1/3 of my monthly income sent to me in a check (the rest goes to direct deposit and taxes) I cash the check and put money in envelopes for car repairs, Christmas/Birthdays, property tax, travel, savings, food, fun, etc. I always have cash and rarely use my cc. People say “Oh, my grandmother did that” like it’s so old it’s useless. She did it because it works. Direct deposit pays utilities, HOA fees, insurance, etc.

    1. HI Kathryn, I do exactly what you do! I have everything paid direct deposit (ACH) and I use the envelope method. It does indeed work! I remember when I was a banker and a few people had no idea where their money was going each month. They had never heard of a budget. WHAT?? Well, I explained how a budget works. Good job, envelopes still work today! Linda

  2. The older I get the less I want. Designer items seem like garbage with a large price tag. I have all the furniture I need and then some. My biggest expense seems to be on Hoka shoes (love them). I think we all went overboard with buying and forgot what was really important.

    1. Hi Janet, I totally agree with you. I have heard Hoka shoes are great I think a couple of my daughters have them I bought some Brooks, but having a comfortable pair of walking shoes is critical. I was just talking to one of my daughters about “things” we purchased when we were younger, man looking back we both wished we had just saved the money. Oh the lessons we learn as we grow older. Great comment, Linda

  3. This article came at a great time. I spent the yesterday cleaning out, organizing and purging my closet. Now, mind you, my closet is a 16 x 19 bedroom that was converted to a closet, for myself and my husband plus our linens, etc. When Mervyn’s went out of business we bought a couple of their large fixtures for organzing and that helped tremendously. I still have way too much stuff. I really need to go through it all again…and again, etc. I only ended up with 3 huge, heavy black trash bags full of clothes. Not enough. I will say one thing, tho, I’ve lost weight so all those clothes I kept, now fit! I hope the weight doesn’t come back.

    One thing I’ve found over time, is to let go of keepsakes, memories, etc., for the kids and gkids. I don’t need to keep it all til I die, I’m letting them have pictures and stuff now so they can enjoy it. They appreciate having it and I appreciate gaining the space back!

    1. Hi Robbie, oh wow, what a big job that was! But it’s so rewarding!! That is a huge closet!! I love hearing you are wearing the clothes you saved after losing weight. I was just telling Mark we need to work on getting some weight off. It will be interesting once we get this house done I bet I will have declutter again. Which I am happy to do. I don’t want my kids to go through stuff and have to take it to the thrift store or the dump. LOL! Linda

  4. We have always lived a frugal life style. We had to, we were blue collar workers. We had 4 children to feed, clothe and educate. The four now have 7 degrees and no student debt over $10,000. The oldest two grandsons have their masters. We had 2 and sometimes 3 jobs. We have now been retired 18 years and we still live below our means…. That said, there is a part of me now, that feels maybe we worked too hard. Our bodies are paying the price.

    1. Hi Chris, I sometimes think the same thing Chris about me. I worked way too many hours and now my body is paying for it. I chased the dollar because I grew up poor and wanted more for my kids. Mark did too. I have always been type A, perfectionist (not proud of that by the way). We made sure our kids had zero to very little college debt, the two that went to school. Now we have grandkids going to school. We have to live below our means even more so now. The cost of food is out of control. So many people will begin needing more government assistance, it is what it is. I get emails asking how to cut back, but how much more can we cut back??? I think most people have to live below their means and now more than ever. Linda

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