Tidbits You May Want To Consider
I’ve been thinking about tidbits you may want to consider. Here’s the deal: I wouldn’t say I like to talk about negative items on my blog, but today, we must. Gangs are infiltrating more and more cities in the US and, of course, Worldwide.
We live in Utah, and I believe people think we live in a reasonably safe place. I would have to agree, but then we have the highest rates for road rage in the US. Where is all this anger coming from? Flashlights and Lanterns
I want to share some of my thoughts and concerns regarding current events and circumstances. I think many of us are unaware of many things happening in our communities. I’ve always told my readers to stay informed and stay prepared.

Border Crossing and Mental Health Issues
Is it some of the unsavory people crossing the border, or is it mental health issues causing shootings in schools and churches? I saw parents arrested for giving their 14-year-old an AR-15-type weapon for a Christmas gift. May God bless the families and first responders in the latest shooting in a high school in Georgia.
If we see or hear something, we should say something. It’s better to be safe than sorry, so alert the police if you happen to see or experience risky situations around you.
Do I Have Enough Stocked Up?
I’ve talked to many of you about this very statement: “Do I have Enough Stocked Up?” We’re trying to have enough food, water, and other supplies for our close-knit family members and possibly friends. We are sure we don’t have enough for everyone in the neighborhood, so I’m always encouraging others to follow our lead and get better prepared. We’re more than willing to share our ideas and approaches so others can feel more confident they’re ready for the unexpected.
Not everyone thinks like a prepared person; some think having six rolls of toilet paper in the hall closet is sufficient. I know people who believe we don’t need to follow current events on the TV and radio. They don’t like to hear negative things and feel others are driven by unnecessary fears. Nope, they haven’t watched the TV news lately.
We use this website and daily posts to discuss what we need, like food, water, cooking devices, and flashlights. Then, hopefully, it makes us remember to stock up on those things and other supplies like batteries. Thank goodness, my box of replacement batteries of all kinds came today from Sam’s Club. How to Save Money on Canned Goods
Contaminated Water
It seems every other week, we hear about a city that’s released contaminated water. I won’t drink or cook with city water; I don’t know what’s in it. Our house is finally finished—thank goodness—it took three years. I had to wait a week after it was completed to have my Reverse Osmosis system installed. I’m so excited to have it available!
You can do it yourself if you have a handy person in your household who can install a reasonably cheap reverse osmosis system. It sure beats hauling bottled water to your home, plus the landfill is overflowing with plastic.
Please remember that the hot water tank may not have potable water if your city water supply is contaminated before you are notified in time to shut it off. If you have a swimming pool, you may think, “I have this pool full of water.” That could be a good source of water in emergencies, unless we lose power for weeks. We had a pool in Riverton, UT years ago and the pump went out while we were on vacation. We had pink algae that started to grow. It took a lot of special chemical treatments to get it back to normal. It certainly wouldn’t have been safe to drink.
We have both Big Berkey and PortaWell water treatment systems to use if other sources of water aren’t readily available. The PortaWell unit can filter 60 gallons of water an hour and has a battery-powered pump in times when the power is out. Another great one is AquaRain. Ray has one and has used it for years.
Toilet Paper
I still picture the fights at Costco a few years ago over toilet paper. My neighbor was driving toilet paper to a few neighbors in Southern Utah because they were out. I mean, they were totally out of toilet paper. Who are these people? I got the giggles because if I’m down to three entire packages from Costco, I’m picking up a few more. We are all so different, right?
Having a few packages of TP doesn’t mean you’re a hoarder, you’re just doing the wise thing to be prepared, just in case.
Canned Goods
You don’t have to invest in your own Freeze Dryer for food storage. They can be pricey and you still need the jars and the food to preserve. I’m holding off buying #10 cans of freeze-dried food storage for the time being because the prices are ridiculous, but I still buy the Pantry-Size cans from Thrive Life. But even those, I have slowed down on purchasing. I believe I have enough food for Mark and me. Yes, I still want to get a case of canned pineapple chunks. They taste great with rice, by the way.
I just ordered two cases of water chestnuts. They are great with rice. Do you see where I am going? Rice is one thing that fills the belly and I have a good inventory in my pantry.
Stay Out Of The Grocery Stores
One word of advice: list the food items you want or need. Then buy a case a month. Some cases through Sam’s Club are cheaper when you order them online and they deliver them. Today is 9-6-2024, and the Sam’s Club website has a few ways to join their “Club.” $110.00 for PLUS, and the REGULAR is $50.00 a year. Check out if they deliver to your area BEFORE you sign up.
I got my water chestnuts at half price, with free delivery. I call that a bargain. I never left the house. Thank you, Sam’s Club. I will forever be grateful to my friend, our friend, Harry, for telling me about the Sam’s Club Plus card; it’s worth every cent.
We’re all suffering from the high cost of gas, food, and everything else you ever wanted. The prices are inflated out of control. Something has to change. Please think right now about what is happening in the US and the World. How much more can we pay for taxes and everything else? Please pray hard for the next few months. Something must change.
Final Word
I wanted to talk to you today about tidbits you may want to consider. I wish we could have had lunch together, but we can still be friends through the internet. I appreciate my loyal readers and those who drop in from time to time. I appreciate your support and I hope you find my shared ideas are worthwhile. May God Bless this World, Linda
The minute something happens you need to cover that pool so the sun can’t start that algae bloom.
Hi Matt, we had an electric pool cover, but I wonder if the heat and no circulation brought on the algae. I hadn’t really thought about it. Our pool in Southern Utah did not have a cover. It’s hard to clean up, I know that. Lots of chemicals. Linda
Heat is always an enemy as is light. Eliminate what you can.
Hi Matt, I totally agree, Linda
Your ideas and articles are always worthwhile and are greatly appreciated.
Another tidbit:
Get to the range and practice your skills and if you aren’t already stocked up on ammo do so. Same for reloading supplies.
Linda, I checked on the Big Berkley and Portawell. The Big Berkley is almost out of their product because of government red tape, so that’s a no. Portawell is interesting but it seems to get the most expensive is the best way to go. But where are you getting water source from? Rainwater, lakes, ponds? If we had the system in your home you talked about, would that still work properly if our water was shut off due to contamination?
I am trying to be prepared but this is overwhelming. I have lots of big bottles of water, Thrive freeze dried foods, canned items, rice, etc. Batteries and Lanterns, bandaids and first aid supplies, some found at thrift stores. If I had more money, it would be easy. Will check into Sam’s + . Lots of tt, I am a fanatic about having. Luckily, just before the shortage, I had bought 17 big roll packs of Scott’s brand as I had a septic tank. I am all ears about storing food. Cereal was a bust for me. Some items purchased at the store come in flimsy cardboard with not so good waxed bags. (Saltines, etc.) I usually put in freezer bags as well. Am gardening, but in FL, we contend with heat and bugs. But I’d prefer my own produce. Thanks, Suzanne
Suzanne, Google http://www.AquaRain.com or just click this link if it’s live. I’ve been using one of their gravity fed water purification systems for the past 13 years. They are excellent. I started out filtering Las Vegas, NV water as it gave my wife and I cramps when we moved there. Now I’m in AZ where the water is better but still filter it for safety’s sake. And yes, it is well water.
About cereal. I vacuum seal any I’m keeping for long term storage in mason jars. The vacuum kills and weevils that may have come with the cereal. I do the same with oatmeal, cream of wheat, dehydrated foods, nuts and pasta. Oh, and flour.
Just be sure the food you are stocking up on is food you like to eat.
Hi Ray, I added your link to the AquaRain and mentioned you have used it many years, thank you for the remminder. Linda
While The Black Berkey elements are halted, there is a similar unit still being made because the new company is being extremely careful of how they advertise their product. Pop over to https://boroux.com/pages/the-beginning-of-boroux for an in depth story about the trouble.
I’m lucky that I bought a lot of the Black Berkey elements before the shutdown, but when my budget allows I’ll add some of the Boroux Foundation filters to my LTS just in case.
Hi DMWalsh, I agree, I’m glad I bought my Big Berkey, Harry bought some of these filters and they work with the Berkey. https://dryelement.com/collections/filter-replacements/products/nano-gravity-water-filter-and-purifier-high-capacity
I love the product, and will continue to promote the company. Linda
Suzanne – Boroux water filters fit the Berkeys just fine. Just do a search for Boroux water filters. They also have the tanks. So if someone already has a Berkey, this is the place to get the filters. (I was in a financial situation a year ago and was able to purchase 3 sets of filters – won’t likely happen again any time soon!!)
Hi Leanne, wow three sets that’s awesome! Thanks for sharing that those filters work. I love my Big Berkey. Linda
Thanks for posting this, Linda. I hope people wake up soon and hope it’s not too late for them to prepare.
Hi Paula, thank you my sweet, friend. I was sitting here yesterday and watching the news and switching channels when certain people were on the TV. Then I would read articles and then Harry mentioned to me about the gangs in Aurora, Colorado. So I watched those videos and I got to thinking who else in the world has not seen these gangs. I wish we could all get together and sit around a table of course it would to fill a school auditorium, but I would love to talk to every reader I have face to face. We learn so much from each other. I love it when we have like minded people to talk to. Stay safe, Linda
Amen! My thoughts exactly.
Hi Melody, thank you for commenting! Linda
Hi Linda another great column. One thing people need to think about when buying the freeze-dried emergency food (we have those too), but you need water with them, and you need water to survive plus personal cleaning/laundry/dishes after you boil the water, etc. Think about using the juice from cans of vegetables or fruit, or broth when cooking. You can save those juices from cans by freezing it, and adding to it as you go.
Hi Barb, that’s a great reminder about saving all liquids from cans. Yes, we need water for sure. I still haven’t been able to fill my 250 gallon tank or my two 160 gallon tanks. We are working on cleaning out a space in the garage for my preps. It’s been almost three years since we moved up north. I’m glad we finally have our food storage in our home. I have a lot of water stored in my home as well. But you can never have too much water in my opinion. Dehydrated food takes more water and more fuel compared to freeze-dried. Right now any food is food, with the prices out of control I do not know how families can feed themselves. I know a lot are on food stamps, thus becoming more dependent on the government. But they must do what they have to do. Linda
I was thinking one day that if I really had to conserve water and I don’t use paper plates, bowls, and cups because they are hard to find and so expensive, I’d line my plate/bowl with aluminum foil and just roll it up and discard.
That’s a great idea JayJay, thanks!
Hi Barb, I totally agree! Linda
Hi JayJay, wow, I love that, I have a lot of foil stored. Great tip! Thank you, Linda
Hi Jay,
My mom and Aunt were born after World War II and they taught us to wash our aluminum foil and reuse.
Hi Danette, my mother in law washed bags, foil and reused napkins. Great reminder, Linda
Regarding your pool water problem back then. Any decent filter such as my AquaRain 400 or your Big Berkey will filter the algae out. You could also boil that water or treat it with bleach to purify it. Leaf litter, bugs and bird droppings are just a few among the many things that can contaminate pool water with stuff those treatments can fix.
Hi Ray, oh you are so right about bird droppings in a pool or other critters. My concern with the small filters is how quickly they will be used up with algae. So many people are against bleach but we must store it. If you have ever been through a flood or other disaster you would totally understand. I know you do Ray, with all your years of experience. I’m glad you brought it up about bleach. Great tip! Linda
Mental health issues are definitely behind a lot of the problems in my area. It’s hard to be prepared for something so unpredictable while you’re out and about but I find if I’m feeling uncomfortable without an obvious cause it’s usually best to pay extra attention. I don’t watch news on TV, I find following it on radio keeps you informed without over sensationalising. Plus I can keep busy doing useful things at the same time instead of sitting mesmerised. There are also any number of internet sources of local activities people are observing in the moment. Some better than others of course, you might need to check out a few before you find one that works for you. You usually need to skip through the comments for clarification as some people add useful information but others just make useless or nasty remarks. I hear you about TP! I used to order it by the case from a place with free local delivery but that’s not readily available where I live now. I have definite levels of essentials that I try not to go below.
Hi Alice, I totally agree with you. It’s sad that we have to be concerned when we go out. Maybe that’s the wrong word, I know we need to be aware of our surroundings. It’s natural for most preparedness people. When I go to the gas station and I see a young girl talking on her phone and filling her tank, I worry about her and I don’t even know her. Put your phone down and focus on what you are doing. Not you Alice, I’m saying this to all people out and about. I would love free delivery of TP! Essentials are what we need for sure! Linda
Linda, not sure which small filters you’re talking about unless it’s LifeStraws or similar devices. The filters on my AquaRain can be easily cleaned 200 times. Pretty sure the ones I have will outlast me.
Oh, how do we fix the website info below so my new Facebook Page automatically comes up when I post?
Hi Ray, I may have to email you on the FaceBook question or call you. I have to upload my post to X, Instagram, FB, and Pinterest manually every single day. Not sure that’s what you are talking about. I added the AquaRain link and your name to my post. Great reminder.Linda
Used to be when I put in my name my email and website filled in automatically. Now only the email does. That’s what I was talking about. Now I have to go to Facebook and copy the link to my page and insert it manually. Just thought there must be a shortcut.
Hi Ray, I go to FB and upload the image, and the URL. I wish it was easier. I hear you! Linda
Great post, Linda,
And thanks for the shout-out. We all need to share whatever information we can that might help others in their preps. On that note, as I mentioned to you before, for those who have had trouble getting replacement filters for their Big Berkey, a company that also deals in water purification products called Dry Element has replacement filters that fit Big Berkey and has them in stock available at: https://dryelement.com/collections/filter-replacements/products/nano-gravity-water-filter-and-purifier-high-capacity
Hi Harry, thank you my sweet friend for your words! Thanks for adding the link, I was going to do that. I wrote this last night and I forgot I was going to add the link this week. You will laugh at this, Mark and I spent the day looking for a couch for the 10th time maybe. Our place is so small we are having trouble finding a small couch. Well, we found one but it will be hard to have guests over, it seats 3! LOL! Let’s see, Mark and I and one other person, that’s it. Oh well, we downsized! We did buy two matching ottomans, so maybe we can invite 2 people over. LOL! I have a rolling rack of food storage in my living room, which is more important than furniture to me. LOL! Linda
Hi Linda
I read your emails daily and appreciate each one! Thank you.
I wonder though for people like me who live in a small apartment, it’s very hard to prepare and store — sad but true. Any suggestions? Also money can be an issue.
Again, all prices going up including rent. I’m a Florida native and rents have gone up at least 40%, or more within last 3 years and so many people coming here too. Scary when on a limited income.
Again, thanks so much. You are helping many people whether you realize or not.
Hi Pamela, thank you for your kind words, my sweet friend. I have a friend that lives in Florida and loves it but rents keep going up she said as well. In Utah, last year the rents went up 25% for some of my grandkids struggling to go to trade schools and colleges, it’s not right. Here’s the deal, I moved into a 1000 square foot home, the smallest home I have lived in my entire married life. I HAD to make it work. It’s very hard, I had a guy build shelves on one whole wall with 9 foot ceilings, 19 inches deep and the wall is 17 feet long. I have a lot of food storage I have accumulated over 12 years at the very least. I have a rolling rack 48 inches wide 18 inches deep and 72 inches tall filled in the living room. One whole wall in my only bedroom has water stored. Under my king size bed I have water stored. Most of my food storage is freeze dried from a few different companies. I also have dehydrated foods and canned goods. Please go to thrift store or even Home Depot to see if you can make or buy your own racks to store food with odds and ends in the wood bins they have drastically reduced. Or use the boxes of canned goods and stack them on top of each other. Please visit food banks, apply for food stamps. If your rent is high you may qualify. Something has to change with this election or the prices will continue to rise. I will pray for you to find what you need. Linda
Thank you for your vast information. I can use it to improve my storage. I do have a small commercial unit with some canned foods and canned water. I also use under my bed and a chest of drawers for food and daily products. My entire storage is probably only about 4 months. I hope to move into a larger home as this 350 sq ft is quite small. You just gave me do great ideas especially shelving. So thank you so much. Hopefully a change soon and all our costs of living will be much more affordable. God Bless!
Hi Pamela, oh I pray you get a bigger place. I sure hope the economy improves because the prices on everything is so expensive. God bless you, my friend! Linda
I realize my preparations can not compare with others, but I am happy with the progress we have made. I did some calculations after shopping for our freezer. We have over 258 servings of main dinner meals. We also have a full pantry for cereals, baking and dry goods. We have 1 year plus of toiletries, personal hygiene and cleaning supplies. Batteries, flashlights and lightbulbs are good. We had the annual servicing of out natural gas generator yesterday. I don’t know what is going to happen, but I don’t think it will be good. God Bless America.
HI Chris, oh this make me so happy! See, you are so prepared! I love it! I’ve never done the calculations, I’m impressed, my sweet friend! You can sleep at night knowing all is well. You won’t have to leave your home if a disaster or some chaos starts! Way to go! Linda
Hi Linda,
I have a slightly different perspective and I’ll be blunt. I carried and used a weapon 24/7 for 27 years on the streets of Miami. NOTHING that is going on now is much different from what we faced in the 70s, 80s, and 90s…execpt the police were encouraged to do their jobs and backed 100% for doing so. It is the same way now both there and where I now live. While the rest of the country diddled around with protestors, The City of Miami took FOUR minutes to clear their one and only protest. After Ian the signs said “you loot, we shoot. Crabs have to eat, too.” And probably some of that happened. Don’t know. Don’t care.
My mother ( who was a US Marine) once told my better half about some things she had stored. He said “with our lead we can have anything you have.”
Ammo can be used as currency if you have enough.
I’ll be blunt…after Ian our sheriff said that anyone breaking into homes or doing wrong would be carried out in a bag. It was up to private citizens to take care of themselves. THERE WILL BE NO GOVERNMENT COMING TO SAVE OR HELP ANYONE. We had no help after any hurricane for several weeks. And that wasn’t SHTF situation. You will be on your own.
Someone comes after me or mine and they will not survive the encounter. Swift and sure. There are some alternatives between being a victim or firing a gun. Byrna launchers are a good defense option. I have one. In my case, I’d have the Byrna in one hand and something with lead projectiles in the other hand. But, a Byrna is a great option.
And, the most anti gun people in the world BEGGED for me to come save them with my gun when I was on the job. So, I do not entertain any negative comments about my choice. I can only legally defend myself and my home now. I am always prepared so to do. I would not live anywhere I could not.
All the talk about stock piling is useless if you are stock piling so some useless piece of garbage can come take it from you. Have someone in your household who can take care of business.
My second folding solar panel arrived today. eneloop rechargeable batteries are worth the price. Get the charger that works off 12v or 110. As you know we lived off 12v and propane most of the year. We have gas generators, but when the gas is gone, we will be ok. Forget whole house generators. All the people who had them out here…well after a few days, there’s no way to refill the tank.
And, so, I’ve painted a dark picture, but I live in the world of reality.
I am alive because of many sayings. One is “don’t appeal to man’s better nature. He doesn’t have one.” That is true for a LOT of the people roaming around now.
There are 2 kinds of people. Diplomats and warriors. Once the diplomats fail, time for the warriors. Read Make your Bed.
We will know what we need to do on Nov 6.
Life is good.
HI CAddison, oh my gosh, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment. Your statement, “THERE WILL BE NO GOVERNMENT COMING TO SAVE OR HELP ANYONE.” You nailed it. Now if we can get people to realize they will need defend themselves, feed themselves, have water ready for themselves, then they can do it! I grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada and graduated in 1969. We had race riots, the National Guard came every day. A certain race walked on one side of the hallways and the other race on the other side. In the lunch room, there was a line down the middle where you could sit. Rifles everywhere. So you are right, there have been different years with the same stories over and over. I will look for that book, thank you my friend. Linda
Hi Linda! I love reading your posts and I learn a ton of things from them. I also don’t understand how people can be complacent about things like food, water & tp. I actually mailed TP to a friend during the pandemic! I wanted to share an experience – during the pandemic, we had a hard time finding canned dog food locally, or even online. I decided that I would just cook for our 4 rescues. The more I think about that decision, the better I feel! I know what they’re eating and I also know that in a shtf situation, my dogs are already used to “people” food so there won’t be an adjustment or more stress worrying about them. I do store dry dog food in very large sealed containers, but I like to know that day to day, they’re well fed. Thanks for sharing all your suggestions and information. Keep reminding us to stay aware and prepared.
Hi Marie, thank you for your kind words. This is so funny I remember when people couldn’t get dog or cat food. I dit eh very same thing you did, I researched and started making my dogs homemade food. Let me see what year I wrote that post. 2019: https://www.foodstoragemoms.com/make-dog-food/
So I wrote it before the shortages I guess. Now I only have one dog so I should go back to making it again now that we are in our new home. Great reminder, thank you, Linda P.S. I hope you used Amazon Prime to ship the toilet paper, thanks for sharing that story! I love it!
Just wanted to chime in that folks shouldn’t ignore the supermarket. I check all the local market ads each week looking for loss leaders and make sure I get as many as they allow (most of the local markets have wised up and put a limit of 4 or 6 on those underpriced items to stop folks like me from buying a case or two below their wholesale cost.) But I also know the unit price of items at the wholesale club, so I can tell when a supermarket “sale” is not a deal.
And yes, I’m very glad I’m prepped so if I get a bad feeling about going into a store I can just turn around and play it safe. Way too many stressed folks out there and with all the disinformation flying around it’s just been getting worse. I hope things will settle down after the next election, but don’t have high expectations about that. It’s like the old saying, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Sigh.
Linda, thanks for keeping positive and trying to help folks be prepared for whatever is coming our way. Be safe out there!
Hi DMWalsh, well with our forum here we can boost each other up! We have made plans for years to be prepared and will get through it, hopefully unscathed. We must hope for the best but be prepared for the worst, Great reminder, Linda
Linda – great post as always!!
It appears there are a few ways to get filters for our Berkeys and similar systems: Aquarain, Boroux, and Dryelement. That is always good to know.
Hi Leanne, thank you for your kind words, my sweet friend. Now I need to look at these Dryelement, thank you! Linda