Use Witch Hazel

How To Use Witch Hazel 21 Different Ways

Today I’m sharing my thoughts on how to use Witch Hazel 21 different ways. I remember using this product years ago.  I am always looking for natural remedies, so I decided to do a little research on it. I was not aware that you could buy Witch Hazel in so many fragrances. Wow, how things have changed! We had clear and clear years ago. No fragrances. Period. Now I see so many fragrances like unscented, lavender, aloe vera, rose petal, lemon, peach, and others as well. This post is an update from a few years ago.

Here’s the deal, I am suggesting these benefits based on my research. I am not a doctor, nurse, or anyone in the medical field. I believe in natural healing, but I also have one fabulous doctor I see once a year. I rarely go to the doctor, but that’s just me because I rarely if ever get sick. I never get flu shots, oh my gosh did I just say that? Yes, I did. Please do what is right for you and we will all be happy with our own choices. Let’s leave it at that. Okay, let’s get started with some ways we can use Witch Hazel.

How To Use Witch Hazel:

Witch Hazel is an astringent, its made from witch hazel leaf extract, witch hazel bark, and witch hazel water. Witch hazel is a plant used to make medicine. People use it for the following health benefits and other applications.

1. Gently cleans all types of skin.

2. Use after exposure to the sun or wind.

3. Rub some on after a shower or bath, the different scents are awesome.

4. Use it topically for pain.

5. I rub it on my itchy arms to help stop the itch.

6. It helps with swollen ankles-soothes the pain.

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7. It soothes varicose veins.

8. Use it topically on minor burns.

9. Use it topically for hemorrhoids.

10. Use it topically for skin irritations.

11. Great for babies who are teething-rub on their little-swollen gums.

12. It helps fight infection on cuts or scrapes.

13. Lavender witch hazel is calming.

14. It’s a delicate soothing toner for the skin.

15. It’s an alternative to drying skin-helps tighten pores.

16. It beautifies the skin naturally.

17. Use after shaving to help protect your skin.

18. Soothes bug bites and bee stings.

19. Heals skin a little faster.

20. Soothes diaper rash

21. According to Web, M.D., you can use it for diarrhea Web, M.D.

I’m adding a few bottles to my first aid and natural remedy stash. I want to be able to heal my body,  and the body of those around me, if we did have some sort of unforeseen disaster or emergency. We need to take the time to learn how to heal our bodies naturally. Of course, we would go to the doctor if we felt the need….please do not take this the wrong way. I just feel like sometimes we need to be prepared to take care of ourselves if NO antibiotics are available. I hope that never happens, but my gut tells me it just might. I live on an earthquake fault. I need to be prepared for the unexpected. This means water, food, first aid supplies, temporary cooking devices, solar power devices, an emergency binder that holds our important documents, etc.

Please take a minute and look around your house and in your car and think about what you have in your possession, TODAY, right this minute that will make a difference. Not at some later time. Are you prepared with the necessary tools, first aid items (even fever-reducing products), and the typical items you need every day?  I guess I am just a nervous Nellie….if I get down to the last bottle of aspirin…..I go to the store and buy 5 or 6. It’s just who I am.

Read More of My Articles  100 Non-Food Survival Items To Store Now

What about your gas tank? How full is it? How much cash do you have RIGHT now? Please let me know if you use Witch Hazel and how you use it. I love comments I can add to my list!

First aid kit by Food Storage Moms

Readers’ Comments, how to use witch hazel:

Shannon: Hi Linda, I use a few ounces of witch hazel along with essential oils of Rosemary, Lavender, and Frankincense in a small spray bottle and spray my scalp after showering. It keeps the scalp refreshed and promotes hair growth and smells good! Not drying at all.
Thanks for all the tips, I love your blog!

Roxanne: I mixed some up, too! I used 10 drops each of the EOs in 1 oz. witch hazel: does that sound about right, Shannon?

Janet: I had the same problem until I stopped using regular shampoo. I make my own now, but something like Dr. Bonner’s would probably be good. Add a generous bit of water, to a small amount of soap in a container. It takes a while to get used to the consistency (like water). My hair has gotten really thick. I think it is the Sodium Laurel Sulfate in shampoo that causes the problem.

My favorite things:

Water Storage Containers – WaterBrick – 8 Pack Blue

Thayers Alcohol-Free Witch Hazel Toner with Aloe Vera Formula, Unscented, 12 Fluid Ounce

Thayer’s: Witch Hazel with Aloe Vera, Lavender Toner 12 oz

Goal Zero Torch 250 Flashlight with Integrated Solar Panel

Goal Zero 90109 Solo V2 Solar Flashlight

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  1. Hi Linda,
    I use a few ounces of witch hazel along with essential oils of Rosemary, Lavender and Frankinscense in a small spray bottle and spray my scalp after showering. It keeps the scalp refreshed and promotes hair growth and smells good! Not drying at all.
    Thanks for all the tips, I love your blog!

    1. Hi Shannon, oh man do I love this comment! My hair keeps getting thinner and thinner! I’m making myself a spray bottle today for the shower! I’m adding your comment to my post, thank you so much! We all learn so much from each other! Hugs! Linda

      1. I had the same problem until I stopped using regular shampoo. I make my own now, but something like Dr. Bonner’s would probably be good. Add a generous bit of water, to a small amount of soap in a container. It takes a while to get used to the consistency (like water). My hair has gotten really thick. I think it is the Sodium Laurel Sulfate in shampoo that causes the problem.

        1. Hi Janet thanks for this comment about shampoo. My grandson only uses apple cider vinegar and something else. I think I will try the Dr. Bronner’s since I have several bottles and it takes only a drop or two I bet. I’m adding your comment to my post. You rock! Hugs! Linda

  2. I use just plain With Hazel, sometimes I rub some on my face with a washcloth when my skin gets oily, and wonder if I can use if for Tinea Creis, Tinea Pedis, or Tinea Vermicularis (Jock itch, Athletes Foot, Ringworm, or other skin fungal infections) I keep it around, mu om used it often, and didn’t think much of it. Sometimes I find it at the Dollar Store. I’m going to stock up on it and use it as After Shave, and after Shower. I take Tylenol -4 Codeine and it causes itching. How does it help with Diarrhea?

  3. I seen the part where it is used after shaving. Here is my story. In the 60’s when you went into labor, you were TOTALLY shaved. An elderly RN in the maternity ward told us gals to use Witch Hazel and the horrible itching would go away. IT WORKED! Never been without a bottle since. Works great after shaving legs and under arms.

    1. HI Jennie, I remember using witch hazel on the stitches after having a baby. My entire left arm itches all the time, I’m going to try it! Thanks for for the great tip! Linda

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