Water: Do You Have Enough Stored?

Water: Do You Have Enough Stored?

Water, do you have enough stored? After a natural disaster, there’s a real possibility that your regular source of drinking water from the local water utility won’t be available. If tap water is available, it will likely be exposed to contamination. For an emergency such as this, you must have enough water stored away for you and your family. I felt the need to update this post from a few years ago, so we all have the water storage issue fresh on our minds.

FEMA suggests storing enough water so each family member has a three-day supply, but what happens if your drinking water is unavailable much longer? Here’s more on storing enough water for emergencies and the proper way to do so.

A reader commented the other day that having four gallons of water per day per person may seem overwhelming. Here’s the deal: decide what works for you and your family. I would rather have too much water than not enough or none at all. Remember that we sometimes need water to hydrate and cook our food, wash dishes, maintain personal hygiene, and stay hydrated.

Water: Do You Have Enough Stored?

It’s essential to stop and think about whether or not you have enough water stored for your unique circumstances. Read this article and then make an informed decision on whether you have enough water stored or not. Based on that decision, you’ll need to follow a plan for where to get the additional water needed, how to store it, and how to protect it for a determined storage period, including long term storage.

WaterBricks With Spigot

3 Day Period – A Good Starting Point

The CDC and FEMA both recommend that you store a minimum of 1 gallon of water per day for each one of your family members for at least 3 days. Based on that recommendation, if four people are in your family, you’ll need a minimum of 12 gallons. This should be the minimum amount of water to get your family through a natural disaster, such as an earthquake, flood, or tornado. Half a gallon will be used for drinking, while the other half will be used for hygiene.

Now, let me tell you about my thoughts. I believe you need 4 gallons per person per day. I get thirsty just thinking about not being able to fill my refillable water bottle. It’s up to you, but 4 gallons is the REAL deal, my friends. In other words, a family of four would need a minimum of 48 gallons for three days.

Of course, having sufficient water for drinking is critical. You also need to consider how much water you’ll need for food preparation, particularly if you plan on using dehydrated or freeze-dried foods as your base for each meal. We are using our food storage daily now, and I have learned that even freeze-dried food uses way more water than I had imagined to regain the desired texture and flavor.

I also think about brushing my teeth, cleaning my underwear, and hopefully being able to have a “sponge bath” every day or two. Each of these activities requires water; if you don’t have it stored, you’ll have to go without it or set some awkward priorities.

Is A Three Day Supply Sufficient?

Three days’ worth of water storage doesn’t cut it for me. I highly recommend 7-14 days worth of water at the very least and 30 days if you can make it work based on the space available and your budget. Water storage in any significant quantity can be challenging when living in an apartment.

As you know, we have downsized to a 1,000-square-foot home, which is about the size of our first apartment. We’re packed in, literally. It’s been a challenge to downsize and try to fit what we feel is important. We have our food storage indoors with a full wall of shelving, and our emergency supply of water is in large storage tanks out of direct sunlight in the garage.

Other factors may come into play that would require you to store more water than the experts recommend. For instance, if you have a nursing mother in your family, live in a hotter climate, have family members who are sick, or have pets you need to provide for. Those are other unique circumstances that you’ll need to consider based on location and family needs.

Read More of My Articles  How To Store Emergency Food And Water

Long-Term Storing

If you’re preparing for an apocalyptic disaster or doomsday scenario, you’ll need a significant water inventory. Storing long-term drinking water will be more difficult, whether due to limited storage space in your home or related costs. The best thing you can do is get your two-week supply and slowly build upon your supply from there.  

Storage Options 

Bottled Water

You can go the bottled water route by buying cases of it to last you and your family for three 3-days and up to 2 weeks, if that is your goal. You’ll pay more this way, but bottled water is easier to take with you if you need to bug out. Depending on the bottle size, a 35-count case could equal 4.6 gallons of water. Using government guidelines, that would last a single person just over 4 days. To cover your water needs for a week, you’ll need four cases for one person and 16 for a family of 4. 

You’ll need significantly more if you plan to store more than one gallon per person daily. Depending on your storage target and how you picture using the water, bottled water may not be the best solution.

5-7 Gallon Water Jugs

Every time you go camping, you probably use this type of water jug to cover all your needs. It’s sturdy and stackable, perfect for storage. You can usually find them in a dark blue color to keep direct light out and prevent algae from growing. Like packaged water bottles, they’re easy to take if you have to leave your home in a hurry. 

When I say “easy to take with you,” it could be more challenging for some than others. A gallon of water weighs about 8.34 lbs, so 5 gallons weigh almost 42 lbs, and 7 gallons weigh over 58 lbs. Young, strong bodies can handle those weights, but older persons may struggle to carry that much. If you picture having to move the water due to various circumstances, please consider a dolly or cart with wheels.

In case you missed this post, The Best 5-Gallon Water Jugs


Many preppers plan on filling their bathtubs with water following a disaster to ensure that they have plenty of drinking water. Your typical bathtub will get you about 100 gallons of water, but how sanitary is that? A waterBOB is also another neat storage option that you should consider. Instead of filling your bathtub directly with water, place a waterBOB in your tub that will fit nicely and help to keep the microorganisms out.

Two downsides to this option are that, due to problems at your local municipal water source, there may not be any water available to fill the waterBOB immediately after a disaster, and the waterBOB bag will be too heavy to relocate if needed.

55-Gallon Water Barrels  

If you have room for a 55-gallon water barrel in your home, it’s one of the best storage options for larger families. They’re incredibly sturdy and can store water, completely sealed tight. When you have two of them on hand, you’ll have enough drinking water to last a family of 4 for almost an entire month, depending on how many gallons you use each day. Formula 1 gallon times 4 people times 30 days equals 120 gallons. (Please note this is just a start.)

However, they aren’t easily portable, weighing approximately 460 pounds when filled with water. This storage option won’t be easy to bug out in a hurry.  Depending on your financial situation, they’re also relatively expensive, along with the pump and drinking water hose you’ll have to purchase to make this approach work.  Another 55-gallon Water Barrel

Please remember to store all water containers at least 2 inches off the ground so concrete or other chemicals close by won’t leach into your containers. I use 2-by-4s of lumber under my barrels.

I have a bunch of Water Bricks stored under out bed. They’re handy and can be stacked. I also have cases of Blue Can water that lasts for 50 years. Have a a number of cases stacked against a wall in my bedroom. Check out my archive for more details about water storage options, those posts can prove very helpful. 

Should I Consider Even Larger Water Storage Solutions?  

Since I’m a true prepper at heart, I’ve felt the need to have larger storage tanks available for use if necessary. As mentioned above, we have two 160-gallon and one 250-gallon tanks in the garage. If an emergency hits, I can sleep at night knowing I have high-capacity tanks.

Read More of My Articles  Things To Do To Not Get Scared as a Prepper

These tanks have two spigots towards the bottom of the tank, one at about bucket height and the other near the ground so the tank can be emptied if necessary.

I use my WaterPreserver to protect the contents of the tank from any possible contamination. WaterPreserver will protect the water for up to five years, and that means a lot to me. I don’t want to have to drain and replace the water with filtered or treated water every six months, which would be the case if I use uncented liquid household chlorine bleach.

Should You Rotate Your Water Supply? 

Water itself doesn’t spoil or ever go bad. If it’s properly stored, there’s no expiration date to worry about. Water only goes bad if it becomes contaminated by bacteria when the container has not been sealed off entirely from contaminants, including those carried through the air. It may taste stale, and you could then boil it.

So, if you’ve correctly sealed off the container, there’s no need to rotate your drinking water very often. The challenge comes from possibly having a container that isn’t sanitary, how the water is placed in the container, since the hose could be contaminated, and how quickly it gets sealed. The rule of thumb has been to use unscented bleach to kill any possible germs and rotate the water every six months.

In most cases, it won’t hurt to rotate your water supply at least once a year. As mentioned, I use Water Preserver, so I only have to rotate mine every five years. I don’t want the worry or hassle of frequent rotations, particularly if I have to drain the large 160-gallon and 250-gallon tanks I have in the garage.

Other Water Purification Solutions

Although you may have plenty of water tucked away for when hard times hit, it’s a good idea to have a few methods to filter and purify water, especially if you’re forced into a position to leave the comfort of your own home. Keep a supply of purification tablets and portable water filters that you can take to any water source. Being able to boil water with a small portable stove that you have put away in your bug-out bag could also be a lifesaver. I highly recommend this Butane Stove.

I like the water filtration systems from Big Berkey. They are effective in filtering the water and use gravity to pull the water through the filters. I also like the system from PortaWell. They use a small pump run by a 12-volt battery and can filter up to 60 gallons per hour. They have solar panels as accessories so you can charge the battery when needed if the power goes out.

Why Do I Need to Store Water?

The logical answer to this question is to be prepared for unforeseen emergencies. However, when you really think about it, there’s more to it than that. Right now, all the western states are experiencing a long-term drought. This drought, which covers millions of square miles, has been building up for many years, and we don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. Water Preserver

The Utah State Legislature’s key agenda items include water, conserving what we have, taking advantage of new storage options and resources, and protecting the various water system infrastructure so we don’t lose ground.

Hardly a week goes by without us hearing about a community under a “boil your water” order. This order seems to often come from a broken pipe in the system, but it can also be required due to a malfunction in the water treatment plant process or the pump and delivery system. If you don’t have water stored, your need to boil water for consumption may be limited.

Of course, water that isn’t fully filtered or treated could be used to flush toilets and clean clothes. You just don’t want to take a chance and use questionable water for hydration and meal preparation.

Our prepper friends back east seem to struggle with an overabundance of water, usually from strong storm action in their area or rapid snowpack melt upstream. If you have your water safely stored, even if your community experiences flooding, you should be able to make it through the event without too much stress. Again, it does take planning, so get started today.

Final Word

You can never be completely prepared for when a disaster or emergency happens, but one thing you can be sure of is to have enough drinking water that’s going to last you through the event. Have you or someone you know ever been through a natural disaster and had your drinking water compromised? What did you do or would have done differently before the catastrophe?  Water: Do you have enough stored? Please read this article and let me know! May God bless this world, Linda.

Copyright Images: Water From Spout Deposit photos_66719227_s-2019

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  1. Hey Linda! As usual a great post. We have (4) 5-gallon water bottles. I do need to get several more. I really want to get some 3 gallon ones so I can pick them up. We have to get our son to pick them up for us. We have a water cooler/heater that holds them. I love it. You can have either cold or hot water. I use the hot water for my tea. So easy and always hot or cold.I do have a couple of cases of bottled water. But I also have a reusable water bottle that has a filter in it. I do need to stock some more filters. Each filter will filter 300 bottles of water. It’s a Brita brand.

    Love all of your posts. You are such a good friend. Thank you so much for sharing your vast knowledge with all of us.

    1. Hi Deborah, thank you my sweet friend for your kind words. I’m so glad you mentioned the Brita filter. I have always had reverse osmosis, or at least for the last 20 years or so. We’re living with my daughter and they do not have it. They have city water, I do not like the taste. But I’m a guest until our small home is built. I probably sound like a water brat, but I just tasted some Brita water at my granddaughters. I LOVE IT!! We used to have those water cooler/heater units. They work great. Whatever water we can store is a blessing. A REAL blessing. I do not want anyone standing in line to get a case of water from the city after a disaster. A case wouldn’t last three days for me. Life is good when we have water and can sleep at night. Linda

  2. We have a water filter picture similar to the Brita, but it’s a Walmart brand. We used it before we got the better filter system for the kitchen sink. I use it for drinking and cooking. We have pretty good tasting water, but you can’t be too careful. Our filter system filters more than one way, don’t remember how many, but it tastes so good. I love our water! I do drink water from the water cooler/heater too. I drink mostly water. A cup of hot tea in the mornings, maybe another herbal tea in the afternoon, but mostly just plain water. The way I got to drinking water was to use pint jars. I’d fill them up at night and put a slice or two of cucumber or lemon in there and leave in the fridge. The next day, I’d drink the 4 pint jars of water. Now I drink it plain.

    1. Hi Deborah, oh I love hearing this! I always have a reusable jug in my hand or on the counter. Just plain water. I like the pint jar size, it would be cold. I love it! Linda

  3. I have 600+ gallons stored rotated annually. 2 IBC totes one with hose adapter, 3 -65gl barrels, water bricks, jugs and bottles stored in closets and storm shelter and the option of an additional 35 in the camper.
    I’ve multiple filter options if we have to start hauling it in. I’ve got maps printed to show water sources around me. We will use the deer cart with overwatch mainly at night.
    That’s the plan and prep. Hope it don’t fail

    1. Hi Matt, oh you know I love hearing you have a lot of water and plans to find more water if needed. The filters will be critical. You are prepared to take care of your family, Matt. I can almost picture the deer cart! Mark used to have to haul the one and only deer up a hill! Love it! Linda

  4. I highly recommend WaterBricks. I think they are 4-gallon–good handles, easy to carry–and they are made to stack safely, with interlocking “buttons” as well as holes all the way through so you can secure a stack with 2 poles or rods. Each comes with a solid cap for storage as well as a spigot-cap. When we had some well work done a couple years ago, our water had to be turned off for a few hours–the WaterBrick sat tidily and conveniently on the kitchen counter!

    For anyone with their own water system (well), see about setting that up for non-electric use too. Lehman’s has narrow well buckets which are supposed to work with a standard artesian well (haven’t tried them, nor known anyone who has). We have three dug wells within easy reach of the house, so I’m all set up, come spring, to have some hand pumps installed. It will make using a water trough much easier in the pastures, but will be there for emergency use if needed. (And there’s also the spring that Jack Marden used for making his “products” during Prohibition!) While wells, springs, and surface water *can* end up contaminated, they’re still good to include in planning.

    1. Hi Rhonda, I love WaterBricks, too! They are so easy to store and very affordable. Great tip on the wells, and the Lehmans well buckets, I order stuff from that store often. The Jack Marden spring, I love it! Great comment! Linda

  5. Love your prep posts (the recipes are nice too) As for water, I’ve watched how things are deteriorating and last year I upped my water game. I already had 75 gallons in glass gallon bottles, and two wells with hand pump backups. Then an opportunity for 55 gallon barrels (Food grade) came up and I purchased 40 of them for $10 each. Twenty went for rain collection, for the gardens, and 4 are set for collecting well water for drinking. Leaving me extras for whatever may come. Then I lost my mind and purchased 2 Berkey systems with 8 spare black filters, and six ceramic dome filters. Now I’m shopping for solar backup well pumps for a grid down situation. (Hand pumping is hard on old folks) LOL, the worst part is, I still don’t feel I’m close to being water prepared.

    1. Hi Leam, you are very prepared, a lot more than some people I know. Talk about a bargain on the water barrels, squeal! I have a Berkey system with extra black filters as well. You didn’t lose your mind, my friend! I would love a solar backup but it’s not going to happen. At least not a whole house one. I have several Goal Zero small solar generators with solar panels. I started doing a lot of recipes to teach people how to cook from scratch. We must learn to cook, store water, have a garden, and stock food. We can do it one step at a time. You are rocking with preparedness! Good job! Linda

  6. My husband is 75 and frugal so I have learned over the last 48 years to go slowly when bringing him around to new ideas. Spending money to store a lot of water is one of them. I do as much as I can without ruffling feathers. We do have about 10 cases of bottled water,, 12 cases of ginger ale and 4 cases of orange juice. We buy liquid laundry detergent and fabric softener in large dispensers from a warehouse store. I have found cleaning them out and filling them with water and a little bleach will work for washing clothes and flushing toilets in an emergency. It’s not much, but it is a start.

    1. Hi Chris, this is how I see it. We can only do what we can do and not ruffle the feathers in the family. What you are doing will work. Would you like to store more? Of course, we all would. BUT, we have to take it slow and do what our budget allows, and what will keep our family happy. Those laundry detergent and fabric containers are awesome. That’s water, yes, it’s perfect for washing clothes and dishes. It’s perfect for personal hygiene as well. It’s a BIG start, keep up the good work. Linda

  7. Geez, I wish I had the means to prepare with all these ideas. I’m just glad I’m able to do what I can. I thank God for my rural upbringing so know about getting/rationing water that doesn’t just run from a faucet or toilet. And I thank God for where I chose to build back in ’03. Linda, you often mention the FEMA recommendation of 1 gal per day/person. I ‘think’ they may have had an old-timer like me who came up with this, lol. Um, I’m talking Frugality at it’s Finest! Um, and Fema is only about emergency measures, not long term. Your ideas are Long Term.

  8. Linda,

    One of the best tips I ever got for storing water came from you, I believe. I store water in mason jars on the floor of my large walk through pantry. Many prep foods require water to prepare–pasta, rice, beans, dried soups, etc. By storing water in jars I know I’ll have enough for a few months. In addition, we have an AquaRain 400 water purification filter, Lifestraws, Survivor Filters and a few other methods for purifying water. What we don’t have is a private well with good, potable water. Fortunately, a nearby member of my MAG has one and has agreed to provide Jane and I with water as needed. In exchange, we provide his family with eggs and veggies.

    1. Hi Ray, I’m glad you are storing water in mason jars, not sure I gave you the tip, but it’s a great idea. You are lucky to have your AquaRain 400 water purification filter. I have the Big Berkey only because they sent me one to try. It works great but new brands like the AquaRain are available now. I’m shocked at the prices of the bottles and life straws, everything has escalated in price. What a blessing to have someone who will trade water well for eggs and veggies. That’s how every neighborhood should be. It takes communication and planning that’s for sure. Linda

  9. Oh, I almost forgot. We also have 55 gallon water barrels and our main freezer never has less that 15 of those 16oz water bottles in it. The bottles alone are a good 3-4 day supply of cold water for drinking. And, in the event of a power outage, they help keep the freezer cold.

    1. Hi Ray, great reminder on the 16 ounce bottles of water in your freezer! They will keep your freezer safe a few extra days and you will have a cold drink if needed as well. Linda

  10. Linda,
    I don’t ponder whether I have enough water stored. My thought is that you can never have too much water stored. We have almost 900 gallons stored in a 600 gallon storage tank and an IBC tote rotated annually. Both have hose connections. Additionally, we have a considerable amount of bottled water on hand that we rotate continually by usage.

    1. Hi Harry, I love hearing this, you and I have been storing water for years. We understand the need, I’m hoping others will start with a little water and keep adding water into containers whatever size they can afford or fit on their property! I totally agree you can never have too much water! Love it! Linda

  11. Biggest issue I struggle with is winter. Having several rain barrels manifolded together might help out in good weather but this winter it was -20°F for almost a week. Even if it was 0°F… How to keep barrels from freezing when they are hiding out next to the garage?
    There is very limited space, although if I redesign the stand they are on I could upgrade to 2 carboys (If I could get the wife on board, which isn’t likely. I took 10 years to get the 4 barrels) The weight of the carboys in the same space is 10x so using cement blocks on gravel bedding will just sink into the ground 🙁
    Still have to drain the system for winter, thus losing all the water. Not really all. I use it to water garden but have ran dry 3x in the past 10 years as I don’t refill with the hose (unless I saw SHTF or weather coming, then I would!)
    I see tank heaters and blankets, etc. but then I am reliant on NOT losing power. I am very open to any ideas to prevent freezing!

    1. HI Bruce, oh you bring up a really bad situation, -20°F !!! First of all I don’t know what a carboy is. Wow, ten years to get water barrels, dang! They would crack if frozen, correct? I’ve dealt with 115-120°F in the desert. They were fine I had 4 55 gallon ones along the shade side of my home with UV covers. Freezing is a whole different story. Do you have space for a 250 gallon high capacity tank to put in your garage? Yes, they are pricey but worth it. Lets see if any readers live where they have extreme winters. Linda

  12. A carboy is 275 to 325 gallon plastic tank with the metal basket around it for forklifts to move around.
    My 50 gal barrels ate manifolded together with 1½” pvc and A 1″ pvc ball valve at the end of run for dispensing. I use fernco couplings at the tanks and at the valve for disassembly and cleaning and adds flex to the pipe to minimize damage to threads at tanks.
    The pipe is connected to barrel(s) 2″ above bottom to allow for settling of silt and such.
    No way to put in garage as it is full (yard equip, supplies, fuel, tools… and the wife’s car and I already know not to suggest moving that out LOL).

    1. HI Bruce, Oh I know what those are now, thank you! Some of my farmers friends had those. It sounds like you worked out a great option unless they freeze cracks them. Your wife’s car, that’s hilarious! I get it! Linda

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