Ways That You Can Cope Following an Emergency

Ways That You Can Cope Following an Emergency

Everyone responds differently following a traumatic experience. Some adapt quickly, while others have a harder time coping with their new situation, but eventually will pull through. It’s completely normal if you fall into the category of experiencing an overwhelming amount of stress and anxiety following an emergency, but if you’re not careful, you could wind up getting extremely sick or unable to make crucial decisions when the situation calls for it. 

Ways That You Can Cope Following an Emergency 

It’s also common during this time for people to lash out at those who are closest to them and treat them in such a way that could damage their relationships. This is why self-care is so critical after an emergency, so that you don’t make these kinds of mistakes with your loved ones, or hurt yourself, for that matter.  Hand Crank NOAA Radio    

If you think you would have a hard time coping when a disaster has taken place, you’re not alone. I’d love to encourage you with these helpful coping techniques so that you can be able to cope better following an emergency. In case you missed this post, 30 Items You Need To Survive A Pandemic 

Ways That You Can Cope Following an Emergency

Watch Out for Signs of Distress

Watching out for signs of distress is important because if you know what to look for, you will be able to recover much quicker mentally and physically. The following are reactions that usually ease up over time, but if you experience these behaviors for a longer duration of time and are unable to function and perform everyday responsibilities, you’ll need to reach out to your healthcare provider: 

  • Physical distress, such as headaches, stomach problems, skin rashes, or body pain.   
  • Feelings of worry, fear, sadness, frustration, numbness, helplessness, or anger.
  • Not able to concentrate or make simple decisions.  
  • Loss of appetite or a noticeable change in your diet.
  • Less energy and little desire to do normal activities.  
  • Harder time sleeping and may experience nightmares. 
  • Experiencing flashbacks of the disaster.  
  • Chronic health problems continue to worsen. 
  • Increase the use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs.
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Name Your Feelings

As I mentioned earlier, it’s totally normal to experience feelings of frustration, sadness, and anger during these situations. So, don’t be afraid to name them out loud for what they are. It will deescalate a situation because everyone will then be on the same page. This is especially a useful thing for you to try when you have children. 

That way you’re able to better understand where their poor behavior is coming from. It’s also a helpful method for dating couples and married couples because one person may not know what the other individual is thinking or feeling.     

Avoid Harmful Words

Words are extremely powerful, where they can be used to build up or tear down another individual. Yet unfortunately, the most harmful words are usually the easiest to throw around when things aren’t looking so good. Avoid the name-calling and don’t get heated up in an argument. 

It’s okay to feel upset, but it’s never okay to be mean to someone you care about that you will later regret. Try to speak calmly and in a gentler manner, so that the other person doesn’t feel threatened and resort to speaking harshly as well. 

Stay Connected with Others

When a disaster takes place, oftentimes the victims feel as though they’re miles and miles away on their own little island, with no one to help or understand what they’re going through. It also doesn’t help matters if your home has been destroyed and you lose that community and closeness that you feel from your neighbors, friends, and family. 

Don’t make the mistake of isolating yourself from friends and family because it’s in these moments that you need them the most. Get reconnected with them so they can help you mentally and help you laugh again. 

Getting yourself into a support group may be something else that you should consider. There’s nothing wrong or embarrassing about getting the help that you need because you’re not the only that has experienced these thoughts, feelings, or made poor choices when under a lot of stress.      

Read More of My Articles  How to Be Tougher Mentally As a Prepper

Take a Break from the News

When an emergency situation happens, it’s crucial that you know what is going on in the news to keep you better informed, but overexposure of this information also isn’t helpful. Remember to step away from reading or watching the news stories when you’re repeatedly hearing the same stories that are just bringing you down. Maybe during these moments you should go on a walk, or sit outside and deeply breathe in the fresh air.  

Do Things You Enjoy

One of the best ways to get your life back on track again is to participate once again in the things that you enjoy the most. Maybe it’s waking up early in the morning and heading to the gym, or grabbing a cup of coffee with a friend. It could be reading a novel, playing ball with your children, or helping out at your local shelter. Whatever it may be, these things will help distract you and return you to a place that you’re used to. 

Eat Healthier, Exercise, and Get Plenty of Rest

Taking care of your body physically is another area to help you cope following an emergency. By choosing to eat healthier balanced meals, exercising, and getting enough sleep each night, you’ll feel better about yourself and you’ll also be able to function better too. 

Decision-making is another area that will be made easier for you. I’d also encourage you to distance yourself from tobacco, alcohol, and certain drugs so that you don’t develop a dependency on them.  In case you missed this post, Why Eating Whole Foods Is Good For You

Ways That You Can Cope Following an Emergency  

Final Word

Keeping your head on straight and all your cards kept in one pile is easier said than done after an emergency flips your world upside down. But if you use some of my tips, you’ll be able to navigate through your circumstances both mentally and physically, in a healthier manner. If you’ve ever had to deal with an emergency before, what were some other ways that you learned to help cope with your situation? What are some ways that you use to cope following an emergency? May God Bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: TV News On Smart TV Deposit photos_68084193_s-2019

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  1. Linda, good advice. Most all of those symptoms you described will be quite normal after a disaster, even the increased use of alcohol and drugs, but I guess the main thing to be aware of is changes in behavior that you see as serious.

    1. Hi Ray, the next few weeks are going to be crazy. I believe most people realize they need their gas tanks full and food stored. Better safe than sorry. The people I worry about are the ones who only have two meals stocked in their homes. YIKES, I get anxious just thinking about that! Stay safe, my friend, Linda

      1. Linda,
        I think the crazy period will last way, way longer than the next few weeks. And, we actually have four vehicles of various vintage and type with all of their gasoline tanks kept either full or at least above ¾ full. Keep praying and keep safe.

        1. Hi Harry, I totally agree with you. I hate to scare people but for the first time in my life, I’m not sure where this country is headed. I don’t want to learn Chinese, I’m too old. LOL! We must all keep praying! Linda

      2. Linda, I truly feel bad for the unprepared. Many lived from paycheck to paycheck (been there, done that) and did not think they could afford to get prepared. Anyone CAN afford to get prepared, even if they are poor, provided they put their minds to it, but too many believe if they get in trouble the Government will bail them out–apparently not realizing (or possibly caring) what the Government would give to them it must take from others.

        I doubt there will be an insurrection because things aren’t bad enough yet.

        Meanwhile, you’ll order Bok Choi seeds (or Joi Choi or Pak Choi–they are all basically the same and all are easy to grow–and I’ll just keep on prepping.

        You stay safe too.

  2. The only time I have experienced any of these is after my mother died and my sister and uncle took over everything. My sister and I were co-executors of her estate. It still hurts that they did this, but it’s done now. Sister and I have never had a close relationship. And at our age, probably never will. I would love to be close, but I don’t like to be talked down to. And hate being talked to like I’m still a child. And I don’t care for sarcasm at all. We do talk some, but that’s about it. It’s sad that I closer to some of my friends than I am my family. BTW, she’s 4 years older than me.

    1. Hi Deborah, I’m in the same boat. It’s hard because we are sisters. I just stay to myself. I’m just done with mean people, family, or friends. At 70 years old, I am done. And when I say I’m done with something. I am really done. I am actually shocked at comments made on social media. I get a few on my blog, but they are marked spam. I will not put up with any unkind person. Done with rant!!! LOL! Hugs, from your friend in Utah! Linda

  3. It is just my experience , that before an emergency of any kind, research WHERE you will get your information and news. Pay attention to sources using extreme language. Even in an emergency not everything is “critical “, “life-shattering”, “shocking” and “unprecedented”. What is the agenda, or goal of your source? Look for level headed, even thinking , reasonable input. Do not give over control of your safety to anyone.

  4. Linda~
    This last year and I imagine 2021 as well have brought out the worst in people. I am convinced, however, that if the stress of a pandemic and election can bring out the “worst” then the “worst” was just below the surface anyway and it wouldn’t take much to bring it out. I have actually told a few of my acquaintances this very thing when they “go off on me” about my political views and/or religious faith. Like you, Linda, I am done. Just plain done with people who are not reasonable. I don’t know what they have walked through nor what they have been through but NO, don’t take it out on me!! I try to be reasonable when talking to people but if they blow their stack at me, I turn around and walk away. In fact several years ago I saw a post on FB that said basically: When I turn around and walk away from you, don’t think you have won. I am just not willing to put up with your s**t anymore!! I loved that!

    I must say to you, Linda as well as Deborah regarding sisters (and brothers) – I have 2 older brothers and 3 sisters (2 older and one younger). Believe it or not, we are very good friends with each other! My oldest brother is 17 years older than me, then a sister 16 years older, a sister 10 years older, brother 3 years older and sister 2 years younger! We are all from the same mother and father!! When my mother died, my dad was so afraid the family would just fall apart. We didn’t! He was so pleased. In fact, my 3 sisters and I have taken several trips together in the past. I am almost 68 and I know my oldest sister just isn’t up to traveling much or far anymore. But the 6 of us get together several times a year (well, not last year) and have sibling get togethers. One sister said this year come “He** or high water, we are getting together! She is fearful that my two oldest sibs might leave us this year! Tears!!

    I also want to address Chris’ statement: “… research WHERE you will get your information and news. Pay attention to sources using extreme language. Even in an emergency not everything is “critical “, “life-shattering”, “shocking” and “unprecedented”. What is the agenda, or goal of your source? Look for level headed, even thinking , reasonable input.” – this is so so true. But where in the world can we get level headed, even thinking news?? Well, certainly not FB or Twitter!! But the news seems so biased in the last few years that I don’t often watch the TV news.

    I just want to read or watch or listen to news that is not Republican or Democrat; black or white; male or female!! I guess I am really wondering what happened to unbiased? what happened to reasonable? what happened to truth?

    1. Hi Leanne, I totally agree with you. I actually think people were starting to get mean before COVID. I have a granddaughter that started a group against bullies in the 6th grade. It took a lot of guts and perseverance to stand up to the bullies who were only 11 and 12 years old. I believe bullying starts at home by example. My daughters were bullied in school and my oldest is 50 years old. I remember the parents were “bullies” and the kids followed suit. Now with social media people can bully from behind a computer/laptop. It’s really quite sad, isn’t it? I’m shocked when I read some comments on my blog and on FaceBook. Luckily my fingers know where to push the delete button and mark them as spam so they don’t get a second chance. I love hearing you enjoy being with your sisters. We used to but some hurt feelings got in the way. Harsh words hopefully will fade but I kinda doubt it. Stay safe, my friend. The next few weeks please hunker down. Hugs from Utah, Linda

  5. Things are going to get worse. Hold on to hope. Watch your family and friends.
    Be real with them. Cut the beat around the bush talk. Don’t be mean but be real even if it’s tough.

    1. Hi Matt, thanks again for your help and insight. I’m trying to get the word out to stay home and be safe for the next few weeks. We just all want you to be retired ASAP. Linda

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