8 Ways to Combat Gas Shortages

8 Ways to Combat Gas Shortages

It’s no secret that gas prices are on the rise, and with the possibility of gas shortages affecting the market even more, it’s more important than ever to find ways to conserve fuel. But, is gas in short supply? Below, we will discuss what’s happening and how to combat gas shortages, today.

Is There a Gas Shortage Right Now?

There’s been a lot of talk lately about gas shortages. With gas prices on the rise, some people are worried that we’re running out of gas. We have also seen things on social media with gas stations out of fuel. But is there really a gas shortage?

Well, it depends on how you define “shortage.” If you mean that we’re running out of gas, then no, there’s no shortage. We have plenty of gas reserves, and we’re producing more gas than ever before, so it appears we’re not in danger of running out any time soon.

However, if you mean that there’s a shortage of gas relative to demand, then yes, there is a shortage right now. Thanks to the pandemic, demand for gas had decreased significantly. But at the same time, gas production had also decreased. As a result, there’s currently a surplus of gas, but it’s not getting to the stations like it did pre-pandemic.

Over the past few months, more and more people are going back to their regular workplace and the related commute. Families are also anxious to get back on the road to their favorite vacation spot or to visit extended family they haven’t seen for a while, prompting more gas to be consumed. So while we’re not in danger of running out of gas anytime soon, prices may continue to rise until supply and demand return to equilibrium.

8 Ways to Combat Gas Shortages

Why Is There a Gas Shortage?

There are a few reasons why there’s currently a gas shortage. First, as mentioned earlier, the pandemic caused a decrease in demand for gas. With fewer people commuting to work and school, there was less need for gas.

At the same time, gas production has also decreased. This is due to a combination of factors, including the closure of gas wells, the decrease in oil production (which gas is a byproduct), and the fact that many gas refinery workers have been laid off or are working remotely.

What Is Causing Rising Gas Prices

Rising gas prices have become a hot topic in recent months, with many drivers wondering what is causing the hikes. While there are a number of factors that contribute to gas prices, one of the main reasons for the current increase is gas shortages.

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As gas supplies become tighter, prices go up. This is compounded by the fact that gas is a global commodity, so when there are shortages in one part of the world, it can have an impact on prices everywhere. The US has also been exporting some of our gas as a result of the conflict in Europe. Yes, we have gas, but some is going offshore.

Additionally, gas prices are also influenced by the price of crude oil, which has been rising steadily in recent months. With all of these factors at play, it’s no wonder that gas prices are on the rise. However, there are some things that drivers can do to help offset the increases, such as carpooling or using public transportation.

8 Ways to Combat Gas Shortages

As gas prices continue to rise, many Americans are finding themselves forced to make changes in their driving habits. Here are a few ways to combat gas shortages:

1. Plan Ahead

If you know you’re going to be driving long distances, make sure to fill up your gas tank beforehand. This will help ensure that you don’t run out of gas in the middle of nowhere. It would also be wise to reach out and see if gas will be available along your planned route. Check with the major brands, but also some independent stations so you can develop a backup plan if needed.

2. Check Gas Prices Online

There are a number of websites that offer gas price information, like GasBuddy. By checking prices before you hit the road, you can save money and avoid areas that seem to be more prone to experience gas shortages.

3. Carpool

When gas prices are high, carpooling with friends or family members can help save money. Not only will this reduce your fuel costs, but it will also help reduce traffic congestion and pollution. It may be hard to carpool on a vacation trip, but many of us can certainly carpool to work, the gym, school, grocery shopping, church, and other activities where we know people and can coordinate.

4. Save on Gas with Upside

The Upside is an app that gives you cash back on your gas purchases. All you have to do is download the app, open the app, and then find the gas station with the lowest price or highest cash back option. You may need to register and then check-in to get your money back. Here’s what Upside offers you:

  • Up to 25¢/gallon cash back on gas.
  • Up to 45% cash back at restaurants and up to 30% cash back at grocery stores.
  • A 15¢/gal bonus when you refer friends and family.
  • Referrers also earn 1¢/gal every time their referee gets gas using Upside.

There’s no limit to how much you can earn, so start using Upside today! Let me know if it works for you.

5. Use Public Transportation

When gas prices are high, using public transportation can save you money. If you’re not sure how to use your city’s public transportation system, there are a number of apps that can help, such as Google Maps or Transit. Most larger cities have extensive bus routes that make getting from point A to point B fairly easy. They usually offer savings if you buy a monthly pass, and often give students and even the elderly a discount.

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When gas prices were more reasonable, it was hard to justify using Amtrak or other railroad travel providers for longer trips. Now it makes sense to check out the cost for tickets and compare that to driving your car.

6. Use Gas With No Ethanol

As gas prices continue to rise, many drivers are looking for ways to cut costs. One way to do this is to use gas with no ethanol.

Ethanol is a fuel made from plant products, but it can actually damage your car’s engine. Ethanol is gas mixed with other chemicals, which means when you buy gas with Ethanol, you’re paying for a fuel that may burn faster. This means you are filling up more often.

Even though gas with no Ethanol costs more per gallon, you’ll actually save money in the long run because you’ll need to fill up less often. So if you’re looking to save money at the pump, make the switch to gas with no Ethanol. Your specific car may run differently than others when using gas additives, so give different brands and octanes a try to see if you can cost-effectively make a positive change.

7. Consider a Fuel-Efficient Vehicle

When purchasing a new car, consider fuel efficiency as one of your primary factors. There are many great cars on the market that get excellent gas mileage without sacrificing performance or style. The marketplace is seeing a shift to electric vehicles (EV), and we’ve seen some prices come down on vehicles that are “hybrid,” although car and truck prices have seen major increases in the past couple of years, for various reasons. You may be surprised what you can get for your current car. Car purchases are a major financial decision, so do your homework and don’t rush into any major expenditure like that without putting all the factors on paper for discussion and review with other family members.

8. Stock Up on Gas When Prices are Low

When gas prices dip, make sure to fill up your tank. This will help you avoid gas shortages and high prices when gas prices inevitably rise again.

Additionally, use a 5-Gallon Galvanized Steel Flammable Safety Can or for more gas storage, a 30-Gallon Gas Caddy to stock up on gas when prices dip so you have a reserve. If you add a fuel stabilizer, it can keep your gas fresh for up to two years.

Learn More About Gas Shortages and Prices

Final World

As gas prices continue to rise, it’s important to be aware of ways to combat gas shortages. By planning ahead, checking gas prices online, carpooling, and using public transportation, you can save money and avoid gas shortages. Additionally, consider switching to a fuel-efficient vehicle or stocking up on gas when prices are low.

By following these tips, you can save money and avoid gas shortages. May God Bless this world, Linda

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  1. Under reasons let’s not forget all these EV charging stations that are hooked to a diesel generator

    Ethanol- for daily driving it not get as good a mileage but the cost could offset it. You’ll have to see for yourself and make sure your vehicle is rated for it HOWEVER you want to avoid any kind of fuel that’s not just gas when your pulling loads. Your power and mileage will suffer greatly. Use the good stuff when pulling over 6K lbs as a rule. Don’t matter if it’s a camper, cattle or blue collar tools and equipment we all got the same goal. Take into account elevation changes as well as winds too. Pulling 5K in a daily 35-40mph headwind in Oklahoma is like throwing 2K more lbs on. Hitting that Cumberland gap area your gonna need that power to go up them hills. You try doing this on E85 and you’ve lost 25% of your power and you could easily overheat the motor.

    Ethanol doesn’t store as well as regular fuel with PRI-G either. The life is shortened a couple of years.

    1. Hi Matt, thank you so much for your expertise!! We have some hills in Utah where you have to have good gas or you will chug all the way up to the top. I’ve driven by cars and trucks and thought to myself, I sure hope they make it. I have always wondered if it was the car needing better gas or some major maintenance. It goes back to “you get what you pay for”! I didn’t realize that those EV charging stations for electric cars are fueled by a diesel generator. OH MY GOSH!! It makes sense because I know if you hook up your EV (electric vehicle) you have to pay to charge it. I love learning things and I remember asking a guy who was charging his EV if he had to pay for the charge. He said yes. I assumed the chargers were on an electric grid of sorts. WOW! I learn something new every day. Thank you!!! Linda

  2. I’m surprised you didn’t mention grouping errands together to maximize time and travel. That’s a biggie for me. We also take an approach of going out every other day or every 3 days, staying home more often, or if we have to go out daily, take a route that’s less stop and go. One of my other tricks for driving is to drive ‘gently’. I give myself more stopping distance, ease into intersections, and do the speed limit. Those tricks may drive other drivers crazy but it helps my fuel consumption, and is less wear and tear on my car.

    1. Julie, we only go out when we have more than 3 errands-unless it is an emergency..Even when we go to services we combine those trips with other stops.
      WE No longer do daily trips most of time is weekly. this past week we were out 3 days but each trip had a minimum of 3 stops.
      It is amazing how NOT accelerating to the last minute and slowing ahead of a stop with lightening of the foot helps mileage. I get 3-5mpg more than hubs when driving….
      already doin’ what i can of these..

      It is too late to stock up on cheap gas it left in Jan of 2021.

    2. Hi Julie, great reminder, I assumed people were already doing that. We try not to drive anywhere unless we include all stops to get what we need. Great tip on the “gently”, I always see people race to the intersection only to slam on their brakes to stop. It’s the little things that we do that will save big on the amount of gas we use. Great comment, Linda

  3. Linda,

    I haven’t burned anything but premium in any of my vehicles for decades. Premium is higher octane than regular and gives me much better mileage. Yes, it’s more expensive but I get from 2-6 mpg better mileage (depending on the vehicle I’m using). I try like crazy to avoid any ethanol fuel as that type does kill mileage.

    Julie’s idea of grouping errands is also one I’ve followed for years.

    And Matt is, as usual, right about elevation and load pulling.

    1. Hi Ray, I’m so glad you mentioned this about premium gas. When I was working and had my own car (we only have one car now) I always used premium. It’s what the manual said to use. I had mostly 8-cylinder vehicles, so I needed premium. If Mark ever filled up my car he put the cheaper gas, so I always tried to fill it up myself. My dad made brake pads and taught me how to take care of a car. Life is good when our cars use less fuel and have a longer life!! Linda

  4. Linda,

    A note about electric vehicles: If you have a solar system you can charge your own car at no additional cost. But what will those EV owners do if their car runs out of charge before they can reach a charging station? I laughingly suggest they tow a trailer with a gas or diesel generator on it.

    I know as time goes on the range of EV’s and the numbers of charging stations will increase dramatically, but we’re not there yet.

    1. HI Ray, that’s good to know about solar charging them. The trailer, oh my gosh, I got the giggles!! I get anxious thinking about it running out of power, it won’t matter because they are way too expensive for me to buy!! LOL! Linda

  5. We try to always accomplish 6 errands at a time. Even our country drives involve the Amish market, cheese market and the curbside pickups. We will not be using any gas for the next 48 hours, as we are effectively “sealed ” in our home. The streets and driveways in our neighborhood are being sealed. To get out would have required moving our car yesterday at least two blocks away, and getting to it thru numerous backyards or across the golf course. That won’t work for my bad knees or my husband’s bad hip. The temperature is headed to 90°, so we will focus on inside chores. Stay safe and healthy everyone

    1. Hi Chris, oh it makes a mess but the streets sure look goof after they get sealed. I hear you on walking that far, nope, I would stay home as well. Life is good when your home is stocked. Linda

      1. Hi Sharon, I think she is referring to resurfacing the asphalt streets. The city spreads “a slurry” I think they call it, then puts a layer of small rocks on top. Then all the neighbors get to drive on the streets. It’s a mess. This is what they do in Utah. Let’s see what Chris says. Linda

      2. Sharon, It is a mixture including hot tar. It smells like hell its self. They were started before 7am. I don’t envy the men doing it. We set out water, ginger ale, chips and cookies for them. No one can drive on it until sometime tomorrow. It’s supposed to help maintain the streets.

  6. We started using Upside in April when we went on a trip to Disney World. (We are in St. Louis.) So far we’ve earned almost $40 on gas and groceries! Sometimes I can find $0.19 off a gallon of gas and the other day i received 14% back on my groceries. I think it’s well worth it.

  7. You learned from your experience and shared with the rest of us. I really appreciate your comments and those of other people. I learn from them. Thank you

  8. My husband and I worked in the oil and gas industry, until retirement in 2009. Oil companies have zero incentive to spend billions of dollars on new refineries. They will continue to try to maintain what they have in operation. While this push for EV continues, we’re going to be stuck with high fuel prices. If people could realize how much we depend on fossil fuel for manufacturing, they might not be so quick to condemn fracking or horizontal drilling. Are you really ready to give up meds in capsule form or plastic container for your lunch meats or wrappers for your cheese packages? All that is made from by-products of fossil fuel. The “Green New Deal” is a major culprit in this situation. Sorry, I’ll get off the soap box. Stay safe and be prepared. Joy

    1. Hi Joy, we really are stuck with this mess of high gas prices. Thank you for sharing what I was trying to explain today, I really appreciate your thoughts. I feel like I’m on a soap box every day but am limited as to what I can really say because I have rules I have to follow in order to write my blog. Stay safe, thank you again, Linda

    2. Joy, you are completely right. Unfortunately as long as the media continues to hide the truth, we will all suffer. I am more concerned for my children and grandchildren than the short time I have left. Life as we have know it is changing forever.

    3. You’re absolutely right Joy. My dad worked in the oil industry for 42 years. The green new deal is so far away from any kind of reality. Are we anywhere close to having electric boats, planes, or trains across the world? Nope! It’s insane to think that we don’t need or won’t need gasoline in the near future. We’re far away from not needing it, so why are we trying so hard to get rid of it if it’s not even a real possibility right now?

      1. Hi Emily, you are so right. There are no words to explain this mess. It will take so many years to get to point of not needing gas, it makes no sense. Linda

  9. I read this past week that the oil companies financials were out for the past year…
    They were reporting record profits…
    We are being robbed (at record levels) and the administration/media are putting a spin on it to hide that fact.

  10. I think these higher prices will be around for a Long time. We mostly notice them because it was so sudden! Meanwhile, wages had gone up substantially over the years (at least where I live). Sometimes we need to keep this in mind. (Unfortunately social security nor disability went up little.) The suggestions on here, from both you and comments, remind me a lot of when I was young: my dad saying “drive to make your gas and car last”! I made $2/hr plus some tips. Gas was 89cents a gallon. Lol, my teen car was an old Rambler station wagon. It got 28mpg. I appreciated my dad’s tip when my next car was a big Ford: 12mpg! Yep, I drove a lot less. If my friends and I were going somewhere, I asked they chip in on gas. I basically took what I learned as a teen and made it lifelong.
    Giggle, for awhile now, I’ve been having my stepson work thru a little car I’d bought for my grandson right before the pandemic. He had Not taken care of it. I let it sit, then bartered my Saturn Vue (needing one part but i was tired of it) for the labor on the Alero. This little, rather sporty, car gets 35mpg with its 6cylinder engine. I was rather disgusted by how long it’s taking to fix it really good until I looked at the price of buying a used car that is capable of this mpg. And, those cars might need work too. So, if a person already has a small car that gets great gas mileage, get a lot of quotes, fix it! Um, sadly, this won’t work for everybody as shop labor is high and many won’t use used parts.

    1. HI Wendy, oh you brought back memories of my first car, a 1951 Chevy Sedan! LOL! Yep, people chipped in on the gas! We have a 2009 Honda CRV and we had to wait a week to get a part to fix the A/C. I was afraid the guy fixing it wouldn’t be able to find the part! LOL! I remember when gas was .29 cents a gallon. Yeah, I’m old. LOL!! Crazy times and I totally agree these higher prices are going to be here for a very long time. Linda

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