What to Stock Up on for Winter

What to Stock Up on for Winter

It sure doesn’t seem like long ago when we were saying,” It won’t be long before winter arrives,” Boy, it’s arrived with a vengeance in some parts of the country. Being prepared for stormy, wet, and cold winter weather is essential. One way to make sure you’re ready for the harsher weather conditions is to stock up on specific items that can come in handy. You wouldn’t want to get stuck at home without power, food, and a reliable water source.

Even if it’s never happened to you or your area before, the recent winter storms have shown you never know what to expect when it comes to the severity and the length of time the storm will be making an impact. Preparing the correct items before the next big winter storm arrives is best. If the snowstorm and cold weather in Texas a few years ago taught us anything, the weather is unpredictable, and taking preventive measures makes the most sense. Who would have thought their power grid would fail, putting thousands of families at risk?

What to Stock Up on for Winter

Today, I want to reinforce the idea of organizing your winter storm prepping materials, opening all the boxes of items you may have purchased for preparedness, and beginning to practice using each item. What you have acquired may not have come in a box; it could be weather-strip door materials, insulation that needs to be spread in the attic, storm windows for that room add-on, emergency heating, and more.

If you haven’t done so already, complete those last-minute projects before it’s too late to protect your home and family. Pay particular attention to anything that protects your family if you lose power in your home.

Please locate all of your extra batteries for the flashlight each family member should have. Store them in one place to find and use them when necessary. Here is a look at a few of my battery boxes, and yes, I have a few of them. Battery Boxes

Battery Storage Boxes

What to Stock Up on for Winter

Over the last few months, we’ve heard on the radio and TV about the “once-in-a-generation” storm that has spread across the Southern States by Hurricane Helene, Milton, etc. A few years ago, one area that experienced the devastating storm more severely was Buffalo, located in western New York. Erie County and others like Niagra County had over four feet of snow in a very short time. The city had heavy winds with whiteout conditions, extreme cold, and blizzard warning notices in many locations.

Bullalo’s Mayor, Byron Brown, held a news conference early that week and announced a driving ban due to the terrible conditions. Although the National Weather Service had announced days earlier a winter storm watch that became a winter storm warning, many residents, and even city officials, were caught off guard. Many individuals felt they could ignore the ban.

Their travel on the snowy roads with poor traction caused the city’s work crews and the police chaos. They couldn’t clear the streets of snow, and many cars were stranded or involved in accidents due to poor visibility.

People were told to stay inside for their protection, but in Buffalo proper, as I remember, there were nearly 40 storm-related deaths.

Some Basic Items I Suggest:

  • Warm Gloves, hats, scarves, mittens,
  • Snow Boots with warm wool socks
  • Snow Shovels (if applicable)
  • Window Scrapers
  • Snow/Ice Melter and bags of sand for traction
  • Emergency Car Items – jumper cables
  • Snow Blower (if applicable) with fuel
  • Wood for your fireplace or wood-burning stove
  • A good first-aid kit

1. Packages of Bottled Water

Be sure to buy packages of bottled water while it’s on sale so that you can have a lot of it available at home. If you end up without a water source due to harsh and damaging storms, having as much water as possible can help.

You can use the water to drink, wash up, brush your teeth, and prepare different meals. You don’t need to rush and buy as much water as you can find; just pick some up each time you visit the store. 

Read More of My Articles  What To Stock Up On In December

However, if you regularly check the weekly advertisements to see what’s on sale and you manage to see a good deal on water, grab it while you can. It’s a good idea to store the water in the basement or other safe areas in the house so that you have it available when you need it the most.

Better yet, start purchasing long-term water storage containers. Yes, they are expensive at first, but so is bottled water. In case you missed this post, The Best 5-Gallon Water Jugs, don’t forget to purchase some Water Preserver so you only have to rotate out the water every 5 years. If you use bleach (unscented) to treat your stored water, it needs to be rotated every six months. I have two systems to treat my water. I like products from Big Berkey and PortaWell. Both systems use effective filters, with Big Berkey using gravity-fed water and PortaWell using a battery-powered pump system that can filter up to 60 gallons per hour.

Please remember that water is the number one thing we need for survival, so please stock as much as you can. Trust me, you will be grateful you did.

2. Non-Perishable Food to Save and Eat in an Emergency

Always stock up on some non-perishable food. You’ll want food that can last for a while, especially if you get snowed in and can’t leave your home. Besides, you may not be able to get to the store. Therefore, you should buy plenty of canned goods based on your storage space and finances.

Canned goods tend to have a longer shelf life than other products. You can find all kinds of canned goods, including vegetables, fruits, soups, and meat.

Sure, they might not be your favorite foods because they don’t taste nearly as fresh as other options, but they’re good to have when you’re in a difficult situation. You can stock up on non-perishable food for your family to eat in emergencies by grabbing these items while on sale. Have other family members shop with you so you can get their input regarding desired items they’ll eat.

I always recommend having foods your family will eat, not just “food storage.” You may be in trouble if you buy things family members don’t like. Again, you may want the family to go to the grocery store with you and choose the items they would eat for at least a week if you lost power.

You may want to label a bag or small box for each child and place the items on your food storage shelves. Nothing says love like having a bag with your name on it, right?

3. Pet Food

If you have a pet at home, make sure you’re thinking about the particular needs of that pet variety when stocking up for the winter. Again, if you can’t get to the store for groceries, you won’t have an opportunity to get out and get pet food. So, grab the food your dog, cat, or another bird or animal regularly eats and enjoys. 

You might even want to stock up on some treats for your pet. It doesn’t matter what you get if you choose quality options for your pet. You wouldn’t want the animal to go hungry in an emergency.

Please remember, you need water for your pet as well. You need one ounce (30ml) of water per pound of your dog’s weight each day. If your dog weighs ten pounds, you’ll need ten ounces of water each day.

4. Heavy Blankets/Comforters

Pack plenty of heavy blankets and comforters in the home. While you probably already have a few blankets for the bedrooms, having more blankets available for use in an emergency is a good idea. It’s easy to store these blankets in a storage container or bag until you’re ready to use them to keep them from taking up too much space. 

If you don’t have heat, your house will get cold during the winter months. The best way to combat the cold is to stay in a room with the rest of your family while piling up blankets and layering clothes. You sure don’t want any family members to experience frostbite or hypothermia when their body temperature gets too low.

When selecting the best blankets, consider options with thick layers or coverings made of fleece materials because of how warm they can make you feel. You may want to invest in sleeping bags, but if you have a lot of blankets, use them.

Read More of My Articles  What To Stock Up On In November

5. Portable Generator/Portable Heater

It pays to have a portable generator in the home. You can use it when you don’t have heat or electricity to get the heat and electricity you’ll need. You don’t want to get stuck in a dire situation that leaves you feeling cold, hungry, and miserable.

While a portable generator does cost money, the initial investment is worth it because you can put it to good use in times of need. I have opted not to purchase a generator because of the cost. If I lived where there were hurricanes, I would find a way to acquire one.

Different types of generators are available for purchase, some of which cost more than others. The initial cost will depend on the size/capacity of the generator and the brand. If you’re not too picky, you can find a suitable option to provide comfort when dealing with losing power at home.

You may want to consider getting a portable heater, Mr. Heater MH9BX 9000 BTU Propane Portable and
Mr. Heater-F273702 12 ft Propane Hose and Mr. Heater Universal Fuel Filter

Please set it up and practice using it by following the manufacturer’s instructions. Here are my step-by-step instructions. How To Heat Your Home In An Emergency

6. Convenient Camping Stove or Butane Stove

You’re probably wondering why you’d need a camping stove when you’re not going anywhere. However, the camping stove can be useful without power during the cold winter.

If power goes out, it’s crucial to have a way to prepare food for yourself and your children. Stoves aren’t designed for indoor use, so plan a location where they can be safely used, and you won’t have to worry about carbon monoxide poisoning.

You may think you can use your barbecue, but you may want to think again. It would use way too much fuel to boil water. I’d steer clear of a kerosene heater and stove. They have been known to be especially risky, mainly if people ignore the warnings and put them to use indoors.

7. Start Stocking Up on the Essentials for Winter

A butane stove is an excellent option. It’s portable and provides enough heat to warm up different meals, whether you’re preparing soups, stews, or macaroni and cheese. I prefer a Butane Stove with Extra Fuel stored.

Please remember that the pan you use on your butane stove should not hang over the burner. With a Butane Stove, you can boil water, make a cup of soup, heat up some beans, and so much more.

It’s worth buying and storing somewhere in the house because you never know when you’ll need it. You may even get to help your neighbors if they’re dealing with a loss of power and could use some assistance.

To get a headstart on winter essentials, it’s a good idea to start stocking up as early as possible. Many of these items are on sale, so you can get the best deals when you start stockpiling them.

If you know what to buy and add to your home, you can keep yourself and your loved ones safe, comfortable, and protected if a winter weather advisory is issued and a situation arises that leaves you without power. 

Please stock up on OTC medications as soon as possible and prepare before you need them. In case you missed this post, 35 OTC Medications You Should Store

Having items specific for use by young children and older adults is critical.

8. Snacks

Please stock your pantry with healthy snacks like popcorn, candy, chocolate, and even junk food, if you feel inclined. If we are stuck at home for 2-3 weeks because of an unforeseen snowstorm, I may want some Peanut M&Ms. It’s all about being prepared, right?

What can I do to prepare my house for the winter better?

Some things you should consider are:

  • Insulate pipes on your exterior walls so they don’t freeze.
  • Caulk around window and door frames to keep cold air and moisture out and any warm air in.
  • If you have a fireplace, ensure your chimney and flue are clear and free of buildup and debris.
  • Get some covers for your windows to help block any cold air that may come in through poorly insulated windows and window jams.

Are there things I need to do so my vehicle is best prepared for winter?

I’d suggest you find a good auto dealer or quality mechanic you can trust and have them check the following to make sure they’re in good working order:

  • Brakes
  • Antifreeze
  • Heater and Defroster
  • Exhaust system
  • Battery
  • Ignition system
  • Wiper blades

I always tell my readers to always keep their gas tanks between 75% and 100% full. You don’t want to run out of gas if you’re blocked in or stranded.

Final Word 

Food, water, comfy blankets, and other essential items at home can always be handy. Even if you’ve never experienced getting snowed in or dealing with a loss of power, it’s better to take precautionary measures than to end up in a horrible situation. May God Bless this world, Linda.

Copyright Images: Winter AdobeStock_184392202 by anaumenko

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  1. Now is definitely the time to plan for “plan B” not after it happens like we saw in Texas last year.
    Several “preppers” admitted their holes and had planned on having power.
    Climate changes. I’ve seen the petrified forest in the desert and the seashell beds of Texas and dinosaur tracks in places with snow.
    Stay well rounded. Folks don’t get excited over a camp stove like a new gun but they should.

    1. Hi Matt, you nailed it, people need to get excited over a camp stove or any preparedness item. It means they are prepared one step closer to taking care of themselves. We all need a PLAN B, great comment, thanks my friend, Linda

  2. Hey Linda and Matt. I’m so excited that I do have a Camp stove. LOL Larry thought I was nuts for wanting one. We do have a Propane stove in the house. Not sure if it works when the power goes off, but I do have the camp stove. (Coleman). I get excited about all my prep supplies. Even my pantry. I do have most all of the items listed. Snacks are the one thing I need to get more of.

    1. Hi Deborah, yes we all need snacks, that’s very important!! Is there any way you can get your propane stove checked out to see if you can still use it when the power goes out? Man, that’s a gold mine to any prepper! Linda

      1. It has an electronic starter, so I don’t know. I need to try it when the power goes off. I know the oven won’t work without power.

        1. The propane should still flow without electricity. If the power goes out use kitchen matches or candle lighters to light the burners. That’s what people did before the electronic starters.

      2. I have a propane stove in my kitchen, and it works when the power is out. I have to have a lighter for it on the eyes that have quit lighting, so I also have that option when the power is out (or on!). I live in the paths of hurricanes, but I am inland about 120 miles from both the Atlantic and the Gulf in south Georgia. Also, I live in the country at the end of my EMC (Electric Membership Co-op). My power goes out pretty frequently for several hours at a time. I forget which hurricane came through here that caused us to lose power for six days, but we were prepared. The propane kitchen stove worked fine. We had 12″ battery-powered fans to keep cool. We had those little light switch lights in every room so that we could flip them on as needed. We also had battery-powered flashlights and camp lanterns. I used to use candles, but that is like having a fireplace going in the warm weather. Candles are pretty and romantic, but they heat up the house, which we certainly did not need. We have a small 3-in-1 Portable Power Pack that we normally take primitive car camping. We used that to charge our phones during that time. I have a solar charger but the sky was cloudy all the time from the hurricane. I had water already stored because we know that when we lose power, our well pump does not work. We have a portable generator for the refrigerators and the freezers. We have a propane shower and we rigged up a place on the patio to take showers (we live far enough from the neighbors and with enough trees and bushes that we were comfortable taking our showers).

        1. Hi Patricia, whoa, I would love a propane shower on the patio, that’s an awesome idea! You have planned everything out, knowing full well you will lose power every so often. BEST COMMENT EVER! I love plans, you are a rock star! Having battery-powered fans help so much when we lose electricity. I forgot about those light switch lights, I need to order some of those, thank you for the reminder. I prefer lanterns over candles as well. I need a 3-in-1 portable power pack, I gave mine to my granddaughter. Good job, Patricia!! Linda

    2. Deborah, many kinds of gas stoves can be lit with a match, but not the ovens–explosion risk. If you have a pilot light it should stay lit and work as usual. If it makes a ticking noise to light, it probably needs electricity or a match to light. Stay safe!

    3. Deborah: The electric igniters on your propane stove will not work.Matches or a grill lighter will work. Another thing that won’t work is a land line telephone and the cell towers may be out.
      Get an old time Princess phone that plugs into a wall jack.

      Camp Chef makes a great two burner stove with a built in oven. At Walmart the price for a 1lb.propane bottle is $11.00. Unbelievable!

      1. Here in Ky, one has to plug into the wifi apparatus–all jacks are obsolete now.
        Yes, I have an old style phone for use when lack of power.

    4. Deborah go back and flip the breaker and turn the power off to the stove. Try and use a lighter or match (preferably a long stem lighter) so you’ll know now. Don’t wait till the power goes out please. It should work fine.
      Your camp stove will be the backup which is great.

  3. Good Morning Linda. I’m well stocked, but do need to get some bottled water. I have a 6 gal water jug that I fill up at the beginning of each winter just in case my water line freezes. Did it once last year but not during the polar vortex, figure that one out, lol. I do have a propane cook stove, so if necessary, I can use that for heat (besides cooking) if power goes out. Oh, heard last night that higher up (I’m at 9,000 ft.) and more toward the western slope, they were supposed to get snow. I didn’t get any, but it is sure cold this a.m. (48 when I got up). Only supposed to get into the low 70s today and tomorrow. After such a long winter last year, I’m not looking forward to an early snow this year. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Pam, oh my gosh, 48 degrees??? We woke up to 70 degrees, which is REALLY nice after a very hot summer. We are making plans to move back up north near our daughter where there’s a lot of snow in the winter. It will take a few months for all the details to be worked out. I’m glad you have water stored, frozen pipes are the worst. Linda

  4. Great info as always, Linda. Our one weak point is that we don’t have much water stored. The husband has all kinds of camp stoves, grills, kettles, and a fire pit to cook on outdoors. My gas range does work without power, (it’s been put to the test) so as long as the gas lines are working, I’m good there!

    1. Hi Paula, thank you for your kind words. I love hearing your husband is on board, you are lucky, some partners are not interested in preparedness. I can almost picture your firepit, I LOVE those! Linda

  5. We survived the Texas snowpocalypse last year and realized the number one thing we should have had is a WRITTEN PLAN. For a while we had electricity but our heat was out and we were COLD. It was 8 degrees outside! We froze for two days before I remembered we had a small electric space heater we hadn’t used in years. A plan to read at the BEGINNING of the disaster would have reminded me! Step 1 – get out space heater stored on shelf in hall closet! Also that plan could have told me to take that heater to our very small office and set up a temporary living area. That little heater would have made our small office toasty warm instead of just keeping our feet warm in our large living room. We could have moved the TV in there, even slept there. Seems like common sense but we just didn’t think of it – this is Texas where we deal with heat not killer cold. A written plan would have made things so much easier. Also what if you are separated from your family at the time of a disaster? Does your family know where supplies are? Do your kids know what they should do? A written plan would itemize things and help protect your whole family.

    1. Hi Kay, oh that Texas snowpocalypse was terrible. I live in the desert and I can tell you that here they would not have been prepared for that either. Once we had a little snow, our city had to get snow plows from areas about 75 miles away. When you live in the desert or in super hot areas we do not expect snow. People don’t know how to drive in it. Some neighbors did not know to open cupboards where water pipes are located. They had frozen pipes, nothing like what the Texans had to face. They didn’t have snow shovels, we did, so we shoveled a lot of driveways. Having a WRITTEN PLAN would be great for every city and state. That storm showed we have to expect the unexpected. My sister lives in Austin, and they had blankets, thank goodness. Great comment, Linda

  6. When I lived in the desert, we would sometimes get hard freezes. We used cut up pool noodles to put on outside water pipes and faucets to help prevent pipe freezing. And yes opening cupboards around sinks helps to keep freezing away.

    1. Hi Margaret, oh my gosh, I LOVE the pool noodle idea for the pipes!! I was the only one on the street after our freeze that had a heater to thaw pipes, ours were not frozen. Some people do not know a few simple tricks that MAY help keep the pipes from freezing. We had a drip going on each faucet in our small home to keep them from getting frozen. Great tip on the noodles! Love it, Linda

  7. We survived the Texas winter last year with 2 Mister.Buddy heaters, a generator and a gas stove with the aid of kitchen matches.
    We always keep a 100 lb container of propane along with 4-25 lb containers full al of the time. We have a water well that didn’t freeze up but we keep 5 cases of bottled water along with 1 gallon water bottles and one of the bathtub water bladders for flushing. washing dishes and personal hygiene. It feels comforting to know we are prepared. I so enjoy your post Keep it up God bless us all

    1. Hi Regina, oh thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me. I just bought a Mr. Buddy Heater last year, I live in the desert so I should be okay unless we have an unexpected snowstorm like Texas!! I LOVE having my readers share how prepared they are. When you and your family can go to bed at night knowing full well you have done everything you could to protect your family, that is a blessing. Having propane, a well, bottled water, a gas stove, life is good. Keep up the good work, Linda

  8. Another thing to remember is that you should have at least 2 ways of cooking food when the power goes out. I won’t invest in a solar oven because of where we live in the .PNW. Some have them but I want something I can use rain or shine. I have my cast iron pans and ovens (my husband made 3 stands for them, too) plus 3 rocket stoves. I won’t use butane ore propane in the house. Just a thought on what you want to use and their prices.

    1. Hi Cheryl, You can’t go wrong with rocket stoves and cast iron pans, and Dutch ovens!! I never recommend a Sun Oven unless you have at least 250 days or more a year of sunshine, they will not work. We always need more than one way to cook, you have a great plan, good job! Linda

  9. Hi Linda,
    We have finally gotten moved into our house in Oregon. The house is “all electric” which I hate, but ‘you gotta take what you can get’. The fires last year, here in Medford, destroyed many, many homes. Thus there is an acute housing shortage. We were so fortunate to get his house, I am truly thankful.
    I have been a prepper for many years, The only thing I need to add to my stores now is Water. I plan to start storing that this coming week.
    I have a three burner camp stove, propane, and will use hat outside with a power shortage.
    We have been so blessed and we both are so thankful that we survived Covid and have been able to make our move back to Oregon. I get to see my Great Grandbabies whenever I want. They really aren’t babies anymore. They all are in elementary school now.
    Linda I pray that your move north will be safe and uneventful. Are you still going to be in Utah?
    Stay well and safe.

    1. Hi Suzanne, yes, we will stay in Utah. I’m so glad you survived Covid, what a terrible virus. I’m glad you made it back to Oregon. How exciting that you get to see your grandbabies. It’s time for me to see my grandbabies too! I have missed being around them. It’s hard to find housing here as well. The prices are out of sight. We are working on the move now. It will be a few months. My grandkids can’t wait for us to come back up north. The way our country and the world are going I want to be closer to family. Stay well, stay safe and enjoy your grandbabies! Linda

  10. Yes, good luck on your move up north. You have a lot to move so I don’t envy you. Debbie Kent is in the process of moving from CA to Layton, UT . I remember doing this over 40 years ago. Boy, not again!!! Have too much stuff!!

  11. Linda, We may never know the full story behind the more than 40 deaths following the Buffalo Blizzard. Those who emergency services could not get to, or others beyond their control have my total compassion. I fail to full understand the more than 21 people found outside or in their cars. We had a full week notice that a bad snow storm was coming. We figured, that if for some reason our generator failed us (it didn’t) or our gas fireplace let us down (it didn’t) we would hold up in our bedroom with big heavy blankets over our window, more blankets on the bed, and at least 10 large jar Yankee Candles around the room for heat ( I have over 50). It wouldn’t be idea, but we would still be alive. It was 3 days. Everyone should be able to live in their homes without outside help, medical emergencies aside, for 3 days. THREE days, and people are complaining they are desperate for food. I am trying not to lose patience, but we haven’t left the house for 9 days and counting, and we don’t need to. What will it take to reach people?

    1. HI Chris, great comment from someone who lives where the blizzard took place. I don’t get it either. Let’s think about this, if they don’t watch the news on TV or see what’s going on in the world on their social media channels, how could they not know, it is beyond words. I hear you on losing your patience. Most of us are losing our patience with people who think food or water will be delivered to their doors after or during a disaster such as a blizzard in Buffalo. My understanding is people were told to stay off the roads. I have lived where the snow gets treacherous and I stay home. There are canyons all over the state of Utah that everyone knows to stay home when the temps hit below a certain temperature because you will slide all over or roll your vehicles. If someone does not have food or water for 3 days in their home, well, I better stop talking or I may say something I shouldn’t. These are grown people. Well, our forum is well fed, hydrated and safe. Linda

  12. As long as the natural gas runs we’ll have power. I have a stand by whole house generator. If the gas gets shut off we have a working(wood burning) fireplace and 2 buddy heaters we could use, cracking windows of course. But I have to tell you, Son1 and DIL 1 (both born and raised in Michigan) live in GA One year they got a lot of snow, not ONE store had snow shovels, so he asked and got that year a shovel for Christmas. Then when that huge storm hit he was the only one on his block to have a snow shovel..Yes he was a good guy and shoveled his neighbors out, got to know a few that they hadn’t met before and did a couple of store runs as he “knew” how to drive in snow and ice Being born in the north my sister (lives in VA) came to work one morning (2AM) because her boss said because of the storm that was predicted everybody stay home and then said except sister because she was from the north and knew how to drive in this stuff and then walked away. So she came to work next morning, the security guard was VERY surprised , so he called the boss. Man was extremely mortified and told her he was so sorry but he thought she knew it was a joke.Sent her home with 2 days extra pay.By the way it was her first job after they had moved there so she hadn’t gotten to know he had an “odd” sense of humor. By the way all they got was about 4″ of snow but the whole city shut down. They don’t have snow plows or anything for winter weather, they do now but at the time they had no idea how to handle it.

    1. Hi Kathy, oh my gosh, this comment is the best. The snow shovel, we have always had one or two snow shovels in the garage. When we moved to the desert I took them. Yep, we had a crazy snowstorm (not for us) but with 2-3 inches of snow on the ground in St.George, Utah the whole town shut down. That’s so nice your sister got paid extra money for driving to work. Your son’s story is similar to ours, we were the only ones with snow shovels in the desert! LOL! The city did not have any snow removal equipment back then. Looking back you almost have to laugh, your son had a snow shovel, thank goodness!!! I love hearing how prepared you are with heating sources. Love it! Linda

    2. Kathy, with all the times we have lost electricity, we never lost natural gas. That is why I feel such security in our whole house generator. Thousands lost power from very early on with the Buffalo Blizzard.
      We were in Savanah one January, when the hotel restaurant informed us, they would not be opening till the roads were cleared…. There was about a quarter inch of snow.

      1. I know, Chris. My son was out when they had that deep freeze in Atlanta , he said If he was a nasty person, he could have made off like a bandit with all the expensive cars that got abandoned on the highway. People just walked away from their cars. It was a complete mess. I am so glad that we have the genny too. When Grandson2 was a baby Son2 and family had to come here when their power went out for a week.. Linda we still get a kick about the shovel too.It was one of the stories told at son1’s memorial.

          1. Thank you. We are fortunate that this year we were “allowed” to have his 2 oldest children for Christmas. They live with my son’s ex and the little one lives with my DIL 1. It’s been rough so thank you again.

          2. Hi Kathy, what a blessing to have at least of the grandkids this year. Wow, you never know the pain and heartache behind every front door. God bless you, Linda

          1. thank you It was very unexpected. We are doing better but it still catches me every once in a whle

  13. I won’t need small stoves for our house. We have a wood heat stove and I have a wood cookstove. Using both will keep us nice and warm and we have lots of wood. When we really had trouble we got a emergency generator (we were without electricity for 3 weeks which is the reason we are getting a solar system) It was winter but not a bad winter. A bad winter is when we can’t even go outside because of the snow and I know people think New Mexico does not get really bad weather but they would be dead wrong without being prepared. We can get up to 6ft of snow in a bad winter. So glad for the heat and cook stove. I can cook on both.

  14. We start prepping for winter in the spring/summer. It takes a while to cut firewood, and the weatherproofing that keeps your home warm in the winter, keeps it cool in summer. By now, our canning is pretty much done. If you haven’t done this, time for some catch-up.

    1. Hi Janet, you are so right, we must plan ahead of time. Weatherproofing our home for cold or heat is critical. Don’t you love looking at those jars of food that are canned and all lined up on the shelves??? There is nothing better than knowing you are prepared for whatever comes your way. Love it! Linda

  15. We now have two generators. One is dual fuel, gas and propane and the other is gas only. We do have propane fireplaces on each end of the house. Plus sleeping bags and quilts and blankets. I also have candles and kerosine lamps. I’m so glad we have all of these. And food and water!

  16. I grew up in Virginia and they are just not snow prepared at all. In the 60 years my parents owned their house, I don’t think the residential road was ever plowed. At the same time, the snow melted quickly and most of the time everything was melted in 2 days. Very different from where I live now where we get snow all the time and it may be weeks or months before it all melts.

    I think the very first preparedness item for snowstorms is to pull out the drivers’ manual and reread the section on how to drive on snow. No matter how often you’ve driven in the snow, how great your car drives in the snow or other items, during that first snow of the season none of us has driven in snow for 4 to 6 months and we can all use a quick refresher class. That and making sure the windshield scraper or brush is in the car before heading to work. More than once, I’ve had to sit in the parking lot waiting for my windshield to melt enough that I can scrape the snow off using a credit card. Hubby will clean out the car and because it’s not snowing right then, not put my long brush/scraper back in the car.

    Winters in the midwest are long, cold and often snowy. I am always amazed when people don’t have enough food for a predicted snow emergency. If it’s cold enough for the news anchors to remind everyone that 10 minutes outside can lead to frostbite multiple times during the local news, then it’s too cold to go to the grocery store. Plus we should not be expecting the grocery store employees to go outside to get to work.

    1. Hi Topaz, oh great reminder on the snow window scrapers. We have always had one or two in the car even when we lived in the desert. It’s a way of life for us. We could travel 100 miles and be in a snowstorm. Although, we always watch the weather because there are places you cannot drive even with 4WD vehicles, which we have always had. I’m always amazed at how fast some people drive in a snowstorm, it’s nuts! Life is a challenge sometimes. Linda

  17. Great article Linda! I live in rural central Maine so prep for winter every fall. We heat mainly with wood (have lots), have a propane stove (and camp stoves too), have a generator and lots of filled gas cans.
    Just got new tires on our truck. Will button up the chicken coop next – we had 32° this morning!!

    1. Hi Beth, wow 32 degrees, that is the start of winter for sure! It’s such a great feeling having wood stacked for the winter, you are blessed to be able to use wood burning stove, I’m assuming. New tires always make me feel so much safer on the road, stay safe, Linda

  18. Timely reminders. I just put up the winter liners on the curtains today, still have a couple of windows to put plastic film on. This year I invested in a proper storm door for the kitchen door but I will have to do a bit of restructuring to get it installed. Restocked some batteries I was low on and I don’t know what happens to head lamps but every year they seem to migrate off someplace and need replacing. We don’t normally get much winter weather where I live in the Pacific NW but I kept some of my old winter clothes from living up north so I’m good for what might come. Lots of wood here thanks to a couple of dead trees that had to come down, though I still need to do more splitting and stacking. I have extra bedding and air mattresses for neighbourhood emergencies and plenty of food and ways to cook it. Best to have things and not need them than the other way around.

    1. Hi Alice, oh you are so right, better to have the things you need in your home and not need to go get them!!! Some of these storms have done so much damage, we must be prepared. I love your thoughts about having air mattresses and bedding for neighborhoods, so many people lost everything in Hurricane Helene and Milton. I hear you about the headlamps, I’m still trying to find mine after the move into this house 3 months ago. LOL! Great comment, Linda

  19. Linda, we don’t have much in the way of winter here but it does get below freezing once in awhile. I have row covers for the raised beds to preserve my living food. When i lived in the mountains of Colorado I always carried a fully loaded backpack in my car’s trunk. Came in handy more than once. The pack held a full week’s supply of food and fuel for my backpackers propane stove.

    1. Hi Ray, I love hearing you were prepared with food and water for a week plus fuel you would need. We never know what the roads or traffic may bring. Having raised beds makes all the difference in not having to bend over to work on the garden. Row covers work great, I love them! Linda

  20. I didn’t build my beds high enough, so I still have to bend over–just not as far. That will change as I re-do them. My goal is to get up to between three and four feet and do some hugelkultur in the four foot ones. If I was starting from scratch I’d either build them out of cinder block or maybe buy Birdie raised beds. They are expensive but at my age they would be a one time investment. You should consider them for your garden.

      1. Linda, just be sure to line the bottoms of your beds with 1/4″ or 1/2″ hardware cloth. Otherwise tunnelers like pack rats, ground squirrels, mice, voles and moles can enter at will.

        1. HI Ray, I will be calling you or emailing you. when I get to that point if the landscaping gets done next spring. I remember you telling me about wire as well, I will follow your advice for sure. Linda

  21. Linda,

    I just emailed you a link to some Birdie or Birdie type raised beds that are on sale for 30% off. I like the 29″ tall ones. If you can afford to get them now and store them until your landscaping is done next Spring you’ll save a bundle.

    Or you could get your building contactor to put up some cinderblock raised beds–probably have them done by 2027 🙂

  22. One “thing” I have gained from my winter preparedness….. Peace of mind….. No amount of money can replace the secure feeling of being ready for whatever. Please everyone stay safe and healthy

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