What To Stock Up On In April
For today’s post, it’s all about what to stock up on in April. I love saving money when purchasing an item on my needs list. If I can get those items I need at rock-bottom prices or drastically reduced, it’s my kind of purchase. This is my updated post today; it’s part of my series on what to save money on every month.
Just so you know, I live in Utah, and we have 3 to 4 case lot sales each year. I’ve been buying canned goods at this store or other stores for over 50 years. The canned goods typically come in 24-48 cans per case, depending on the product. Well, this year, it’s different. I found the prices to be the same as the ones on the shelf, so there were no real savings if you bought the whole case.

A few were a bit cheaper, but in most cases, as I looked to compare prices, the only advantage was to have them packaged up for you by the case so you could store them that way. I walked out empty-handed. Here is a picture from previous sales. These were bargains last year, today I didn’t find any worth purchasing.
Campbell’s Soup Is My Favorite
Keep in mind Campbell’s soups are 48 cans to the case. If you take the cost at $33.12 divided by 48 cans in the case it comes out to $.69 each, yep, less than a dollar. These are Campbell’s (not store brands). I admit I’m a soup snob, and I only like Campbell’s brand.
It’s interesting: I picked up some Campbell’s Bean with Bacon soup for my daughter one day. We compared a can of store-brand to Campbell’s. Well, there is a difference between the two based on the flavor and texture. We will only buy Campbell’s brand going forward.
The store brand was way too watery even though we only added 1/2 can of water to each. The store brand had very few beans, let alone bacon. I’m glad we compared the two side by side.

What To Stock Up On In April
Produce in Season

Fruits and vegetables taste so much better when they are in season, that’s for sure. This month, watch for some really good asparagus, avocados, broccoli, beets, mushrooms, and citrus fruits. In case you missed this post, Step By Step Dehydrating Mushrooms

Nothing tastes better than produce that’s in season, right?
Did you know you can freeze avocados? Yes, you can! I quote Healthline.com: “Ripe avocado can be frozen mashed or puréed, as well as in halves or chunks, and kept for 4–6 months. Add lemon juice and seal the avocado tightly in plastic or with a vacuum sealer to minimize browning.” (Nov 29, 2019)
I freeze avocados whenever they go on sale. If they are ripe, I peel them, remove the seed, and freeze the halves. They are perfect after you thaw them in the refrigerator the day before. I use my FoodSaver to keep them green.

Vacuum & Cleaning Supplies

Spring is the month people want to spring clean, so stores will be having sales on vacuums to help you clean your home. If your vacuum is toast, this may be the perfect month to find one drastically reduced in price.

April will have many cleaning supplies priced lower to help us do that spring cleaning that kicks in during the month. Watch for your favorite cleaning products to help you clean your house the way you want at a discount.

I love having cleaning supplies stocked up, so I hardly ever have to go to the store.

Easter Stuff

This is a great month to stock up on those plastic Easter eggs that crack yearly. If you buy them this year, you will be ready for next year’s Easter egg hunt.
Watch for the shopping baskets at the front of the store for clearance items on Easter decorations you may want next year. You may also see some great buys on chocolates to stock your pantry.
If you need some new Easter baskets or stuffed animals for next year, this is a great time to purchase them for pennies on the dollar.

If you typically have an Easter party every year, this is the time to buy plates and napkins for that party or for next year at a fraction of the regular cost. Look for discounts on those cute Easter dresses after Easter.
Easter hats and gloves will be discounted as well! Watch for white Easter shoes and purses. The stores want to clear out the shelves so they can stock things like summer sandals.

After Easter Sales

I love 50% off the leftover candy after every holiday. Mark and I tried to find some M&Ms, but those were gone by the time we got to the store. But, oh my goodness, they still had a lot of choices. Chocolate is chocolate to me!
Hams Ready For Easter Sunday

I have a ham in the freezer I’ll take out of the freezer a day or so before Easter Sunday. I love the spiral ones, and I serve the pre-cooked ham cold. When I try to serve it warm, it becomes dry. It may just be me, but that’s how I roll. If you have any leftovers, you can make my Ham Salad Recipe after Easter and save the bone to make my Ham and Bean Soup!
Baking Supplies

I make dinner rolls every Sunday or every other Sunday. I love baking, so April is a great month to stock up on those items we use all the time. I love having my pantry stocked, but you know that by now.
Mother’s Day Deals

April is a month between Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day, so you may see some leftover candy or jewelry you might want to give Mom, or your spouse, for that special day. I love flowers that I can plant, what about you?
It’s a perfect month to save money on that necklace or bracelet for your mom, or another special person in your life. I have seen prices reduced as much as 60% in April.
Cookware and Small Appliances

You’ll see great prices on cookware either for mom for Mother’s Day or for the bride and groom getting married soon.
June is one of the most popular months for weddings, so this is a great time to stock up on wedding gifts and some cookware for your mom. Watch for some really good buys on some of the best cookware. These pans go great with my book, “Prepare Your Family For Survival”.

Thrift Store Sales

This is the time of year people are spring cleaning and donating tons of stuff to the local thrift stores. It’s a great month to watch for thrift stores’ furniture sales.
Inventory will be reduced to clear out last year’s stuff to make room for the new gently used items coming in daily. If you need some “new to you” furniture, watch for the thrift store clearance aisles.
Earth Day Sales

Earth Day is always in the month of April, so look for some great prices on LED light bulbs. It’s all about saving the earth and money, right?
I replaced all of my lightbulbs with LED bulbs a few years ago and I save about 25% on my light bill now, year, after year, after year. Please think about purchasing some good reusable cups instead of bottled water. It’s all about less trash at the beaches, parks, and hiking trails.

Spring Clothing

Most stores stock their spring clothing in January or February after the holidays, so in April they need to move out what is left. Therefore, during April the stores’ clearance racks will be filled with drastically reduced prices on spring clothing.
If you need gifts for babies coming soon, this is a perfect time to pick up really nice gifts for pennies on the dollar. If you have some baby showers coming up, buy some baby outfits you can take as gifts.
It’s also a great time to stock up on clothes for that toddler that grows out of clothes so quickly.
Shampoo and Conditioner

Shampoo and conditioner is typically on sale because summer is coming, and after hiking, swimming, and biking we may use more shampoo and conditioner. Nothing feels better than having a shower and a clean head of hair! Life is so good!
Gardening Tools

Watch for garden tools that you may need to add to the ones you have now. You may need to replace those in your storage shed or garage that are no longer working like they used to
April will have ads to save you money on mulch, seeds, fertilizer, soil, and just about everything to entice you into the stores so you can get started on your garden.
This is the perfect month to add the amendments your garden needs to produce the best harvest ever. Be sure and watch for those garden gloves you need too!


Watch for rebates on lawnmowers and other yard equipment. Sometimes the prices are reduced as a motive for you to get a start on your yard care this spring. The stores will be running ads throughout the month with discounts on almost every item you need to keep your yard manicured for the season. It’s a great month to replace that 20-year old lawnmower.
Car Parts & Accessories

April is National Car Care Month, so watch for deals for car parts, accessories, and service discounts for your car. If your floor mats are shot, look for deep discounts when you purchase those.
If your car needs to be serviced, you may save 20% on those maintenance items you need to have done on your car or truck this month.
Unique Holidays in April
- April 1: April Fool’s Day
- April 2: National Burrito Day
- April 3: National Find a Rainbow Day
- April 4: Qingming Festival
- April 5: National Deep Dish Pizza Day
- April 6: National Student-Athlete Day
- April 7: World Health Day
- April 8: National Empanada Day
- April 9: National Unicorn Day
- April 10: Good Friday
- April 11: National Pet Day
- April 12: National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day
- April 13: National Scrabble Day
- April 14: National Gardening Day
- April 15: Tax Day
- April 16: Selena Day
- April 17: National Cheeseball Day
- April 19: National Garlic Day
- April 20: National Look-Alike Day
- April 21: National Kindergarten Day
- April 22: Earth Day
- April 23: National Picnic Day
- April 24: National Arbor Day
- April 25: National Hug a Plumber Day
- April 26: National Pretzel Day
- April 27: National Prime Rib Day
- April 28: National Superhero Day
- April 29: National Shrimp Scampi Day
- April 30: National Raisin Day
In the Month of April, we also celebrate Move More Month and National Pecan Month.
Final Word
We must save money when we can, and only spend it when we need something. It’s all about what to stock up on in April to save those precious dollars, right? Thanks for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world, Linda
What to Stock Up On By Month:
- What to Stock Up On In January
- What to Stock Up On In February
- What to Stock Up On In March
- What to Stock Up On In April
- What to Stock Up On In May
- What to Stock Up On In June
- What to Stock Up On In July
- What to Stock Up On In August
- What to Stock Up On In September
- What to Stock Up On In October
- What to Stock Up On In November
- What to Stock Up On In December
Considering the current climate of things being out of stock for cleaning (bleach and such), some of this may end up being a May stock up list! 🙂
I can see the rest of the list. 🙂
Hi Trish, I know, right? This is my monthly series just getting ready for April. Crazy times right now. Stay well, Linda
We all need reminders (even through this craziness) of what we need to consider stocking at any time of the year. It’s a never ending mission of being prepared! 🙂
You and your family stay well, too!!
Hi Trish, I totally agree with you it is a never-ending mission to be prepared. I’m hoping several families have learned from this Pandemic. We really need to be prepared for anything anytime. Right now, it’s this crazy virus. Stay well, Linda
Love these posts on what to stock up on monthly. But I do agree with Trish that some things just aren’t going to be found!
I am currently on a freezer clean out before I do anymore shopping! The only things that I really want are the junk snacks!! I have healthy food stored and in the freezer but snacks – well, I am going through them like CRAZY! I am simply trying to stay out of the stores and clean my freezer before spending more money on food! As for cleaning supplies, I was able to stock up pretty well last month so that is also something I am not going out for – likely out of stock anyway!!
Hi Leanne, it’s crazy I went and took these pictures for the post before all this Coronavirus stuff!!! I ordered junk food, cheese, and ice cream from Walmart pickup today!! I just had to have chips too! Crazy! Good idea to clean out the freezer. I’m staying home but needed cheese I couldn’t find anywhere 2 weeks ago. I’m not going into stores so I tried the Walmart pickup. It’s awesome! Linda
I tried Pick Up at 2 stores: Safeway and Walmart. Neither one in my area had the capacity to do so right now! Not enough people working? or whatever. Guess I will brave the stores IF I get desperate!
Hi Leanne, oh darn! I tried a store called Harmons. They aren’t doing it right now either. Hopefully, they will start again where you live. Stay well, hope your shoulder is still doing better without the PT. Linda
Linda ~ My shoulder is still doing well. I try to fit my shoulder exercises in, but with my oh so busy schedule!! of watching YouTube and reading blogs, well, sometimes I simply don’t get them done!!
As for grocery shopping, there really isn’t anything that I need right now. I was able to get pretty well stocked. And hey, that is what my long term storage is for, right? it is for emergencies such as this. So, if needed, I will dig into those to supplement the short term storage in my cupboards.
Trish ~ Hope you are able to get all the things you need to survive the lockdown when/if it comes. My biggest thing is staying stocked up! Using what I have but then really needing to get to the store. Washington state is pretty much locked down except for going to the grocery store and pharmacy; pick up/take out at some restaurants, etc. The only people really allowed all the freedom are the essential workers and only those who cannot work from home.
Hi Leanne, glad to hear your shoulder is doing well!! I just wanted to try the Walmart pickup to see if I could get cheese, and I got some. I have some freeze-dried but I don’t want to open it YET. Stay well, Linda
The reason most stores with pick-up and delivery are not doing either is because the store shelves don’t stay full long enough to fill an order, especially if you have your pick up time the next day. I actually had one order cancelled by Walmart for some reason and that was before all of the panicked craziness.
I went to Walmart at 6 this morning for their Tuesday only Seniors hour (until April 28th) and got some more toilet paper…a 12 roll pack… that was a limit of ONE per customer. Got a pantry full of food… BUT NO STOCKPILE OF TP!! We had 9 rolls in the whole house. I didn’t want to get caught short of TP if the State of Illinois, or the Federal government, decides to go full lock down where nobody goes anywhere except for essential personnel. Not sure if that will include my youngest son who works at Extended Stay as a desk clerk. Somebody will have to be there to see to the people staying there!
Tomorrow I will be searching for at least one more 12 pack of TP at other stores here. Even if it’s Dollar General or Family Dollar.
Hi Trish, I sure hope you get some TP!! I heard sometimes if you have a Costco, you can order two-day delivery. You have to keep checking because everyone else is checking for it. Who would have guessed we would have a toilet paper shortage. Stay well, Linda
Linda ~ I don’t plan to open any of my long term supplies until I must! I probably have 3-5 months worth of short term preps so it will be a while until I dive into the long term. That being said, I might have to use some of the long term but not many before the major things. Almost all of my long term are in pantry cans so there won’t be much if any waste once I do get into them.
Hi Leanne, I like the pantry size. That’s what I ‘ve been ordering now. Although, I just order six #10 cans of lentils that were on clearance. And they had quinoa in pantry cans on clearance so I bought those as well. The quinoa has a 25-year life. I love that! I bought them from Thrive. Linda
Struggling with storage/prepping vs. eating from said storage/prepping to save money. Where’s the balance?
Hi Gina, I stock for everyday use, prepping or no prepping. Storage or no storage, I love having my own grocery store so to speak in my home. I rotate and rotate again. I would say they are one and the same. I have had food storage for over 50 years of marriage, it’s a way of life for me. Stay safe, Linda
Gina ~
I would say that 90% of my preps are regular foods (canned and boxed) that I get at the grocery store. These are the foods that I “normally” eat on a regular basis. I say that but realize that I eat mostly fresh foods (meats, fruits and veggies) but the canned and boxed meals are also in my normal rotation. I do have some long term storage – freeze dried that last up to 25 years if unopened but those are for when other foods are not available at all. So, what I did to start out was make up menus for 1, 2, 4 weeks and made sure that I had all the necessary foods/spices, etc., to make those meals. I made sure that what was on the menu plan were meals I regularly eat. After a few months of doing this and purchasing 1-2 extras of many foods, I ended up with about 6 months worth of meals on the shelf. I created a spreadsheet listing all of the items on the shelf and as I use them, I mark them off the sheet AND add those items to my shopping list. When I go to the store, I pick up those items plus a can or 2 extra or box or 2 extra if my budget allows. It keeps building my pantry with foods that I eat on a regular basis. As long as I replace what I have eaten from storage, my storage doesn’t shrink. If things are on sale, I end up saving money in the end.
Because I am retired, my food budget is pretty tight and limited. If something were to happen to my pension and social security I would still be able to eat for quite some time based on what I have stored. It is a matter of store what I eat and eat what I store. I am fortunate in that I have a local “store” that sells fruits and veggies primarily – no a grocery store. I went the other day for fresh and spent a whopping $6.00 for enough fruits and veggies to last for a week+. If I had purchased the same amount at the grocery store, I would likely have spent $10+ for the same items. So, to save money, I have to be really mindful of prices and what I can best spend my $$ on as we all need to do. Also, to reduce costs, I eat a lot of beans/rice, rather than a lot of meat. Beans and rice are much more cost effective than meat but I do still eat meat – just not at every meal.
We are not out and about shopping any more except if we order something that arrives at the door step from Amazon. We are here now testing out all the things you taught us, Linda. We went on lockdown a week ago. We’re all set here as a family and not going outside our own yard…and not visiting with anyone. The thing I didn’t expect was finding out our internet, electricity, and water would go out. We have iffy internet, and the explanation is that they are hooking up all the county school children to the internet, so the system is having difficulties. At any rate, we’ve had all three go out in the last 24 hours. But all are back up and running. Thanks for your wisdom in helping us get our preps together!
Hi Debbie, thank you for your kind words. I would not have expected the internet to go down either. YIKES!!! Why would the internet, electricity, and water go out??? I’m glad to hear everything is back up and running. So you are on lockdown, which city or state? Linda
I use Angel Soft and DG NEVER has a limit…same on Paper Towels…no limit.
I’m in Kentucky–what is a lock down???
Haven’t worn a mask yet and I’m still flu/cold free.
I feel so sorry for you in those states—I think the only reason Ky dem. governor didn’t succeed with restrictions here is Kentuckians said HELL NO!!!
Hi JayJay, I’m glad to hear you are flu/cold-free. I love your last sentence, I got the giggles. Linda
Linda, we’re on our own lockdown. My daughter is a type 1 diabetic with compromised immunity. We don’t want to get this virus. We’ll stay on lockdown until there is a vaccine or some way to keep our daughter from getting it. Yep, all three of those utilities went out. Really it’s not odd for electric to go out for a time in Florida due to excess air conditioning usage. And I never did find out why the water went down for 2 hours today. But we didn’t have to get out our water storage, but we could have. And we didn’t have to go to alternative electric…but we could have. It’s a VERY comforting thing to be prepared. While all the world goes crazy, oh my, we are safe, well fed, and very comfortable in our home. Thanks again!
Hi Debbie, you know I LOVE your comment! It’s such a comforting feeling when we have the tools to be self-sufficient. You have food, water, cooking essentials, etc. It’s wonderful to be able to self-quarantine and be totally prepared. Let’s enjoy a movie or two or three. Life is good when we can take care of ourselves. Linda
Went to the pharmacy yesterday and scored some 91% alcohol! Buy one get one 1/2 off! There wasn’t a limit but I only bought 2! Today, I’ll go back and get a couple more.
I am not seeing anything that is limited at this time and the store shelves seem to be well stocked. But, even though many of us are now vaccinated or eligible for vaccination, who knows if we will have spikes in the virus?? And with the variants to COVID-19, will the vaccine even cover those? who knows! I will continue to wear my mask when out and about. Not saying everyone should although I have remained cold and flu free for the last year so I will likely wear a mask every time I go to the grocery store, pharmacy, well, all shopping!
Many of the things on this list for stocking up in April are not on my radar! I don’t need most of the items! One thing this past year has taught me is that what I spend my $$ on will be for necessities and needs not wants!
Hi Leanne, WHAT??? Yay! I love hearing this! I need very little too. But I like to know the best months for bargains. I picked up some mushrooms and dehydrated them, yay! Life is good when we need very little in life because we are prepared. Linda
Our local grocery store run a ad for leg and thigh quarters a week or so ago for 39 cents a pound
for a 10 pound bag. I went to get one or 2 and there was none. I ask the cashier if they were giving
rain checks and she said right now no rain checks on anything because they can’t get anything. Their rain
checks has a 14 day time period you can go back and get your item,so they might not have it before the 14 days.
Most of my stock when I use something I put it on my list to look for next time at the store. I might still have
10 more but it is still on my list. You never know when you can’t find a item. So I start early before I run out.
Hi June, oh wow, that was a really good price! Darn, they won’t give a raincheck. I totally agree, I was having trouble finding Campbell’s Cream of Chicken soup. Luckily I checked Sam’s club and then I had 60 cans delivered for free to my home. Delivery was free. I waited months for the case lot sales and they did not have it. I ran out of it and had to pay $1.59 a can. I was so irritated to pay that much but I needed two cans. Sam’s Club had them for $1.00 a can which is a lot cheaper. Harry had told me how they deliver stuff. I love not having to go to the store and I pay the same price as going there. Linda
I just looked at a flyer and the advertised soda, for 4 for $4.00 which is a great price for a 2 liter bottle.
I enlarged the ad to read the fine print and it said you had to buy 4 at regular price of $2.19 each to get it
for $1.00 each. So you spend $8.80 to get some for $4.00. Nope don’t think so.
Also same ad corn on the cob was selling for 79 cents a ear and broccoli was $2.14. Nope don’t think so.
Frozen on both is as good and usually costs less.
Hi June, oh my gosh, that is so misleading by the store!! Thanks for sharing! I sure hope the Utah Farmers grow corn this year and the prices are lower than 79 cents an ear. Nope, I wouldn’t buy them either! I will have to check the broccoli the next time I go. Frozen is really good, I totally agree. These prices are ridiculous! Thanks for the tip! Linda
Hi Linda:
I have been making a list of what we eat/use and then put them in a form where I put how much I need for 1-2-3-6-9-12 months and stock up that way. That way I now what I use and how often I use it. It makes it a lot easier to tell my daughter how much to pick up when she does the shopping. I usually buy enough for a month or 2 when I do my shopping so that by the 6 month I usually have my years shopping done and by the end of the year I have a 2 years supply and if their are problems with getting something I know I have enough to last me through.
Hi Jackie, that’s a great idea. I want people to realize it’s easier than they may think to stock their pantry. The biggest issue is knowing how to cook from scratch. The older the cookbooks the better. They typically do not use processed food except maybe canned soups. It feels great to organize your food for each month. I love what you’re doing! Linda
We have been watching the sales, or lack there of. We are still able to do curbside pickups at BJs, Target and our grocery store. We were lucky enough to find 3M furnace filters at BJs at the same price as last summer, so we ordered 9. Unfortunately, we are the victim of “shrinkflation” in the Pantene shampoo. I ordered 4 bottles since they were on sale,, to go with the 8 I had, and found they were downsized by 1/2 ounce each. Even at the the big box stores, Campbell cream of Chicken is hard to find, and even then $1.39 is the best price I can find.
Hi Chris, oh, I’m so glad you mentioned the downsized containers. It’s crazy when I write a recipe post and look for the ingredients, the “stuff” is more expensive and yet smaller in ounces. Darn it! That really bugs me! I ordered some Cream of Chicken Soup through Sam’s Club. $1.00 a can. Free shipping. I paid $100.00 for an annual membership but it has more than paid for itself now. Plus, I earn points so hopefully, the points will earn enough to pay for the membership next year. Prices will continue to go up, unfortunately, Linda
Our Smith’s is having it’s case lot sale this week. I’m sort of overstocked right now so all I could get was a few cans of Campbell’s Ham and Bean soup–great with cornbread.
Both of my Asparagus beds are now producing and I just harvested some snow peas, lettuce, chard and carrots for the salad I’ll make later this morning.
We got some badly needed rain and the gardens love it.
Hi Ray, oh your garden has to be doing well with that rain! Love it! I did not know Campbell’s makes Ham and Bean soup. I will look for that kind, great idea! Linda
HI Ray, p.s. I need to go to Smith’s again. I did see some “chunky” Campbell’s soups, I bet they had that one. Thanks for the tip! Linda
I’ve never frozen avocadoes, so thanks for the tip as I love fresh guacamole.
This is the second year in a row that we’re getting decent rainfall and my gardens and fruit trees are loving it. Been harvesting asparagus for weeks now. Broccoli, peas and fresh lettuce and carrots aren’t far behind, though later this year than last year.
Hi Ray, it’s great. you can make guacamole anytime with your fresh tomatoes and jalapenos! I love hearing about your garden! Thank goodness for rain, we need it. Linda
No jalapenos for us here. They don’t agree with us at all. I use mild green Hatch chilis or even bell peppers instead. I also add onions, garlic and lemon juice.
Hi Ray, I like the mild green Hatch chilis, I love your choices!! Linda
Hello, again. This is one time I took to actually read one of these posts. As of this month they cut back my SNAP benefits and only get a pittance now, but I can’t get a whole lot right now. I’m still in my old apartment, having problems with inspections in the new place; so I’ll be here another month. I can handle it, it’s just that everything is packed!!! Anyway, I did add a couple of things to get on my grocery list, and still need to do my grocery shopping. Of course, some of the items I either can’t use at all or I can’t acquire right now. I want to start growing herbs inside when I get settled in. I’ll also have the room to start canning and want to start this project soon too! I have high hopes for my new place. Thanks for all your ideas.
Hi Pamela, it sounds like we’re in the same boat so to speak. We’re both waiting to get into our new places. Hopefully, you can find a food bank, if possible. It sounds like your new place will be bigger, yay! Linda
Good article except no Campbell’s soup in our house. Their soups contain MSG which is poison to me. Even a tiny amount of that stuff makes me violently ill. So, we usually buy Progresso since they long ago eliminated MSG in their soups.
HI Harry, wow, I learn something every day! I did not know Campbell’s soups have MSG. What’s weird I pride myself at looking at the ingredients, obviously I have bought for it for so many years, I never thought to look. Thanks for the tip! Linda
Again GREAT post. You recommend avocados, the only thing about that is that the Cartels are behind the avocado business now.
HI Barb, thank you for your kind words. Well, I guess the Cartels have their fingers in everything. I buy mine at Costco, not sure where they source them from, fingers crossed I’m getting somme good ones. Linda
Wishing everyone a safe, healthy and Happy Easter.
Hi Chris, thank you, my sweet friend, Linda