What To Stock Up On In August

What To Stock Up On In August

I have you covered if you’re wondering what to stock up on in August. Be sure to organize your pantry and make room for the food items you need that you can find marked down in price. I love updating my monthly “Stock Up On Series” yearly.

Kids will be heading back to school and will probably need those back-to-school clothes, including shoes and also school supplies. Have everyone organize their bedrooms before you go shopping. Separate the items in their closets and dressers and take inventory to help determine what might be needed.

Take a weekend and donate the clothes that no longer fit the kids living at home. If you can trade clothes with neighbors, that’s awesome too! It’s a perfect month to declutter.

What To Stock Up On In August

What To Stock Up On In August

Corn On The Cob

What To Stock Up On In August

If you have freezer space, you may want to buy several dozen ears of corn when they are at their lowest price of the year if you need help on how to shuck and freeze corn, check out my Freeze Corn On The Cob post. Nothing is better than steaming a bag of frozen corn in mid-winter. It’s super sweet because it was picked at the season’s peak.

Grapes: Red and Green Seedless

Red and Green Grapes

You know how delicious it is when you bite into a sweet grape? Oh my, oh my. These were so good. I’ve heard people will taste grapes in the store before buying them. I’ve never had the nerve to do it, and I like to wash fruits and veggies before I put them in my mouth. But hey, if it works for you, great!



I saw these pineapples today, and I had to stop in my tracks to check them out. Of course, I bought two; the price was fair for today’s market. I love fresh pineapples. They were not cheap enough to dehydrate, but we enjoyed eating them.



I pick up some delicious yellow flesh peaches this time of year. I’m not as fond of the white flesh peaches. Maybe it’s where I live, but these yellow peaches are easy to peel after blanching. To do that, put the peaches in boiling water for 2-3 minutes and then plunge them into icy cold water.

These are sweet and don’t need any sweetener at all. You may want to try making my Peach Glaze!

Raspberries and Strawberries

Strawberries on Sale

Mark and I just picked up some raspberries and strawberries from Costco, and boy, are they fabulous! They are picked at just the right time of the year. I hope to make some freezer raspberry jam in the next day or two. Now, we need to make some strawberry shortcake with whipping cream. That is a family favorite dessert this time of year.

College Student Needs

College Student Supplies

Thank you, Lee, for reminding me that college students need stuff like the younger students we buy for. I remember my grandkids getting ready for college. They need sheets, blankets, pillows, wash detergent, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, razors, hand sanitizer, and containers for stocking their food. College Student First Aid Kit: First Aid Kit-Hard Red Case

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They are always on sale this time of year, just before we send the students to school. Look for small appliances on sale, they may need those as well for that new apartment living. Don’t forget printer paper; they typically have it all on sale at this time of year!


School Supplies-Backpacks

Backpacks on Sale

August is the month to fill those backpacks with notebooks, pencils, tablets, lined paper, and erasures. Don’t forget the pencil sharpeners, scissors, markers, calculators, and rulers.

It is a fun time to see the new notebook colors so the kids can gear up for another year of learning, whether you homeschool or send them to public schools. You can see the smiles for days when they have that special notebook they need.

School Clothes-Shoes

Shoes on Sale

The stores just got their inventories for school, and the sales will be excellent for shirts, slacks, shorts, dress shirts, blouses, skirts, sweaters, jackets, and coats. They typically have 30-40% off the first two weeks of August. The closer it gets to September, the lower the supply, and the prices increase.

Back To School-Underwear-Socks

What To Stock Up On In August

It’s a good time to refresh the underwear drawer when you pick up school clothes for the kids. You can save money and the kids have new socks that fit for the coming year. You’ll see many stores with 40-50% discounts this time of year on T-shirts, underpants, briefs, and boxers.

Paper For The Printer

Printer Paper on Sale

Not only do our kids need paper, but it’s a great time to stock up on paper for your home or office. Many stores have coupons and offerings to buy one package and get one package free or at a great discount.

Laptops and Tablets

Laptops on Sale

You typically don’t see many discounts on Apple products, but I have seen a few here and there. My family picked up some Apple Air laptops (last year’s model), discounted at $250.00. That was a great buy!

Look at Best Buy, Amazon, or any other techy store near your city. It’s all about being ready for school. Before you shop, ask for the student discount; if you have a child going to college, it will save you another 20-30%.

Lysol and Clorox Wipes – Hand Sanitizer – Cleaning Supplies – Bleach

Hand Sanitizer On Sale

August is back to school, and here come the germs, viruses, and bacteria in the air. If you can afford to buy a package or two for your child’s teacher, I bet they would love it! Let’s keep the sickness down any way we can.

Grab a container of hand sanitizer for the kids and teachers. You can never have too many of those. The stores will have these right at eye level so you can see them when walking in the front door.

What To Stock Up On In August

It’s a great month to stock up on cleaning supplies because they will be sold at reduced prices with coupons and mailers. We all get the cleaning bug when the kids return to school, right?

Cereal-Frozen Waffles-Ready Made Breakfast Items

Waffle and Pancakes

We all know how busy it is when school starts, particularly in the morning as you try to get the kids out the door on time. Cereal and many other breakfast items will be marked down heavily.

All the major cold and hot cereal companies gear up with coupons and mailers for one of the most considerable markdowns of the year. If you have space, you can buy enough cereal for the entire year and save 30-40% off the regular price.

Be sure to walk past the freezer section because you will see frozen waffles, pancakes, and breakfast sandwiches marked down to help the school mornings go a little smoother. If the kids like granola bars, you will also see those at reduced prices.

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Snacks For School

What To Stock Up On In August

Back to school means making lunches and having snacks in the backpacks. Having a few boxes in the pantry for after-school snacks is a real bonus. When the kids’ friends come over, you can hand out snacks you purchased at 30-40% off the regular price.

Pool Toys-Beach Towels

What To Stock Up On In August

August is the month to stock up on pool toys, beach towels, and swim goggles. The stores want to prepare the shelves for fall apparel and decorations. You will see 65-80% markdowns on many swimming pool and beach items.

Summer Clothing

What To Stock Up On In August

This month, the stores need to remove all summer clothing because fall clothing will soon be required. You’ll see excellent buys on swimsuits, summer pajamas, nightgowns, sandals, and flip-flops. Look for those light summer coverups and summer dresses with matching jewelry. If you need a summer hat for this year or next, this is the time to buy one.

What To Stock Up On In August

Camping Supplies

Sleeping Bags

Sleeping Bags

We often think of summer as the time our kids need sleeping bags for those fun summer outdoor sleepovers, but fun nighttime activities with friends and family can happen all year long for our kids. They also may need a sleeping bag for late summer sports camps or, for the more adventurous, those winter camps when it’s frigid. Consider upgrading those old bags for new, more heat-efficient versions.

Propane Canisters

Camping Propane

Speaking of camps, as summer winds down, many stores try to clear out equipment and supplies used for outdoor activities. That would include those small propane canisters families use to run camp stoves and propane lanterns.

Camping Coolers

Camping Coolers

Coolers like these aren’t just for camping. You may be going to a late summer family reunion or an early fall football game where you want to take your favorite snacks, drinks, or desserts. These new coolers are much more efficient and keep your goodies cool longer.

What to Stock Up On Each Month:

Unique August Holidays

  • August 1: Friendship Day 
  • August 2: National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
  • August 3: National Watermelon Day
  • August 4: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day
  • August 5: National Oyster Day
  • August 6: National Fresh Breath Day
  • August 7: National Lighthouse Day
  • August 8: Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day
  • August 9: Book Lover’s Day
  • August 10 National S’mores Day
  • August 11: Son and Daughter Day
  • August 12: World Elephant Day
  • August 13: Left Hander’s Day
  • August 14: National Creamsicle Day
  • August 15: Relaxation Day 
  • August 16: National Tell a Joke Day
  • August 17: National Thriftshop Day
  • August 18: World Daffodil Day
  • August 19: Aviation Day
  • August 20: World Mosquito Day
  • August 21: National Honey Bee Awareness Day 
  • August 22: National Tooth Fairy Day 
  • August 23: Ride the Wind Day
  • August 24: Iconic American Restaurants Day
  • August 25: National Banana Split Day
  • August 26: National Dog Day
  • August 27: Just Because Day
  • August 28: Stuffed Green Bell Peppers Day
  • August 29: More Herbs, Less Salt Day
  • August 30: Toasted Marshmallow Day
  • August 31: National Trail Mix Day

Final Word

I hope this post on what to stock up on in August helps you save money when you need something for your family. It’s tough for me to pay the total price for anything. When Mark and I eat out, we use a coupon 99% of the time. It’s all about saving money, right? When I enter a store, I go to the clearance racks first, a habit we have always had. Please stay well and keep prepping. May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: School Supplies Deposit photos_19503785_s-2019

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  1. Back to school also includes college so look for good sales on detergent, deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, bedding, small appliances. What else?

      1. One more thing Lee, I’m so glad you mentioned this because I have been there at my daughters’ homes and we are putting together all the stuff we think the students will need. I just added these, thanks again, Linda

    1. POPCORN POPPERS AND POPCORN! My college-aged friends all used them almost every night! They all thanked me repeatedly!

      ALSO: LINDA – I just picked up an 8 qt. basket from a local orchardist of apricots and another basket of plums…ALSO coming in like gangbusters right now. Those apricots, when freeze-dried, were the tastiest thing we’ve ever freeze-dried, EVER!!! So far, we had only one apricot that started to rot, so I cut off the rotten part and ate the other half…no yucky flavor, either. What a blessing! Blackberries are starting now, the raspberries in our garden are 98% finished, but the blueberries still have enough to harvest quite a lot more. Did I tell you already that Azure Standard is selling their over-abundance crop of Bing Cherries for UNDER $1.50/lb. right now? I don’t expect that price to last more than another week or two, though! I am going to can some, freeze some and freeze-dry some.

      1. HI Jess, SQUEAL! You know I love hearing about bargains! Oh apricots, and plums yummy!! What a blessing to have blackberries and blueberries, oh my gosh!! Thanks for the heads up on Azure Standard, I did not know they sold fresh fruit! WOW, I’m on it, thank you! Linda

        1. Linda: If you do decide you want to sign up with an Azure Standard account, could you please put in my share code, so I get credit for telling you about Azure, please? Hear what to do to get into their website and “join” a drop-off/delivery site: go to azure standard.com/start. Then when they ask who told you about Azure, please put in JoyceStotts1. Thank you and good luck!!

          And YES, Azure sells loads of fresh produce all year round! Last month I got a case of organic nectarines and a 4# clamshell of their early variety of Organic Bing Cherries, AND a 30# box of Organic Pink Lady apples! This time of year, I actually buy more produce from Azure than anything else, except maybe freeze drier supplies!!

          1. Oops, here go the autocorrect typos again: was supposed to say “Here’s what to do:” Even this previous sentence the auto correct changed “here” to her go… and in this sentence I just had to change sentences back to sentence! Gees, this auto correct really needs to get a BRAIN!!

  2. I have 4 grandchildren ages 8, 6 1/2, 5 and 8 months! There is no donating outgrown clothing!! Of course, my girlie 6 1/2 yo granddaughter doesn’t particularly like wearing the older boy’s outgrown clothing. However, she doesn’t have a whole lot of choice!! Her girlie clothes are cleaned and put away for the 8 month old baby girl for some time down the road.

    Also, my grands are homeschooled so there are not a lot of school supplies needed.

    This is a great post, though. I had not thought of back to school for my printer paper!!

    1. Hi Leanne, I had 4 girlie girls, so I know what you mean!! Mark and I buy our printer paper this time of year. Almost all the stores have a buy one get one free box. It’s a lot of paper but it lasts a long time! Linda

    2. Why not sew some lace on the pockets of the jeans and maybe on the hem or just a few appliques to change the look a little bit? The lace is easily removed if the next one in line doesn’t like it or you want to make it different for that one. I home school as well and my grandson will be graduating this year! He just turned 18 and has autism but will get a diploma as he is not academically challenged at all, just socially challenged. I think homeschooling is wonderful if you can provide those same social situations that high schools provide.

      1. Good plan on the lace on the boyish clothing. So the line up is 8 year old boy, 6 1/2 year old girl, 5 year old boy and 8 month old girl. So being able to remove the lace or other girly things from the jeans/pants or t-shirts would be great.

    3. I try to buy as neutral
      Of clothing and shoes as possible for them. We have a lot of tye dye, solid color tees and tanks, and plain denim. That way it can be boy’d up or girl’Ed up lol

  3. In the school supply section, you should be able to find zippered pockets for the emergency binder. I’m going to get few and make binders for my young adult kids who are out on their own now so they can learn the importance of having information readily available should an emergency happen. I also stock up on notebooks, crayons, etc for the grandkids and also for school supply donation drives.

    1. Hi Des Moines Daisy, thanks for the tip on the zippered pockets for our emergency binders! I love stocking up all those bargain items for the grandkids! Great comment! Linda

  4. I was just at church this morning. My church supports an orphanage in Guatemala. One year we donate clothing for children infant to age 18 – both boys and girls. Another year it is backpacks with school supplies. Well, this year is the backpack drive and school supplies so this post is so good.

    1. Hi Leanne, oh my gosh, I love hearing about what church groups do to support others, it makes the world a better place. I’m glad you can use these ideas!! Linda

  5. Linda,

    I really like your What To Stock Up On articles and almost always see something I’ve overlooked. But stock up on Bleach? I don’t know about where you live but I haven’t been able to find unscented, no dyes, Chlorox bleach in months. And as you know that’s the only kind to use to disinfect fouled water. To stretch my current stock, I’ve started buying and using the scented stuff when doing laundry. I wonder if anyone else has had problems finding any brand of unscented, no dyes, bleach?

    1. Hi Ray, it’s been very hard to find bleach. BUT, I took this picture a couple of days ago at Walmart. I was in shock when I saw like 20 cans of Lysol spray!! Linda

      1. The bleach supply problem eased several months ago, though I’ve been using unscented, no dye bleach brands other than Chlorox.

        And if I could find ripe peaches I’d be canning them and freezing them. But even the peaches at our farmer’s markets are hard as baseballs.

        1. They are picked unripe but they ripen beautifully at home. We buy by the bushel and lay them out with an inch or so between each one, on newspaper, stem down and let them ripen. We typically get several quarts ready at about the same time and can them when they are ripe and delicious.

          1. Suzy,

            Thank you, but that method has never worked for me. Neither has putting them in a paper bag. They always seem to rot before they get ripe. I’ll probably just plant another peach tree. The one we have now gives us enough for fresh eating but only enough for canning about every three years.

  6. Hi Linda, I am going to check and see if my favorite thrift store has re-opened. I lucked up there in December and January and was able to find some dress boots (2 Pairs), almost new for $1.99 and $3.99. My size (11) you don’t find many if any boots, but I lucked up. A lady in the store asked me if I was buying both pairs and I told her YES!!! I don’t find size 11 regularly, but when I do, I take advantage. Family Dollar has had unscented bleach and it is reasonably priced for a gallon.

  7. Same difficulty hear in St. Petersburg. I can find scented, concentrated, and no splash (which doesn’t disinfect), but no plain unscented. I try to keep it for disinfect water if necessary.

  8. Thanks for your post, Linda! I always enjoy reading them!
    I found bleach at the Dollar Tree, yes, for a dollar. Not a huge amount, but the right size for what I needed. Just keep looking at stores for it and other supplies. Also, bleach does not have to be Clorox. Read the label to be sure it has the same percent. Please note that when bleach is used on fabrics, it will take At Least 30 rinses to remove it from the fabrics.
    Our supply chains have been seriously strained with people going bananas and buying more than they can reasonably use in a reasonable time.
    Oh, and this is slightly off-topic, but I needed aspirin for a friend a few days ago. Looked at my first aid kits. None! They don’t put aspirin in first aid kits anymore. So now I am going to really look at them and their contents to see what else they are lacking. They were gifts, so I don’t look the gift horse in the mouth, but was astounded to find no aspirin!
    Going to go check out those zippered pockets, too. Now I know why they keep telling me I need a few! Lol
    Thank you for this lovely, upbeat site! God bless you and your family,

    1. Hi Teddy, no aspirin, oh my gosh!! Yes, bleach is getting a little easier to get these days. Or at least right now. Thank you for your kind words, they mean a lot to me. Linda

    2. I would suppose the no aspirin thing is due to allergies in some people. But, that is good that you received the kits as gifts! That being said, I have taken 2 fairly large first aid kits as well as a natural/herbal first aid kit and made a single kit, adding and subtracting as I felt the need. I am using a good sized tool box that I painted white and put red duct tape first aid crosses on front and back. It is so much nicer to have all the first aid together rather than in separate boxes!!

  9. I was able to find “evolve” bleach tablets at Staples believe it or not! Yes I stocked up and I believe (at least I hope so) this can be used to disinfect water, as long as it is the unscented kind.

    1. Hi Camille, oh my gosh, we have a Staples, here! I love that’s unscented as well! If I go to town I will go see if they have some, great tips, thank you! Linda

    2. Oh my! I am going to have to stop in at the local Staples store! I had no idea they might carry such a product!!
      Thanks for all the tips in the article, Linda!
      And thanks to everyone else’s replies I was able to get a few more tips on Stocking Up during August.

  10. This was a great article, but then I’m a big fan of your What To Stock Up On posts.

    I’m a grape taster and if they aren’t sweet, I don’t buy them.

  11. Great article!! And, a big thank you on a previous article on getting buckets at the bakery department in Walmart. I’ve been able to get some small buckets for 1.00 each with lids. I’m going to use them when I pick peaches. . Lucky for me…my dad has a few peach trees! The smaller buckets are easier for me to carry now… !!

    1. Hi Alice, oh my gosh, buckets with lids for $1.00!! I love hearing this! Oh, you are so lucky to have peaches from your dad’s trees. That’s a gold mine to me!! Love it, Linda

  12. We had a local peach festival the other day. We bought a case and after eating and sharing we canned the remainder. I also picked up some corn from the east side of the state which has had rain cause mine was pretty sorry looking this year. I used mine as chicken treats by freezing it then letting them have it half thawed to combat these daily plus 100s.

    1. Hi Matt, oh that’s an awesome idea!! I love fresh peaches and fresh corn this time of year. I bet the chickens loved it and kept them cooler at least a little!! It’s so hot this year! Linda

  13. We buy our corn from a local farmer every year. They always have a good crop even with the weird weather we’ve had this year. We’ve already frozen several dozen bags and canned some also. Today is peach canning day. Had a couple to try out and I’ll make a cobbler after the canning is done. We are spoiled with the home-canned; can’t stand the store-bought peaches anymore.

    1. Hi Paula, there is nothing better than fresh corn straight from the farmer!! I love freezing corn in bags!! It’s so good!! Fresh peaches are the best. I’m hoping to find some free-stone ones, the last ones we bought we couldn’t get the seed out. Canning peaches are the best!!! Linda

      1. I got all the peaches canned yesterday – 22 pint jars. Husband helps with getting the skins slipped and the seed out. We always get freestone peaches and what I got this year came from Georgia. I usually wait for the Colorado peaches but got such a deal on the Georgia’s that I couldn’t pass it up. Of course, if I come across more peaches, I’ll get them. Also got tomatoes juiced, etc, so I’ll can pasta sauce tomorrow. Now if I could find some cucumbers that aren’t 1.25 or more each! Our cucumbers aren’t doing much this year.

  14. I have already canned peaches twice, and if I find some good ones, I will can them again. You should NEVER can white peaches, they are low acid. Check with your extension office if you have questions.

    Thanks Linda, Good list.

  15. While I welcome and look forward to your monthly stock up lists, this one has left me somewhat depressed. The last two weeks I have had injections in my knees, hoping to give me some relief, so I can walk at least with a walker. All my past years of canning and freezing are behind me. I miss the satisfaction and security of a pantry full of jams, applesauce, pickles and tomatoes. I can only hope that we find some jams will be offered at our Amish market.

    1. Hi Chris, I think I understand your pain at least. I had both knees totally replaced about ten years ago. The injections help but even scoping my knees didn’t work before I took the plunge on total knee replacement. I had to change my lifestyle so I understand a little about what you are talking about. I’m so sorry you have knee pain, it is not fun!! I pray you can find your favorite jams from your Amish market. Stay safe and healthy! Linda

      1. Here is an updated from my post in 2022…. We went to our favorite Amish Market. The small jam jars of apple jam are $11 EACH. Far out of my price point. Raspberry Jam was $10. It’s unbelievable!!

        1. Hi Chris, oh my gosh, well, I was craving a BLT for lunch. I have the bacon in the freezer I can cook, but I needed tomatoes because I don’t have a garden again this year. I wanted organic because I figured they would taste like a real tomato. They were $1.00 a piece. I splurged and bought 8 tomatoes. So you went to the Amish store and the prices have risen drastically, let’s think about this. Did they have a drought or a freeze and the crops were lower than usual? I am shocked at the prices every time I go to the store. I stocked up on some Redmond Salt yesterday and I swear the prices have doubled. I bought it anyway because I know the prices will not be coming down anytime soon. Linda.

  16. On the corn, save the silk on organically raised corn, dry it well, leave whole to use as tea or put in coffee grinder chopped…to powder. Use is for kidney stones. works on some but not all. If it works using 2 tb fresh or a tablespoon of dry cornsilk, to steep for 30-40 min. covered, drink liquid 1x a day., signal for breakup of urinary kidney stones.. within 3 -5 days..is frothing/foaming in bowl upon urination…. IF it works on your stones.. works on my hubs.
    No kiddo’s here,NO camping either.. still time to buy- socks, new shoes, (winter needs…best quality tape and glues. after peak heat- fans..). colored pencils,index cards, sheet protectors, good quality pencils markers and labels.. not only for school, but life.

  17. I owe you and your readers an apology for my post yesterday. It was not my best day. I realize I was envious of everyone who had their canning underway. Sure, we will buy commercially canned fruits and vegetables, but NOTHING compares to a pantry filled with beautiful jewel colored glass jars and the anticipation of summer tastes in the winter. A fully stocked pantry at this point in time provides more comfort and security even than a good bank account. Please stay safe and healthy everyone.

    1. Hi Chris, oh my friend, I didn’t notice anything negative about your comment! I don’t can much or pressure can food as much as I used to. Oh, sure I loved seeing those beautiful jars lined up with food for the year until next year’s harvest. My hands were stronger and my arms were stronger many years ago. Life is good however we stock our pantries. Life is good with store-bought food, asked me how I know. Hugs from Utah, Linda

  18. I just bought 12 ears of corn for $2.00 yesterday. Didn’t have room in car for more but that will give us 3 days of corn on the cob. Wish I could grow things were we live but we live not far from where the first atomic bombs were tested and it is now a Nuclear dessert around here. Will try some other things next year by buying containers to raise our own food.

    I didn’t see printer paper on your list. The kids will have to be writing reports and such through the school year and I don’t know about your Walmart but ours carries some you can buy a whole box for $13.00. I bought one several years ago and I am just now having to buy some more.

    1. Hi Jackie, oh I better go add that to the list, thank you!! I love corn on the cob and 12 ears for $3.00 is awesome!!! I can almost taste it from here!! Linda

  19. Love these Stocking Up posts. I was reading through the comment section and boy has time flown by! My grandkids are now 13, 11 1/2, 10, 5 1/2 and now one at 1 1/2!!!

    My mother put up (froze) corn like this:
    18-20 cups of corn, cut off the cob
    1 pound butter
    1 pint half and half
    salt to taste – optional
    Place all in a large pan and bake at 350F for 2 1/2 hours. Stir every 30 minutes while cooking. Pack in freezer safe containers or bags (Mom had a seal-a-meal. If using a vacuum sealer, don’t try to vacuum completely – leave some air in there). Label and freeze. To use, place bag in boiling water until hot throughout OR place contents in a pan, stirring constantly while heating until thoroughly heated. (My sister said that she always adds one teaspoon of sugar when heating just before serving).
    This was really good and the corn still tasted fresh!! It is very similar in texture to creamed corn. Oh and my mom used a large roasting pan!!

    I’ve found other recipes as well and this is very similar: 16 cups corn, 1 pint half and half, 1 pound butter. Cook in oven for 1 hour at 300F.

    So, if you are wanting to put up some creamed corn, use your own judgement as to how much corn, temperature and length of cooking time!!! Frankly, I would probably try the shorter 1 hour vs 2 1/2 hours but that is me – impatient!!! Also, since I live alone, I would probably cut it all down in half at least! I don’t have a lot of freezer space.

    1. Hi Leanne, I know I remember when your daughter was expecting and one day you posted he was 1-1/2 I was so happy you are closer to them now! Our youngest grandchild is 16. We now have one great grandchild that lives back east. Oh, how I miss watching those little ones run around, they bring me so much joy! I wouldn’t can creamed corn, because of the fat in the milk or the cream. But, I am going to make these recipes and freeze them in my Soupper Cups! I love corn and its just now coming on, I think!! Thank you for the recipes! YUMMY!!!! Linda

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