
What To Stock Up On In January

Have you wondered what to stock up on in January? I started this series because I hope you will need one or two items that are on sale.

Here’s the deal: We can’t buy everything at once to be prepared for the unexpected, right? The good thing is that I will be updating these monthly posts each year since products and needs can change from one year to the next.

I wrote about what to buy for 52 weeks when I started my blog. I had a food item and a prep item. Those posts have been deleted, and I want to share more broad ideas to prepare us now.

Watch for my monthly “What to stock up on” series near the first of every month. Some of the “prep” items may not be on sale, but the season is prime for them; I am just giving you the heads-up.

But you can always find other food items, paper goods, and prep products you need for emergencies. This year has shown us empty shelves, a semi-broken food chain, and the continuation of weather challenges. What will next year bring, I ask? We must be prepared for the unexpected, no matter what may come our way.

It’s not going to be hard if we keep up on it. I highly recommend teaching your kids and grandkids how to cook from scratch. It will be critical to know this skill. If you have already been doing this, I applaud you. You are way ahead of the game. I worry when I see the fast-food chains lined with cars bumper to bumper waiting for their meals. In case you missed this post, Cooking From Scratch 101

I aim to encourage others to start with one or two prep items a month by saving money on other items each month.

What To Stock Up On In January

What To Stock Up On In January

Seasonal Foods

January is a great month to stock up on seasonal fruit like grapefruit

January is an excellent month to purchase food that’s in season. Do you love it when you bite into a juicy orange? Fruits and vegetables taste so much better when fresh and in season.

January is great for oranges, grapefruit, beets, artichokes, carrots, and cauliflower.


Brussels sprouts, radishes, spinach, turnips, clementines, lettuce, and fennel are some fruits and vegetables to consider stocking up on. This month, grapefruit tastes better than ever!  

Brussel Sprouts


Oh my gosh, someone gifted us two fresh pineapples during the holidays this year. They were so good! I took this picture because the grocery store had these on display. They are so sweet this time of year!



I love pomegranates, and these beauties were front and center when Mark and I entered the grocery store today. My parents lived in Las Vegas, and we would pick fresh pomegranates from their backyard tree when visiting for the holidays. They are so delicious!


Garden Seeds

January is a great month to stock up on heirloom garden seeds. Is your garden soil just waiting for you to plant seeds? I love it when my hands dig into the earth and I’m outside in the fresh air. Life is so good when we grow our food. This is where I buy my garden seeds: SeedsNow 

How I store my garden seeds: 

Let’s organize this year with a container to store your garden seeds. I use a labeler to label every individual container inside the large container.

Plastic Photo Container and Label Maker



After the holidays, most big box stores have their electronics on sale because they don’t want to carry the inventory for very long. If you think about it, electronics are changing all the time.

In other words, new stuff is coming out every month. This is a perfect time to buy last year’s TV, or if your computer is going out, as it is extremely slow or outdated, this may be a time to update.

If your tablet no longer accepts new updates, you may want to snag a good deal on a new one. Mark and I tend to keep ours for years, but there does come a time when we must replace our computers.

Read More of My Articles  Lessons I Learned From Food Storage

Mark and I are not the types who need the newest electronics. In fact, it stresses me out a little when I have to update my cell phone. I just don’t have the time or the money to fiddle with upgrading it until it dies or doesn’t do what I need it to anymore.

Candy and Chocolate/Baking Items

January is a good month to stock up on Baking Goods

This is a perfect time to stock up on candy and chocolate. Here’s the deal: If you want red or green sprinkles, get them now. I went to the store to get some red and pink sprinkles for sugar cookies, and I had to go to two stores before I could find any.

Baking choclate is a great item to stock up on

Let’s talk about chocolate. If you see chocolate on sale, grab the ones without nuts unless you plan to devour them. Of course, you could always buy some with nuts and eat them in the next month or two. Remember, nuts can go rancid pretty quickly.

Candy is a great item to stock up on this month

Please remember to put nuts in the freezer if you go without eating them for an extended amount of time, as they could go rancid. I use my FoodSaver to store about 12 quarts of chocolate in my food storage stash. Can you tell I love chocolate?

If you don’t have a FoodSaver, I highly recommend getting one. You won’t use it every day, but it will save you money in the long run. Just look for one with the accessory hose.

Here are the items you will need to store in quart mason jars. FoodSaver AND Accessory Hose-Wide Mouth-Regular Mouth and Dicorain Vacuum Sealer

You may want to check Sam’s Club or Costco for what you a FoodSaver, they usually have great sales from time to time. You need the one with an accessory hose. Please note, don’t use your FoodSaver to seal a mason jar with powder-like food, it may get sucked up into the tube and your FoodSaver may break. I know this because I saw someone do it at a food storage company where I was teaching classes.

Christmas Decorations

Christmas decorations marked down on clearance

Do you have some Christmas decorations that have seen better days? Then, this is the best time to grab super low prices on some new ones.

I have been decluttering my home and boxing up some Christmas decorations my granddaughters want when they get married.

I still like to look at some fresh ideas for my holiday decor, but I want less stuff these days. Christmas brings me joy, and so do the colors red and green. Life is good around the holidays.

Have you watched the Netflix TV series “Tidying Up?” I watched it with one of my granddaughters, and, oh my, it makes you want to slim down your “stuff.” We both giggled through the whole thing while binge-watching it. It has changed how I view things in my closet and what really brings me joy.

This is a great time to pick up Christmas lights, wreaths, trees, ornaments, wrapping paper, package ribbons, and tags. They typically have lots of leftover stockings for the fireplace or wall.

If you do an ornament exchange, this is a great time to pick up gifts for next year. I have seen tree stands, tree skirts, and much more. Oh my gosh, this list goes on and on.

So, next year, after New Year’s Day, go grab a few things you may need for Christmas.

After Christmas Toys

Stocking up on Christmas gifts at reduced prices is the best

When Mark and I raised the girls, we would look for after-Christmas sales on Fisher-Price toys, etc. Those were popular back then, and if we could get them half-price, it would be considered a great deal!

Then you have to hide the presents for a year and hope they want them the following Christmas (lol). This works well for the little ones.

I remember buying toys that the girls could give as birthday gifts when invited to birthday parties. I had a stash in the closet, and they could choose the gift they wanted to give to their friends at the party.

The cool thing about this is that I didn’t have to go shopping and find a full-price gift. Life is awesome when you save money on things when they are on sale, knowing you will use them throughout the year.

This is a great time to pick up board games because the stores may have a surplus. Why would you want to pay full price for the games you have that are missing way too many parts? Buy them now when they are priced at a discount.

Read More of My Articles  Very Basic Steps for Starting Emergency Prepping

Sometimes, the stores may have excess Christmas books they want to unload, so they will be drastically reduced.

Diet Food/Snacks

Diet Food

This is the month for New Year’s resolutions, and the stores put out various diet foods and snacks. It’s so funny because I walked into three grocery stores only to find all these diet foods and snacks front and center when I walked through the door. You can get some of them at extreme discounts. I saw shakes, bars, and snacks galore.

The exercise equipment was also near the front of the store. I assume they are saying, “If you need to lose weight, grab a jump rope or yoga mat.” It’s a great marketing idea.

Winter Clothing

Winter Clothing

If you need a new coat, a sweater, or a sweatshirt, this is the time of year to snag one and save the most money. Check out the bargains if you need new gloves, wool socks, mittens, scarves, and hats.

Their spring and summer apparel will arrive very soon, so here again, drastically reduced prices.

If you snowboard or ski, look for the equipment and all the accessories that go with it. Since most people have purchased this year’s models for Christmas, the stores want to unload the previous year’s models.

If you need regular or snow boots, this is the time to get the deals. Winter blankets also come to mind.

Cold and Flu OTC Medicine

Over the counter medications you should stock up on

It’s that time of year when colds and influenza are rampant, so the stores have aisles of cold medicine, cough syrup, fever reducers, and humidifiers on sale at the lowest prices.

They realize this is a great time to market them, but they also want to get rid of the big shipment quickly, so everything may be on sale in January. Please be sure to look at the expiration dates on the boxes.

Preps I recommend for January

Please plan for the year and which preps you need or want. Some preps are needed more than others, so please do so ASAP. But we still need to get started based on the budget we can afford.

Here are the areas we all need to concentrate on (this list will change and vary every month):

  • Water
  • Food
  • Cooking Sources include Butane Stove, Dutch oven, Sun Oven, Kelly Kettle, etc.
  • Cooking Fuel
  • 72-Hour Kits
  • Portable toilet
  • Portable washing machine: My favorite is the LaVario (currently unavailable)
  • Car Survival Kit Linda’s Car Survival Kit

What Should I Stock Up On During the Other Months?

Unique January Holidays

  • January 1: New Year’s Day
  • January 2: National Cream Puff Day
  • January 4: National Spaghetti Day
  • January 5: National Bird Day
  • January 5: National Whipped Cream Day
  • January 6: Bean Day
  • January 8: Bubble Bath Day
  • January 12: National Hot Tea Day
  • January 14: Dress Up Your Pet Day
  • January 15: National Bagel Day
  • January 15: National Hat Day
  • January 19th: National Popcorn Day
  • January 20: National Buttercrunch Day
  • January 20: National Cheese Lover Day
  • January 21: National Hugging Day
  • January 22: National Blonde Brownie Day
  • January 23: National Pie Day
  • January 25: Opposite Day
  • January 26: Spouse’s Day
  • January 27: Chocolate Cake Day
  • January 28: Fun at Work Day
  • January 29: National Cornchip Day
  • January 30: National Seed Swap Day
  • January 30: National Croissant Day

Final Word

I never recommend using a credit card if you have cash available. If you use a credit card, you may not have the money to buy the item. You may be one of those who pay off their cards each month and only use them to earn reward points. Good for you!

I like to wait until I have the cash because it’s a great time to stock up. I hope my “what to stock up on in January” tips help get you started prepping or adding to the preps you have now. If you find other worthwhile items you think need to be added to my list, let me know, and I’ll share it with my readers; they appreciate the input. May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Cozy Winter Still Life Deposit photos_88758674_s-2019

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  1. January is the perfect time to do a true self assessment of what you need, might need and desire.
    It’s also the perfect time to do a self assessment on your physical fitness and training. Be the best you that you can be.
    Make a list and develop a plan. Then next January reflect on it and figure where and why you fell short or if you exceeded your goals.

    1. Hi Matt, I have been walking now every morning for 30 minutes (5 weeks). It’s a lot for me, but I’m determined to get my lungs up to par. I love seeing other humans as well. I love the idea of making a plan and comparing it next year. Great comment, Linda

      1. Matt, great comment. I need to do the same as you. The New Year is a good time to reflect and start a new plan for the year. I need to make a list of my plans for the year. I think I’ll do weeks or months.

  2. Hi Linda
    Just a tip for using the food saver jar attachment for powders. I do a lot of them & have found if you only fill the jar to the shoulder & invert a paper cupcake liner in the top of the jar the powder does not clog the attachment & you get a good seal on the jar. Thanks for the article lots of good stuff in it, as usual. Have a great New Year!

    1. Josal, I use a coffee filter in the attachment when I vacuum seal cans. It works good for me. I use the wide mouth jars.

    2. I watched a YouTube video on how to use the Food Saver with powders – both in jars as well as in the bags. I have some flour and cornmeal sealed in bags!

  3. I’m one of those who uses a credit card for almost everything and pays it off monthly. I rack up enough points annually to pay around three months of credit card bills. Means I’m basically getting everything I buy at a 25% discount.

    Love the coffee filter/cupcake liner ideas. I’ve been using coffee filters that way for years, even though I don’t drink coffee. Comes in handy when vacuum sealing jar meals that contain powdered ingredients. The cupcake liner trick seems like it might even be easier.

    I always find gems in your monthly what to buy series.

      1. Hello: We also use coffee filters when vac. sealing powders. AND we also rack up points on our AMEX cards. So far, we have used points to fly to Israel for a tour (about 3-4 years ago), have flown to Sarasota, FL several times, once was for our 40th anniversary, to Montana for funerals, etc.) We love having our Amex/Delta points!

        1. Hi Joyce, oh how wonderful to be able to travel. My daughter works for an airline so we get benefits and its for sure a blessing. Plus, she is then our tour guide! LOL! Life is so good seeing different areas of the world, great comment! Linda

    1. Like Ray, we have always used our credit card for everything possible for the last 40 years. The rewards have totally over $30,000. (I keep track of numbers) no annual fees, no interest. I will admit it takes willpower.
      I do have one big problem that will need help. I bought a lot of chocolate on sale after Halloween for my pantry. Now I can buy chuck roasts and turkeys with the plan to make one a month, an stick to the plan, but I am too weak a person, to leave the chocolates alone!! HELP!!

          1. Hey, Linda: My adult “kids” just introduced me to the Ghirardelli Candy Cane Squares that are only available around Christmas time. I ADORE the dark chocolate squares with Candy Cane part on the flip side. Well, you cannot buy those separate from the sweeter ones at Costco or BJs, I discovered, BUT YOU CAN ON AMAZON!! As much as I am trying to cut back, those dark chocolate candy cane squares are going to tempt me all winter!! :-). That’s because they come in a 2-pack! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!

      1. Hi Chris
        I will help you with the chocolate. My family loves candy (so do I to my detriment) but I like to keep some in my freezer and have it handy for things like Easter that way they don’t eat too much nor do I but it keeps me from having to buy a lot at other holidays.

      2. Chris, drop those chocolates in a pint jar and vacuum seal. put a soild label covering them. just label the lid, set in deep pantry, and rotate each jar with a different food you use at different rates, use them as you come to them. if you have a bucket of drink mixes, or breakfast foods- can stick one in there- out of sight each will be a surprise as you come to them. Can do the same thing with freezer- i put stuff like that crushable under the basket out of first line of sight or in a repurposed peanut better jar.
        i just dug out peanut brittle caught on deep “after Christmas sale” last year out for hubs…

  4. I agree with Matt that we need to assess what we need and want for our preps. I don’t purchase gift wrap for holiday gifts – I made reusable gift bags one year and reuse them every year. Since they are made from cloth, I can wash and iron them, roll them down if the gift is not large. I now have one for each of my grandkids with their names on them! This year, my 6 year old grandson said “This one’s mine!!” before he even saw his name on it because it is the one he has been getting his gifts in for a couple of years now. I made them big enough for most things that I would be gifting them.

    Also, I have been the type of person that bought all sorts of things after Christmas for birthdays and such but found that when the birthdays roll around, I either didn’t remember or couldn’t find what I had purchased! Or the gift was no longer appropriate! So I don’t do that anymore.

    1. Leanne, I love your gift bag idea, especially since we almost ran out of gift bags this year since we have not entered the stores. I am not a great seamstress, but I do have 4 bright red pillow cases that would work if I opened the wide casement to add a drawstring. What do you think? My youngest daughter could paint their names on.

      1. Chris – the pillow cases would work very very well! You could also turn them inside out and on the bottom corners, simply stitch across making a “triangle” that would then when turned right side out, make the bottom “boxy”. Another idea rather than opening up the casement is to stitch ribbon or ties on one side to tie.

        1. Leanne, Thank you. Since I don’t sleep very well, I spent my time designing the bags with faux fur trim and ties and the square bottom like you suggested. My sister, the family seamstress, is making 24 small stockings to fill with chocolate as an advent garland for my son’s famIly. My daughter, will number the stockings and the names in a matching font.

          1. Chris ~
            I love the stocking garland advent idea. I think I will get started on this right away! I have 4 grandchildren and that always means 4 advent calendars. This year for some odd reason they only had one and it caused a lot of distress/stress!! So making stockings in a garland, each stocking would be big enough (I will make sure they are) for 4 candies or small toys or love notes! Love it.

    2. Leanne, i purchase plain /foil type bags in a large and small.. to give handmade gifts in for housewarming, thru the year,….aset of silicone kitchen utensils, a pot holder or mitt set and a skillet can go in a mid -sized bag….. for baby showers….a baby blanket ( I do a 40X55), appropriate washing detergent, like peroxide cleaner, washing directions.. makes a thoughtful and appropriate gift that can be used for decades by the child and young adult. no wrap, just a pc of tissue paper.

  5. Hi Linda,
    LOVE your idea of buying discounted toys after Christmas for kid’s birthday parties! I’m definitely going to implement this idea, thank you!
    All those birthday party presents add up to a big chunk of change.

    1. Hi Amy, when the kids are little they love all presents. I raised four girls so back in the day, we bought all the discounted Barbie stuff, anything thing that went with Barbies, and FisherPrice stuff, I even bought the plain colored gift bags so if we got an invitation, they could choose from the closet and grab a bag. I saved so much money and time. Linda

  6. Hi Linda,

    Another thing to buy in January are seeds. Most of the seed catalogs get sent out for free in January and many online sites have huge discounts for them, so you can stock up on the seeds needed for the upcoming gardening season or for preps. Better yet, you can buy heirloom seeds and then save your seeds for the next year.

    JP from Shieldbearer of Faith

  7. Lynda:

    I downloaded November to December and will download some more tomorrow. I want to have the lists with me to see wheat I need a month in advance. I usually buy Turkeys when they are rock bottom prices and use them for New Years, My Birthday, Our anniversary, Passover/Resurrection Sunday (As a Jew I call it Resurrection Sunday) All our other Jewish Holidays. I buy Game hen’s for both of our wedding anniversaries (We have 2 our Betrothal and our civil wedding) and My husbands Birthday and I usually make a few game hens where we would steak or beef (my husband can’t eat Beef). But the majority of our holidays have either Turkey, Game hens and sometime I sneak in a ham like at Christmas and New Years.
    Don’t be surprised that I eat pork. I am a Messianic Jew. I keep the holidays and I eat the foods that are traditional in them but you can’t beat a good ham, bacon or Sausage at times.

    1. Hi Jackie, oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE your comment! You can’t beat a good ham, sausage, and bacon! I got the giggles, I love bacon! Great reminder to stock up for many holidays!!! Love it, Linda

    2. Jackie: I am also a Messianic Jew, so have no qualms about eating ham once in awhile. If you cannot find a large ham when you want one, let me recommend to you the Aldi’s Never Any Honey Ham that comes pre sliced. THAT STUFF is AMAZING!! I have even been known to freeze dry some slices to put in our “Preps”!
      Other than that, another fantastic recommendation for you are the: Aidell’s Chicken/Apple Sausages. Wow! I used to buy those every month at BJs, but they discontinued them for another brand that is pure garbage, so full of SUGAR, which I will NEVER eat again!! However, we just got our first Costco membership, and they carry the Aidell’s Chicken Apple Sausages in a 15-pack for on $14.99! The earlier purchases of this same item at BJs was $12.99 for 10, so buying them at Costco results in a real savings!!

      On a non-food note, I would like to ask you if you saw Candace Owens’ anti-semitic rant on her blog a month or so ago? For that, she lost my faithful viewership (I had thought I loved her brain previously) and because of that rant, she won Anti-Semite of the Year 2024! WHAT A PRIZE TO WIN!! YIKES!! But her true colors came out so loud and clear, I totally agree with the judges of that contest!!

  8. As we look at what we need to work on in the coming year, be sure to work on not only your physical needs, but your spiritual ones as well. Both are very important for us and our families.

  9. My preparations with never equal Linda’s, Matt’s or Ray’s, but with the help from everyone on this list, I AM prepared for this inflation. My pantry is full at much lower prices than are available now. I will continue to shop the sales and count my blessings, for my husband, my family and my friends, which I count all of you. God Bless you all and please have a Safe, Healthy and Happy New Year.

    1. Hi Chris, thank you for your kind words. I love love love hearing you are prepared for this crazy inflation. What a wonderful feeling. I feel the same way about our group here, we are all friends helping one another to achieve preparedness. It’s a blessing, it really is. Linda

    2. Chris:
      The way I stock up is to buy things with coups from the stores and then I put them up. I know I went to Smiths Grocery Store and bought about 50 bags of pasta made in Italy. They were anywhere from $0.50 a bag to $1.00 a bag depending on what the past was. They did not have coupons for them but at such a great price that I could not pass it up. I though about clearing the shelf but seeing people clearing the shelf on the coupon show I know I could not do that with others having problems themselves.

      1. I agree with your shopping methods Jackie. I used coupons far more in the past but there aren’t as many available lately. Like you, I shop the sales in quantity. I have always been amazed at the new and like new things we have found at garage sales. From Bath and Body Works soaps and shampoos to furniture and clothes, often with tags still on them. From necessities to luxuries from dishes to Waterford crystal and Longaberger baskets…..usually 10 cents on the dollar. Even dinner out at Longhorn with gift cards from our kids and a coupon, includes a dozen loaf of their great bread for our freezer, complete with butter for less than $10. Life is good if you know how to make it work. Happy New Year!! Stay warm and safe.

        1. Hey, Chris: I realize that this reply is almost 1 year later, but here goes: We do not find ANY coupons for anything anymore, not unless it’s at BJs Wholesale Club or the like. Our local grocery store does not give out coupons anymore, not that I am aware of. Neither does Whole Foods up in Rochester (nearly 1 hr. West of us). As a matter of fact, I have been dismayed that WF doesn’t even have any sales sheets anymore, so you really don’t know what’s what unless you see their sales on-line ahead of time OR you just spend a few hrs. wandering thru the store!

          What I will say is that I have yet to find better prices on Organic Chicken than at BJs, and to my great surprise, Costco had Leg of Lamb (Conventional, though, which we try to minimize) for only $4.99/lb. Heck, that’s cheaper than organic HAMBURGER now days! My only qualm on the Leg of Lamb is whether the animal was vaxxed or not, as so many animals are nowadays. For that reason, I will probably still buy an entire organic lamb from our Amish friends next Spring. We LOVE< LOVE< LOVE Greek and Mediterranean foods!!

          1. Jess, Our experiences seem to be the same as yours. My go-to stores are BJs, Miller’s Amish Market and as a last resort, Wal-Mart. We continue to try to eat healthier but the prices don’t make that easy. We do get meat at Wegmans because it is vacuum sealed and freezes better. Please enjoy a Happy New Year.

        2. Hi again, Chris: I sincerely hope you will have a fun and happy New Year! Yes, I think our shopping may be somewhat similar, but we do not buy things like hamburger from stores (that may contain vaxxes and antibiotics). We are scheduled within a week to pick up 12 lbs. of organically raised, free-range hamburger, actually, from our local farmer friends. We buy our eggs from them and get some from free from some friends that raise their layers without any GMOS or pesticides in the feed. Most are free-range when the weather allows it, too, but right now we have snow and COLD, so free-range will not work. They only charge us $2/dozen, and the farmer charges $5.50 a dozen due to the more expensive feed.
          There are zero coupons available in our area stores, except for BJs. That is a thing of the past over here, but we rarely used coupons, anymore, anyway, cause we eat gluten-free (and organic whenever possible). I find that most of conventional meat and produce does not do good things to my environmental illness issues, but the Aldi’s “never any” meats and products don’t seem to bother me much if at all, thank God! Otherwise, we do fine enough with acquiring our foods from local farmers we know that raise and sell clean foods or organic foods. We could not be more grateful for those friends who are staunch providers and supporters of a “clean” lifestyle for their customers!

          1. Oh, and I forgot to mention that my husband got a small deer 2 weeks ago, so we are set for meat for quite awhile now. We are so grateful, cause so many other hunting friends have said they didn’t even see ANY deer this year!!

            Looking forward to the Amish-raised Organic Spring Lamb in May, though!

            Otherwise, we buy a LOT of our best organics foods from AZURE STANDARD. I am really looking forward to the case of Cosmic Crisp apples that is coming in 10 days or so!!! If you’ve never had a Cosmic Crisp apple, you don’t know what your MISSING!


            Joyce S. (JESS)

            in the Finger Lakes Region
            of beautiful Central New York

          2. I am jealous of your friends and connections. I do the best I can buying organic and from the Amish Market. Please stay safe and healthy in this New Year

  10. Is there an easy way to print out the monthly lists…..in just list form. I love the posts and comments that are here.

    1. Hi Karen, let me ask you this, are you talking about What To Stock Up On In January: Seasonal Foods, etc.? I was wondering about having some printables made. What would be the best thing to have made? Linda

  11. YES…printable would be good…..We are in our 70’s and have a good bit stored, but I am sure that there is some things that I have overlooked. All monthly buys and seasonal would be of help. I really was just looking for a listing of items…..oh whatever you can do.


      1. Linda:

        I would like a printable with your monthly and other lists of seasonal things in a List form with a estimate of what we need to buy

        1. Hi Jackie, that’s a great idea, I know you can print my posts without the ads for sure but also without the pictures. The estimate would be hard for me to predict for every family. My book breaks out what to but for 2 people, etc. Linda

  12. Linda:

    You would just have to put the items in the first row and put what 1 or 2 and let the others figure out how many they would need. That would be easier for you

  13. Back for another year of What to stock up on!!! I always get a little something from the blog post as well as from the comments. Love reading the older comments as well.

    So as you know, Linda, my daughter and her family moved to Wyoming this year – December 2022 – 2 weeks before Christmas! and 6 weeks before baby #5 is due! They are loving it. That now gives me a whole new realm for gifting!! I will be flying there in January so I will be able to see what they need and then the gifts will start coming. I know they are going to do some remodeling so gift cards are always a good idea for Home Depot/Lowes or other of those types of stores. I am eager to see their place and start making plans.

    Oh and loving the coffee!! it is so so smooth.

    1. Hi Leanne, oh my gosh, you will have so much fun in Wyoming! Boy, they moved right in the middle of this crazy snow front! I’m glad they made it safely. Grandbaby #5, oh those little ones are so fun to cuddle. Grandkids are the best gift git ever. The best gift is gift cards or cash to Home Depot or Lowes for remodeling! A new chapter in their lives!! Linda

  14. Linda ~ I always love your posts on what to stock up on.

    For those who have dehydrators or freeze dryers, when you buy fruit and vegetables, save some freezer space and dehydrate or freeze dry some of those foods. Also, if frozen fruits and vegetables go on sale for a really good price, you can dehydrate them right away and store in jars to save freezer space. Bonus – if they power goes out, you are not risking all your fruits and veggies.

    I am with Harry – buy ammo!

  15. Happy New Year Linda! We have just gotten a weather alert that we may possibly get 3 – 8 inches of snow for the weekend in New York City. We have not had any snow in 680+days but am hoping it will be rain although we don’t need any more rain. I am blessed that I do not need to “stock” up but “top off” what I already have. I’m glad I read your What to Stock Up on for January before I went shopping and checked my cabinets. I will pick up several cans of fruit, ravioli, Salmon, tuna fish and cat food until the delivery comes on Saturday. Thank you for all that you do to keep us informed. Blessings and a Happy and safe New Year to all!!!

    1. Hi Mildred, thank you for your kind words, my sweet friend. I love hearing you just have to “top off” what you have! What a blessing. Stay warm, healthy and safe, Linda Yes, Happy New Year to all!

  16. Hi Linda, I see that you are a fan of the food saver pump but, is there a problem with using oxygen absorbers? I do a lot of freeze drying and use oxygen absorbers with meats and vegetable’s. Some things like Prego or eggs I will but in mason jars with an oxygen absorber or two.

    1. Hi Mike, yes, I am a fan of FoodSavers and (using the sealer pump). I’m a Master Canner Preserver, I took the 12 weeks course even though I had been canning and dehydrating for over 50 years. I use my dehydrated fruit and vegetables within the year that I dehydrate them. I would love a freeze dryer but I’m stocked with what I need I’ve been doing this for more than 20 years with commercially processed food. I would use the oxygen absorbers if you follow the directions according to the product and the weight. Ten years ago I dry packed $1200 worth of food, dehydrated at a local church cannery. We opened the cans after a year and all the food was rancid. Then I had neighbors who had dry canned food at the same canner, different city (which by the way has been shut down and can no longer be used). It was a voluntary coop and the people there had no idea what they were doing. Keep in mind they did the best they could with the knowledge they had. They were handing out open bags of oxygen absorbers. Sorry, long story, but if you do your research I would use them. It was a very expensive mistake on my part to trust the dry canning church in Sandy, Utah. Live and learn. Linda

  17. Linda, This January my focus is somewhat different. I have gathered all the electronic cords, chargers and adapters. I regulated to the garage sale stock anything that doesn’t work with what we have now, or cords that appear worn. I also checked all outlets and managed to eliminate two extension cords. I replaced a phone and tablet cord. There have been several serious house fires and we are doing our best not to be one of them.

    1. Hi Chris, wow, that’s a great idea. I worry about the bathroom “ventilator” deals in the ceiling, they can be a fire hazard, I think. I don’t think these have ever been changed. I’m going to go get a new one. I think they just snap in, not sure. I think anything we can do to declutter those items that may have frayed cords, or safety concerns, toss them. Great tips, my friend. Linda

  18. Linda – As 2024 comes to an end, I start assessing what I have and what I want/need. I am at a point where I don’t need to look at things the same way someone just starting out does nor what I need!! I don’t NEED anything really! And at my age, it is just more STUFF! So, this year, my daughter and SIL gave me ammo, a really cool coffee/tea mug and baby# 6 on the way!!

    Now, what I want is just peace! I am praying that 2025 is a year of progress in the peace department!!

    1. Hi Leanne, I’m in the same boat. I don’t need anything. I would love a 1/2 beef, LOL! Another grandbaby is a blessing, and a real cool mug makes our day! I hope we have a peaceful year in 2025. We need some changes that’s for sure. Linda

  19. Hello, everyone! Happy almost New Year’s 2025! I just want to share my latest “Find”, which probably some of you already know about. It’s the Ball canning and preserving book from 2016! Wow! I never thought something created back in 2016 would be THAT USEFUL AND WONDERFUL for 2025! Now, I already own a very old Ball Canning book and have used it for probably 20+ years. But the 2016 version is like an encyclopedia and so much better….I think I’m in love!! They have all kinds of charts on how to prepare to preserve foods, as well as how to process them in so many different ways!!! Water bath canning, freezing, pickling, pressure-canning, fermenting, fresh refrigerator pickles, plus, plus, plus…you name it! There are LOADS of yummy looking recipes in there, and two-pages across on recipes for making even 1 (or 2) jar meals and pressure canning them for future days when you just cannot cook! WOW! THOSE RECIPES look amazing!! I hope you all will find that book and buy it! I got mine off of eBay (used, but you really cannot tell it’s not new) for less than $15.00, but it’s probably worth $40!! I hade never seen that book until I watched a you-tube video from Acre Homestead, which you will love. Honestly, I already knew pretty much how to do this, but it was entertaining to watch and they showed the Ball Canning and Preserving book 2016 that contains those recipes. That is how I learned about the that exact Ball book. ENJOY, you all!!

    1. Hi Jess, oh that’s so fun to hear about finding that Ball Canning Book. I just received my new spiral bound one which is really wonderful as well. This is the 2024 version https://amzn.to/49WH5i5. It’s interesting to learn how canning has changed over the years or as my Master Canning Preserving class teacher said “how our food has changed”. In the olden days we never had to add lemon juice or vinegar to our tomatoes. They are less acidic now so we must add it. It scares me when I hear about You Tubes showing incorrect ways to water bath or pressure can. I’m glad you follow the USDA or Ball canning guidelines. Good job, Linda

  20. I love reading your updates and all the comments especially from past years. I have learned that “prepping ” isn’t just about preparing for emergencies, but for everyday life. Like when the smoke detector/carbon dioxide goes of at 2am Christmas morning….grateful for the supply of batteries (and WHY do those things only go off in the middle of the night). Or cutting my heel when I stepped on a Lego. (Grateful for Neosporin pain ointment) I could take out any intruders with a box of Legos…. Now we are preparing to be Great Grandparents. Please everyone stay safe, warm and healthy in 2025

    1. Hi Chris, thank you for your kind words, my sweet friend. Oh those Legos, OUCH! I always wonder why do those smoke alarms have to go off in the middle of the night!!! Congratulations on being Great Grandparents! Stay safe and healthy in 2025! Hugs, Linda

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