White Rice

What To Stock Up On In October

This is part of my ongoing monthly stock-up and save series. It’s all about What To Stock Up On In October today! If we make a plan on what our needs and wants are, we can check each month to see which is the best month to spend the money for those things we really need. As you know I update this series every month.

What To Stock Up On In October

It’s all about buying the items we need at rock-bottom prices whenever possible. Let’s get started with the savings. By cutting costs on items you need each month you may be able to meet your savings and overall budget goals.

If there was ever a time to stock up on garden seeds it is now, This is where I buy all of my seeds: SeedsNow

What To Stock Up On In October

Seasonal Produce

So many fruits and veggies are either being harvested right now or soon will be. I mentioned in a recent post that many small towns in Utah are currently celebrating “Peach Days.” What a fun time to get together and enjoy not only peaches but other food products much like a farmer’s market. They also have food and craft booths, band concerts, and other fun activities.

What To Stock Up On In October

Do you love eating fruit and vegetables when they are in season? Oh my gosh, they taste so much better! This month look for pumpkins, pomegranates, broccoli, sweet potatoes, cranberries, pears, peaches, and squash.

You may want to look for your pumpkins early in the month, word is out that there may be a shortage due to a very wet spring in parts of the country where they are commonly grown.


If you missed my post on Everything You Need To Know About Apples, you may want to check it out.


Cold and Flu Medicine

Yep, flu season is here and we need to gear up for it. Most doctors suggest you get an annual flu shot, but we all should have some over-the-counter meds on our shelves too.


In the fall we typically start to see sickness everywhere. The stores know that, so they stock up on cold and flu over-the-counter medicine. You may see the shelves front and center when you visit your favorite grocery or health products store. In case you missed this post, 35 OTC Medications You Should Store

Be sure and watch for humidifiers and vaporizers as well. It’s all about staying well this season at reduced prices. It’s also about saving money every month on the items we need.

Stock Up On White Rice

Rice is a staple we all should have readily available. There are so many meals that you can plan around rice offerings, and rice goes so far when prepared.

White Rice

Well, I have heard because of the drought and other out-of-the-country issues we will be having a rice shortage. Is it true, I believe it is. So I decided to show you how I store my white rice. It’s a bit more expensive than buying bulk rice, but for me, this works better and the storage containers last for years. I don’t have to put anything else in the 5-gallon buckets except the closed/unopened bags. I only buy non-GMO white rice, it’s how I roll.

When I need a bag to fill my 2-gallon buckets in my kitchen pantry, I grab a bag or two from the larger stash and then retighten the Gamma Lids back up. Here is what I do as you can see from the pictures of rice.

5-gallon Buckets

These buckets may take up too much room in your kitchen pantry, but they are sure nice for longer-term storage in the basement or other cool, dry places.

Storing Rice

I ordered these buckets after I purchased the white rice. They are Six 5-gallon Buckets with Gamma Lids. I will order white vinyl lettering that says RICE very soon. Each bucket holds approximately 25 pounds. Yes, I have a very large family that likes to get together for meals.

Sealed with Gamma Lids

The gamma lids have two parts that both have “threads.” First, you snap on the base of the lid to your bucket, then you twist the other part of the lid into the base using those threads. There is a rubber seal or gasket that makes it airtight. I love these lids.

These are ready for our larger pantry storage area.

Columbus Day Sales

It seems like sales have become part of every holiday celebration, and Columbus Day is no exception. I think the retailers try to take advantage of people being off work with free time on their hands. The advantage of this holiday is that it generally comes before the really cold weather settles in for most of the country.

Bath Towels

Oh boy, this month you need to watch for markdowns on clothing, bath towels, bedsheets, and decorations for the home. The stores are making room for the late-year holiday decorations, so they need a lot of room for those Christmas trees, lights, and outside decor.

Right now the word is out that many container ships are delayed getting to shore to be unloaded. Some items you hoped to see around Christmas may not make it. Buy them now just in case so you don’t have to pay more later.

Read More of My Articles  35 Things I’ve Stopped Buying

It’s a great month to replace those worn-out sheets. If you need a new quilt, down comforter, or bedspread, keep your eyes glued to the ads for great buys.

Pasta Galore

We’ve been eating more pasta dishes lately. It may be due to the easy way so many can be prepared, and again, pasta goes a long way.


My favorite month to stock up on pasta is this month. The store where I shop marks them down to about a dollar a box for the size I like most. Of course, if you want bigger boxes they will cost a bit more.

The nice thing about pasta is that we can stretch a meal big time with this hearty food storage item. Another good feature about pasta is that it tends to store longer on your pantry shelf. Buy some extra now knowing they won’t expire in short order and can be used for months to come.

You may want to look for different shapes because they are priced ridiculously low in October. Some of my favorites are rigatoni, bowtie, and elbow macaroni. Watch your mailbox mailers for coupons to save even more. I love stocking up on spaghetti sauce as well!

Spaghetti Sauce

Frozen Pizza (National Pizza Month)

We like pizza any month of the year. As the weather gets cooler, it is a popular meal to warm up your tummy!

Frozen Pizza

National Pizza Day is February 9th every year. Well, National Pizza Month is celebrated on October 1st every year. So be prepared to stock your freezer with your favorite frozen pizzas.

If you want to eat out, stay close to Facebook or Instagram for specials posted nationwide.

Be sure and watch your mailbox for pizza coupons to save even more money. What do you like to put on your pizza? I like a thin crust loaded with all the goodies and extra cheese. Pizza is a great treat for those Halloween parties, and why not save some money so you can feel comfortable inviting even more guests?

Tacos (National Taco Month)

Mexican food is a true favorite in our house, whether we make the meal at home or at a local restaurant. I could eat ground beef tacos just about every night, but Mark likes his sweet pulled pork burritos.

Taco Stuff

Do you love tacos as much as I do? Well, October 4th is National Taco Day! Bring on the salsa for me to enjoy as a special topping! We’ve all heard of Taco Tuesday, well this is Taco Month, so look for huge discounts and two-for-one buys.


Check out the freezer section for those frozen tacos as well. They are great for the holidays as appetizers, right? It’s a great month to stock up on salsa, taco shells, flour tortillas, and guacamole at very low prices.

Jeans as in Blue Jeans

With the cooler temperatures, many of us have to put away the shorts we’ve been wearing for months and change into long pants. I don’t know about you, but we’re pretty casual dressers in our home, and jeans fill the bill nicely.


Here’s the deal, if you missed the school sales for jeans, no worries. Check out the clearance racks for jeans, lots of jeans. The stores are getting ready to stock Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas stuff.

Buy a pair or two to stash for later because it’s getting colder this month. Be ready to put away those shorts.

It’s all about spending money on items we need at cheap prices throughout the year.

Seafood (National Seafood Month)

Mark is our family seafood lover. He gets so excited when he sees the prices reduced this time of year.


This month has some super national holiday celebrations, so we may as well take advantage of them. So if you love fresh shrimp, frozen shrimp, or mussels, watch for super low prices to make that delicious seafood meal at home.

I can see shrimp cocktails being served during future holidays like Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve. Watch for reduced prices in weekly ads and coupons in your mailbox.

Halloween Items

It’s hard to believe Halloween is right around the corner. It has always been one of my favorite holidays to celebrate. We have lots of family gatherings this time of year, so the decorations come out early.


We all know October is the month for buying Halloween costumes, candy, decorations, and paper products. You will see drastically reduced prices the closer it gets to the end of the month.

Halloween Candy

Keep in mind, if you are looking for a certain costume you may need to buy it before the deep price cuts show up towards the 31st. If you like to give out a certain candy then stock up during the first sale that you see.

What To Stock Up On In October

But the prices will drop every week towards the last week, so if you aren’t picky just wait.

Trust me, the kids will like any candy you give out at the door on Halloween night. It’s all about saving hundreds of dollars over the years by buying the stuff we need at the lowest prices.

Baking Items for the Holidays

Our kitchen goes non-stop this time of year. I always stock up on all sorts of baking items so I don’t run out. If stocking up, why not do it when the prices are lower?

Oh my gosh, this is the best month to stock up on baking goods for the holidays. If you need regular sugar, brown sugar, or chocolate chips of any flavor, they will be cut in price. Remember to watch for the best sales prices.

Baking Supplies

Just about everything you can imagine will be displayed down the center aisles and marked down so you can decorate those awesome desserts you want to take to holiday parties.

Read More of My Articles  7 Rules of Living A Minimalist Lifestyle

Cake Mixes

I made a Texas Sheet Cake this week and it disappeared like magic. Most people consider cakes to be a favorite dessert.

What To Stock Up On In October

This is a great month to snag those cake mixes that you love to use. I love it when I can get a chocolate cake mix for a dollar. Oh, and my favorite ones are Duncan Hines, I stocked up big time!

The boxes are stored in an airtight plastic container along with the instant pudding mix that goes with my chocolate cake recipe I love to take to parties.

October is the best month to stock up on my angel food cake boxes as well. It’s hard to think about strawberry shortcakes in October, but I do so I can snag the boxes at half price. Watch for the best discount prices this month.

Dish Soap

With all those holiday meals you’ll be doing a bunch of dishes, so don’t run out. Buy them now at a discount and smile all the way to the bank.

Dish Soap

I must confess, I buy at least ten bottles of dish soap once a year. Do you worry about running out as much as I do? You’ll save money in the long run, so why not?

October is the month to save big time on the liquid kitchen soap you like to use. You’ll also see dishwasher soap and hand soap on sale. It’s a great month to stock up for 12 months while the prices are at their lowest. It’s all about the best buys of the year.


There are so many varieties of coffee available these days, why not stock up on your favorite when they’re on sale?

What To Stock Up On In October

For that coffee drinker in your family, this is a perfect month to stock up on your favorites for the year. If you’re like me, you know this would be a great bartering item too, right?

Watch for hot chocolate on sale while you’re strolling down that aisle. You’ll be glad when you see the savings.

Fall Clothing

With the change in weather, there will be all sorts of new items on the racks and shelves.

Winter Clothing

When you think of fall weather, you think of sweaters, pants, socks, and jackets, right? You will see the stores clearing these out because they have a surplus of them after back-to-school shopping.

The stores need room for Christmas gifts, trees, and decorations. If you need a winter coat, check the clearance racks this month.

New Cars

If you are in the market for a new car, this is the month the dealers start pushing out the old and bringing in the new-year models. Be aware that many dealers are experiencing some delivery issues due to the shortage of computer chips at the manufacturer level. Cars may be more expensive than in years past, and the shortage may extend longer than anticipated,

With the increase in interest rates right now the dealers may not have those great interest rates like we saw earlier this year to entice us to buy that car we need. As mentioned, due to a computer chip shortage, you may find the cars are priced higher than you expected.

There really isn’t the inventory you are used to seeing. One thing to consider, you can get more for your used car, so if you have more than one car it may be wise to sell one and wait to buy that new one when prices stabilize.

Be sure and compare the prices on Sam’s Club and Costco’s websites for more savings on cars. Who would have thought these member clubs would help us save money on a car purchase?

“Prepare Your Family For Survival” by Linda

What To Stock Up On Each Month:

Unique October Holidays

  • October 1: International Coffee Day
  • October 2: National Custodial Worker Day
  • October 4: National Frappe Day
  • October 5: Do Something Nice Day
  • October 6: Mad Hatter Day
  • October 7: National Kale Day 
  • October 9: Fire Prevention Day
  • October 10: National Angel Food Cake Day
  • October 11: It’s My Party Day
  • October 12: Old Farmer’s Day
  • October 13: International Skeptics Day
  • October 14: National Dessert Day 
  • October 15: White Cane Safety Day
  • October 16: Bosses Day
  • October 17: National Pasta Day
  • October 18: National Meatloaf Appreciation Day
  • October 19: Evaluate Your Life Day
  • October 20: International Chefs Day   
  • October 21: Count Your Buttons Day
  • October 22: National Nut Day
  • October 23: National Mole Day
  • October 24: National Bologna Day
  • October 25: World Pasta Day
  • October 26: National Mincemeat Day
  • October 27: Black Cat Day
  • October 28: Plush Animal Lover’s Day 
  • October 29: National Frankenstein Day
  • October 30: National Candy Corn Day
  • October 31: Halloween

Final Word

I love sharing my What To Stock Up On In October post as part of my monthly savings series! It’s all about making a list and saving money on the items we need when they hit rock bottom prices. Please keep on prepping, we must. May God bless this world, Linda

Copyright Images: Autumn Pumpkins and Sunflowers Deposit photos_13382590_s-2019

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  1. Linda – I am going to have to get a “pantry” cabinet for my apartment!! I have been stocking up on veggies, tomato products and other canned, dry ingredients for soups/stews/chilis for the winter months. I scored some instant soup base for making chicken broth for colds and flu! Of course, I am praying I don’t get a cold or flu but I want to be prepared!

    With winter coming on fast, I want to have specialty teas on hand as well. Even if they are not on sale yet or possibly ever, I want them here in my cupboards so I don’t have to worry about going out to the store when I am sick. So, along with my chicken broth and herbal teas, I think I am set up!

    One note about pumpkins, if you purchase more than one (halloween) you need to know how to store them! I like to get small ones – sugar pumpkins – that I can easily manage through the winter and not have so much cooked pumpkin that I have to worry about storage in the freezer! What I do then is cook down one at a time. I then portion the cooked pumpkin and dehydrate it into portion sizes – say for a pie or for other recipes or for just a side dish. Since I live alone and am cooking just for me most of the time, I like to DH into portions for one if I am using for a side dish. Otherwise, if making a pie, I like to measure out enough for one pie and dry, package for one pie. I spread out the cooked pumpkin like I would for a fruit roll up. I saw this on a blog a few years ago and it was called “bark” rather than roll up because it is brittle. DH pumpkin or any squash for that matter, rehydrates very easily. I simply put in hot water and let it rehydrate then cook/season as I like for whatever my purpose is. Another thing you can do with your pumpkin when DH is to season it beforehand – I like to just put some pumpkin pie spice in the mash, then DH. I can then just snack on this whenever I like. Best thing is that it is so high in fiber and vitamins/minerals this way.

    1. Hi Leanne, I love those sugar pumpkins, they are just the right size to handle. I love your comment on DH pumpkin. I have never done that. I better get on it. Great tips! Linda

  2. Linda,
    Other things to look for is Chili items. My local store has sales when it’s time for Chili. Usually beans, seasonings, tomato items, crackers things like that. Also the stores have been running
    veggies on sale for soup.
    You mentioned cake mixes, I have a fridge in my shed just for cake mixes. It is packed
    full. It keeps the bugs out and keeps them fresh. I also keep cereal in the fridge too. Comes in
    handy when you find either item on sale. The freezer part is stocked very well with candied fruit
    for fruitcakes. I pick that up after the Holiday’s at a cheaper price throw in freezer and all set
    for the next time I make fruitcake. To me it is worth the little extra electric cost to have those
    items stocked up on.
    Pumpkins in our area did pretty well this year even though we had flooding all
    spring. The second weekend of October is our annual Pumpkin Festival . This is when our
    little town of 109 hosts well over 30,000 in a 2 day period.

    1. Hi June, oh my gosh, I better add the chili items. I love stocking up on those. Having that extra frig saves you money in the long run for sure. I would love to see those 30,000 people enjoying your annual Pumpkin Festival!!! How fun!! Linda

  3. Thank you so much for this. I need to stock up on a lot of these items. An FYI, a friend had moths in her house. She call an exterminator, he told her to repackage all her boxed or bagged items in air tight containers. Moths can get into packages that have been rolled and clipped. Like potato chips, cereals, and other items. Even pasta. I try to keep pasta on hand all the time. I make my own pasta salad. Cooked pasta, chopped onion, bell peppers, black olives, broccoli spears, anything like this, add Italian dressing. Homemade of course. Stir well to mix,and refrigerate for 4-6 hours. We love it. Oh, I also stock up on Vegetable juice. I use this in my soups and stews. Yum.

    1. Hi Deborah, oh my gosh, I helped two friends get rid of pantry moths. Oh my gosh, those moths are crazy busy! They were everywhere! Even in the cupboard hinges. That salad sounds fabulous!!! It’s so healthy!! I’m going to make that tomorrow!!! I love keeping pasta on hand, you can make so many meals in a flash! Great comment, Linda

      1. I’ve gotten rid of the moths. Finally. Repackaged everything. Cleaned out cabinets. Washed them down with bleach. Hubby then bought and installed sliding drawers in all the below counter doors. As well as under the sink in the kitchen. Everything is so much easier to find and keep organized.

          1. October is an important month for me. I was born in October. I’ll be 69 this year. I never thought I’d live this long, so, it’s a blessing to have birthday every year.

    2. I have pasta salad about every week!!! I like it warm when prepared..not cooled.
      tomatoes, green peppers, black and green olives, cucumber, and onion.

  4. linda,
    This question isn’t related to this article, several articlws back I copied off a page from you on what we need stocking and electrolite tablets were mentioned where to find them is my question.
    I enjoy all your articles linda Thanks Debbie

          1. I got hubby to order me some DripDrops from Amazon. They are electrolytes. They taste really good. I need to get him to order me some more. I’ve used or give some to our scout leader children.

          2. Hi Deborah, Mark and I have been taking Emergen-C since the pandemic started. I’m not sure it’s helping us but I sure hope so. Mark is 74 and I’m 70 so we are both at a higher risk possibly. Stay well, Linda

  5. I bought a lot of cake mixes years ago, didn’t think about shelf life, and have thrown away a lot and it’s time to trash all of them and replace.
    Is vacuum sealing the best way to store these cause I really thought I’d use them but didn’t.
    I buy a lot when I buy and always pay $1 for my mixes.

    1. Hi Jay-Jay, yeah, you have to be careful with the dates on cake mixes because of the mold spores. I only buy the amount I can use in 9-12 months. So every fall, I buy new ones, it’s like something goes off in my mind, cake mix month! LOL! I place mine in airtight plastic containers in the original boxes. Using your FoodSaver will not extend the expiration dates. I hope this helps, only buy what you can use depending on the dates of the boxes. Linda

  6. Linda, your “What To Stock Up On” posts should be required reading, especially for Preppers.

    But if people are going to buy a bunch of boxed pasta they need to repackage it in mylar with O2 absorbers to kill bugs–if they are storing it for more than four months anyhow. Anything containing wheat goes buggy over time unless you do this. If you use Jars or extra heavy vacuum sealer bags you can get away with vacuum sealing pasta as well.

    I get Dawn dish soap and Soft Soap anti-bacterial soap in the huge jugs from Costco then refill the smaller containers for use.

    1. Hi Ray, I remove the pasta from the boxes and put in airtight 8-quart containers. Boxes tossed. I don’t use Mylar or O2 but a lot of people do. I live in the desert and my Rubbermaid containers work well. Stay well, Linda

      1. Linda, I live in the Mojave Desert so I get what you’re saying. Using O2 absorbers is probably overkill on my part–a better safe than sorry for long term pasta storage.

      2. I keep my pasta in air tight containers. Yes I have quite a few jars and such of different sizes full of different pastas. I have a huge jar dedicated to spaghetti. I also have a pasta machine and a book on how to make it. Not too hard either. Just flour and eggs.

        1. Hi Deborah, yes, I can make pasta by hand or with my pasta maker. It really is easy to make and tastes so good! But I store a lot of ready-made pasta. I could eat tacos or spaghetti every night. Crazy but I could! Linda

          1. I could, too. Or lasagna. I can make it at home, too. Although I don’t use Ricotta cheese. I use cottage cheese instead. It’s still yummy. Oh, and I don’t precook my noodles. And don’t buy the special ones. I use regular noodles and pasta sauce, with a little added water. It’s better than the frozen you can buy. No preservatives.

    2. Ray–I have pasta (removed from the boxes) stored in 5 gallon buckets for over10 years. Since 2008 when I started stocking foods.
      I’ve never had a problem with any irritants. I only have one bucket left and pasta is on my to get list today. I shop at a Rulers (like Aldis) so don’t have to wait for sales–their prices always beat other stores, I’ve checked.
      Crackers I had stored have had a good shelf life. Mine are good for about a year or less.

      Have a blessed day everyone.

      1. I started doing the same thing last year. Mason jars and O2 absorbers are the way to go. I like being able to see how much is left without having to open a package.

        And the Ow absorbers are used to kill weevils or any other bug that might come with the pasta.

  7. Linda, I take vitamin D-3 every day. It’s supposed to help boost your immune system, too. We try to eat right and to stay hydrated. I drink mostly water all day. Well a cup pa coffee in the mornings and maybe a cup of herbal tea in the afternoons. I can’t drink a lot of caffeine. And have gotten to where I don’t care for carbonated beverages. I do drink Gatorade and sometimes lemonade. I also like water with apple cider vinegar, with the mother, and honey. 8 Oz water, 1 T ACV and 1 t honey. It’s tart, but I like it. It’s supposed to be good for you, too.

    1. Hi Deborah, oh, I do too! I wish I could tolerate the ACV, I’m just a big baby, I don’t like the taste. I’ve tried many ways to cover it up, nope, I don’t like it! LOL! I know it’s good for us!! Now I have the giggles, I confessed my dislike of ACV! Stay healthy, Linda

  8. I have heard more than once that canned pumpkin and maybe pumpkin pie filling
    is in short supply. If you can get and use fresh pumpkins that would be great . Out here so far we have plenty of fresh pumpkins.
    you mentioned cake mixes, I have a fridge that is for cake mixes only. They keep better than just on the shelf I think.

    1. Hi June, I just found 12 of the small store-brand cans of 100% pumpkin. I have always bought Libby’s but the prices on Amazon are outrageous. I’m hoping they are good. I called the phone number on the can to confirm the product was not sourced from China. I heard they were in short supply so I snatched these up to make cookies and muffins. I don’t grow pumpkins anymore. I miss those days. Linda

      1. Your quote…..about saving thousands of dollars over the years by buying the stuff we need at the lowest price …… has been my life for the last 46 years…. then covid19 struck…..now, not so much……my concerns and panic over covid19 have me placing curbside orders from Walmart and Target based on our needs and the price be damned…… Fortunately for us decades of frugal living means the price is not critical. I will do anything to avoid going in a store, even lucky enough to get a drive thru flu shot today.

        1. Hi Chris, I’m with you on the curbside pickup. The good thing about curbside pickup you can watch the ads and have the stores bring it out to the car. Never stepping inside a store. The only time I have visited stores is to take pictures for my blog and I’m in and out at the wee hours, typically where there are fewer people. I even had cases delivered to my car through curbside pickup. This COVID has changed how I shop for sure. The drive-through flu shot, no doctor needed. Stay well, Linda

        2. I noticed the post from 2020 and am curious as to your views on shots of any kind now after the mess with vaccines has been exposed.


          1. Jay-Jay, We did get the first covid shot and the first booster, because I foolishly thought this health emergency WAS actually about our health. I honestly don’t know now what we will do. We have numerous health issues and are currently relying on a medical profession we admire who has said yes to the flu and wait and see on the other. Your thoughts??

          2. Hi Chris, I apologize but my ad company will in fact shut down my website by not advertising on my website if I talk about anything political, or vaccine related. My website needs $3000.00 a month to run it. I need the ads, thank you for understanding. Linda

  9. Anotherh item that I begin to stock up on this month is chocolate chips. I only use Guittard brand in dark,semi-sweet,milk,white and mint. I use a lot over the next few months.One of the stores near me has them . I buy enough now through the end of December to last me until the next sale. I have a cool place to store them in large tubs and thay say fresh even in the Summer. I make 12 kinds of candy for Christmas for gifts and family, including dipped caramels ,etc.( and yes, I make my version of Rocky Road fudge without m.mallow creme which I hate), so you see why I store so much.

    1. Hi Cheryl, oh my gosh, as soon as I read this, I ran to look at my chocolate chip stash!! LOL! I’m good but it looks like I need to branch out with my flavors!! Oh, I used to make truffles every Christmas with my daughters, it was so fun! Life is goo when you know how to make homemade chocolates! Linda

  10. Seriously Stock up for Winter……..
    COVID will meet the FLU and you might not want to go out in crowds every week to shop. Check your pantry and buy extra each trip of what you use most NOW.. And yes.. OTC Meds. Don’t forget Imodium for diarrhea (sorry about that). But if you get sick you’re not gonna want It. Also Beef Broth (cans). Or Beef bones with meat (freeze) and make broth as needed. ……. plus some comfort food mixes (can uses frozen egg beater if needed).
    Frozen OJ. And yes, fresh fruits and veggies are best… but make do from the pantry if necessary. Can used freeze dried onions too. Be Creative…and stay safe…

    1. Hi Mary, great comment! You nailed it on what we need to stock up on! Let’s hope people are smart and stock up NOW and then stay out of the stores. Stay safe, Linda

  11. Hi, I was taught by my Mom to put my boxes of pasta, plus flours in a ziploc bag and put them in the freezer for a couple of months. The freezer kills the eggs that hatch into buggies. After I take them out of the freezer, I put them in airtight containers. Ive never had a bug since!!

  12. Great post as usual, Linda, and a great guideline. With the horrid state of the country and the world right now, what to stock up on continues to be “everything you need to survive the next several years” as well as preparing to provide all necessities of life for the future. I know I am preaching to the choir here, but we cannot depend on anyone except yourselves at this point. Stay safe and stay prepped, folks.

    1. Hi Harry, thank you, my friend! You are always so kind to me!! I hope people see what’s going on right now! If people haven’t stocked up on water and food and everything else they need, they will not survive. Great comment as always! Linda

  13. Linda,

    I took a tip from you and started storing my pasta and most of my dry goods in quart-sized Mason jars. I throw in O2 absorbers to kill any bugs. If I lived in a humid environment I’d also throw in a desiccant pack. That will allow me to save my Mylar bags for flour.

    I’ve never used gamma lids. I have a bung tool for opening regular snap on 5-gallon bucket lids and it’s all I’ve ever needed. Do you favor the gamma lids because they are easier to open? Do they give a better seal?

    I’ve noticed you often show photos of Barilla pasta. Is that your favorite? I’m an American Beauty fan myself and until this inflation took off I could often get it for one dollar a bag.

    Right now our local Smith’s is having a case lot sale. Both me and my dogs like Dinty Moore Beef Stew, so I’ll be loading up on that among other things, like flour, Crisco, baking soda, baking powder, etc.

    I’m with Mark on seafood. I’m pretty well stocked on Jumbo Shrimp, Haddock and Salmon (our favorites), but I never can resist more of those or trout, or cod, if they go on sale.

    As always, I enjoy your What To Stock Up On articles.

    1. Hi Ray, I take pictures of the best section of pasta, in other words, that has the best-looking section for my camera. I use American Beauty as well. Whatever is on sale. I saw the Smith’s case lot sales. I need to go get some chestnuts. It’s a great time to stock up on and fill our pantry. I have the bung tool as well. I buy the Gamma Lids for ease of opening. Does anything really give a good seal, possibly?? I have never had any cracks, but I am extremely careful when moving them. I do not want to replace any container. If we had a flood, would any 5-gallon bucket with any lid survive??? Another thing, you must make sure the Gamma Lids ring is secure. I have checked neighbors’ buckets with Gamma Lids and I could pull the ring and lid right off. Mine will not come off without damaging them (the ring that is). I use a rubber mallet to put them on. I bet your dogs love the Dinty Moore Stew!! Dogs bring so much joy to us. Linda

      1. Linda,

        I think so long as you keep the buckets out of direct sunlight (so the UV doesn’t degrade the plastic) most buckets with lids would be waterproof. When our greenhouse area flooded this Monsoon season my five gallon buckets that held my chicken feed didn’t leak, but they were only in about 3″ of water. A friend in Kentucky said her buckets didn’t let any water in and they were submerged for several days. Woo hoo! I guess they were too heavy to float.

        1. Hi Ray, oh that’s good to know! Yes, they would be too heavy to float! I have a friend in Texas who went through a flood and her 5-gallon buckets did not make it. Here, again were the lids properly secured, I do not know. Good to know your Kentucky friends buckets made it after being submerged. Love hearing this!! Linda

          1. Linda,

            My friend cut up an old tractor tire innertube and placed it across the top of her buckets before pounding the lids on with a rubber mallet. That may be why hers didn’t leak. (Makes me wonder if 6 mil plastic would also work). She said she didn’t stretch it tight across the top because she wanted it to be able to conform to the shape of the rims when she smacked the lid down over it.. Ingenious!

  14. Now is also a good time to check out your local thrift shop. I scored a great deal on a Gallery in-between weight jacket for $9.99. A Gallery jacket brand new cost anywhere between $79 and $200-$300 dollars. As with anything I get from them, I wash or dry clean everything. The heavyweight/winter clothing are beginning to come out, so check if you need to replace items that no longer fit or are just plain worn out. Not too often you can score deals like that . Be blessed and stay safe.

  15. Something else that’s “in season” right now is green tomatoes! Check farm stores and roadside stands–they’re picking everything now, ripe or green, so it won’t get hit by frost. Fried green tomatoes and green tomato relish!

    Time to have another look at my pumpkins… There were 10 last I checked. I grow them on the manure pile, LOL! Best place for squash and pumpkins. And the warmth keep them going a little longer.

  16. Time to stock up on winter feed, critters meds for lice n such, bought deck sealer this morning to get started on weather proofing

    1. HI Matt, oh I remember those days of weather proofing the deck. It not only protects it but it looks so good after you finish! Thanks for sharing about stocking up onn winter feed and the critters meds! Great idea! Linda

    1. Hi Julie, these are the items that typically are on sale in October. Be sure and watch your online coupons (most stores do not send out mailers anymore). If you can get a “store card” for the grocery stores you typically use, they may have emails sent to you with their weekly sales. Check Walmart, Target, Sam’s Club, or Costco online to see what they may have on special. The problem with Costco is they don’t usually show sales items. For instance, I’m building a small home, and I know appliances will be on sale the month of November and July. We need to think like a store, we need to get rid of the old in order to be ready for the new items being shipped for the next month. I hope this helps, Linda

  17. Hi Linda, At this time of year, I stock up on shelf stable milks. I use a lot of instant powdered milk, so I stock up on that. Our milk of choice is Almond Milk we use it in place of fresh milk in everything, except puddings and sauces. I also use a lot of skim evaporated milk for thicker sauces and in coffee and cocoa. It’s a great substitute for all the heavy cream, half & half, and light cream in cooking, at a great savings of fat and calories. I usually add a teaspoon of corn starch to help with thickening since the fat is removed. I also buy some shelf stable regular milk to use in those powdered pudding mixes that will only work with real milk. There is no price savings, they very rarely go on sale. The problem is lack of availability during the depths of Winter (remember last Winter?). Plus if you buy shelf stable and are caught in a blizzard, ice storm, gully washer rain events, or caught between pay checks, you always have the shelf stable milks on hand. Another thing I stock for the Winter is powdered eggs, available as just whites ( my preference) or whole eggs. I use them in recipes to save my Uber expensive fresh eggs for hard boiled & skillet eggs, or Carbonara & Egg Sauces, and in soups. We just don’t care for powdered scrambled eggs, nothing will disguise that weird taste! But it’s virtually undetectable in baked goods or well seasoned casseroles. I find that powdered whites have less of that weird flavor. One final thing is to stock up on the ingredients and make ahead pancake, waffle, and biscuit mixes, biscuit & cornbread mixes, cake mixes, soup mixes and other time and money saving mixes. It’s also time to watch for herbs spices on sale or in bulk to make seasoning mixes for all the baking and cooking done in the Winter. Buying in bulk paper towels and TP especially on sale, is wise as well.

    1. Hi MaryAnn, I totally agree on the powdered eggs, they taste horrible. I will only use them in baked goods as well. The only eggs that are REAL eggs are OvaEasy eggs. But the shelf life is so short I quit stocking them. I will have to try the egg white, great tip. We really do need to stock up on so many things if we eat them because things/food will be in short supply, that’s for sure. I’m not fear-mongering, I’m just sharing my gut feeling. Life is good if we have prepared our pantry! Linda

  18. The food shortages were the worst in fresh Eggs, Milk (including plant based milks), Cheeses
    (especially cottage cheese) and yogurt here. It was so bad I’ve created files on recipes for cottage cheese and yogurt in my Pinterest App if it happens again this year. I’ve found most cheeses freeze well, both in bars and bags of grated cheeses. I grab them on sale and freeze them for months with no degradation in quality. I also bought a big bag of powdered cheddar, but finding recipes for using it has been difficult. Do you know of any? I remember you mentioning it in an article some time ago. I’ve also heard that grains and flour will be high and scarce again this year so I’m considering getting extra whole wheat flour for my bread making before Winter, and maybe some extra whole wheat pastry flour as well. Most of what I make can be made using bread flours, so I’ll just top off my container of all purpose since I don’t use it very often. I’m restocking my hot cereals and whole grains for the Winter and both dried and canned beans ($0.88 per can on sale currently) and tomato products. October – December is slaughtering season, so I’ll stuff the freezers with any good sales I can find, but we’ll have to buy more less expensive plant based proteins to stretch that out. I have a goodly amount of frozen produce in the fridge freezer, last Winter, fresh seasonal produce was in short supply so I started buying frozen to have a variety of seasonal vegetables on hand. The texture isn’t very pleasing, but they are good for adding to soups and stews. Maybe you could do a special article on what to stock up on for this coming Winter to handle limited availability and the high cost of items? I it would be a real help to those struggling to put food on the table and still pay the high costs of gas, heat, and electricity plus the other bills that come in like clockwork every time you open the mail box. A series of budget saving recipes using basic seasonal vegetables and pantry items would be handy. An article on how to spend less on TV, Phones, WiFi, and the rest of the electronic gobbledegook so necessary today. A mention of the available recharging units for phones, pads and even computers would be valuable, especially for those who lose power frequently and/or long term, would be good inclusions in Winter survival gear (including carry around sized ones to carry with you whenever you drive or go on outback hiking or skiing trips). It’s becoming essential to keep phones and such fully charged at all times, so these rechargeable battery charging stations are a vital accessory to have. How many tragedies have we read/heard about due to drained phones and other computer communications apps? Add note: Xfinity has just rolled out an offering for 4 hour backup during power outages. Invaluable during a short term power outage (like happens during T’storms or after car accidents) if you’re trying to meet a deadline and your computer battery gets too weak to finish. An option for those who work from home. Just some thoughts I’ve been having, lately.

    1. Hi MaryAnn, please do not stock up on whole wheat flour unless you can freeze it. It’s better to grind it into flour. I bought powdered cheese powder once to make mac and cheese. Please check the shelf-life date, I believe it will be very short. Wow, i have never purchased whole wheat pastry flour, here again, it will go rancid very quickly. It must be stored in the freezer. You may know by now, a power grid outage is my biggest fear. The US only has 3 power station in the US that sells power to all the states and part of Canada. Texas has one, the east coast has on and the west has one. AND they are all antiquated and would take years to repair if n fact they could even replace the parts. Keep stocking what you can ASAP, yes there will be shortage. Only stock what you will eat. Linda

  19. I just finished checking our pantry. We are low on kidney beans, broccoli cheese and cream of chicken soups. I have waiting for soups to be on sale. I am having difficulty finding fine egg noodles for reasons I don’t understand along with canned button mushrooms.

    I confess, I am not a great cook, but I do try.

    I used our OTC benefit to be ready for cold and flu season. This week we will get out flu shot while we debate the other one.

    1. Hi Chris, oh my gosh, are you close to the flooding in New York? Don’t you live in New York? I’m hoping you are okay. This month in Utah we are having case lot sales. I realize very few states have them, which is sad. I’m with you, I love stocking kidney beans and cream of chicken soup. I will have to check for canned button mushrooms and see if there is a shortage here. This is why I like to post about stocking up, it makes all of us think about what we need to stock up on. Stay safe, Linda

  20. Linda, we are on the opposite side of the state. Close to Niagara Falls, where the temperature is 74• and the sky is beautiful. The trees are just starting to change, and it is hard to focus on snow and blizzards.
    I am trying to make sure all medical tests and doctors appointments are up to date before it gets to cold to go out. Stay safe and healthy, Chris

    1. Hi Chris, thank you for letting me know. I kept seeing these terrible floods and I kept thinking I need to email Chris to make sure she is safe! Thanks for letting me know where you are located! My dream has always been to see Niagara Falls! I bet it’s beautiful! Linda

  21. Hi Linda, A 5lb (and that’s largest I can find) bag of whole wheat flour lasts about a month since I use it for making bread every week, I use it for my other baking, and meals.(I made beef stew yesterday, I used WWF to thicken it. So I buy 5lb a month. But being on the end of the supply line, it isn’t always available. It’s very expensive here as well. So when it’s available, especially on sale, I get 2 or 3 bags. My storage area is dark and cool. I keep the extra bags in heavy plastic storage until use. My baking supplies are all in air tight Rubbermaid containers. So I never have more than 15lb on hand. That’s a 3 month supply.

    Things that I look for from late September onwards. Winter storage staple produce. This week acorn squash for 99 cents, sugar pumpkins (I don’t celebrate Halloween, they are for cooking) fresh butternuts, honey nuts, dumplings,and ,delicata squashes. The new crops of onions, potatoes, parsnips, carrots, beets, even cabbages, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. All of these are storage vegetables that last well in cold, dark, and dry conditions. New crops of apples, pears and Fall fruits, are in, that also store well. Summer vegetables are abundant so canning, pickling, drying, and freezing are much more comfortable, now that hot weather has slacked off. I find tomato products in cans go on sale now, since the factories are stuffed with the new crop. (I no longer buy spaghetti sauce or pizza sauce, we make our own, fresh sauces). It only takes about 20 minutes while the water boils and the pasta cooks or the pizza dough rises.

    One final thing to look out for, slaughtering season is beginning. Sausages and meats like Steakums have been on deep discount for weeks now, they freeze well for months, I’ve discovered deli meats and cheeses freeze well.i’m finding deep discount sales on meat cuts (for my crockpots) chicken in family packs, and burger. Pork tends to come later on in November. If you havea freezer, it’s a good time to save on meats for Winter. Columbus Day(Indigenous People’s Day) weekend, that is the last hurrah for steak sales, coupled with Tailgating, means hamburger, hotdogs, brats, and all the chips and snacks are on sale, along with paper and plastic disposable items.if you find a great early price on beef roasts (the Jewish holiday just finished), turkeys, and hams for the holidays and have a large freezer it’s good to buy and freeze now. (My freezer is small so I buy the meats the day before when prices get slashed, then go back the day after for even deeper discounts.

    The nut crop is fresh and so is coconut) so now is the time to stock up for the holidays and baking (store in the freezer). Dried beans and pulses are fresh and cheaper, than the rest of the year. As Linda said Halloween is coming, I saw good sales in the flyer this week, and so were lunch box snacks, extra snack sized candies will make special lunch box treats for children and adults, for weeks and months ahead juststash them in empty pockets of your lockable freezer. I buy few canned goods, when they are on sale, (usually from September through early February) tomato products, baked beans, LS canned beans, LS, corn, beets, sauerkraut, juices, pineapple in juice, and 2-3 cans of pie fillings with the least chemicals in them. I have a limited list of basic plain vegetables for the freezer. I make my own all purpose, corn, and cake mixes because it’s cheaper to make my own and I can control their ingredients. Butter is still a value so I stash a couple or more lbs in the freezer for holiday baking and cooking. I can never use up a whole jar of unsweetened applesauce, so I stock up on the snack packs. I follow sales throughout the year, stocking up on only things we need and use. it’s my way to stretch our limited budget. It’s impossible to have money for shopping so having a fully stocked larder,(2 closets, under the sofa racks, large fridge, small freezer, a couple of cabinets in the kitchen and shelving units in the hallways), keeps us in stock of every basic ingredient we need to keep basic everyday hot meals on the table, shopping or not. I find things here don’t often follow Linda’s schedule, but we have local produce farms, a few farm stands, but most farmers markets close after Labor Day. There are national and regional chains, a few local stores, but supply sources are far distant from New England. We have only a handful of Walmarts in the outlying suburbs and rural locations, Costco, and Sam’s Clubs are few and far between, and absolutely none near us. Burning extra fuel and vehicle maintenance wear and tear, and your time, have to be figured into the savings you get by shopping at distant discount stores. You might not realize that you are paying more for those items, unless you think it through. I do comb through Amazon for bargains on items we can’t get here. (Most of my grains, beans, whole grain hot cereals, are cheaper, from there, with free shipping). Sometimes their are better deals on personal items, household products, etc, available near here. It takes careful shopping to get a better price. We cook from scratch ingredients and fresh and storage produce as much as possible. In the depths of Winter, somethings have to be from the freezer case(ex broccoli and cauliflower) and some canned goods.

    1. Hi MaryAnn, oh I love your comment as usual. oh how I wish you lived closer. I could grind my Non-GMO wheat for you for cents on the dollar. I freeze what I grind. You are so right every state will have different items on sale. You will get fresh berries where we will not. I use Sam’s Club to ship cases of canned goods to me for free. I joined their Plus program which costs me money each year but I save way more than the yearly fee is. It’s not worth the cost of gas to drive there and too many people are shopping I prefer to have it delivered. Your whole wheat flour would keep more nutrients if you keep it in the freezer, if you have room. Great tips, my friend, Linda

  22. I no longer shop at the market, myself. Between Covid, Flu, RSV and pneumonia or just plain colds and GI Bugs, I can’t afford to expose myself, partially because of my lungs and cardiac issues, but also my low platelet account. The whole bunch have resulted in my being immunocompromised. Even with a KN95 mask I still vulnerable. The markets are always crowded so now we order on line from our local super Stop & Shop. Home delivery is supposed to be an option, but never available when we shop, so we order online and my husband uses Lyft to pick it up. Once a month I set up a smaller order through Shipt, to a small local chain. They carry several items I use regularly. Like I said above I shop very carefully on Amazon for several things I can’t get locally, Like my grains, Instant powdered skim milk, and hot cereals.

    One other thing you talked about was clothing. My local thrift store, have plenty of warm Fall & Winter clothing. They don’t carry only donated clothes, stores donate over stock new clothing, end of season leftovers and discontinued pieces. They also stock similar new small appliances, and I saw some nice glass items that would make great wedding gifts. Many people begin shopping for Christmas gifts now. It allows them to buy the special gifts for the people they exchange gifts with.This way the can spend their gift budget over 3-4months instead of all at once, in crowded stores, with half of the items out of stock and jacked prices for the holiday shoppers. I just think this another type of stocking up. Also if you meal plan now for your many holiday meals & parties, you can begin buying what you need before the rush of holiday shopping at the grocery store.

    1. Hi MaryAnn, wow, you have some great thrift stores! That’s a great idea to shop for wedding gifts there! I totally agree about stocking up no for the holidays, prices are reduced right now for baking items for instance. Great comment as always. Linda

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