What We’ve Learned From Quarantine
Today it’s all about what we’ve learned from quarantine. These past few months have been a strange transition, to say the least, and every single one of us has different stories that make each of our situations unique.
Quarantine has kept several grandparents from seeing their grandchildren, and it’s kept kids cooped up in one house for days on end. Keep reading to discover what we’ve learned from quarantine.
What We’ve Learned From Quarantine
The pandemic has brought about financial setbacks and other challenges for some, while more freedom and quality time being spent for others. It’s also been pretty obvious that certain people have been able to adapt to their new lifestyles easier than others.
Here are some of the things that many of us have learned from this quarantine experience.
More Time to Just Relax and Spend Time as a Family
Being quarantined for this long a stretch has allowed us to slow down and to pay closer attention to the things that really matter. With everyone’s busy schedules going on before all of this, it was easy for us not to spend the amount of time we really want, and the chance to appreciate our families as we should.
The first few weeks may have been a little rough getting used to, but by now hopefully, you’ve adapted to your current new way of life. You’ve probably spent more time getting fresh air while taking your kids to a park, biking around town with them, working on projects together, or having the time to help them with their schoolwork. Value this precious time that you are able to spend with them.
Less Money Spent at the Grocery Store Due to Online Shopping

Several of us have discovered that online grocery shopping has kept us from spending as much money at the grocery store. That’s because we’re avoiding the urge of that impulse to buy items that grocery retailers know they will get you to purchase and take home.
For those of us that still continue to grocery shop as before, we’re spending less time shopping since we go in and get exactly what we need and then exit quickly. This saves you money too.
We’ve Returned to the Kitchen

Our grandmothers would be proud of how much time we’ve spent in the kitchen with our own children and grandchildren as of late. More meals are being prepared at home, along with delicious baked goods that little hands have been helping us create.
These are moments that your children and grandchildren will appreciate and look back on throughout their lifetime.
Our Homes are No Cleaner than Before

Being home 24/7 with a house full of kids, most of our homes are not any cleaner than before. Children’s school books, crayons, and other learning materials seem to take up residency at your kitchen table most days.
That’s okay, just continue to make the most of your time because it won’t be like that forever. Yes, we are using the Clorox wipes and sanitizer more often. Plus, singing songs now when we wash our hands with soap and water may be new to you and your kids. Yes, it’s fun, isn’t it?
Learning to Be More Resourceful
It certainly felt like the end of the world when you first went grocery shopping and realized that the bread aisle was completely empty. Several other food items and day to day supplies were missing off the shelves as well.
That’s when reality set in for some of us and we began looking at what we already had in our pantries. We found ways of stretching every meal, using what we already had on hand, and even baked our own delicious homemade bread.
More Helping Hands Around the House
The first couple of weeks you were probably going absolutely bonkers while waiting on your children’s every need, whether it was helping them with their schooling, breaking up fights, or constantly making a snack for the next hungry child in line.
You may even have a spouse that’s currently home with you right now and that has been a major adjustment as well. But take a step back and realize that now you have more hands-on-deck that could be helping you with some of your everyday tasks.
That’s more weight off your back. I better not talk about weight because I confess I’ve been eating way too much ice cream and chips with dip. Just FYI, the barbecue ones are my favorite choice of chips.
New Hobbies and Projects Taking Place
Now that many of us have more time on our hands, it’s allowed us an opportunity to work on projects around the house and pick up new hobbies that we’ve never made time for. People are learning to be more creative and artistic than ever before.
I decided to teach the world: How To Make A Sourdough Starter + Bread
Life is Less Stressful for Some and More So For Others
With the little driving that’s been going on lately, whether it’s making it to appointments, meetings, or getting the kids to the ballgame on time, life is far less stressful for some of us.
Working from home in PJ’s, or without having to dress up at all for that matter, has been pretty amazing. Life has certainly slowed down and given us a much-needed break.
For others out there, this quarantine has added much more stress because of not being able to work. For some of us, our job tends to define who we are and what makes us feel needed and important.
Some of us are having to pick and choose which bills are going to be paid each month and which ones will have to wait. The government’s stimulus package certainly has helped, but will only go so far.
There Are Still Good People in the World
The sad reality of our current predicament is that thousands of Americans like you and me are dying daily from this virus. It’s been neat to see how certain people have stepped up and used their own resources to provide help and relief for victims that are being challenged by it.
This has reminded us that there are still good people in the world who are willing to go out of their way to help others. Yes, we’ve learned about social distancing, and I actually like it.
As a Nation, We Were Not Fully Prepared for a Pandemic
When things began to take a dark turn several weeks back, it wasn’t too long that toilet paper, ventilators, hand sanitizer, and other essentials were nowhere to be purchased. Current stock levels even today at local grocery stores are still not at 100%.
This pandemic has made more of us realize the absolute necessity in storing supplies such as these for future disasters that we may encounter down the road.
With all partisan and politics set aside, it’s pretty obvious that our government was also not 100% prepared for this type of pandemic.
Some people have felt that leaders waited too long, while other leaders were abusing their power and stripping Americans of their basic rights.
Emergency plans and actions took too long to get started. This included the financial aid and supplies that Americans desperately needed. More of these supplies need to be set aside ahead of time for when future challenges come our way.
30 Things You Need To Stock, and another popular post 30 Items You Need To Survive A Pandemic
We’re Learning to Appreciate the Little Things
Out of everything that we’ve learned from this experience, it has especially taught us to appreciate even the smallest of things in life. Hard to imagine before, but those pleasures can be taken away in a moment.
Many of us won’t ever again take for granted many of the things that we’ve come to enjoy for so long.
A trip to the theatre, a sitdown meal at a restaurant, fully stocked grocery shelves, being able to go into work every morning, etc. are just a few. We have learned to be more thankful for what we have and just how good we really have it.
Final Word
While it’s normal that you experience cabin fever from time to time because of the feeling that you’ve been sentenced and confined to a home probation order, it’s important that we embrace this time and the many opportunities that it has presented.
It’s allowed us to spend more time as a family unit, to enjoy new hobbies, and baking goodies in the kitchen with the kiddos. I would stock more chocolate and snacks going forward, just FYI.
But most importantly, it has allowed us the opportunity to simply slow down and appreciate life more fully. What are some other pieces of wisdom that you’ve learned from quarantine due to your current situation?
Now that I told you what we’ve learned from quarantine, what are a few things you’ve learned? I realized a few additional items I would stock more of going forward. May God bless this world, Linda
Copyright Images: Grocery Stores Deposit photos_29139249_s-2019, Kitchen Deposit photos_80064122_s-2019, Kitchen Counter Depositphotos_22471339_s-2019, Washing Hands Depositphotos_359347792_s-2019
First day of my quarantine I found out from my supervisor Melody on March 18 at 7 AM that it was my last day of work starting at 3. It resulted in my loss of employment, my job was my livelihood.
March 20 my parents picked me up from my apartment, took me to Grandpa’s farm and get to work there.
Gardening and yard work outside, opportunities inside too: cooking, canning, learning to tole and acrylic paint and recently finished rug braiding. Herbs basil and lavender mom surprised me planting my seeds and on hanging garden pots, this coming weekend I plant cabbage and lettuce (with assistance from parents -dad and I planted broccoli last week and Mom planted beets.
Talking to family and seeing them on Zoom and Skype is better than not at all I suppose, but it’s not the same as interaction with them.
At apartment I would be watching westerns, in pajamas all day and like in home arrest and deep depression. At farm there’s the great outdoors and raking leaves and walking around MORE than 300 acres Grandpa purchased when he built farm house.
At farm it’s not house arrest, there’s tons of gardening, cooking and canning and learning new hobbies.
Also I look forward to learning blogging course and it’s sometime this week
Hi Angela, I’m so sorry to hear about your job, wow! I love hearing about your Grandpa’s farm, how great that you have a farm in the family. What a blessing. Gardening is one of my favorite things to do! Linda
It’s as they say–you know you’re rural when nothing much has changed in what you’re doing!
Hi Rhonda, I love it! Linda
Linda, this ‘stay at home’ time was going to be so helpful, lol, as I thought of all the little projects I could do. And I did get some done but many of my projects needed supplies. Now most things could be easily found at hardware or lumber stores but the Money isn’t as easily found… I do have to say that I am glad I was following this Thang in January, knew it’d hit here, so I cleared a couple of cupboards of old baking supplies, replenished those. I bought extra otc meds. I even bought things like gorilla glue, tape, spray paint. Yep, for some easy fixes. I officially started staying home the first week of March as I got an ear/sinus infection (that took a full 2 weeks to clear up with meds). When I called my clinic about it, I flat out demanded they do a phone consult for meds needed. So I guess what I’ve learned is that I was right to pay attention to world events closely, to be better about keeping necessities up to date (like flour, sugar, yeast, tp). I’ve learned to accept help: my 21 yr old son is now the one who pays our bills. Thankfully, no mortgage! And, I’m extremely glad I live rural, tho that means even more solitude. An unexpected gift I’ve received is the new respect I get from my family for trying to prepare for hard times. Lol, that started in ’03 when I moved us rural!
Hi Wendy, what a blessing you stocked up! I always say we are OUR own advocates. We have to nicely demand the help we need. We know our bodies, ears, or sinuses! Thank goodness you have a son who can help pay your bills. What a blessing. I like hearing you stalked up on Gorilla glue, take, etc. Crazy times, I sure wish we were rural. Stay well, Linda
I find all this to be very annoying. And then I go out and lots of people are wearing masks, some acting like if they have to be 8 feet or so away from people inside stores. Come on, if you’re that scared then order your stuff from a store that offers drive thru service or pickup or delivery to your car.
The early closing of stores is also a problem. The great minds in our government think limiting hours will limit shoppers and reduce congestion. So instead of stores being open all day, we all have to cover up, keep our distance and rush into the stores within the open hours to shop. This means they will often be crowded.
They really have been slow to implement protocols and advise us on what we need to know and how to protect ourselves. On a positive note, the fast food restaurants made changes very quickly and within a week’s time, they limited access to straws, cups, napkins and so on, changed from walking in for pick up only to using the drive through or they’d hand it to you at the door. They made changes faster than anyone else did. I am unhappy that I can’t walk in and have a soda and refill it to my heart’s desire, but it’s a sacrifice and I understand even though it makes me feel like I lost something because that was an escape and relaxation time for me and my older brother.
That being said, I think they could have had someone clean the tables and seats after people left so that the next person or group would have a clean, sanitary place to sit. And they could have spaced people apart in order to fulfill the need for distance. Only now that they talk of allowing places to open do they (the government) plan to implement a limit on occupancy. Again to little action and immediate problem solving. We could have taken such measures early on such as utilizing cloth masks and facial coverings, but lack of knowledge prompted many to buy surgical masks or the M95 masks.
And the more paranoid citizens constantly make mistakes such as wearing gloves and masks into their cars. Or they remove them and toss them on the pavement. That’s downright sad and you’re a bum for doing so. You just created a germ infested mess for someone else to clean up or come in contact with. And of course I see people touching stuff in stores. Some think is they “suit up” and do what is mandatory or they think is the thing to do that they’ll be safe and if you don’t follow along are bad and might be carrying the zombie virus. Fact is that many mimic behaviors, but they don’t understand the concepts or procedures. And i’;s those little mistakes than can leave you vulnerable.
We will manage to get through this and I can’t make everything happen at home the way I’d like, but I definitely am in agreement with those who say be prepared for anything at all times and hope to be better prepared for the next situation even if it’s is just a plan of action and what we need to store.
Hi Frank, yes those refills (unlimited) rock! LOL! I love hearing that! I’m amazed that people drop trash, gloves, or whatever?? Who raised them? Good grief! We will get through this, but it’s not been fun. I’ve eaten more ice cream and chips and dip in2 months than I have in a year! Life is good, stay well, Linda
Hi Linda, so sorry about Angela losing her job ! ! It is a terrible fix to be in to be sure. I am grateful I am retired – praise God ! ! My keep busy thing is to start tatting again after 35 years!! I am working on a baby bonnet for a new great niece. I hope to get it finished in time for her blessing. Thank you so much for all you do for all of us. God bless and keep you and your family.
Hi Kathie, you are tatting!! Oh my gosh, I love homemade items! A baby bonnet, I love it!! God bless you, Linda
Linda ~
I think that I miss social interactions – especially at church! Virtual hugs are just not the same!! LOL. But, as an introvert (social introvert if there is such a thing) I have always treasured my alone time. I learned years ago on a job that I had, that I like myself and my own company! So, as long as I have books and popcorn, I am pretty much set! Well, I do have food stored and plenty of TP!
I also do miss being able to get up and go whenever I want. Before all of this, if I was bored, I would go and walk the mall! or drive out to a park to just walk around; or stroll our downtown area and look in all the boutiques (rarely spending any $$, though).
I live in a senior apartment complex and we do still get together on sunny days on the patio – 6+ feet away and many of us with masks on – to talk, show our talents (crafts we have made), share good books we have read, and share recipes we have made. Still not the same, however, and we are all looking forward to the day we can get together in our clubhouse for a potluck or just a cup of coffee around the fireplace!
I also have discovered holes in my preps and I have a list going of things I plan to stock up on when I can. I have received my stimulus check and put it directly in my savings so that when things rebound, I will have the money to fill my holes.
I have also learned that I don’t need TV – gonna get rid of basic cable! I simply don’t watch enough TV to offset the cost! Gotta keep the internet going, though.
I really miss being able to go the 70 miles from my home to my daughter’s to visit and see my little family – daughter/son-in-law and 4 grandchildren. Looking forward to a reunion when this pandemic is under some sort of control. My state is now going to open up for some things like hunting, fishing, golf and parks. Of course, I don’t think hunting and fishing seasons are here yet but since I live near the ocean, possibly clamming or beach fishing would be possible – I don’t do either! I don’t hunt so that is out. I have tried golfing and that is not for me. But parks – city, county and state parks will be good to get out and enjoy.
As Frank said, there may have been too little done too late BUT, it is what it is and I see no reason to grouse about it now. We all need to deal with the hand we have been dealt and learn some things from this. I am concerned about opening things up too soon as that could cause a rebound affect that could be worse than what we have been through so far. Hope and pray that doesn’t happen but…
Thank you, Linda. I’ve been a fan for sometime and was prepared with the basics and more because I “listened” to you and then followed my gut. My family has been a little hesitant but grateful now that preparations have carried us through. Thank you
Hi Teresa, I’m so glad you were prepared with the basics and more!! Let’s hope people keep stocking up as they can afford if and when this pandemic ends. May God bless all of us, Linda
So many blessings we’ve gotten to be a part of because of the virus and resultant situations.
We stay prepared living in NW Florida, with Hurricane Season seeming to last longer the older we get! So we were adding extra paper products, hand sanitizer, canned goods, etc. back in Dec. just because that’s when they were on sale. I also put in orders for extra animal care items, our supplements and the homeopathic remedies I use for sinus & other health issues.
That allowed us to pick up necessities for family and friends in Jan. & Feb. so that they could be ready for job losses or having to stay home due to age & health issues. And for us to get extra gloves, more masks & a couple extra sanitizing cleaners before the panic buying wiped out everything.
The class on seed starting was a major blessing! Not only was I able to start seeds with more success than I’ve ever had, I was able to provide several folks with seedlings for their own use. Even friends whose idea of emergency supplies is a box of crackers, a jar of peanut butter and a 6 pack of Dr. Pepper gladly provided large planting pots for me to fill with a good homemade potting mix and their choice of vegetable seedlings.
Thankfully I was able to keep a couple of my housekeeping clients/friends. I shop on the way into work for whoever in our circle of family & friends needs something. I disinfect everything before I deliver it…. And I can encourage our friends that God was not surprised by any of this… He is still working even when things are not hunky dory!
Our long term supplies allowed us to provide cotton fabric, Pellon, elastic and thread to a couple from our Sunday School class who were making masks for their son’s senior care medical facilty in another state.
And one of our little hens just gifted us with baby chicks way sooner than I’d expected! For 7 years I have told my husband I wanted an A frame chicken coop! Well after 3 days of hard work, I finally have the chicken coop. We’ll be moving Momma and her baby chicks when I feed everyone tonight. Such unexpected blessings!
Hi BDN, oh my gosh, what a great comment! You have baby chicks and a momma ready to move into the A-Frame chicken coop! Awesome!!! The cracker, peanut butter, and DR. Pepper is a great story!! Thank goodness you had stocked up on everything you did before the CV hit! Keep up the good work, Linda
Like the other Angela, I lost my part time job due to coronavirus. At first it seemed like I wasn’t getting any unemployment pay, however, they came through with some this week and that will really help. My job will be back in the fall, so I just need to make it until September.
Since on the prep scale this is a “soft” crisis because we still have water, electricity and gas. Grocery stores are open and you can shop online. It’s given us a chance to evaluate and make plans. I was ready for two weeks and with what is the freezer 3, maybe even 4 weeks if we really like rice. I need to increase that. My husband put up shelves last week. Before this crisis, he would roll his eyes and indulge me with food storage. Now he is fully on board. He has even found a food storage type recipe.
I am developing cabin fever and am ready to get out, however, my deck is the farthest I will go. I have applied for a new job, not sure how they do interviews for a job on a college campus when the campus is closed. Hopefully I’ll get an interview and find out.
HI Angela, wow, you have been through the “wringer” so to speak. I’m so sorry to hear you lost your job. I like your idea of this being a “soft” crisis. Yes, we had water, electricity, and gas. Let’s hope everyone learned a little from this ordeal. Next time we may not have water, electricity, or gas. Let’s hope you get that interview!! Good luck, Linda