Why We Need To Be Prepared Before The Storm

Why We Need To Be Prepared Before The Storm

I asked a friend to take some pictures of what the grocery store by her home looks like before the storm hits coming her way in the Carolinas. Hold on to your hats, my friends; this picture is not pretty.

As a prepper, I know I would not have to go to a store before or after any storm for a long time. This was not an overnight task, trust me. This has taken me many years to prepare for the unexpected.

You have heard the term a picture paints a thousand words, well these photos taken by my friend, Jennifer C. nailed the situation in a city in South Carolina. I’m sure some areas are better or worse than others, but these are the pictures I have for you today.

Grocery Stores Closed

The Walmart stores are closed, and other stores are closing today. There are a few gas stations that still have fuel. I think sometimes we may think “I can go to the store tomorrow”, well these pictures bring the situation front and center. The storm hasn’t hit yet and the shelves are nearly empty. These pictures were taken about 160 miles away from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Nearly two million people have been evacuated as of today.

Before The Storm Pictures

This picture doesn’t look too bad, does it? It looks like you can still purchase some frozen goods. Here’s the deal, the news anchors in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina are telling the people they may lose electricity and may be without power once the storm hits for weeks possibly. If I lived there, I wouldn’t want to fill my freezer right now.

Why We Need To Be Prepared Before The Storm

This picture below looks okay, yes, there are a few empty spots on the shelves. But it looks like you can still get a few of your favorite drinks.

Why We Need To Be Prepared Before The Storm

This picture concerns me a lot. It looks like everyone scrambled to buy batteries at the last minute. Yes, the very last minute as in two days before the storm hits. YIKES!

Why We Need To Be Prepared Before The Storm

This picture indicates the soda can flavors that are the least favorite, I guess. Or, do some people just want water? I really don’t know. I rarely drink soda so this would not be one of my purchases.

Why We Need To Be Prepared Before The Storm

Now things are getting serious, the bread aisle is almost empty. So much for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, huh?

Why We Need To Be Prepared Before The Storm

It’s becoming slim pickings now, check out these shelves. Remember, this store is 160 miles away from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina where the storm is going to hit if things go as the Meteorologists are predicting right now.

Why We Need To Be Prepared Before The Storm

The picture below shows the shelves that hold canned goods. Yep, they are nearly empty! Can you imagine what the other shelves look like in the store? I worry about the shelves with toilet paper, disposable diapers, paper towels, paper plates, paper cups, and plastic silverware.

Why We Need To Be Prepared Before The Storm

I have to thank Jennifer C. for taking the time to go take these pictures for me. I’m shipping a case of Blue Can Water to her as a thank-you! I’m so grateful to her for helping me out to show the world what it looks like before a storm hits the Carolinas. May God bless all the families involved in Hurricane Florence’s path. This is why we need to be prepared before the storm, we do not want to see empty shelves when we need food and water.

Read More of My Articles  Proper Waste Disposal During an Emergency

I heard this storm would be worse than Hurricane Hazel, which hit in 1954. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was the president then. Here’s a link if you want to read about Hurricane Hazel

Copyright picture: Hurricane: AdobeStock_171083324 by Satoshi Kina

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  1. I pray that the storm doesn’t do as much damage as they fear. I cannot imagine going out at the last minute and fighting someone for a loaf of bread. This is why people should be prepared and for other things that we know will happen and some we haven’t thought of.

    Being prepared ahead of an emergency gives a sense of peace that you have done everything you can, and the rest is up to God.

  2. Hi Linda,
    I like you and the rest of your reader hope and pray for the people being effected by the hurricane.
    Some people just don’t ” Get it” as to being prepared before a storm. A friend of mine and I were
    talking and I said that is why I always say to stock up. She went on to talk about how you couldn’t take it all with you. Now we live in Missouri so we wouldn’t have to leave because of a Hurricane but we have to be prepared for a snowstorm. True the past few years we haven’t had a lot of snow but you don’t know from year to year. I don’t want to chance anything. I have bought extra food for my friend plus a
    few extra people. When it come to tornado season they give us notice sometimes a few days ahead we might have bad weather sometime we get a few hours. When we get that notice I make sure my
    storm shelter is ready: food, Supplies, extra clothes, important papers, extra money, my tent ( never
    know when I might need a home), things like that. I don’t wait for an alert saying to take shelter NOW.
    I get ready early. People need to use their minds. WE CAN NOT DEPEND ON ANYONE TO HELP.

    1. Hi, June, your comment is great! You never know when an unforeseen emergency or disaster may happen. I’m glad you mentioned the snowstorm because I remember a reader asking me what to do because the streets were closed to excessive snow. She had small children and no way to feed them. Life can change in minutes. Let’s hope people learn from this storm through the news reporters. We cannot count on anyone or the government to take care of us. You are so right!! Linda

  3. I just read a great little article on the AARP website about: How to Get Your Prescription Drugs During a Disaster.

    I think it should be a must read for everyone even if they are not currently in a disaster situation. It could also apply if you are traveling in the USA or if other unforeseen situations occur.

    I think it is sad that people in general don’t have the forethought to get it together. We have enough of these storms that everyone should know by now to keep water, canned goods, etc., on hand all the time.

    1. Hi Leanne, I totally agree with you. It’s a way of life for us. I often wonder why a few people don’t get prepared, storms are nothing new. I’m going to go read that AARP article, thanks for the tip. Linda

  4. Tonight as I go to sleep in my large master bedroom with a private bathroom and luxury shower, I will hold in the light those sleeping in shelters with only 10 square feet per family. I just can’t imagine…

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