I used my Bosch, but you can make this by hand if you like in a large mixing bowl. Stir the starter with the water, and add the honey and the flour, one cup at a time.
Mix or knead until the bread pulls away from the sides of the mixing bowl.
Sprinkle the countertop with flour and mound the dough into a round ball. Grease a large mixing bowl (I used butter) and place the ball of dough in it.
Cover with a wet towel. Let it rise (ferment) for 6-12 hours.
When the dough is ready, form it into a circle, place the mound on a greased cookie sheet, and let it rise for 2 hours.
Cut a slit with a sharp knife on top to give it some character. Bake at (425°F) = (218 °C) for 30-40 minutes.
After baking, lather butter on the top if you like a soft crust. If not, please leave it as it is.
***Feed your sourdough starter in a quart mason jar with l scant cup flour and 1/2 cup of filtered water. Stir until thoroughly mixed and place the jar on your countertop for 4-5 hours before placing the jar in the refrigerator.