The Most Comprehensive Bug Out Bag Checklists
Have you wondered why all the bug-out bag checklists are on the internet? You may call them 72-hour kits, a survival kit, or an emergency preparedness kit. Either way, we need them for our family. This is how I see it; I’m not planning on bugging out unless my neighborhood needs to be evacuated during a disaster.
If Mark and I head to the hills, we may become targets of some loony people who are out of control. I must be clear here: I own a weapon, and I believe in protecting my family, however possible.
Here’s the deal: we need the items I have listed below, even if we don’t bug out. I have readers who physically can’t bug out or have no place to go if they leave their homes. Even if we leave our homes, will the destination be safe for our family? Maybe or maybe not. If we are asked to evacuate, you need this bag filled with items YOU plan to use.
Each family is faced with different survival situations depending on family size, location, the makeup of family members, financial circumstances, etc. As you plan and put together your survival gear, all these things need to be considered and the bag contents adjusted accordingly. I also suggest you don’t go into debt trying to be prepared. Take your time and put things together as best you can with the resources you have.

If Stores Close
Our local stores can close abruptly. Can we provide food, water, and OTC drugs or a needed prescription medication for our family for an extended period? Please don’t think the government will rescue you; in most cases that’s not going to happen. Period. If you’re on food stamps, you need to be prepared to feed your family without store access to use them. The government very likely will no longer be refilling the EBT card you have in your possession.
I call this my Come to Jesus message: please be prepared for the unexpected. You need to take care of your family; it’s called being self-reliant. Tough survival situations have hit our country numerous times in the past couple of years, and I feel more are coming.
I quote Wikipedia EMP-Electromagnetic Pulse
“EMP interference is generally disruptive or damaging to electronic equipment, and at higher energy levels, a powerful EMP event, such as a lightning strike, can damage physical objects such as buildings and aircraft structures.”
Utilities/Internet Will Not Work
The store may be closed, or our country may be hit by an EMP, in which case my car will not work due to the electronics being fried. If, by chance, you have a vehicle that will survive an EMP, you may be able to drive to a store. But, the shelves will be empty very quickly.
The pharmacies won’t be able to process your prescription needs because the Internet will not work. Forget the ATMs; they will not work, and neither will your direct deposit. You get the picture. We’ll be back to non-electric times.
Have you read the book “Lights Out” by Ted Koppel? If not, you need to; it will open your eyes as to how unprepared our country is regarding our power grids. It’s pathetic, I kid you not.
Please refer to “Bugging In” by Raymond Dean White and my book, “Prepare Your Family For Survival.”
Bug Out Bags – Food
Food is certainly what you’d consider one of your essentials. I store this food in my home to keep the temperature more consistent for a longer-term shelf life; I can grab it if we need to evacuate.

Please check out this post for details on these food items. Linda’s Grab and Go Food Storage
Bug Out Bags
You can start by filling boxes with the items you feel your family needs to put in a bug-out bag later. I purchased some oversized bags with wheels for Mark and me and each of our daughters and their spouses.
I store my water and food separately from my bug-out bag. Remember, there are several different kinds of bug-out bags, as detailed below.
There’s no way you can put everything in one bag. You may have to put together multiple bags, depending on the type of disaster taking place. The bag(s) should be of a good quality with durability in mind.
Pet Bug Out Bag

- Water/food dish
- Photo of the dog (to be circulated in case they get separated from you)
- Complete medical records
- Chip ID information
- Leash/harness/collar
- Sweater
- Toys
- Blanket
- Brush/comb
- Cat or Dog food (enough for at least three days)
- Water (enough for at least three days)
- Pet First Aid Book
- Vet wrap 2″ and 4″/trauma pad
- Gauze bandage rolls (2″, 4″, and 6″)
- Adhesive tape
- Tweezers/scissors/surgical soap
- Thermometer/mineral oil
- Disinfectant solution
- Styptic powder/cornstarch
- Benadryl/triple antibiotic ointment
- Eyewash
- Saline
- Medication, 5-day supply
- Tick-Flea Meds
- Paper towels/plastic bags/zip-lock bags
- Dog and/or cat carrier(s)
- Cat litter box/litter
PRINTABLE List: FSM 72-hour kit Pets
Child Bug Out Bag – Each Family Member Should Have a Bag
- Family picture(s) with names and phone numbers/email addresses (in case they get separated from you or if you have a child who can’t verbalize who they are)
- Fingerprints, if you have them
- Water (enough for three days)
- Age-appropriate food that your child will eat: MREs (Meals Ready To Eat—add water), food that is ready to eat without water, freeze-dried veggies, freeze-dried fruit, freeze-dried yogurt bites, snacks, graham crackers, peanut butter crackers, cereal, raisins, fruit leather, fruit snacks, etc.
- Candy (such as suckers)
- Juice boxes
- Cup, plate, bowl & silverware/child mess kit
- Reading books
- Colored pencils/non-electric pencil sharpener or markers, crayons (not for car or garage-they’d melt)
- Paper, tablets, coloring books
- Puzzles, games, small activities, and Play Dough
- Medications: Motrin/Tylenol, Cough syrup (rotate yearly)
- Any medication you use occasionally: antibiotic ointment, Vaseline, saline spray, etc.
- Baby wipes/diapers/formula/baby food/baby food grinder/pacifiers
- Solar or small blankets
- Small pillow
- Hand sanitizer
- First Aid Kit (child-size Band-Aids)
- Extra clothes/jacket/sweater (sweat suits are ideal for storage because you can cut the sleeves and legs off if the weather is too warm or wear them as is in cold weather)
- Child size N-95 masks–practice with these BEFORE you need to use them
- Bible/Scriptures, etc.
PRINTABLE List: FSM 72-Hour Kits For Children
Adult Bug Out Bag
- Water for at least three days (1-4 gallons per day), water purifiers and water filter/ purifier bottles (like Sports Berkey Portable Water Purifier)
- Food to last for at least three days: MREs (Meals ready to eat); hot and cold ready-to-eat food packages; freeze-dried fruits and vegetables; and candy, gum, jerky, fruit snacks, raisins, fruit leather, granola bars, peanuts, crackers, etc.
- Aspirin, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Vitamin C, cold remedies, Essential Oils, etc., and antacids (for upset stomachs). Don’t forget Tylenol PM or something similar to use as a sleeping aid.
- Axe/shovel combo
- Baggies (all sizes)
- Batteries (all sizes-rotate yearly)
- Bible/Scriptures
- Bee sting & bite kit
- Blanket–solar is thinner
- Pillow
- Bleach (household chlorine–nonscented)
- Books
- Bung wrench/Gas shut-off wrench
- Small bills/coins (if we lose power, ATMs won’t work; credit/debit cards won’t work)
- Can opener (non-electric)
- Canned stove (stove in a can)
- Candles/glow sticks
- Cards or small games to play
- Chapstick/lip balm
- Chargers in case we have electricity
- Coats/Jackets/Sweaters/Extra Clothes & Shoes
- Coffee Pot, pitcher, container
- Cooking pot, griddle, or fry pan
- A cooking stove of some kind/fuel/fire starter/striker
- Compass
- Contact lenses & supplies
- Cotton Swabs/Kleenex Tissues
- Disinfectant
- Duct tape
- Emergency sewing kit
- Fingernail clippers/nail file
- Fire extinguisher
- First Aid Kit
- Hand Warmers
- Flashlights (preferably solar or crank); don’t forget batteries (store batteries outside the flashlights to keep them fresh)
- Garbage Bags
- Glasses (extra pair of eyeglasses)
- Gloves/latex or non-latex
- Hair brushes/combs
- Hats, gloves/scarves
- Headlamp
- Hearing Aid, plus batteries
- Imodium/Anti-Diarrhea medicine
- Instant milk (chocolate would be good as well)
- Ipecac (check with poison control if possible)
- Hot pads, dish towels/rags/dish soap
- Lanterns/compact lights
- Latex/Non-latex gloves
- Masks N-95 minimum
- Matches (waterproofed)
- Mess Kits
- Mirror
- Scissors
- All Purpose Knife
- Mosquito Spray
- Personal Hygiene (tampons, pads, feminine supplies, etc.)
- Post Notes/pencils/pens/crayons
- Radio/crank and or battery type (pack batteries)
- Rain Poncho
- Rope
- Safety pins, several sizes
- Shaving cream, shavers (disposable)
- Solar lights
- Sunglasses
- Temporary toilet and bags
- Thermal Underwear
- Thermometer
- Toilet Paper, shampoo, hand soap, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and tweezers
- Tools
- Tent(s)
- Umbrella
- Utensils, plates, cups, and silverware to cook and eat with
- Vaseline
- Wet wipes-lots of them, they might be our only shower
- Whistles, Walkie Talkies (test before you need them for distance) like Motorola Talkabout 2-Way Radios
- NOAA Weather Radio
- Work Gloves
PRINTABLE List: FSM 72-hour kit Adults
Emergency Car Kit

- Names and phone numbers of who to contact in an emergency
- Battery/crank-powered portable radio/extra batteries
- Flashlight/preferably one with solar/crank/LED
- Compass and maps: not everyone has GPS in their car and on phones
- Can of motor oil
- Fire Extinguisher(5 pound ABC type)
- Flares and/or orange cones
- Jumper cables
- Rags/paper towels
- Shovel
- Pocketknife
- Tire gauge
- Toolbox
- Window scraper for ice
- Tow Rope
- Bungee cords
- Duct tape
- Waterproof matches
Necessities for Survival
- Water
- Blankets
- Jackets/sweaters
- Emergency cash: approximately $50.00 in small bills
- First Aid Kit
- Baby Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Scissors/pens/pencils (not crayons-they melt)
- Emergency snack food and/or MRE meals (items may need to be replaced more frequently if stored in extreme heat conditions)
- Whistles
- Umbrella
- Hand warmers
- Extra blankets
- A 12-volt air compressor, work gloves, a tire plug set (buy them cheaply at Walmart), emergency repair tape – self-fusing silicone tape
PRINTABLE List: Emergency Car Kits
First Aid Kit

- Ace Wraps: 3-inch & 4-inch
- Allergy Medicine
- Anti-Bacterial Wipes
- Antifungal Ointment
- Anti-Diarrhea
- Anti-Itch Cream
- Aleve (Naproxen)
- Alcohol: 90-100% proof
- Apple Cider
- Aspirin/Advil
- Bandage Scissors
- Band-Aids/Butterfly, Several Sizes
- Bee Sting Kit
- Benadryl, Liquid, and Chewable
- Betadine/iodine swabs
- Birth Control
- Boudreaux’s Butt Paste
- Bug Spray 100% Deet
- Burn Gel
- Calamine Lotion
- Castor Oil
- Cold Medicine/Cough Syrup
- Contacts/Contact Cases/ Extra Glasses/Saline
- Condoms
- Cotton Balls
- Cotton Swabs
- Dramamine (motion sickness)
- Dressings for open wounds
- Duct Tape and medical tape (all different sizes)
- Ear-Loop Masks (N-95), all sizes
- Ear Plugs
- Elastic Gauze Bandage Rolls
- Epsom Salt
- Essential Oils Book
- Eye Patches
- First-Aid Book
- First-Aid Shears
- Flashlights w/Batteries
- Floss
- Gloves (non-latex)
- Gauze Pads (sterile and non-sterile)
- Hand sanitizer
- Heat packs-Heating pads-Thank you, Janet and Leanne, for this reminder: Hot water bottles
- Hemorrhoid Ointment/Suppositories
- Ibuprofen
- Mylar Blankets
- Hydrocortisone
- Lip balm/ ChapStick
- Lotion or Body Cream
- Menstrual Pads and Tampons
- Mucinex
- Mucinex Dm
- Motrin
- Monistat (Yeast Infections)
- Mouthwash
- Molefoam/Moleskin
- Multi-Task Knife
- Nasal Decongestant
- Nasal Spray (Afrin)
- New Skin Liquid Bandage
- Non-stick Sterile Pads
- Nystatin and Triamcinolone Acetonide
- Nail Clippers
- Neosporin
- Orajel
- Petroleum Jelly
- Pepto-Bismol Chewables
- Peroxide
- Pregnancy Test
- Quick clot
- Rolled Gauze
- Scissors
- Silver Gel
- Silver Liquid
- Silver Cough Lozenges
- Sleep-Aid Medicine
- Splinter Removal Kit
- Splints
- Soap
- Stethoscope
- Sunscreen
- Surgical Face Masks (N-100), all sizes
- Tick Remover
- Toothbrushes/Toothpaste
- Tucks Pads-Which Hazel
- Tweezers
- Tylenol
- Vicks VapoRub
- Zantac (Acid Reducer)
- Ziplock Bags
- B-12 Vitamins
- B-complex vitamins
- Calcium
- D-3 Vitamins
- Magnesium
- Mature Complete Multivitamin
- Omega 3 Fish Oil
- Vitamin C
- Essential Oils
PRINTABLE List: First Aid Kit List
Some of these bug-out bag checklists may seem lengthy and cumbersome; remember to start with a little and add the items your family may need. You will be one step closer to being prepared for the unexpected. You can do it, one item at a time. May God bless this world, Linda
A real good list for bugging in also.
Hi Janet, you are so right! I’m bugging in but I’m sure you know that! Linda
On your picture of the bags I see one with Thrive cans in it and what looks like a list on top, what products are in that kit?
Hi Cindy, I’m glad you asked. I should have added a link to that post. Those Thrive products are pouches and pantry cans. I hope that link works for you, it spells out everything. Linda
I don’t believe you can have too much. For a “bug out bag” or escape and evasion kit it has to be minimal, but despite all the arguments, most of us will pack our cars and vehicles and our homes with supplies. And if we have shelters or other places to go to, then any of us would stash supplies there as well.
I like a comprehensive list to help people pack or stock the things they need most or might need later and then there will be those items they have not thought of or should have to be fully prepared.
Hi Frank, great comment, this list is long, but people can pick and choose the ones they feel most important to them. If they bug in they will need most of these. Good to hear from you, Frank! Linda
72 items for a BOB??? How big a person do you have to be to carry all of that excessive “stuff”?? That is a Wish List not a Need List.
Hi Bill, it’s several lists for people to choose from, that’s all. Linda
i know your intention is to SiP, as is my own, but I have heard that in situations where families are evacuated to shelters, dogs must have a muzzle. If you are packing for storm/fire evac I would add muzzles in your pet bag for each dog, just in case.
Hi Jenny, that’s a great idea! I need to add that to the post! Thank you, Linda
Sillcock keys are useful if you will be traveling anywhere you might run into an outside water faucet that has no handle. Four way sillcock keys will allow you to open (and close!) most water spigots in an emergency.
Hi DMWalsh, I will add this to the list, thank you! Linda
I am pretty sure that I will have to remain in place if something happens and my car doesn’t run. If my car does run, and I am able to get to my daughter’s, I have a plan that I have worked out in my head – what to load into my car. While I haven’t practiced it in real time, I think about an hour to get loaded. I have driven the back roads to her home so I won’t have to use the freeway (fastest route though).
What I will be grabbing: clothes, blankets, food, medicines/toiletries, PPIs.
There is no way, at my age that I would be able to bug out with just a back pack and perhaps a rolling suitcase!!
Hi Leanne, if I can’t drive, I’m not leaving. I can’t. Years ago I could have, not now. Life changes, Linda
I recently just left our home for the first time in 4 months. Just getting to the doctors office proved to me, bugging out is not a reasonable option. All I can do is prepare to stay put.
Hi Chris, I’m in the same boat so to speak. I’m supposed to go to family reunion in the summer, I want to go but I have never flown with oxygen. I do have the TSA approved oxygen set up but I prefer staying home. Bugging out is harder than some people realize. You and I get it! Linda